
Clan MacAulay

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Scotland Project > Scottish Clans > Clan MacAulay


Welcome to Clan MacAulay

Clan MacAulay Team
Team Leader
Team Members
Clan Chief:
Slogan/War Cry:
Historic Seat:
Plant badge:
Pipe music:
Gaelic name:

Clan Team

Team Goals

The focus of this team's work is to identify, improve and maintain profiles associated with the Lairds and Chiefs of Clan MacAulay together with members bearing the name MacAulay, the related families and those recognised as septs of Clan MacAulay.

Team To Do List

This list will be developed by the Team. If you are working on a specific task, please list it here:

  • promoting the entries of those bearing the name MacAulay on Wikitree.
  • ensuring entries appearing on Wikitree are as accurate as possible, correcting mistakes once spotted.
  • encouraging interest in and study of Clan MacAulay



Clan History

Clan Branches

Other Names Associated with the Clan

Allied Clans

Rival Clans

Clan Research and Free Space Pages

Source Material

Image Credits and Acknowledgements

Information below this line should be summarized and incorporated into this Team page. Detailed information should be moved to additional Clan pages.

Clan MacAulay


"There are many different families of MacAulays from both Ireland and Scotland which are not related and are considered to have no historical connection with Clan MacAulay. These include the Scottish Macaulays from the Western Isles (the Macaulays of Lewis and possibly the MacAulays of Uist).[4] Irish families of MacAulays with no connection with Clan MacAulay are the McAuleys of Co Offaly and Co Westmeath, the McAuleys in Ulster (Co Fermanagh), and the 'MacAuleys of the Glens' (Co Antrim). The 'MacAuleys of the Glens', however, have been thought to have been originally Scottish."

Crest: A boot couped at the ankle and thereon a spur Proper
Motto: Dulce periculum (Danger is Sweet)
Region: Highlands
District: Argyll
Lands: Dunbartonshire, Lewis, Sutherland and Ross
Plant badge: Scots fir or cranberry
Pipe music:
Gaelic name:


Names associated with the clan:

See Also:

Macaulay family of Lewis

Images: 1

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  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Amy Gilpin and Scotland Project WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
  • Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)

Comments: 2

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I found this crest and information on McAuley clan maybe it help. Looks like it Scottish and Irish name.


Love to join project. I descend from McCauley in West Virginia from Scotland.
