
Clan Lyon

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Scotland Project > Scottish Clans > Clan Lyon


Welcome to Clan Lyon

Clan Lyon - Glamis Castle

Clan Lyon is a Scottish clan associated with the lands of Glen Lyon in Perthshire, Scotland.

Origin of the name: Leon, Normandy, France. Although Sir Iain Moncreiffe, perhaps the greatest herald genealogist, believed his family were of Celtic origin and descended from a younger son of the Lamonts, the generally accepted view is that they descended from a French family called de Leon, who came north with Edgar, son of Malcolm III, at the end of the eleventh century to fight against his uncle, Donald Bane, the usurper of the throne. Edgar was triumphant, and de Leon received lands in Perthshire which were later called Glen Lyon. Roger de Leonne witnessed a charter of Edgar to the Abbey at Dunfermline in 1105.

Clan Lyon Team
Team Leader
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Clan Team

Team Goals

The focus of this team's work is to identify, improve and maintain profiles associated with the Lairds and Chiefs of Clan Lyon together with members bearing the name Lyon, the related families and those recognised as septs of Clan Lyon.

Team To Do List

This list will be developed by the Team. If you are working on a specific task, please list it here:

  • promoting the entries of those bearing the name Lyon on Wikitree.
  • ensuring entries appearing on Wikitree are as accurate as possible, correcting mistakes once spotted.
  • encouraging interest in and study of Clan Lyon.


Clan History

Clan Branches

Other Names Associated with the Clan

Allied Clans

Rival Clans

Clan Research and Free Space Pages

Source Material

Image Credits and Acknowledgements

Information below this line should be summarized and incorporated into the team page. Detailed information should be moved to additional Clan pages.

Clan Chief: Simon Patrick Bowes-Lyon, 19th and 6th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, previously styled Lord Glamis. Succeeded his father in 2016.

Crest: Within a garland of bay leaves, a lady from the middle richly attired, holding in her dexter hand a thistle all Proper (in allusion to the alliance of Sir John Lyon with Princess Jean, daughter of King Robert II).

Motto: In Te Domine Speravi (In thee o Lord have I put my trust)

Region: Lowlands
Plant badge:
Pipe music:

Gaelic name: Liobhunn

Lyon Castles: Glamis Castle

Septs: Lion(s), Lyon, Lyons, Lehane Lehan

Rival Clans: Clan Lindsay

Names associated with the clan:

Clan Name Crest Badge Bowes-Lyon


Lands Tartan Tartan.
CLAN LYON ?? ?? ?? Image:Clan Tartans-92.jpg ??

Earls of Strathmore and Kinghorne.

1606–1615 – Patrick Lyon, 1st Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1615–1646 – John Lyon, 2nd Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1646–1695 – Patrick Lyon, 3rd Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1695–1712 – John Lyon, 4th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1712–1715 – John Lyon, 5th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1695–1712 – Charles Lyon, 6th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1728–1735 – James Lyon, 7th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1735–1753 – Thomas Lyon, 8th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1753–1776 – John Bowes, 9th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1776–1820 – John Lyon-Bowes, 10th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1820–1846 – Thomas Lyon-Bowes, 11th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1846–1865 – Thomas Lyon-Bowes, 12th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1865–1904 – Claude Bowes-Lyon, 13th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1904–1944 – Rt Hon Claude George Bowes-Lyon, KG, KT, GCVO, TD, 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1944–1949 – Rt Hon Patrick Bowes-Lyon, 15th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1949–1972 – Timothy Patrick Bowes-Lyon, 16th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1972–1987 – Rt Hon Fergus Michael Claude Bowes-Lyon, 17th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
1987-2016 – Rt Hon Michael Fergus Bowes-Lyon, DL, 18th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne

See Also:

Images: 1
Lyon tartan
Lyon tartan



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