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Col. Samuel Griffin Family Records

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Date: 1633 to 1703
Location: Old Rappahannock and Northumberland, Colony of Virginiamap
Surnames/tags: GRIFFIN Fauntleroy Lee
Profile manager: M. Allen private message [send private message]
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There are many records about Col. Samuel Griffin.

Born about 1633 in Old Rappahannock, Colony of Virginia
Son of George Thomas Griffin (abt.1590-abt.1650)
Brother of:
  1. Katherine (Griffin) Sprigg born before 22 Oct 1610 in Broton, Somerset, England;
  2. Thomas Griffin born about 1614 in Broton, Somerset, England;
  3. Elizabeth Griffin Hewitt Hobbs born in Broton, Somerset, England.
  4. David Griffin.
  5. John Griffin.
  6. Samuel Griffin (himself) [1]
Husband of Sarah (Unknown) Griffin (abt.1620-aft.1665) — married about the 12th of September 1660 in Rappahannock, Virginia
Father of Katherine (Griffin) Gwynn born on the 16th of March 1664 in Northumberland County, Virginia
[2] Excerpt:
About the earliest appearance of his name in the records is a grant, in 1662, of 2,200 acres to Samuel Griffin, of Rappahannock county, merchant...
There was recorded in Rappahannock county, a deed, dated 1665, from Samuel Griffin, of Rappahannock, merchant, to Thomas, son of Thomas Griffin, deceased...
In Lancaster County, 1661, Samuel Griffin is recorded as assignee of Captain Richard Hobbs...
Note: the records of Rappahannock county show that Samuel Griffin married Sarah, widow of Thomas Griffin.



Deed Book 1 - 1656-1662; Pages 112 - 113. [1]

TO ALL PEOPLE to whome these presents shall come Know ye that I SARAH GRIFFIN Widdow Relict of THOMAS GRIFFIN late of Rappahanock County in the Colony of Virginia gent deced as well in consideration of natural love & affection I bear towards my three children LEROY, THOMAS & WINIFRED GRIFFIN & for & towards their maintenance & bringing up & for & in consideration of their full inial portion due them by Law out of their said deceased Fathers Estates as also for other good causes & valluable consideracons me thereunto specially moving have given & confirmed unto the said three Children the sum of Six hundred pounds Sterl money of England in manner & forme following that is to say unto my said Son LEROY GRIFFIN Two hundred pounds part thereof when he attains the age of one & twenty years unto my other son THOMAS GRIFFIN two hundred pounds more thereof when he attains to the age of one & twenty years & unto my Daughter WYNIFRED GRIFFIN Two hundred pounds Residue thereof when she shall attain to the age of one & twenty years or be married together (missing) mares & catle hereafter menconed in manner & forme following that is to say to my said Son LEROY GRIFFIN Two mares which I formerly bought of Mr, GEORGE COHLOUGH & five (missing)ed & marked as by a note annexed hereunto appears to my said Son THOMAS GRIFFIN three cows named & markt as by the said noat annexted & to my sd Daughter WYNIFRED GRIFFIN one mare filly lately bought of the said COHLOUGH to have and to hold unto my said Three Children LEROY, THOMAS & WINIFRED GRIFFIN their & every of their Exrs. & assignes & to the survivr. of them agt all persons for Ever by these presents Provided Always it shall be lawful! for me the said SARAH GRIFFIN quietly to possess & enjoy the male increase & proffits of the said Mares & Catle until my said Son LEROY &THOS. GRIFFIN shall attain the said age of one & twenty years & my said Daughter shall attain the same age or be married without any lawfull lett or in cumbran ce of said LEROY THOMAS & WYNIFRIDE GRIFFIN or any of them or any person by their means In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & Seale this the 12th day of September 1660 SARAH GRIFFIN The aforesaid Eight Cows are markt thus both ears Cropt & (missing) in right Ear & are lately ordered to be recorded & are marked Teste DA. LINDSAY, GEORCE COHLOUGH, THO, BUNBERRY

THESE PRESENTS Witnesseth that I SAMUELL GRIFFIN Merchant in consideracon of a Marriage suddenly to be solemnized between me & the above named SARAH GRIFFIN do hereby (missing) allow of the above written Deed of Gift & do bind myself my heirs & Admrs, for the performance of the same Witness my hand & Seale the day & year above written SAML GRIFFIN

1661 - DEEDS

Deed Book 2 - 1656-1664; Pages 162-163. [1]

July 1660, Robert Dixon of the City of London before John Daniel, Notary Public, assigns to Henry Lawson Power of Attorney to recover from Henry Corbin and Samuel Griffin all books, etc. of the estate of Miles Dixon, deceased, and to act in any other matters. ...It states the Henry Dawson of Warwick River being the true and lawfully Attorney of Robert Dixon, administrator and lawfully brother of Miles Dixon, late of Rappahannock, do hereby constitute and appoint and in my place Col. More Fantleroye my true and lawfully Attorney to administer in my behalf of Mr. Henry Corbin and Mr. Samuel Griffin… Signed and seal Henry Dawson on 18 January 1660/61.

