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Clement Family Mysteries

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Location: Western Tennesseemap
Surname/tag: Clement
Profile manager: Mary Douglass private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 44 times.

When and where did Edwin Ruthin Clement die? His compiled Confederate military record: The company muster roll for Sept and Oct 1862 show him 'absent sick at hospital.' Muster rolls for Nov-Dec. 1862, Jany-Feby 1863 and Mch-Apr 1863 all say the same thing--absent sick at hospital. Muster roll for Sept 1863-Jany 1, 1864 states he was "sent to hospl Oct 23, 1862, not heard from since."

The National Archives holds the Compiled Confederate Military Service Records for E. R. Clement. There are six cards. He enlisted as a private in Co. D., 50 Tennessee Infantry, CSA and was on the company muster roll for Dec. 8, 1861 to June 30, 1862. He enlisted 26 February 1862 in Jack[son] Tennessee by Randall. He was absent sent to the hospital at Jackson. [Cards do not list which state]. Cards for him show him as transferred from 51st Tennessee Reg't August 25, 1862 into Capt. Marshall's Company, Artillery. Same cards also show him as private in Capt. Wm. W. Carnes' Co. (d) Artillery Corps of Tennessee. Company muster roll for July and August 1862 show he enlisted Feby 27 1862 by Capt Randall for 1 year. He was last paid by Maj Young on May 1, 1862.

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