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Colne Engaine Parish Records

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Colne Engaine, Essex, Englandmap
This page has been accessed 1,750 times.
Started 16 November 2019 Michael Christmas

See Also
Projects : Earls Colne Project
One Place Studies :Earls Colne OPS
Parish Records: Colne Engaine Parish Records+ Earls Colne Parish Records+ Wakes Colne Parish Records
Wills: Colne Valley Wills
Essex petition 1642 Signatories
Association Roll 1696. Signatories

Overview of parish records.

Names are as I see them at first glance. Refine as profile links created. This listing provides an overview of names contained in the parish registers with links to profiles thus giving an overview of what is completed.

Originals can be found on Essex Record Office (Subscription needed)

Transcriptions can also be searched on Freereg


D/P 193/1/1 Overall Date Range 1629 -1762

Baptisms 1629 -1740

1629-1630 Image 1 Mary Pamplin, William Greene, Anne Nichols, Robert Hammerstone, Joane Browne, Anne Bullard, Hohn Large, John Gallefaus, Phebe London, Ezra Day, William Greene, Thomas Linnet, Hannah Peartree, Hannah Prentice, Phebe Drane.πŸ“Œ
1630-1636 Image 2 Daniel Greene, Coffin, Mary Gilby, Mary Prentice, Henry Micklefield, Elizabeth Prior, John Brackley, Edward Mullines, Thomas Abraham, James London, Nathaniel Peartree, Edward Polley, Sarah Bynde, Joseph Wenden, Samuell Cooke, Dorothy Williamson, Elizabeth Williamson, Grace Smyth, Lawrence Macia, Susan Gilsby, John Prentice, Edward Backen, Sarah Langley, Thomas Nicolls, Henry Lange, John London, Richard Gallefaus, Margaret Greene, Sarah Rooke, Joseph Bowles, William Browne, Beniamin Brackley, Lettice Polley, Nathaniel Hayward, John Mullines, Hannah Mathewes, Anne Hall, Henry Large, John London, John Williamson, Edward Prentice, Robert Nicolls, William Peartree, Thomas Tottnam, William Gallefaus, Benjamin Sawen, Henry Mullines, Thomas Harding, John Cranfield, John Gilsby, Grace Rooke, Joseph Brackley, John Polley, John Prior, John Hammon, Edward Hammon, Mary Cooke, Thomas Carter, Margaret Green, Francis Bowles. πŸ“Œ
1636-1642 Image 3 Francis Banker, Mary Gallefaus, Anne Lance, Anne Totnam, Anne Saman, Mary London, Henry Sawen, Elizabeth Withason, Mary Tiffin, Stephen Wiat, Andrew Wiat, Mary Bunting, Sarah Mullnis, Sarah Leach, Jane Freeman, Samuell Large, Jonathan Brackley, Hannah Nicolls, Margaret Rooke, Ellen Drenlife, Nathaniel Harding, Thamal Halls, John Hatch, Edward London, Joseph Gallefaus, William Potter, Samuell Cockerill, Anne Sawen, Richard Yearling, William Bunting, Thomas Mullines, Dorothy Mullines, John Nicolls, Deborah Day, Anna Savile, Elizabeth Scruss, Susan Frouch, Deborah Prior, Margery Potter, John Cockrill, Thomas Hatch, Sarah London, Elizabeth Till, Sarah Gallefaus, William Harding, Abigale Rooke, John Boston, Joseph Cranfield, Edward Gilbey, Abigaile Scott, Mary Spurgen, Henry Prior, Jeane Parling, Thomas Savile, John Wakrise, Rose French, William Day, Daughter Prior, John Bunting, Sarah Hall, Thomas London, John Cockerill, Sarah Sawen, Thomas Large, Thomas Hatch, Ann Scrues, Jeremy Browne, Elizabeth Scott, Henry Harding, Hester Mullnis, Edmond Sewell, Robert Everad, Robert Plicall.πŸ“Œ