Deed Book 2 - 1662-1664; Pages 200-201. [1]

KNOW ALL MEN that I SAMUELL GRIFFIN of the County of Rappahanock in Virginia Merchant doe for good causes give unto THOMAS GRIFFIN the Lawful Son of THOMAS GRIFFIN all my right title & interest of the tract of land menconed & further do assigne and sett over the land untt, him said THOMAS GRIFFIN his heirs & assignes forever but provided he dieth without issue of his body lawfully begotten that then I do likewise hereby give & grant the aforemenconed Land unto WINIFRED GRIFFIN his Sister & to her heirs & assignes for ever & I do by these presents acquitt the said Land for Ever from me my heirs In Testimony whereof I have set my hand & seale this 4th day of March 1661. Witness ROBERT ROGERS, SAMUELL GRIFFIN AMBROSE CLEARS, ROBT SAUNDERS SARAH GRIFFIN Sealed & delivered and the words & assignes in the Seaventh line and the words (of his body) lawfully begotten Enterlyned before the Ensealing & Delivery in ye presence of us ROBT. ROGERS, SAMUELL GRIFFIN DAVID GRIFFIN SARAH GRIFFIN

1663 - DEEDS

Deed Book 2 - 1662-1664; Pages 217-220. [1]

TO ALL MEN I SAMUELL GRIFFIN of the County of Rappahanock in Virga. Merchant for sum of Twenty seven thousand three hundred pounds of tobacco and Cask to me in hand paid by THOMAS BOWLER of Virga. Merchant do grant and sett over unto the said THOMAS BOWLER & Company my right of Seven negros now in my possession being named as foll: Symon, James, Robin, Joane, Kate, Agare and Betty to hold the sd negroes granted & sould unto THOMAS BOWLER and Company during the terme of their lives the sd Seven negros being bought of THOMAS BOWLER aforesd and also I the said SAMUELL GRIFFIN for me my heirs do agree with the said THOMAS BOWLER and Company their Executors and assignes that the sd THOMAS BOWLER and Company may at all times hereafter have and enjoy the said premises by these presents granted without the denyall of me the said SAMUELL GRIFFIN my heirs or assignes or any other person PROVIDED Always and upon this Condition nevertheless that I the sd SAMUELL GRIFFIN shall truly pay unto sd THOMAS BOWLER and Company the just quantity of Twenty seven thousand three hundred pounds of good sound Merchantable tobacco and cask deer of ground and bad leaves of my crop upon the tenth of December next without any deceit that then these presents and everything conteined shall cease and of noe effect I do here promise to acknowledge the premises aforesaid either at the sd County Court or before Govr. and Councell In Witness I have sett my hand and seal this 13th day of Aprill 1663 Witness AMBROSE CLEARE, SAMUELL GRIFFIN THOMAS HARWAR

Deed Book 2 - 1662-1664; Pages 233-234. [1]

TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come I SAMUELL GRIFFIN of the County of Rappa. in Virga, send greeting Know ye that I the sd SAMLL. GRIFFIN have for a valluable consideracon reced of THOMAS GRIFFITH of the same County granted unto the said THOMAS GRIFFITH Eleven hundred fifty five acres of land being in the County aforesd & bounded on the South East side of the Eastermost branch of FARNHAM CREEK beginning at a marked pocickery & from thence moving SE to a marked red Oak to the head of a branch of MORATICON from thence NNE to a marked Chesnut thence parolell with the first line to a marked red Oak and lastly SSW to the place where it first began Including also a small parcell of land lying between the sd land and the first men coned branch wch sd tract of land binding as aforesd withall rights whatsoever which 1 the sd SAMUELL GRIFFIN by virtue of a Pattent to me granted I do hereby estrange from me my heirs unto him the sd THOMAS GRIFFITH his heirs for Ever he the said THOMAS GRIFFITH yearely paying the quitrents of right due In Witness I have set my hand & seale this seaven & twentieth day of June one thousand Six hundred Sixty three in presence of us JOHN WILLIAMS. SAMUELL GRIFFIN THOMAS LIDDLE SARAH GRIFFIN KNOW ALL MEN that we SAMUELL GRIFFIN and SARAH GRIFFIN for sundry causes do ordaine & hath by these presents deputed our trusty & welbeloved Friend Mr. GEORGE MARSH to be our Lawfull attorney granting to him our full power to make an acknowledgmt of a Deed of Sale of a parcell of land to THOMAS GRIFFITH bearing date with these presents & further what our sd Attorney shall do we confirme as fully as if we ourselves could he personally present. In Testimony we have set our hands & seals this 27th day of June 1663 Witness JOHN WILLIAMS, SAMUELL GRIFFIN THOMAS LIDDLE SARAH GRIFFIN

1663 & 1664 - DEED Witnessed

Deed Book 2 - 1662-1664; Pages 352-353. [1]

