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Category - Pending Final Review add Category:Collins Name Study /delete on final category
Maidstone Kent England (Origins)
COLLINS FAMILY RESEARCH NOTES - source to source discrepancy/errors - [nearly everyone had a John, Thomas and/or William -- About 31 immigrants to VA 1620-1760
and about 325+ by 1790 census.]
William Collins (1612-1705) immigrated in 1635 from Kent County, England to King and Queen County, Virginia. (more likely Original Shire Isle of Wright or Rappanock)
- His father, John Collins Jr. (ca.1590-1663), immigrated in 1655 to Surry County, Virginia. : Edward Travers (b.1592) immigrated from England to Jamestown, Virginia and changed his surname to Travis. He married Ann Johnson, and while some of his children still used the surname Travers, his son William Travis (ca.1640-1680) did not and was the line used in this book. : Intermarriage between the Collins and Travis families for the lines in this book occurred when Thomas Edward Collins Jr. (b.1908) married Nell Ellis Travis in 1937. They live on a farm near Utica, Mississippi. Descendants and relatives of the immigrant ancestors lived in Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and elsewhere. Includes ancestry on the Travis--Travers and some other lines to 1066 A.D. in England.
Links are provided for reference and convenience only (and are considered unreliable/unproven unless sources are contained within). [1] [2] [3] [4] Southern Campaign Transcriptions by Will Graves [5] [6]
County Formation
- ISLE OF WIGHT CO. VA Formed 1634, original Shire;
- Brunswick formed 1720 from Prince George
- Isle of Wight, Surry; Southampton formed 1749 from Isle of Wight, Nansemond)
- ESSEX CO. VA Formed 1692 from Old Rappahannock
- Spotsylvania formed 1720-1 from Essex, King & Queen, King William
- Caroline formed 1727-8 from Essex, King & Queen, King William
Pre Merge/Merge/ & Cleanup Protocols
Rule of Thumb - Collins Family - (Free Space) Instructions/Suggestions Pre-merge comments
- Profile Represents Joseph Collins m Catherine Robertson and Mary Wyatt
- On Complex Merge -Detach/Reattach Parents; Spouse; child as applicable - be sure to include ID Nos
First - Save All (combined) info at Initial Merge Step Conform Bio at Final Merge Cleanup Step/Delete Dup Info/in line sources in place Category in place for Final Review
Final Correct Biography Example To Include
(Additional Section Marks or 1-line Statement in following order - This Establishes Bio consistency) (upper RH Corner (drop down "Find" then Categories or Project = Categories can be a variety of thing or as a catch all the Collins Cleanup = replace the ( with double square bracket [[Category: Collins Family Clean Up Effort 2021, Collins Name Study ) This will accumulate profiles in one easy to access location; or you may want to use an applicable "maintainance category"
- Suggested or other Disclaimers - see suggested on main category page -
- [[Category or Project as Applicable - Project s/b on pre=1700 (A General use could be US Southern Colonies or other]
Discrepancy Section as applicable
- use for contemporary profiles w/soft link (bold or comment/explain the difference)
Final Biography (Template)
add Dates and Location(s) w/reliable source information Joseph Collins
- aka Joseph Oliver COLLINS [7] If no other use Pruitt cite (include numbering sequence and page number
Son of /or presumed son of
- (be sure to add soft link if Alternate Parents (If Applicable - include source)
- Birth Estimate [7]
- Marriage Estimate (dates/location)[7]
- m 1st add date/location/parent names
- m 2nd
- m 3rd
- Death Estimate (actual if known or before "proved date")
- Probate/Estate [7] (valid cite info; will book, page, location where filed - if none - state "not located to prove or disprove."
- Children - separate by spouse / Include Estimate Children Births
- determining source; i.e., Will / Land / Census (etc) [7]
- Each child w marriage info - (hyperlink) soft link from attachment area
- Other As Needed Research Notes; Discrepancy Notes / Contemporary Profiles; Timeline, Narrative, etc.
- Replace/Delete Broken links
- Replace Ancestry w/Viewable Free Source wherever possible
- check suggestions (upper RH corner) - clear at least level 1 if possible (or as many as you can
- always run a secondary "manual search" for dups for everyone attached to each profile being finalized
- always double check sources to be sure displaying properly (coding errors)
- ↑ Prewitt, Richard A. "The Collins Book (Most complete/sourced and consolidated info located for early Collins Families)
- ↑ (vs Isle of Wright) Prewitt, Richard A. "The Collins Book - Thomas (b1707) pg 4 #A62 son of #A6
- ↑ : Looks like copy of Collins Book for Capt Joseph - only searchable Needs Verif
- ↑ Southern Campaigns Revolutionary War Pension Statements & Rosters
- ↑ Index V2; Collier, John, 465. Collier, William, 76. Collins, Cornelius, 367. Collins, George, 143. Collins, James, 480. Collins (Colans), John, 266, 287, 302, 320, 351, 361, 397, 421, 422, 425, 431. Collins, Luke, 287, 327, 362, 426. Collins, Minton, 287. Collins, Richard, 417, 424. Collins, Sasana (Susana), 308, 350.
- ↑ Spotsylvania County Records
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4
- Prewitt, Richard A. "The Collins Book (Joseph Collins 1718 & Lucy Marchbanks) Digital Manuscript] (Most complete/sourced and consolidated info located for early Collins Families)
- Searchable PDF (appears to be a copy of the Collins Book by Prewitt)
- Crozier, William Armstrong, ed. Virginia County Records: Spotsylvania County 1721 - 1800. New York, N.Y: Fox, Duffield & Co., 1905])
- Spotsylvania County Records Google Books (searchable)
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