1642-1648 Image 4 Alice Gilbey, Mary Boyton, Jonathan French, Rebecca Savila, Thomas Prentise, Elizabeth Gallefaus, Sarah Yearling, Ellenn Williamson, John Savile, Daughter London, Henry Prior, Hester Cranfield, Sarah Bunting, Anne Troles, Mary Till, Richard Hatch, Stephen Totnam, Hannah Mullines, Harding, William Prentise, James Cranfield, Gilby, Anne Day, Thomas Leffingwell, Scott, Pryor, Elizabeth Allen, Edward Mullines, Sarah Greene, Elizabeth Everett, Sarah Till, Anne Scott, John Bunting, John Kent, Totnam, William Potter, Edward Peartree, Elizabeth Barker, Deborah Crab, John Prentise, Henry Tod, Mary Tracy, Elizabeth Theobald, Anne Allen, Thomas Cranfield, Abraham Mullens. πŸ“Œ
1649-1659 Image 5 Joseph Everet, John Sewell, William Guilet, Robert Troles, Elizabeth Tod, Elizabeth Evered, William Kent, Thomas Prsiihson, Sarah Leffingwell, Susannah Gowlet, Mathew Allen, Paihias Child, Coates Child, Daniel Greaves, Ginglets child, Thomas Everett, Abraham Hatch, Grace Leffingwell, Robert Limiet, Alice Crab, Mary Horne, Edward Hudson, Mary Pairtree, Daniel Green, Edward Gylel, Elizabeth Leffingwell, Alicia Richardson, Daughter Richardson, Nathaniel French, William Crabb, Son Trowles, Elizabeth Perkin, Francis Hunnick, Daughter Mole, Samuell Newton, Rose Eavils, Moyses Richardson, William Pairtree, Elizabeth Richardson, John Savile, Ann Thayers, Mary Linnett, Rose Crabb, Mary Alleyn, Son Gylel, Sarah Browne, Daughter Leffingwell, Daughter Perkin, Ellen Prentice, Daughter French, Nathaniel Mole, William Hatch, Henry Prentice, Hannah Claypool, Anna Newton, John Richardson, William Prentice, Susannah Prentice, Thomas Wade, Son Leffingwell, Solomon Carter, William Crabb, Robert Prentice, Sarah Linnet, James Mole, Son Browne, John Alleyn, Mary London, Samuell Richardson. πŸ“Œ
1659-1670 Image 6 John Potter, Elizabeth Webb, John Prentice, Everet Alleyn, Ann Potter, Samuell London, Mehelibell Prentice, Thomas Blackling, Susannah Bowles, Jane Hudson, Samuell Prentice, Richard London, John Potter, Mary Osborne, Mary Scott, William Scott, John Pennock, Thomas Pennock, Guy Pennock, Jeremiah Browne, Sarah Browne, Hellen Browne, Elizabeth Browne, Ann Jarrett, Hannah Linnet, John Cranfield, Sarah Cranfield, Joseph Pairtree, William Bunting, John Ours, Elizabeth Ours, John Hammond, Hannah Hammond, Frances Nicholls, Barnabas Pairtree, John Upwood, Elizabeth Upwood, Elizabeth Hammond, Elizabeth King, Dorothy Greene, Martha Osborne, John Cranfield, Mary Carter, Nathaniel Potter, Frances Nevile, Ann Upwood, Ann Stowin, Ann Nicholls, Stephen Surry, Joseph Cranfield, John Tybballs, John Prentice, John Hatch, Joseph Brackley, Mary Outs, Jane Pairtree, Elizabeth London, Ann Prentice, Samuell Cranfield, James Potter, Margaret King, Phebe London, Hannah Hull, Elizabeth Nicholls, Daniel Nevile, Georg Cranfield, Hannah Ardly, Thomas Brackly, John Brackly, Daniel Constable, Susannah Nicholls, Benjamin Brackly, Mary Hull, Mary Cranfield, John London, John Nevile, John Shelly, Esther Brackly. πŸ“Œ