TO ALL TO WHOM &c Know ye that I the sd Sr. WILLIAM BERKLEY Knt. do with the Consent of the Councell of State accordingly give unto THOMAS PAINE & JOHN CHINLEY Two thousand one hundred acres of land lying on the N. side of Rappa. County bounding as followeth joyning upon a peice of lands of CHARLES GRIMES runing NW by the River into the woods SE to the place (missing) we first began the sd Land being due unto the sd THOMAS PAINE & JOHN CHINLEY for the transportacion of One & forty persons into this Colony whose names are men cioned on the records under this Pattent To have & hold &c. Given at JAMES CITY under my hand & the Seale of the Collony this Fourth day of September 1663 & in the fifteenth year of the Reign of our Lord KING CHARLES the Second THOMAS PAINE & JOHN CHINLEY WM. BERKLEY their Pattent for 2100 acres of land Test FRA. KIRKMAN Cl Cur KNOW ALL MEN that we JOHN CHINLEY & ALICE my Wife do assigne and set over unto PETER BAWCOMB his heirs & assignes all our right & interest of the within mencioned Pattent for ever As Witness our hands this 7th day of 9ber 1664 & Seales Test WILLIAM SMITH, JOHN CHINLEY LEROY GRIFFIN ALICE CHINLEY KNOW ALL MEN that I JOHN CHINLEY & ALICE my Wife do appoint our Loveing Friend THOMAS PATTISON of Rappa. our true & lawful Attorney for us & in our names to acknowledge an Assignment of a Pattent of 2100 acres of land in the Freshes of RAPPA. RIVER unto PETER BANCOMB his heirs & assignes for ever giveing our sd Attorney as full & ample power concerning the premises as is in any Letter of Attorney expressed as witness our hands & seals this 7th 9ber 1664 the sd acknowledgement to be made in Rappa. County according to Law Testes WILLIAM SMITH, JOHN CHINLEY LEROY GRIFFIN ALICE CHINLEY THE DEPOSITION of LEROY GRIFFIN the age of Eighteen years ould or thereabouts Witnesseth that he saw JOHN CHINLEY & ALICE his Wife set & signe a Letter of Attorney to THOMAS PATTISON for to acknowledge 21 twenty hundred acres of land to PEETER BAWCOMB the Pattent for the sd land being assigned to the sd BAWCOMB & further saith not Sworne before me SAMUELL GRIFFIN LEROY GRIFFIN THE DEPOSITION of WILLIAM SMITH the age of fifty years or thereabouts witnesseth that he saw JOHN CHINLEY & ALICE his Wife set & signe a Letter of Attorney to THOMAS PATTISON for to acknowledge 21 twenty hundred acres of land being assigned to the sd BAWCOMB & further saith not Sworne before me SAMUELL GRIFFIN WILLIAM SMITH

Note: p.263. "A list of several bills belonging to John Jefferys Esq and Mr Thomas Colclough Mercht dd to Giles Cale by Samuel Griffin Vizt" [Abratr Combs 206] "Received of the hands of Mr Samuel Griffin the several bills above mentioned xx " Dated 1st June 1663. signed Giles Cale Wit. Robt Rogers Ambrose Cleare Recorded 20th June 1663.

1664 & 1665 & 1667 - DEED Granted, Assigned, Sold, Gifted

Deed Book 3 - 1663-1668; Pages 278-280. [1]

TO ALL TO WHOM etc NOW KNOW YEE etc that I the said Sr, WM. BERKELEY Knt. etc. doe wth the consent of the Coun cell of State accordingly give and grant unto Mr. THOMAS GRIFFITH three hundred and fifty acres of land scituate on the North side of Rappa. River in the County of Rappa, at the Head of Farneham Creeke and on the South side of the Eastmaine Branch issuing out of the head of the sd Creeke bounded as followeth (Vizt) Begining at a Corner marked pocikry standing Neare the side of a small INDIAN FIELD & adjoyning to the land of Mr. SAMUELL GRIFFIN thence Extending along the land of the sd Samuell Griffin E: So: E: 320 poles to another marked pocikry thence So: 190 pole to a marked red oake standing on a branch issuing out of Moratico Creeke thence W:N:W. 320 poles to antoher marked pocikry thence No: 190 poles to the place it first began The sd land being due unto the said Mr. Thomas Griffith by and for the Transptacon of Seaven persons into this Collony whose names etc. To have and to hold etc. Provided etc. dated 15th of April 1664. signed Wm, Berkeley

I THOMAS GRIFFITH doe hereby assigne and sett over from me my heirs unto Samll. Griffin of the County of Rappa. in Virga: all my right title and interrest of the wthin menconed tract or Devidt: of land To have and To hold the sd tract of land to him the sd Small. Griffin his heirs for Ever without any Lett Hindrance or Molestation wtsoever from or by any persons wtsoever by or for me. In Wittness whereunto I have hereunto sett my hand & Seale this 28th Sbr 1664. In presence of us HENRY WILSON, Thomas Griffith DENNIS EYES

KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I SAMUEL GRIFFIN for a Valluable consideracon in hand received of DAVID GRIFFIN doe hereby assigne and sett over unto the said David Griffin all my right title and interrest of the abovesaid tract or Devident of land conteyned in the wthin men coned Pattent To Have and To Hold the said land to him his heires for Ever IN WITTNESS whereunto I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this 26th of Novembr: 1665. In presents of us EDMO: SHILDON Sam: Griffin LEROY GRIFFIN Sarah Griffin Recognit in Cur Com Rappa 5 Die 7bris 1667

KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I DAVID GRIFFIN of the County of Rappa. in Virga: Planter for Divers causes and consideracons me thereunto mooving doe hereby grant and make over unto KATHERINE GRIFFIN Daughter to SAMLL. GRIFFIN of the aforesd County one Cove comonly knowne by the name of Drinke Milke & marked Vizt. both Eares Cropt wth a slitt in the Right To have and To hold the sd Cow to her the sd Katherin Griffin her heires wth all her Several! increase and this my present Deed of Guift to stand in firm good and Effectual to all intents and purposes in the Law for the good Behoofe and benefitt of the sd Kath: Griffin. IN WITTNESS whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this 27th April 1667. Witness: LEROY GRIFFIN, David Griffin WILLIAM SMITH Recognit in Cur Com Rappa 5 Die 7br 1667

1670-1690 DEEDS

  • In 1671 there is on record a deed from Ambrose Clare, of New Kent County, to Katherine, daughter of Samuel Griffin, of Rappahannock county, on account of love and affection to said Katherine.
  • In the will of Robert Beckingham, of Lancaster, January 10, 1675, are legacies to his friends Major Samuel Griffin and his now wife.
  • Hening's Statutes at Large; LAWS OF VIRGINIA, FEBRUARY, 1676-7−−−29th CHARLES II. IT is ordered that the charge of the late riseing in the northerne counties for the surpressing of the late rebellion be proportionably borne by the severall counties in the neck betwixt Rappahanock and Potomack rivers with the additions of the remaining people of Rappahanock county on the south side Rappahanock river according to their severall numbers of tythables, and that the present burgesses for each respective county meete at the house of captain Thomas Beales upon the second Tuesday of August next to bring their charge and proportion the same by the pole as is usuall in such cases now made, noe accompt be allowed in that meeting, but such as are plainly and fully proved upon oath, and that in place of major Thos. Hawkins, deceased, coll. Samuell Griffin be added, &c. Copia Test, Charges of the late war, in the north'n count's to be borne by the count's between Rappahannock & Potomack, including that part of Rappahannock co'ty lying on the south side of the river. ROBERT BEVERLY, Cl. Assembly.
  • On September 18, 1677, Samuel Griffin, of Rappahannock county, made a power of attorney to his "loving friend" Leroy Griffin.
  • 20 Feb 1683 - 22 Sep 1684 [1][3]Samuel GRIFFIN of Co of Northumberland in Virga., Mercht. out of naturall love and affection unto Moore and Griffin FAUNTLEROY, sons of William FAUNTLEROY, of Co of Rappa. Gent. give and confirme 6 young cowes...mark... to be equally divided & delivered as they shall come to lawfull age... and ... dye before they come to age then I give the Cattle as aforesaid unto the next Child the said William FAUNTLEROY may have by Katharine his now Wife... S/Samuell GRIFFIN, Wit: Jno: PARKER. Receipted by Will: FAUNTLEROY [sic] 21 Jul 1683. Recog. 3 Sep 1684 & Rec. 23 Sep 1684.
  • Maj. Dale's part in Bacon's rebellion seems to have been that he represented Lancaster County "Att a Committy (by Order of Ye Grand Assembly) for Laying a Levy in the Northern Neck for ye charge in Raisinge ye forces thereof for suppressing ye late rebellion mett at Capt. Beales ye 14th of August 1677 being present Mr. Wm. Presley, Majr Ed. Dale, Major Isaac Allerton, Mr. Peter Presley, Coll. Wm. Travers, Coll. Saml Griffin, Coll. George Mason, & Mr. Martin Scarlett."
  • There was recorded in Rappahannock, 1688, a deed from Samuel Griffin, of Northumberland, to William, son of William Fauntleroy, on account of love and affection.
  • In his will he mentions his brother-in-law, John Hobbs, of London, and his wife, my sister Elizabeth. Then, cousin Thomas Hewitt, son of said sister Elizabeth, and kinsman John Hewitt, also son of said sister. (Very probably the wills of John Hobbs and Mrs. Elizabeth Hobbs, and of the Hewitts and Mrs. Sprigg, would throw light on the English relatives of Samuel Griffin. It is likely that they can be found at Somerset House.)
  • Essex County, Virginia Deeds and Wills 1695-1699, page 70 - Robert Paine (Payne) and Katharine, his wife sold to Leonard Chamberlan and Robert Coleman a tract of land, containing 900 acres, lying on the south side of Rappahannock River, which belonged to his Grandfather Epaphroditus Lawson. It was signed by Robert Payne and Katherine Payne. Wits: John Wood and Samuel Griffin. Recorded in Rappahannock County 4 October 1689. Katherine Payne appeared in the Essex County Court and relinquished her right of Dower 10 October 1689.
  • 11 Jun 1695 William Merritt vs. Samuel Griffing, dismissed. Essex Co Court - LS Turner, Merritt familes of Virginia
  • Lee of Virginia, Page 520. In 1699 there is a deed in Richmond county from David Gwin and his wife Katherine, daughter of Samuel Griffin.


