This page has been accessed 128 times.
Valentine | Alt | Valentin Ault |
George | Amspoker | Johann George Amspacher |
Jacob | Bailey | |
Henry | Baker | |
William | Baker | |
John | Bauman | |
Michael | Bealer | |
Jacob | Bealer | |
Jacob Sr | Bealer | |
Jacob | Bear | |
Jacob | Bechtel | |
William | Becker | |
Michael | Beltz | |
Abraham | Bollinger | Abraham Bollinger |
George | Bortner | Johannes George Bortner |
John | Boyer | |
Peter | Brillhard | Peter Brillhart |
John | Brodbeck | |
Benjamin | Brouman | |
William | Brouman | |
John | Decker | |
George | Dehl | John George Diehl |
Charles | Dehl | Johann Carl Diehl |
Nicholas | Dehoff | Johann Niclaus Dehoff |
Henry | Dehoff | Johann Heinrich Dehoff |
George | Dehoff | Johann Carl Dehoff |
Adam | Denlinger | |
Michael | Ehrman | |
Frederick | Eichelberger | |
Philip | Emich | |
George | Emich | |
Jacob | Epply | |
John | Everbolt | |
Mendel | Everhold | |
Frederick | Feaser | |
Henry | Fishel | |
Adam | Foltz | Adam Foltz |
Jacob | Fulkner | |
Franz | Ganz | Frantz Heinrich Gantz |
Philip | Gentzler | Georg Philip Gentzler |
Peter | Gerberich | Peter Gerberich |
Martin | Getz | |
Samuel | Glassick | |
Felix | Glatfelter | |
Michael | Glatfelter | |
David | Grier | |
Jacob | Haffner | |
John | Hamme | |
Daniel | Hamme | |
Bastian | Helman | |
Peter | Henich | |
Jacob | Henry | |
Nicholas | Henry | |
Peter | Hershey | |
Philip | Hileman | John Philip Heilman |
John | Hileman | |
Jacob | Hirsh | |
Andrew | Hoff | |
Francis | Hoff | |
Adam | Hoffman | |
John | Hoke | |
George | Hoober | George Hoover |
Michael | Hossler | |
Joseph | Hossler | |
Christian | Hossler | |
Peter | Houser | |
John | Houser | |
Ulrich | Huber | Ulrich Huber |
Daniel | Hyser | |
Daniel | Jonas | |
George | Keller | |
George | Keller | |
Jacob | Keller | |
Henry | Kessler | |
Michael | Kessler | Michael Kessler |
John | Kilcannon | |
David | Klinedinst | |
Godfrey | Klinedinst | |
Jacob | Krise | |
Ludwig | Krops | |
John | Krull | |
Henry | Kuhn | |
Adam | Kuntz | |
Peter | Kuntz | |
Philip | Lau | Johann Philip Lau |
Michael | Lau | Johann Michael Lau |
Peter | Lau | Peter Lau |
George | Lau | Johann George Lau |
Andrew | Lau | Andreas Lau |
Antony | Lehman | |
James | Ligget | |
Rev Jacob | Lischy | |
George | Mack | |
Jacob | Matz | |
Henry | Michael | |
Peter | Miller | |
George | Miller | |
Andrew | Miller | |
James | Moore | |
John | Mourer | |
Frederick | Myer | |
John | Myer | |
George | Neiman | |
Henry | Newcomer | |
Jacob | Noll | |
Peter | Ollinger | |
John | Ortman | |
John | Ott | |
Stephen | Peter | |
Michael | Peter | |
Richard | Peters | |
Jocob | Pleischer | |
Mathias | Pope | |
George | Reily | |
Daniel | Renold | Daniel Renoll |
Ludwig | Riegle | |
George | Ripold | |
Andrew | Ripold | |
Adam | Ripold | |
John | River | |
Lorenz | Rohrbach | Lorenz Rohrbach |
Christian | Rohrbach | Christian Rohrbach |
Michael | Rose | |
Jacob | Rudisill | |
William | Ruhl | Georg Wilhelm Ruhl |
John | Ruhl | Johannes Ruhl |
Yost | Runk | |
Jacob | Sarbach | |
Jacob | Schaffer | |
George | Schlesman | |
Simon | Shadler | |
Martin | Sheurer | |
Christopher | Shindle | |
Michael | Speisert | |
Peter | Sprenkle | |
Peter | Stuck | |
John | Wagner | |
John | Walter | |
George | Walter | |
George | Wehrly | George Wehrly |
Michael | Wehrly | Michael Wehrly |
Henry | Wehrly | Heinrich Wehrly |
John | Werner | |
Daniel | Wertz | |
Richard | Weston | |
William | White | |
Henry | Wilhelm | |
Sebastian | Witman | |
John | Wood | |
Nicholas | Ziegler | |
Jacob | Ziegler | |
Barnet | Ziegler | |
John | Bealer | |
Jacob | Bear | |
Daniel | Bear | |
Christian | Billhardt | |
Adam | Boll | |
George | Bortner | |
John | Bowman | |
Daniel | Cramer | |
Helfich | Cramer | |
Henry | Fishel | |
John | Gantz | |
Christian | Haffner | |
Daniel | Hamn | |
Michael | Heilman | John Michael Heilman |
Jacob | Henry | |
Jacob | Keller | |
David | Kleindinst | |
Christian | Kleindinst | |
George | Krebs | |
Jacob | Markle | |
George | Miller | |
Adam | Miller | |
Michael | Miller | |
Peter | Peterman | |
Nicholas | Ripold | |
Mathias | Ripold | |
John | Rohrbaugh | Johannes Rohrbauch |
Michael | Shultz | |
Baltzer | Spangler | |
Frederick | Wilhelm | |
Nicholas | Ziegler | |
Peter | Ziegler |
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