1671-1678 Image 7 William Hull, Mary Perkins, Francis Stead, Joseph Emmery, Thomas Emmery, Mary Fuller, Mary Leffingwell, Mary Nicholls, Dorothy Perkins, Thomas Leffingwell, Sarah Harrington, Samuell Prentice, Mary Stead, Mary Emmery, Henry Read, Moyses Rush, Mary Cranfield, Thomas Everett, John Nicholls, Dorothy Hull, Edward Potter, Robert Linnett, Rose Forebanch, Martha Perkins, Martha Leffingwell, Elizabeth Shelly, Judith Newton, John Bray, Joseph Cranfield, Robert Cranfield, Jacob Cranfield, Robert Fuller, Margaret Harrington, Georg Potter, Martha Wendon, Elizabeth Nicholls, Robert Emmery, Sarah Emmery, Benjamin Rooke, Daniell Rooke, Elizabeth Bowles, Thomas Bowles, Hannah Rush, Frances Stead, William Oddy, Thomas Parish, Samuell Brewster, Margaret Hull, Sarah Linnett, Elizabeth Forebanch , Thomas Perkins, Susannah Tyffin, John Mead, Edward Mead, Elizabeth Spicer, Rebeccah Parish, Mary Shelly, William EmmeryπŸ“Œ
1678-1684 Image 8 Samuell Emmery, Annah Emmery, Martha Emmery, Hannah Claypoole, John Claypoole, Thomas Claypoole, James Claypoole, Elizabeth Claypoole, Annah Fuller, Solomon Oddy, Mary Harrington, Mary Nicholls, John Newton, Simon Cranfield, William Hudson, Thomas Wade, Elizabeth Stead, John Lency, Mary Linnett, John Hull, Mary Tyffin, Mary Potter, Mary Savill, Elizabeth Nicholls, Annie Parish, William Shelly, Elizabeth Leffingwell, Susannah Hull, Thomas Kent, John Lawsell, Elizabeth Fuller, Elizabeth Harrington, Anna Hutly, Richard Forebanch, Susannah Forebanch, Elizabeth Savill, Elizabeth Oddy, Samuell Newton, Mary Plum, Mary Lency, Anna Nicholls, Isaac Cross, Tobyas Leffingwell, Benjamin Trym, Elizabeth Hull, Isaac Brewster, Barbara Bridge, John Linnett, Sarah Hayward, Zepholinus Hoy, William Bunting, Elizabeth Burroughs, John Savill, John Amery, Henry Lawsell, Ann Potter, John Allen, Thomas Clark, Georg Ourb, Rebecca Ourb, John Ourb, Rose Hayward, John Stead, Mary Aves, John Brewster, Mary Leffingwell, Frances Forebanch, Anna Prentice, Martha Hull, Sarah Brackly, Edward Parry, Thomas Gloss, Charles Hoy, Joseph Bunting, Sarah Tyffin, Margaret Newton, William Mead, Elizabeth Mead, Hugh Polly, John Clarke, Thomas Key, Mary Alleyn, Mary Beard, John Beard.πŸ“Œ
1684-1692 Image 9. John Aves, William Cant, Charles Forebanch, Benjamin Hull, Thomas Linnet, Thomas Pattey, Thomas Warford, John Linnet, Joseph Alleyn, Elizabeth Polly, Ezra Wade, Nathaniel Wade, Robert Prentice, Elizabeth Hull, Hannah Linnet, Hannah Beard, Anna Lansell, Mary Wright, Isaac Parmeter, John Fuller, Mary Gunner, John Parkin, Thomas Argent, Sarah Nicholls, Malcon Forbanch, Elizabeth Hoy, Margaret Cross, Francess Tyffin, Sarah Key, Richard Parry, Sarah Smith, ? Sawyer, William Grimmond, Robert Emery, Enny Perry, John Linnett, Thomas Mead, Hannah Linet, Ann Hatch, Mary Read, Ann Tyffin, Ann Hoy, Richard Alsop, Mary Crosse, Thomas Laffelly, George Beard, Son Perry, Son Affen, Son Brackley, Daughter Pennock,Mary Clark, Thomas Stead, Jeremiah Perkins, Elizabeth Wade, James Smith, Thomas Warford, James Warford, Thomas Mead, Martha Linnett, Richard Hoy, John Allon, Sarah Lomnett, Sarah Argent, Isaac Cross, Ann Pavoy, Steven Bunting, Richard Coos, James Lenott, Elizabeth Clark, Hannah Pator, Geoffrey Mead, John Lonnott, James Ward, Ann Hoy, John Tifing, John Shuis, Grace Burton, Joyse Allen, Robert Allen, Marey Braseley, Mary Argent, Mary Lonnott, Richard Mead, Rebecca Baud, Elizabeth Baud, Gefse Loneh, Robert Prenties. πŸ“Œ