Deed Book 7 - 1686 -1688; Pages 334-338. [1]

THIS INDENTURE made the second day of May 1686 and in the third year of the 334- Reign of our Sovereigne Lord James the second &c. Between SAMLL. GRIFFIN 338 of NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Gent. and SARAH his Wife of the one part and LEROY GRIFFIN of Rappa. County Gent., Son and heir apparent of THOS: GRIFFIN, late of the same County deced, of the other part. Whereas the sd THO: GRIFFIN bought and purchased of MOORE FANTLEROY late of LANCASTER COUNTY by Deed under his hand and seale bearing date the 22nd of 7ber 1653, Six hundred and seventy acers of land being as in the sd Deed is mentioned whereto relation being had may appeareth, And whereas the sd THO: GRIFFIN held by Patent bearing date the 4th of July 1633, One thosuand sixty four acers of land which the said LEROY GRIFFIN repatented the 10th of February 1663, and in the 16th yeare of the Reigne of our late Sovereigne Lord King Charles the second, which sd last mentioned land is bounded as in the last recited Patent is expressed to which relation may also more fully appeareth And Whereas the sd SAMLL. GRIFFIN in a certain writeing of Indenture under his hand and wale bearing date the 4th day of March 1661, did give and grant unto THO: GRIFFIN, Son of the sd THO: GRIFFIN deced, and Brother to the sd LEROY all right of a tract of land mencioned in the Patent conteyning One thousand forty and six acers and is dated the first day of January 1660 and that the sd last mentioned land should be unto the sd THO: GRIFFIN his heires forever, But provided he died without issue of his body lawfully begotten that then he did give and grant the therein mencioned land unto WINIFRED GRIFFIN, Sister of the sd THOMAS and LEROY and her heires and assignes forever which the sd THOMAS, the Son, and WINIFRED, are both deceased without issue and the sd land last mentioned is come unto the sd LEROY as heire to the Survivour of them since which also the sd LEROY GRIFFIN as heire hath entered into and now remaineth in the quiet and peaceable possession of all the fore recited premisses and Whereas the sd SARAH as Wife formerly to the said THOMAS GRIFFIN, the Father, and at present Wife to the sd SAMLL. GRIFFIN, hath or might pretend right of Dower to all the before recited lands Now This Indenture Witnesseth that the sd SAMLL. GRIFFIN and SARAH his Wife for a good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid by the sd LEROY GRIFFIN have given unto the sd LEROY GRIFFIN his heires and assignes forever the quiett and peaceable possession of all ye interest and demands whatsoever of the sd SAMLL. GRIFFIN and SARAH his Wife which they or any of them have or claime to all the before mencioned tracts of land by right of Dower or pretence whatsoever And the sd SAMLL. GRIFFIN for himselfe and the sd SARAH his Wife doth hereby grant with the sd LEROY GRIFFIN that he the sd SAMLL, and SARAH will acknowledge these presents for the further confermacon In Witness whereof the sd parties have set their hands and seales Signed sealed and delivered in the presents of SAMLL. CHURCHILL, SAMLL. GRIFFIN JOHN POUND SARAH GRIFFIN TEILIFF ALLURSEN


Deed Book 7 - 1686 -1688; Pages 334-338. [1]

Recognitr in Cur Corn Rappa: 4 die May 1687 et record 12th die KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I SARAH GRIFFIN for sundry considerations thereunto moving do make my loving Friend, DENNIS CARTY my true and lawful! Attorney for me to make ackowledgement of my Right of Dower in several! tracts of land sold by me Husband, SAMLL. GRIFFIN, unto LEROY GRIFFIN, my Son, as by two several! Instruments or Deed bearing date the 2nd of May 1687 may appeare and what my sd Attorney shall act and doe I do ratify to be as full and ample to all intents as if I were personal! present. Witness my hand and seale this 2nd of May 1687 Teste MARY MILLS SARAH GRIFFIN MARY LUNTHE marke of


Deed Book 7 - 1686 -1688; Pages 334-338. [1]

Recordr. Cur Com Rappa: 12 die May 1687 I LEROY GRIFFIN do hereby authorize and depute my Loving Brother, Mr. WM. TAYLOE, to accept for my use the acknowledgement (before his Maties Justices of peace sitting in Court of Rappa: County) of a Deed of Bargaine and Sale made by SAMLL. GRIFFIN and SARAH his Wife unto me the sd LEROY of two tracts of land in said County and also of one Deed of Release made by and from the sd SAMLL. and SARAH to me the sd LEROY all their right of three tracts of land therein mencioned both which Deed are dated the second day of May 1686 hereby ratifieing what my sd Attorney shall do in the premisses Witness my hand and seal this 3rd day of May 1687 LEROY GRIFFIN Record Cur Com 23th die May 1687 [1]


