Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Forres Cemeteries Clunyhill_Cemetery
This page is part of the Moray Cemeteries Team.
See the:
- Clunyhill Cemetery category for people buried in this churchyard
Cemetery name: Clunyhill Cemetery
Address: Clovenside Road Forres , Moray, IV36 3BT Scotland
Information: This is on a low hill East of the town, a little North of the road to Rafford. It was begun by the Heritors of Forres in 1849, extended to the South-East by the Parochial Board in 1869, and again extended North and East by the Town Council (who now own it) in 1910. It covers about ten acres, and it contains 27 War Graves. Source Commonwealth War Graves Commission
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