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Claypit Cemetery, Lowell, Massachusetts

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1700 [unknown]
Location: Lowell, Massachusettsmap
Surname/tag: Massachusetts_Cemeteries
This page has been accessed 552 times.

Project: Massachusetts Cemeteries This Cemetery which is located now in Lowell, has notable interred from both Lowell and Dracut.


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General Info

Cemetery name: Claypit Cemetery

GPS Coordinates: (42.64256, -71.35853)

Address: 647 Pawtucket Blvd, Lowell, MA 01854 which used to be part of Dracut. (Near Pawtucket & Townsend, behind bowling alley)

Information: Cemetery history link

Interment List: Lowell Center for History; Interred at Claypit, Woodbine, Hildreth and Pawtucket Cemeteries

Notables Buried in Claypit Cemetery

Barzillai Lew Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barzillai_Lew

Barzillai Lew on wikitree

John Varnum on wikitree

Moses B. Coburn by Rebecca Duda: http://blogs.lowellsun.com/history/2017/11/18/from-dracut-to-white-plains-ny-moses-coburn-and-the-american-revolution/

Park Family by Rebecca Duda: http://blogs.lowellsun.com/history/2016/04/07/the-park-family-of-pawtucketville/?doing_wp_cron=1549082483.0306770801544189453125

Regional Links

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