WILLIAM THE THIRD, by the Grace of God, KING of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the faith, etc., To Samuell Griffin, Hancock Lee, Charles Lee, George Cowper, Rodham Kennor, William Jones, Peter Hack, John Harris, William Howson, Cuthbert Span, Christopher Neale, John Crawley, Peter Contancean & Thomas Winder, Gentlemen, Greeting: KNOW YEE, that WEE have assigned you, and every one of you jointly and severally, OUR Justices to KEEP OUR PEACE in the County of Nothumberland, and to keep and cause to be kept all ordinances, statutes of our Kingdome of England and Lawes of this Our Ancient and Great Colony and Dominion of Virginia, made for the good of the Peace and for the conservation of the same, and for the Quiett rule and Government of the People, in all and every the Articles thereof in said county accordinge to the force, forme and effect of the same. And to chastise and punish all persons offending against the formes of those ordinances, Statutes of Our Kingdome of England & Lawes of this our Colony and Dominion, or any of them in the County aforesaid, to cause to come before you or any of you all those persons who shall threaten any of Our Liege People, either in their bodyes or burning their houses, to find sufficient security for the Peace or for the good behavior towards Us and the People. And if they shall refuse to find such security then to cause them to be kept safe in Prison until they find such security. WEE have also assigned you, or any four or more of you whereof any of you, Samuell Griffin, Hancock Lee, Charles Lee, George Cowper, Rodham Kennor and William Jones shall be one to meet at the usuall place of holding Courts in the County aforesd at certain dayes according to Law, to heare & Determine all Suits, Controversies and Debates between party and party, doeing therein what to Justice appertaineth according to the Lawes of our Kingdome of England and this our Ancient and great Colony and Dominion of Virginia, with power likewise to you and every of you to take Depositions and Examinations upon oath for the better manifestation of the truth in all such matters & causes as come before you, and to keep or cause to be kept all orders of Court, Orders of Councill and Proclamations Directed to you or comeing to your hands from Us, or from Our Governour or Commander in chief for the time being, and Our Councill of State. And to punish the offenders & breakers of the same according to the Lawes of Our Kingdome of England and of this Our Colony & Dominion. And further to keep, or cause the Clerke of your Court to keep, Records of all Judgments, Rules & Orders Decided and agreed upon by you, or any four or more of you, whereof you Samuell Griffin, Hancock Lee, Charles Lee, George Cowper, Rodham Kennor, and William Jones shall be one. AND FURTHER WEE Comand you and every one of you that you diligently intend the keeping of the Peace, Statutes of Our Kingdom of England, and the Lawes of this Our Colony & Dominion. And all and singular other the Premises WEE doe by Virtue of these presents comand the Sheriff of the said County of Northumberland, that at those certain dayes and places which the law doth appoint, that he cause to come before you, or any four or more of you, whereof any of you, Samuell Griffin, Hancock Lee, Charles Lee, George Cowper, Rodham Kennor, and William Jones shall be one, & soe many good and Lawfull men of his Bayliwic by whom the matters may be the better known and Enquired of. WITNESSE Our Trusty and welbeloved Francis Nichollson, Esq'r, Our Lieutenant and Governor Genll of This our Colony and Dominion of Virginia, at James Town, under the Seale of Our Colony, the 8th day of June, in the eleventh yeare of Our Reign, Anno qe Domini 1699.1


GRIFFIN, SAMUEL (d. 1703), Northumberland county; brother of David Griffin, citizen and tallow-chandler, of Bassinghall street, London. Samuel Griffin also owned property in Gloucestershire.


Library of Virginia LO Patent Title Matthews, Thomas. Publication 27 November 1678. Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41. Related See also the following surname(s): Mathews. Note Location: Northumberland County. Description: 300 acres on the Several lands of him the said Thomas Matthews, Wm. Keen, Captn. John Rogers, John Rogers, junr., Henry Mettcalfe, Colo. Saml. Griffin, John Ashton and others. Source: Land Office Patents No. 6, 1666-1679 (pt.1 & 2 p.1-692), p. 667 (Reel 6).

[4] Library of Virginia LO Patent Title Francis, John. Publication 30 April 1679. Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41. Note Location: Rappahannock County (extinct). Grantee(s): Francis, John and Vanlandingham, Richard. Description: 293 acres2r.20p. adjoining the land of Mathew Wilcocks and Samuel Griffin. Source: Land Office Patents No. 6, 1666-1679 (pt.1 & 2 p.1-692), p. 675 (Reel 6).

[5] Library of Virginia LO Patent Title Griffin, Samuel. grantee. Publication 30 March 1743. Note Location: Prince George County. Description: 100 acres between Jones Hole Swamp and the Indian Swamp adjoin.g Thomas Tadlock &c. Source: Land Office Patents No. 21, 1742-1743 (v.1 & 2 p.1-674), p. 228 (Reel 19).

[6] Library of Virginia LO Patent Title Griffin, Samuel, grantee. Publication 24 May 1664. Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41. Note Location: Rappahannock County (extinct). Description: 260 acres adjoining his own land; beginning &c standing by Chickacone path. Source: Land Office Patents No. 5, 1661-1666 (v.1 & 2 p.1-369), p. 96 (Reel 5).

[7] Library of Virginia LO Patent Title Griffin, Samuel, grantee. Publication 6 August 1662. Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41. Note Location: Rappahannock County (extinct). Description: 2200 acres on a great swamp, that issueth into the head of Totoskey als. Cross Creek. Source: Land Office Patents No. 4, 1655-1664, p. 409 (Reel 4).

[8] Library of Virginia LO Patent Title Griffin, Samuel, grantee. Publication 1 January 1660. Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41. Note Location: Rappahannock County (extinct). Description: 1155 acres in the County of Rappahannock and on the North side of same river near the head of Farnhams’ Creek. Source: Land Office Patents No. 4, 1655-1664, p. 472 (Reel 4).

[8] Library of Virginia LO Patent Title Griffin, Samuel, grantee. Publication 1 January 1660. Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41. Note Location: County location not given. Description: 1046 acres on the North side of Rappahannock River, on the branch of Floskey Creek, near the head of the said branches. . Source: Land Office Patents No. 4, 1655-1664, p. 473 (Reel 4).

