
Clan Urquhart

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Scotland Project > Scottish Clans > Clan Urquhart


Welcome to Clan Urquhart

Clan Team

Clan Urquhart Team
Team Leader David Urquhart
Team Members Michael Thomas
Clan chief: Colonel Wilkins Fisk Urquhart of Urquhart, Ygr, 11th of Braelangwell, 28th Chief of Clan Urquhart. Succeeded his father in 2012.

Clan Crest or Badge Issuant from a crest coronet Or, a naked woman from the waist upwards Proper, brandishing in her dexter hand a sword Azure, hilted and pommelled Gules, and holding in her sinister hand a palm sapling Vert

Motto: Meane weil speak weil and doe weil.

War Cry: Trust and Go Forward

Region: (Clan Seat) - Castle Craig - Ross-shire and Inverness-shire

District: (Historic Seat) - Castle Craig - Urquhart traditionally occupied the lands in the district and town of Cromarty, a former Royal Burgh with a natural harbour on the tip of The Black Isle.

Plant badge: Wallflower, Gillyflower. (Gaelic: Lus Leth-an-t-Sambraidh)

Septs: - Urquhart, Urcutt, Orcutt, Erquitt, Cromarty, Cromartie

Names associated with the clan: - Abernethy, Baird, Bruce, Douglas, Elphinstone, Forbes, Gordon, Irvine, Mackenzie, Meldrum, Munro, Murray, Ogilvie, Ramsay, Rose, Ross.

Pipe music:

Gaelic name:

Team Goals

The focus of this team's work is to identify, improve and maintain profiles associated with the Lairds and Chiefs of Clan Urquhart together with members bearing the name Urquhart, the related families and those recognised as septs of Clan Urquhart.

Team To Do List

This list will be developed by the Team. If you are working on a specific task, please list it here:

  • promoting the entries of those bearing the name Urquhart on Wikitree.
  • ensuring entries appearing on Wikitree are as accurate as possible, correcting mistakes once spotted.
  • encouraging interest in and study of Clan Urquhart

Clan History


  • Castle Craig - Udale Bay on Cromarty Firth although in ruins, is still the current seat of the Chief of Clan Urquhart.
  • Craigston Castle - Turriff, Aberdeenshire Ancestral seat of the Urquhart Family since 1604-07
  • Cromarty Castle, which is no longer standing (except for a well), sat on the hill above the Black Isle town of Cromarty. Present-day [Cromarty House] is located on the site today, and was built from the stone and timbers of the former Urquhart stronghold.
  • Urquhart Castle, one of the most famous castles in the Highlands, sits beside Loch Ness. Both Clan Urquhart and Urquhart Castle are named after the area, which is the ancient home of the Urquharts according to oral tradition, at the convergence of Glen Urquhart and Urquhart Bay. The modern structure of Urquhart Castle, which sits on a much older neolithic site, is also associated with a number of other Highland families and regimes, including the Durwards, the English crown, the Scottish crown, the MacDonalds, the Grants, the Jacobites, and the Covenanters, until the castle was reduced to its current ruins by the government in 1690.

Clan Membership

Modern: You can apply for membership at Clan Urquhart Association's Membership page if you are interested in being a recognized member of the House of Urquhart. There are also several Facebook membership pages. For WikiTree purposes, this is not required. For the Scottish Clans Team purposes, you are considered a member of the Clan if your surname is Urquhart or any of its known variants, as set out by the Court of Lord Lyon. As such, you may request to have a sticker for Clan Affiliation to place on your profile. Contact the Scottish Clans Team Leader to request your sticker.

Historic: Your ancestors may be included as a member of Clan Urquhart if they have the surname Urquhart, or any of its known variants. On occasion, an ancestor may have decided to pledge their allegiance to another Clan. If you have source documentation to show this and it is included in the profile's biography, a non-Urquhart clan member may be added.

For information about the Clan system and how it works, see:

Clan Stickers

Template 1
Upon request, a sticker can be placed on modern profiles of those who claim allegiance to the Clan and on historical profiles of those bearing the Urquhart surname, or any known variant spelling, where these has been no declaration of allegiance to another Clan.
Template 2
Upon request, a sticker may be placed on profiles of Clan profile managers, researchers and anyone not belonging to Clan Urquhart but with an interest in the Clan due to an ancestral connection.

Clan Urquhart Research and Free Space Page links

Source Material

  • Historical Geography of the Clans of Scotland by T.B. Johnston & Col. James A. Robertson. Third edition. for gaelic name of badge. CD in files of David Urquhart.

Image Credits and Acknowledgements

  • Wikimedia Commons for use of Urquhart Clan Crest, Castle Craig, Craigston Castle and Urquhart Tartan Images.

  • Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Scotland Project WikiTree and David Urquhart. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
  • Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)

Comments: 4

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Hello! I believe my 12th great-grandmother was Christian Urquhart (1525-1578), I am descended from her marriage to John Riddell. I have discovered this via my Ancestry.com research. I have also done a DNA test at Ancestry. I myself am a 7th generation New Zealander and currently live in Australia. The Urquhart connection comes via my maternal grandmother. I am new to all of this but if my family tree can be useful to anyone or I can help in any other way (or anyone has advice for me on learning or contributing more), please feel free to get in touch!
posted by Emily Rainsford
Emily, Once you become a full member of Wikitree and learn how it works, you can join the Scotland Project and then become a member of the Clan Urquhart team. You can find a link to the Project at the top of this page.
posted by Doug McCallum UE
Hello! May I please receive a Clan Urquhart sticker on my profile and is it copy-pastable? Thanks in advance! :)
Hello, my name is Peter Kilvert, Secretary of Friends of Salford Cemeteries Trust in Salford, Greater Manchester, England. I'm not related to the Urquhart family, but I research about people buried in Salford Cemeteries. I thought you'd be interested to know that at Weaste Cemetery (opened in 1857) there is a grave stone with the following inscription: KENNETH URQUHART Surgeon, who departed this life June 8th 1862 aged 30 years, and his family members. If you have come across his family connections I'd be very interested if you could let me know. Many thanks Pete
posted by Peter Kilvert