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Cloone Civil Parish, County Leitrim

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Surnames/tags: Cloone Leitrim Connacht
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Ireland Links Main Leitrim Page Category for Cloone Parish Civil Parishes in County Leitrim
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This information page for the Civil Parish contains a list of all the townlands in the parish and links to the category for the townland (if it has been created). There also may be notes about the individual townlands.
This page is maintained by the Connacht Province team


Cloone Civil Parish

Irish or Alternate Name: An Chluain.
Logainm Link: Cloone Parish on Logainm.ie
Baronies: Carrigallen, Mohill
Province: Connacht


Population Centres of Cloone Civil Parish

Note: Population centres for this Parish, where known, are shown here. For a full list see Towns of County Leitrim
Population Centres (Cities, Towns, Village etc)
Irish or Alternate Name: Achadh an Mheasa.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
Irish or Alternate Name: Eanach Mór.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
Irish or Alternate Name: An Chluain.
Web page for Cloone
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
Irish or Alternate Name: Carraigigh.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.
Irish or Alternate Name: Farnocht.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Grifiths Valuation.

The Townlands of Cloone Civil Parish

The townlands in Cloone Parish (An Chluain) are those taken from Cloone Parish on Logainm.ie and validated against townlands on the 1851, 1871 and 1901 Lists of Towns and Townlands and Griffiths valuations data. A link is provided in the notes for the 1901 and 1911 census. Please note that these may not always work if the townland was not available on the census in question. The census site may also substitute a similar name so be prepared for unexpected results! Similar for Griffith's valuation links which may show multiple names. Where a townland has been transferred to a new parish the census links are on the new parish page.
If the townland has a category it will be linked in the table below. If there is no link and you need the category please contact David to get the category created or put in a request for the category to be created. Alternatively, if you feel condifent to do so, see Townland Category Information Boxes below for how to create them yourself.
Irish and/or Alternate name(s)
WikiTree Category Link
Census links, Griffiths link & Notes
AcresNa hAcraí 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AdoonÁth an Dúin 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AghadruminshinAchadh Droma Uinseann 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AghaloughAchadh Locha 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AghamoreAchadh Mór 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AgharannAchadh Reanna 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AghavasAchadh an Mheasa 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AnnaghmaconwayEanach Mhic ConbhuíCategory:Annaghmaconway Townland, Cloone Parish, County Leitrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AnnaghmacullenEanach Mhic Coilín 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AnnaghmoreEanach Mór 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AnnaghoneyEanach an Chonnaidh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AnskertAnscairt 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
BeihyBóithigh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
BellakiltyfeaBéal Átha Choillte Feá 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Breanross NorthAn Bréanros Thuaidh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Breanross SouthAn Bréanros Theas 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
BundarraghBun na Darach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CarrickavoherCarraig an Bhóthair 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CattanCotann 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
ClooncoeCluain Cú 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
ClooncoseCluain Cuas 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
ClooncumberCluain Comair 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
ClooneAn Chluain 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
ClooneeCluain Aodha 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CloonlaughilCluain Eochaille 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CloontubbridCluain Tiobrad 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Corduff NorthAn Chorr Dhubh Thuaidh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Corduff SouthAn Chorr Dhubh Theas 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CornageehaCorr na Gaoithe 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CornagherCorr an Eachaire 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CornamucklaghCorr na Muclach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CornullaCorr na nUladh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CorranearyCorr an Aoire 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CorrigaCarraigigh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CreenaghAn Críonach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DerrindrehidDoire an Droichid 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DiffinDuifin 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DromoreAn Droim Mór 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumadornDroim Dhoirn 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumbadDroim Bada 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumbinnisDroim Binnis 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumboherDroim Bóthair 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumconnyDroim Connaidh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumdarkanDroim Dearcan 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumerkeaneDroim ar Céin 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumgilraDroim Giolra 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumgowlaDroim Gabhla 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumgownaghDroim Gamhnach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumgraniaDroim Gráinne 