[9] Library of Virginia NN Grant Title Tarpley, Travers. Publication 1 March 1754. Other Format Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311. Note Location: Richmond County. Description: 216 acres 2r. 26 poles adjoining William Clark, Samuel Griffin, Willoughby Newton. Source: Northern Neck Grants F, 1742-1754, p. 362-363 (Reel 292).

[10] Library of Virginia LO Patent Title Corbin, Henry, grantee. Publication 1662 - 0805 Note Location: Rappahannock County (extinct). Description: 4000 acres in the County of Rappahannock part of the land upon the branches of Totoskey on the north side of said river. Beginning &c of Samuel Griffins in Machoticks path. The residence of the land situated at the head of Totoskey. Source: Land Office Patents No. 4, 1655-1664, p. 381 (Reel 4).

[11] Library of Virginia LO Patent Title Man, John. grantee. Publication 1743 - 0330 Note Location: Prince George County. Description: 350 acres between Jones Hole, and Indian Swamp adjoining Samuel Griffin, Thomas Tadlock &c. Source: Land Office Patents No. 20, 1741-1743 (v.1 & 2 p.1-566), p. 499 (Reel 18).

[12] Library of Virginia LO Patent Title Indgoe, John. grantee. Publication 1704 - 0213 Note Location: Richmond County. Grantee(s): Indgoe, John and Indgoe, James. Description: 307 acres adjoining land of Samuel Griffin. Source: Northern Neck Grants No. 3, 1703-1710, p. 79 (Reel 288).

[13] Library of Virginia LO Patent Title Estis, John. grantee. Publication 1786 - 0412 Note Location: Halifax County. Description: 175 acres beginning at Samuel Griffins corner on the south side of Hico River. Source: Land Office Grants W, 1786, p. 365 (Reel 63).

[14] Library of Virginia LO Patent Title Griffin, Thomas. Publication 16 September 1651. Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41. Note Location: Lancaster County. Grantee(s): Moone, Abraham and Griffin, Thomas. Description: 1400 acres. Source: Land Office Patents No. 2, 1643-1651, p. 341 (Reel 2).

[15] Library of Virginia LO Patent Title Griffin, Thomas. Publication 4 July 1653. Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41. Note Location: Lancaster County. Description: 1064 acres on the North side of Rappahannock River; on the westward side of a creek known by the name of Farnarn Creek, adjoing the land of Captn Moore Fantleroy. Source: Land Office Patents No. 3, 1652-1655, p. 79 (Reel 2)

CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS PATENT BOOK No. 2; Pg 220. [16] ABRAHAM MOONE, & THOMAS GRIFFIN, 1400 acs .Lancaster Co., 16 Sept. 1651, p. 341. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., opposite to late land of Capt. Ralph Wormeley, dec'd., beg, on the S. side of a branch of Peanketank & N. N. W. upon Nymcock Cr. Trans. of 28 pers: James North, Jacob Gunter, Naul (or Paul) Fringworth, Samll. Hand, Fra. Sym. Tho. Scape, Christopr. Eley, Samll. Mugg, James Brock, Phill. Tennian, Edward Dawber, Grigo. Pewer (or Peaver), Tho. Reymor, Dorcas Moore, Richard Chandler, Lodwick Carmew, Henry Cooke, John Mary, Francis Death, Cuthbert Chumer, Robt. Belmom, Grace Sarah, Marg. Hunt. Note: "The Remayner being by assignmt. from William Hoccaday of soe much rights due to him by Vertue of a Patent of Land granted him and regranted to the King of Chickyake."

CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS PATENT BOOK No. 3; Pg 255. [16] THOMAS GRIFFIN, 1064 acs. Lancaster Co., 4 July 1653, p. 79. On N. side of Rappa. Riv. & Wwd. side of Farnam Cr., beg. on Ewd. side of a branch that divides this & land of Capt. Moore Fantleroy, running N. E. &c. 350 acs. part hereof by virtue of the rights of a patent dated 22 July 1651 & by sd. Griffin relinquished and delivered into the office; & 714 acs. for trans. of 15 pers: Henry Guttridge, Sarah Jarvis, Alex. Bartlett, John Welch, Bryan Turner, Evan Turner, Thomas Lowell, George Locus, Elizabeth Grymes, Susan Newman, Richard Weavor, Mary Renolds, George Stone, John Mould.

CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS PATENT BOOK No. 4; Pg 397. [16] SAMUELL GRIFFIN, Merchant, 2200 acs. Rappa. Co., 6 Aug. 1662, p. 300, (409). Upon a great swamp issueing into the head of Totoskey alias Cross Cr. & near path going from Totoskey to Chikacone &c., along Machotickes path &c. Trans. of 44 pers: David Griffin, Bagnell Vincent, Wm. Benaden, Edw. Wetherhorne, Ambrose Clare, Wm. Gunter, Thomas Bell, Lewis Butler, Wm. Feild, Henry Margrett, Alice Arsly, Ellin Meredeth, Jno. Back, Robt. Sanders, Roger Barbar, Richd. Hartless, Emanuell Consues (?), Tho. Symmons, Richard Apleby, Richard Collins, Edward Franclin, Rice Cookman, Tho. a Negro, Frank a Negro, Munky a Negro, Mary a Negro, 9 Negroes, Nathaniell Medly, Henry Turner, Richard Williams, William Conaway, Jno. Bagle, Mary Burd, Nicholas White, Francis Cossens, Christopher Walker.

CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS PATENT BOOK No. 4; Pg 408. [16] SAMUEL GRIFFIN, Gent., 1155 acs. Rappa. Co., 1 Jan. 1660, p. (472). N. side of Rappa. Riv. near the head of Farnhams Cr., beg. on the S. side of the Eastern br. by an Indian field side, running E.S.E. near the head of a br. of Morrattaquond, thence N.N.E. &c. Trans. of — pers.* SAME. 1046 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 1 Jan. 1660, p. (473). On branches of Totoskey Cr. near the head, beg. at a br. called Turkey Buzard br., running Ely. Trans. of 21 pers.*

CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS PATENT BOOK No. 5; Pg 441. [16] SAMLL. GRIFFIN, 766 acs., adj. land of Tho. Griffin. 24 May 1664, p. 1, (12). Trans. of 15 pers: Bagnall Vincent Dann. Griffin, Wm. Benamin, Ed. Northerborne, Amb. Clare, Wm. Panter, Tho. Bell, Lewis Buttler, Wm. Feild, Henry Margaret, Alice Arsly, Ellen Meredith, Jno. Back, Robt. Sanders, Roger Bather, Rich. Hartees.

CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS PATENT BOOK No. 5; Pg 459. [16] SAMUELL GRIFFIN, 260 acs. Rappa. Co., 24 May 1664, p. 201, (96). Bounding Wly. upon his own land, running S. from Chikacone path to path called Square Jnos. (Johns) Trans. of 6 pers: David Griffin, Bagnall Vincent, Wm. Benjamin, Edwd. Wetherbat, Ambrose Clare, Wm. Gunter.

CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS PATENT BOOK No. 5; Pg 495. [16] LAREY GRIFFIN, 1064 acs. Lancaster Co., 10 Feb. 1663, p. 313, (295). N. side of Rappa. Riv. & W. side of Farnham Cr; beg. on Ewd. side of a branch dividing this & land of Col. More Fantleroy, running N.E. for breadth &c. Granted to Thomas Griffin, decd., 4 July 1653, & now due sd. Larey as his son & heire.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Virginia, Old Rappahannock County, Ancient Press; Deed Book 1 - 1656-1662; Pages 112 – 113, Prenuptial; Deed Book 2 – 1662-1664, Pages 162, 163, 200, 201, 217-220, 233, 234, 352, 353, Deeds; Deed Book 3 - 1663-1668, Pages 278-280, Deeds; Deed Book 7 -- 1686 -1688, Pages 334-338, Indenture.
  2. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. VA Historical Society. Jan, 1893/4. Page 472. Google EBooks
  3. Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, 1682-1686, Deed Book No. 7, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1990.
  4. Land grant 30 April 1679. Francis, John. grantee.; Virginia. Colonial Land Office.; Library of Virginia. Archives. 1679 - 0430. Library of Virginia
  5. Land grant 30 March 1743. Griffin, Samuel. grantee; Virginia. Colonial Land Office.; Library of Virginia. Archives. 1743 - 0330. Library of Virginia
  6. Land grant 24 May 1664. Griffin, Samuel. grantee; Virginia. Colonial Land Office.; Library of Virginia. Archives. 1664 - 0524. Library of Virginia
  7. Land grant 6 August 1662. Griffin, Samuel. grantee.; Virginia. Colonial Land Office.; Library of Virginia. Archives. 1662 - 0806. Library of Virginia
  8. 8.0 8.1 Land grant 1 January 1660. Griffin, Samuel. grantee.; Virginia. Colonial Land Office.; Library of Virginia. Archives. 1660 - 0101. Library of Virginia
  9. Land grant 1 March 1754. Tarpley, Travers. grantee.; Northern Neck Land Office.; Library of Virginia. Archives. 1754 - 0301. Library of Virginia
  10. Land grant 5 August 1662. Corbin, Henry, grantee.; Virginia. Colonial Land Office.; Library of Virginia. Archives. 1662 - 0805. Library of Virginia
  11. Land grant 30 March 1743. Man, John. grantee.; Virginia. Colonial Land Office.; Library of Virginia. Archives. 1743 - 0330. Library of Virginia
  12. Land grant 13 February 1704. Indgoe, John. grantee.; Northern Neck Land Office.; Library of Virginia. Archives. 1704 - 0213. Library of Virginia
  13. Land grant 12 April 1786. Estis, John. grantee.; Virginia. Land Office. Register.; Library of Virginia. Archives. 1786 - 0412. Library of Virginia
  14. Land grant 16 September 1651. Griffin, Thomas. grantee.; Virginia. Colonial Land Office.; Library of Virginia. Archives. 1651 - 0916. Library of Virginia
  15. Land grant 4 July 1653. Griffin, Thomas. grantee.; Virginia. Colonial Land Office.; Library of Virginia. Archives. 1653 - 0704. Library of Virginia
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 Nugent, Nell Marion, 1934. CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800. Vol. 1, Book #2, Page 220; Book #3, Page 255; Book #4, Pages 397, 408; Book #5, Pages 441, 459, 495. 1st ed. Richmond: Dietz Print Co. Archive.org

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