1692-1705 Image 10 Sarah Coe, Ahana Gallfance, Frances Tiffin, Ester Puter, Ann Cross, Catron Shrine, Sary Bland, Thomas Senett, Judy Pary, John Cooe, Isaac Brent, Sary Bunten, William Bard, John Wellsher, Sarah Lenett, Edward Contal, John Perry, Margaret Brackley, Joseph Tiffin, Mary Rust, Marke Poulter, Ralnal Cross, Hannah Parmenter, John Burke, Thomas Coe, Martha Hoy, Mary Leppingwell, Francis Totnam, Mary Emery, Elizabeth Boutel, William Hatch, Mary Hatch, John Parris, Sarah Braes, William Pairtree, Abraham Lay, John Beard, Elizabeth Day, James Jay, Frances Brackley, Martha Hoy, Daughter Waking, Joseph Linnett, Edward Bray, Ann Beard, Katherine Totnam, Edward Hatch, Elizabeth Penns, Mary Martin, Elizabeth East, Unclear, Unclear, Elizabeth Boosey, Thomas, Martha Poulter, Edward Boaws, John Boaws, Mary Boales, Richard Orrs.πŸ“Œ
1706-1718 Image 11 Sarah Brackley, Deborah Richardson, Elizabeth Wilkinson, Margaret Wilkinson, Joseph Clarke, Richard Manning, Thomas Maisent, Philip Linet, Ann Linet, Thomas Martin, Esther Booly, John Lay, Elizabeth Morry, Thomas Brown, John Brown, John Perkin, Judith Boosey, Solomon Boosey, John Hurril, Sarah Hurril, John Scot, Mary Clarke, John Ware,Joseph Brackley, William Horel Barely, Joseph Emery, Elizabeth Emery, Jane Ware, Henry Rige, Mary Rige, Ann Tiffin, Elizabeth Praner, Sarah Boosey, Ann Potter, John Tillet, Simon Polter, William Osborne, John Potter, Mary Wade, Golding Prentice, Luke Pewter, Anne Fuller, Anne Smith, Martha Emmery, Abraham Prentice, Mary Prentice, Samuel Prentice, Elizabeth Prentice, Mary Wakelin, William Bland, Martha Bland, Thomas WadeπŸ“Œ
1719-1724 Image 12 George Manley, Dorcas Wenden, Martha Wenden, George Wade, Mary Potter, Sarah Linnett, John Linnett, William Ringer, Thomas Kendall, Ann Kendall, James Brown, John Brown, Isaac Brown, John Linnet, Elizabeth Hoy, John Clark, Susannah Wade, Mary Boosey, Mary Hoy, Elizabeth Hoy, Martha Hoy, Mary Hoy, John Tiffin, Thomas Herril, Mary Herril, Anne Herril, John Hoy, John Hoy, Ann Parnell, John Boles, Thomas Sted, Elizabeth Sted, Ann Sted, William Hay, William Emery, Elizabeth Emery, Mary Emery, Mary Prentice, Robert Barron, John Brunning, Thomas Tiffin, George Potter, Mary Prentice, William Hoy, Thomas Clark, Sarah Ingate, John Wade, George Wade, Sarah Leech, James Brown, George Hurrel, Henry Gallifence, Sarah Kent, Hannah Martin, Sarah Carter, Elizabeth Kent, Mary Ady, Parnol Prenties, Sarah Hull, Mary Barret, Elizabeth Barret, Susan Barret, Robert Tiffin, Mary Linnet, Right Owen, Rebecca Owen, Sarah, Owen, Mary Owen, Susan Owen, John Wash, Elizabeth FullerπŸ“Œ
1725-1731 Image 13 William Berring, Elizabeth Berring, Charles Manning, Matthew Denver, Judith Stead, Sarah Linnet, John Brown, William Wade, Jeremiah Barret, Susan Hoy, William Tiffin, Sarah Prentice, Anne Wash, James Brackley, Isaac Brown, Thomas Kemp, Sarah Aden, William Prentice, Golden Prentice, Jeremiah Ringer, William Lazill, Mary Linnett, Robin Linnett, Jno Aldgate, Batt Johnson, Elizabeth Gallifans, Sarah Gallifans, Frances Barrett, Martha Barrett, Mary Borely, Lidia Borely, Rose Borely, Thomas Wade, Sarah Wade, Martha Hoy, Isaac Creak, Jno Wade, Phillip Tiffin, Robert Fuller, Jane Hoy, Thomas Miller, William Miller, Elizabeth Morley, John Wade, Judith Brown, George Beard, William Creak, George Fuller, Mary Pewter, Samuell Pewter, William Pewter, Elizabeth Wade, William Wade, Sarah Jay, Sarah Wade, Mary Charrington, John Jacob Morley, Rebecca Mead, Sarah Tiffin, Ann Sparke, Frances Berring, Mary Hoy, Mary Ady, James Linnet, Son Wade.πŸ“Œ