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumgunnyDroim Dhonnaigh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumhallaghDroim Shalach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Drumharkan GlebeDroim Thorcáin 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumhassDroim Theas 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumhirkDroim Thoirc 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumkeilvyDroim CaolmhaíCategory:Drumkeilvy Townland, Cloone Parish, County Leitrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumlaggaghDroim Leagach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrummanbaneAn Dromainn Bhán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrummeenAn Droim Mín 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumnaDroimne 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Drumshanbo NorthDroim Seanbhó Thuaidh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Drumshanbo SouthDroim Seanbhó Theas 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DunavinallyDún Ó bhFionnalaighCategory:Dunavinally Townland, Cloone Parish, County Leitrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
EdenbaunAn tÉadan Bán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
EdergoleEadargóil 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
ErrewOireadh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
EskerAn Eiscir 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
FarnaghtFarnocht 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Fearglass NorthFarglas Thuaidh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Fearglass SouthFarglas Theas 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
GorteenAn Goirtín 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
GorteenoranGoirtín Óráin 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
GortinureGort an Iúir 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
GortletteraghGort Leitreach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
GortnacamdarraghGort na Camdharach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
GortnalougherGort na LuachraCategory:Gortnalougher Townland, Cloone Parish, County Leitrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
GortnarahGort na Rátha 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
GradogeAn Ghreadóg 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
GubadorrisGob an Dorais 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
HallsNa hUlú 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
KeeldraCaoldra 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
KillyfeaCoillidh Feá 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
KillyvehyCoillidh Bheithe 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
KilmakennyCoill Mhic Cionaoith 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
LavareenLeathbhairínCategory:Lavareen Townland, Cloone Parish, County Leitrim1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
LearAn Ladhar 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
LecknaghLeicneach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Lisgillock GlebeLios Giollac 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
LissagarvanLios Ó gCiarabháin 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
LugganammerLog an Umair 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
LurgaAn Lorga 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Miltron GlebeMíoltrán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
MuckanaghMuiceanach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
MullaghbrackAn Mullach Breac 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
MullynadrummanMullaigh na Dromann 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
RacullenRáth Chuilinn 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
RassaunAn Rosán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
RinnAn Rinn 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Ross BegAn Ros Beag 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Ross MoreAn Ros Mór 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Sunnagh BegAn Sonnach Beag 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Sunnagh MoreAn Sonnach Mór 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
SunnaghconnerSonnach Conaire 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Tawnagh MoreAn Tamhnach Mhór 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
ToomaTuama 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
ToomanTuamán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
TreanAn Trian 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
TulconTul Con 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
TullyoranTulaigh Odhráin 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.


External Resources

  • A list of external resources for this parish may be placed here. More general sources for Leitrim should be added to the main Leitrim page. If you are adding a source here it would be helpful if you could let me (David) know so I don't accidentally overwrite your input with an automatic update. Thanks.
Whilst care is taken to ensure links are not made to disreputable, phishing or other sites of doubtful integrity it is your responsibility to ensure that you are not going to such a site by clicking on one of the links which may have been added after this page was created.

Townland Category Information Boxes

For the full 'How to' on creating Irish location categories please read 'Creating Location Categories for Ireland'
The pre-formatted line for each townland and the fully formatted CIB header can be seen below this page when in edit mode. Please ensure you have read the 'How to' before doing anything. Briefly, the pre-formatted line in the hidden text is used to replace the line above. The CIB text is pasted into the category which is created by clicking on the red category link.

Version Notes

Current parish format version 4.1. Changed Electoral Divisions to show 1901 and 1911 names.
Previous version 4.0 Addition of Griffiths valuation on parish pages.; 3.6 Change to teams structure implementation.; 3.5. Addition of 'Places Nearby' link where coordinates are known. Upgrading Logainm links to match new Logainm web site


Information shown on this page may have been sourced from one or more of the following sources.

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