Location: Trusley, Derbyshire, England
Surname/tag: coke
In the name of God Amen;
The Twentieth day of March 1640. I William Coke of Trusley in the Countie of Derbie Esquire being at this present in good and perfect memorie thankes to allmightly god, yet considering with myself the uncertainty of this mortall life doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following
And first I give and bequeath my soule to allmighty god that gave it trusting assuredly by the merrits and passion of my only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to be made partaker of those everlasting joyes which he hath purchased for me; And for my body I will that the same be buried in the Channcell of Kirkby in the County of Nottingham nere to the place where my first wife was buried
Item I give to Dorothie my very loveing wife my Coach and Coachbed and pillow and two of my best Coach horses and harnes for them and all such plate lynnens and houshould stuffe as were hers before our intermarriage, hopeing according to her faithfull promise to me she will rest satisfied with such estate as is made to her already out of my lands
And whereas I have by my Indenture of lease bearing date the sixt day of March in the eleaventh year of his ma'ties raigne demised and grannted for the terme of nynetie nyne yeares to Sir John Coke knight the younger and to Henry Gilbert Esquire the Mannor of Pinxston with thappurtnenances and all lands tenements and hereditaments of my late good father Sir Francis Coke knight deceased in Pinxston Kirkby and Brookhill in the Countyes of Derbie and Nottingham which lease is made to them in trust for raysing of the porcions of fyve hundred pounds a peece for my three daughters and of fortie pounds per annum to Timothy my younger sonne for his life and after to the use of my sonne Richard Coke as by another deede under my hande and seale bearing date with the said Indenture of lease is more at large expressed Now my will and minde is that the sayd porcions and annuity be raysed out of my said lands accordingly And I doe further give and bequeath to my said three daughters Elizabeth Mary and Alice to each of them the somme of two hundred pounds to be payed to them respectively by my executor at their severall marriages by the good likeing and consent of my Overseers hereafter named or the greater number of them And if any of them dye before then their porcion to be to them surviveing And my will and mynde is that my said daughters untill their marriages shall remayne with my sonne Richard and be by him conveniently maintayned or els at their election have and receave from him consideracion for their said legacie of CCli a peece respectively And I further will and devise to my said three daughters one Chest at my house at Pinxston aforesaid and all the lynnens that are therein to be equally devided amongst them
Item I give to said sonne Timothie my pied Nage
Item I give to William Katon my servant tenn pounds
To Gervase Wright three pounds six shillings eight pence
To Sara Palmer fyve pounds
And whereas I and my heires are to paye to my brother Francis Coke Clerke six pounds thirteene shillings and four pence dureing his life, and he hath desired that I would paye the same to his wife and continue it to her use in case she happen to survive him I doe therefore accordingly in liewe and recompense of the annuity of six pounds thirteene shillings foure pence given to my said brother give and bequeath to Margarit his wife for her life the somme of ten pounds of lawfull money of England to be yssueing out of all my lands in Trusley and Burnaston and payable at the two usuall feasts equally And I doe require and charge my sonne Richard to pay the same accordingly
And whereas my said brother Francis oweth me by bonds fortie pounds to be payed at thannunciation of our Lady the blessed Virgin Mary 1642 and 1643 I doe give and bequeath twenty pounds thereof due as aforesaid at thannunciation 1642 to Frances eldest daughter of my brother Gilbert Coke and the other Twentie pounds to Francis eldest daughter of my said brother Francis.
And whereas my said late Father desired me to give to my Neece Elizabeth Leigh Fortie pounds, My will and mynde is that my executor shall paye to her twenty fyve pounds thereof which with fyfteene pounds that my sister Ellenor hath in her hands for that purpose makes upp the said somme of Fortie pounds
Item I give unto my godsonne George Leighe sonne of my brother George Leighe deceased tenn pounds towards binding him apprentice
And I doe make and ordaine my said sonne Richard Coke executor of this my last will and Testament to whome I give and devise all my goods Cattell and Chattells my debts paied and legacies discharged
And I doe earnestly intreate my honorable Uncle Sir John Coke the elder knight the said Sir John Coke the younger and my worthie brother Sir Thomas Millward knight Clerk Justice of Chester to be overseers of this my will And that they will please to direct and advise my said executor and the rest of my Children as in their goodnes and wisdomes shall seeme best to whose care I leave them; charging my said children to apply themselves to their Counsells and directions accordingly And I doubt not but my good Lady and sister the Lady Millward will ayd and assist for ordering and adviseing my said daughters
Lastly I require and charge my said executor to proceed in the performance and accomplyshing of the trust left in me by my Uncle Curzon according to his desire and true meaneing
Will: Coke
Probatum fuit Testamentum superscriptum apud London coram venli viro dno Henrico Marten milite legum Doctore Curiae Prerogativae Cant magro Custode sive Commissario legitime constituto ultimo die mensis Maij Anno Dm millmo sexcenmo quadragesimo primo Juramento Richardi Coke filii nralis et letimi dti def et exris .....
Transcribed by Stephen Heathcote from probate records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
- "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 186
Ancestry uk Record 5111 #780043 (accessed 14 October 2023)
Will of Willimj Coke, granted probate on 31 May 1641. Died about 1641 in Trasley, Derbyshire, England.
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