1731-1737 Image 14. Mary Wash, Robert Miller, Sarah Linnett, Ambrose Wicker, Hildebrand Morley, Elizabeth Lazell, Caroline Massey, William Jerman, James Daw, John Brown, Elizabeth Jackson, John Sparke, Allington Morley, Thomas Hoy, William Wade, Elizabeth Beard, Mariam Martin, Thomas Manning, Margarett Brean, Allington Morley, William Brown, Sarah Wash, Mary Beard, John Scott, Martha Pewter, Edward Wade, John Miller, William Beard, Elizabeth Creak, Anne Jerman, Anne Linnet, Mary Sparke, Thomas Morley, Mary Green, Ann Manning, James Wade Thomas Owers, Isaac Owers, Richard Manning, Sarah Pain, Thomas Wash, Jackson, Thomas Rampin, William Charrington, Thomas Brown, Robert Beard, Sarah Powter, William Lazell, Susan Barnard, Elizabeth Barnard, Abraham Prentice, Dorothy Morley, Ann Wade, Ann Taylor, Thomas Rampin, Everitt, Charles Manning, James Miller, Joshua Jackson, Sarah Lazell, Mary Barnard, Simon Powter, John Powter.πŸ“Œ
1737-1740 Image 15 Ann Barrett, Elizabeth Morley, Martha Jerman, Charles Manning, Martha Brackley, Elisabeth Haukshaw, Susannah Smith, Mary Dodd, Ann Charrington, Mary Pain, John Green, Isaac Wade, John Jackson, Mary Brown, James Wade, Ann Powter, Judeth Lazell, Ann Wade, James Miller, Thomas Wash, Daniell Wash, Bridgett Beard, Mary Manning, Bary Morley, Son Ringer, Mary Ringer, Susannah Wade, Hannah Hyam, Joseph Bland, Samuell Manning, Jeffry Wash, Mary Wash, Rebecca Beard.πŸ“Œ
1679 Image 36 Elizabeth Steffney πŸ“Œ

Burials 1629-1762

1629-1632 Image 21 Edward Lister, Ezra Day, Hugh Clarke, John Finch, Robert Rutland, Joane Ellis, James Withamsonne, Susan Binche, William Barker, Elizabeth Brackley, Margaret Bucke, Christopher Crab, William Crab, Henry Sawen, French, John Potter, Ellen Prentice, Rose Day, John Sawen, Rookes Child, John Wenden, Dorothy Williamson, Anne Peartree. πŸ“Œ
1632-1639 Image 22 Elizabeth Withamson, John London, Henry Large, Sarah Langley, Rachell Betts, Robert Nicolls, Judith Innowes,Thomas Finch, Anne Crab, John French, Rose Drane, Joanne Koe, Margaret Spilman, William Peartree, William Haners, Child Gilbey, Nicholas Ive, Barnabie Peartree, Widow Norman, William Greene, Edward Mullines, William Greene, Old Brownes Wife, Anne Nicholls, Thomas Prentise, Mary Harvy, daughter Starling, Mary Bunting, Joane Yearling, Priscilla Ernok, Barkers Child, Henry Mullins, Margaret Mullins, Lungleys Child, Joane Lungley, Robert Nicholl, Alice Hummerstone, Robert Leppingwell, Samuell Laroe, Witham Koe, Robert Potter, Joane Wiatt, John Hudson, Francis Barker, Margaret Leppingwell, Robert Sones, Benjamin Sawen, vagrant child, Richard Gallefaus, Roger Leach, John Hayes, Hannah Nicholls, Infant Brownes, Joseph Gallefanc, Widow Sawen, John Troles, Widow Harvy, William Crab, Audry Hayward, Margaret Spurgeon, Priors Child, Jeremy Browne, Rebecca Prentise, Widow Bunting, Margaret Greave, Harry Prentise, Dayos Child, John Hamond, Mary Prentise, Thomas Mullins, Dorothy Mullins, Thomas Linnet.πŸ“Œ
