
Clan Cockburn

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Surnames/tags: Scottish_Clans Cockburn
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Scotland Project > Scottish Clans > Clan Cockburn


Welcome to Clan Cockburn

Clan Cockburn Team
Team Leader TBA
Team Members Fann Fann
Clan Chief:
Slogan/War Cry:
Historic Seat:
Plant badge:
Pipe music:
Gaelic name:

Clan Team

Team Goals

The focus of this team's work is to identify, improve and maintain profiles associated with the Lairds and Chiefs of Clan Cockburn together with members bearing the name Cockburn, the related families and those recognised as septs of Clan Cockburn.

Team To Do List

This list will be developed by the Team. If you are working on a specific task, please list it here:

  • promoting the entries of those bearing the name Cockburn on Wikitree.
  • ensuring entries appearing on Wikitree are as accurate as possible, correcting mistakes once spotted.
  • encouraging interest in and study of Clan Cockburn.


Clan History

Clan Branches

Other Names Associated with the Clan

Allied Clans

Rival Clans

Clan Research and Free Space Pages

Source Material

Image Credits and Acknowledgements


Images: 1
Cockburn tartan
Cockburn tartan


Comments: 2

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I have just ported my family tree into wikitree. It is a quite extensive tree of the Cockburn clan (and relatives) from 1200AD to present. I am very happy to help with this project, Who do I contact to do that? Cheers, Eon

posted by Eon Cockburn
There will be a g2g post put up in a week or so for the Scotland Project. The post will include the requirements to apply to the project. We want members to have been on Wikitree for at least 3 months and to have at least 100 contributions.

It looks like you have just joined wikitree, so you will have to start by adding some of your family members, etc to wikitree to get a little used to it. The Tartan Trail is the 1st step of the Scotland Project which will help you learn more about wikitree, reliable Scotland sources, as well as creating inline citations in your profiles.

You mentioned that you had ported your tree to wikitree but you uploaded the Gedcom has not added those profiles to the wikitree system yet. You will need to review the records in that gedcom to add them. Please review and which will explain the process.