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Surnames/tags: Scottish_Clans Wallace

Scotland Project > Scottish Clans > Clan Wallace
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Welcome to Clan Wallace
Clan Wallace Team | ||
Team Leader | Amy Gilpin | |
Team Members |
- Clan Chief:
- Crest:
- Motto:
- Slogan/War Cry:
- Region:
- Historic Seat:
- Plant badge:
- Pipe music:
- Gaelic name:
Clan Team
Team Goals
The focus of this team's work is to identify, improve and maintain profiles associated with the Lairds and Chiefs of Clan Wallace together with members bearing the name Wallace, the related families and those recognised as septs of Clan Wallace.
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- promoting the entries of those bearing the name Wallace on Wikitree.
- ensuring entries appearing on Wikitree are as accurate as possible, correcting mistakes once spotted.
- encouraging interest in and study of Clan Wallace
Clan History
Clan Branches
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Allied Clans
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Source Material
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In old Latin documents, the term "Walensis" is used to designate the Welsh but, in Scotland, is more commonly used as a native name meaning a Strathclyde Briton. It is from this Walensis that the name Wallace is derived. The name of the Clan Wallace is first found in records in the 12th Century as holding extensive lands around Ayrshire and Renfrewshire.
Progenitor of the Clan: Richard Walensis of Riccarton is hailed as the founder of the Wallace family.[Scot Clans Wallace] [1] or here [2]
Clan Chief: Andrew Robert Wallace Of That Ilk. 36th Chief of the Name and Arms of Clan Wallace. Succeeded his father in 2016.
Crest: Issuant from a crest coronet of four (three visible) strawberry leaves Or, a dexter arm vambraced, the hand brandishing a sword all Proper.
Motto: Pro Libertate - "For liberty"
Region: Ayrshire and Renfrewshire
Plant badge: Oak
Gaelic name: Uallas Ullas
Origin of Name: From Volcae, a tribe in North Gaul
Historic seat: Craigie Castle, Ayrshire
Clan branches: Wallace of Cragie; Wallace of Cairnhill; Wallace of Cessrock; Wallace of Elderslie; Wallace of Auchenbathie Tower; Wallace of Kelly; Wallace of Riccarton; Wallace of Carnell; Wallace of Sundrum.
Allied Clan: Clan Comyn
Septs: There are no sept families of Clan Wallace, just Wallace. This is the decision of the current clan chief. There are many ways of spelling the name Wallace: Most common is Wallace.
Other spellings include: Wallis,Walla, Wallais, Wallace, Wallice, Wallang, Wallass, Wallayis, Wallays, Walleis, Wallensis, Walles, Walleyis, Walleys, Walli, Wallis Walls, Wallyis, Wallys,Walker, Walois, Walys - Waces, Wal’, Walace, Walais, Walans, Walas, Walays, Wale, Waleis, Walency, Walens, Walense, Walensen, Walensi, Walensis, Wales, Waless, Waleys, Waleyss, Valance, Valensis, Valeyns, Vallace, Vallance, Valles, Valleyis, Vallibus (Not Vallibus, which has always signified the family of de Vaux or Vaus)
- Uallas (the Scots Gaelic)
- Gadhel, Galeis, Galeius, Gales, Galeys, Galleius, Grieve, Galleius, Galles, Galles, Gallia, Gallois, Gaul, Gweddol
See Also:
The Book of Wallace The Book of Wallace (online readable or free download from the Open Library).
The Trial and Execution of Sir William Wallace
History/Origins of the Clan
The Wallace family first came to Scotland with a Norman family in the 11th Century. David I of Scotland was eager to extend Norman influence and gave grants to the nobles of the south. Among them was Walter fitz Alan, who the Scottish king appointed his Steward in 1136. One of Fitzallan's followers was Richard Wallace from Oswestry, who came north to try to improve his fortunes. Oswestry is on the Welsh border so it is possible that the name Wallace may be a corruption of Le Waleis, meaning the "Welshman". However, while it is possible that the Wallaces were originally Britons from Wales who came north with David I of Scotland in the 11th Century, another theory is that they were Britons who settled in Strathclyde in the 10th Century.