1639-1648 Image 23 Widow Loweday, Joseph Bowles, Mary Man, Mary Prentise, Joane Brewer, Mary Greene, Margery Potter, Baytons Child, Brownes Child, Henry Prior, Child Prentise, Anthony Torl, Dorothy Williamson, Thomas Porter, Henry Sawen, Edward London, Roger Prentise, Humfry, Joseph Niccoll, Wife Boyten, John Bunting, Two vagrant children, Robert Lazell, Sarah Bind, Hester Cranfield, Brewers Daughter, John Greene, John Williamson, Mary Troles, Widow French, Aymise Prentise, Richard Allen, Mary Prentise, Thomas Prentise, Daughter Yearling, Robert Enared, Clym Lenton, Susan Froles, Robert Forne, Henry Mullines, Henry Michlefield, John Fisher, John Savile, Henry Gallofans, Elizabeth Hatch, Edward Miller, Son Everett, Dranes Daughter, Old James, Elizabeth Hale, Griletts Wife, Henry Micklefield, Elizabeth Allen, Anne Chadwicke, Wife Edwards, Anne Greene, Robert Linnst, Phoebe London, Roger London, Widow Lazell, Old Spurgeon, Old Hills wife, Edwards son, Wife Man widow, Old Bucke, Robert Linnet, Old Hills, Anne Linnet. πŸ“Œ
1648-1662 Image 24 Abraham Mullins, William Pryor, Thomas Everett, Harry Prior, Mary Pryor, Widow Browne, Daniell Greene, William Micklefield, Anne Allen, James Niccolls, Isabell Gallofans, John Crab, William Prior and two of his children, Two children of William Crab, William Sparke, Widow Horne, Widow Thaynes, John Brown, Thomas Kent, Linnetts Wife, Mary Tracy and her two children, Joseph Everett, Wife Bontes, William Prentise, Richard Crab, Thomas Brackley, Elizabeth Richardson, Moyses Richardson, Elizabeth Gilbey, Ruth Day, Edward Polly, Robert Leffingwell, William Richardson, Leticia Polly, William Crabb, Sarah Mullins, Child Mole, Robert Hatch, Widow Spark, William Bunting, Robert Linnet, Son Mole, Wife Gutlet, Widow Buntings, Son Franklyn, Leticia Polly, Child Troull, Widow Micklefield, Robert Prentice, Hellenah Moors, Judith Allen, Henry Prentice, John Humfrey, Hellenah Prentice, Benjamin Lenton, Thomas Osborne, Wife North, Thomas Hatch, Widdow Allen, Mary London, Thomas Osborn, Richard Yearland, Wife Prentice, Bartholomew Micklefield, Ezrah Day, Daughter Osborne, Adam Polly, Wife Warner, Everet Allen. πŸ“Œ
1663-74 Image 25 Martha Osbourn, John Guylet, Ann Hudson, Adery Tyballs, Joseph Pairtree, Widow Troclel, Matthew Allen, Nathaniell Halls, Ann Crow, Robert Moore, John Hammond, Edward Pairtree, Wife Barker, Ann Jarret, Grace Hammond, Giles Gilbey, Elizabeth Browne, Barnabas Pairtree, Elizabeth Letch, Wife Till, Stephen Surrey, John Prentice, Alicia Leffingwell, Jane Bedell, Sarah Mullend, Robert Pairtree, Ann Canny, Wife Gylet, Widow Rudland, Robert Pairtree, Robert Till, Robert Emmery, Nathaniell Harding, Robert Nicholls, William Seburne, Child Harding, Robert Alleyn, Joseph Cranfield, Ann Hatch, Hannah Ardlyeh, Simeon Haward, Joseph Greene, Child Emmeryel, John Savill, Elizabeth Leffingwell, Joseph Harrington, Margaret Brackly, Susannah Pairtree, Hannah Nicholes, Robert Hatch, Susannah Purcas, Joannah Pryor, Henry Pryor, William Prentice, Mary Greene, Elizabeth Upwood, Ambross Rust, Margaret Rust, Dorothy Letch, Joanna Browne, Ann Fuller, John Polly, Sarah London, Widow Powley, Samuel Prentice, Frances Stead, Widow Leffingwell, Elizabeth Leffingwell, Sarah Cranfield, Elizabeth Savill, Mary Nichols, James Rookes πŸ“Œ