The Steward received lands in Ayrshire from King David, so it was here that his follower, Richard Wallace, settled. Wallace was granted his own estate in Kyle, and held lands in Kilmarnock and was a vassal of the High Steward of Scotland before 1160. His grandson was Adam Walays, who in turn had two sons, the eldest of whom succeeded to the family estates in Ayrshire. Adam's younger son was Malcolm Wallace, who received the lands of Auchinbothie and Elderslie in Renfrewshire.
Wars of Scottish Independence
Malcolm Wallace appears in the Ragman Rolls of 1296 paying allegiance to Edward I of England; later he was one of the few Scottish nobles who refused to submit to Edward and, as a result, he and his son, Andrew, were executed. According to some sources, Malcolm was the father of the Scottish patriot, William Wallace, however, the seal of William Wallace, rediscovered in 1999, identifies him as the son of Alan Wallace of Ayrshire, who also appears in the Ragman Roll of 1296 as "crown tenant of Ayrshire".
During the Wars of Scottish Independence, William Wallace and Andrew de Moray began a successful military guerrilla campaign against the English. In 1297, they won a great and stunning victory over the English at the Battle of Stirling Bridge, after which Wallace was knighted as Guardian of Scotland. Wallace was also in command at the Battle of Falkirk in 1298, but was defeated by the superiority of the English numbers. Wallace was eventually captured at Robroyston near Glasgow and delivered to Edward Longshanks of England by a senior Scottish law officer - Sir John Mentieth. Wallace was subjected to a show trial, in which he was found guilty of treason and hanged, drawn, and quartered at Smithfield, London in 1305.
Border wars
The Wallaces of Cragie, from whom the senior branch of the clan is descended, obtained their estate during the late 14th Century through the marriage to the heiress of Sir John Lindsay of Cragie. In October, 1449, Sir John Wallace of Cragie was a commander at the victory over the English at the Battle of Sark. William Wallace of Carnell was killed at the Battle of Flodden in 1513.
17th century and Civil War
The Wallaces of Cragie branch descend from the uncle of the patriot, William Wallace, and in 1669, Hugh Wallace of Craigie was created a Baronet of Nova Scotia.
A contemporary Wallace, James Wallace, served as a captain under General Robert Monro when he occupied Huntly Castle of Clan Gordon in 1640. Another contemporary Wallace, Sir Hugh Wallace, a royalist, raised a regiment for King Charles Stuart during the Puritan revolution of Oliver Cromwell.
In 1669, Hugh Wallace of Cragie was one of the Scottish nobility who was created a Baron of Nova Scotia under Sir William Alexander of Menstrie's scheme to promote that part of Canada as a Scottish colony.
Also in the 17th Century, mathematician John Wallis was the first to deal with the concept of infinity mathematically and paved the way for the development of calculus and binomial theorem in his 1657 work Arithmetica Infintorum.
Wallaces in the 19th Century
In the 19th Century, eminent naturalist and author, Alfred Russel Wallace, developed his own theories on evolution, based on his studies of flora and fauna in South America and in the East Indies, independently of Charles Darwin. Both theories were published simultaneously in 1858.
Thomas Wallace served as the vice-president of the British Board of Trade, and in 1821 cut the duties imposed on Baltic timber; the act heralded the end of the mercantile system that had existed since England had first established colonies.
Sociologist Graham Wallas was an early leader of the Fabian Society, along with George Bernard Shaw, an organization which promoted the peaceful and democratic "permeation of (British) politics with socialist and collectivist ideas."
Sir Richard Wallace was a great collector of painting, sculpture and furniture, primarily 18th Century French. He bequeathed his collections to the people of Britain; upon his death in 1897 they became known as the National Wallace Collection.
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