1675-81 Image 26 Alicia Leffingwell, Mary Nicholls, Widow Hatch, Mary Spicer, Jonathan French, The mad woman’s child, Ann Pennock, Wife Troules, Mary Nevill, Child Gilbey, Elizabeth Nicholls, Clement Leffingwell, Wife Brewster, Child Cranfield, John Hutton, Sarah Cranfield, Old Latch, Sarah Pairtree, Child King, Thomas Parish, Moyses Rust, Child Nicholls, Samuell Prentice, Child Upwood, Edward Hudson, Sarah Parish, Richard Hayward, Michaell Hayward, Clemence Gilbey, John Potter, Margaret Harrington, Joseph Cranfield, Hannah Smith, Georg Upwood, Ann Prentice, Sarah Leach, Mary Linnett, Thomas Amery, Thomas Perkins, Widow Rookes, Goodman Gallifants, Thomas Theobalds alias Tybballs, John Wiltshire, Dorothy Hull, Ann Pryor, Mary Neave, Mary Guylet, Mary Cooke, Mary Stead, Alicia Gallifants, Mary Burroughs, Robert Pairtree, John King, Son Potter, Grace Oddy, Elizabeth Alleyn, Hellena Quilter, Thomas Leman, son Gallifants, Daniell Nevill, Mary Upwood, Benjamin Brackley, Alicia Yearling, Thomas Cranfield. πŸ“Œ
1681-89 Image 27 Widow Harding, Jane Yearling, Hannah Wright, Elizabeth Wade, Mary Warford, Tobyas Leffingwell, Elizabeth Hud, Alicia Brackley, John Trowles, Elizabeth Oddy, Stillborn Stead,William Pamphlyn, Isaac Brewster, Elizabeth Burroughs, Child Quilter, Alicia Bunting, John Meade, Sybilla Savill, Francys Brackley, Martha Hull, Franciss Forabanch, Robert Amery, Elizabeth Burroughs, Anna Tybbles or Theobalds, Thomas Key, John Ours, Mary Aves, Thomas Kent, Robert Potter, Child Warford, John Beard, Jane Greene, stillborn Wright, Child Stead, John Barker, Child French, Child Stead, stillborn Key, John Linnett, Ezra Wade, Nathaniel Wade, Elizabeth Wade, Johanna Prentice, Robert Prentice, Son Amery, Mary Wright, Hannah Linnet, Thomas Warford, Abigail Cranfield, Mary Linnet, Grace Kor, Isaac Cross, Mary Leffingwell, Rose French, Richard Parry, Thomas Perkins, Anne Barrett, John Nicholls, Sarah Plumb, Robert Linnel, John Beard, Mathew Forebanch, Daughter Wright, Thomas Mead, Arabella Siday, Elizabeth Milbey, Hannah Brown, Rebecca Nevill, Mary Hull, Dorothy Upworth, Francis Hunnick, Elizabeth Forebanch, Tobias Leppingwell, Susannah Scott, Hannah Rush, Mary Chandler, Thomas Savill, Child Almond, Sanders Scott, George Warfort, Wi.. Guilett, child Linnett, Ann Parflin, Child Brackley, Moses Rush. πŸ“Œ
1689-99 Image 28 Moses Rust, Ann Jenning, John Quilter, Johnthin French, Mr Sawyer, Richard Sidney, Wife Prenties, Daughter Turnerl, Wife Prenties, Son Emery, Grase Leppenwill, Samuell London, John Brackley, Son Brackley, Daughter Turner, John Cranfild, man Jonni, Susan Birkow, Sidway Prenties, William Prenties, William Noutton, John Shriw, Thomas Leppingwell, Rebaca Massotll, Ann Gallofance, Elizabeth Savall, Mary Bunton, Mary Brackley, Samuell London, Old Finder, Son Wollerson, Elizabeth Weal, Anne Brown, Saviry Cant, Andrew Pary, Jane Hutsson, Margarret Mead, Elizabeth Parmenter, Moses Rust, Thomas Linnet, Sarah Bunting, Elizabeth Hammond, Hannah Paulter, Jane Harding, Son Brackley, Joseph Brackley, Son Wade, Martha Packer, Joseph Wenden, Jar Haller, George, Haller, Child Lazells, John Lazil, Widow Wenden, Jacob Moe, Elizabeth Fig, Jhon ..., Richard Coe, Thomas Aport, Edward Perry, Martha Leffingwell, Johannah Thornton, Esther Anderas, Roger Shqd, Martha Perkins, John Nicols πŸ“Œ
1699-1713 Image 29 Martha Brewster, Child Sparke, Elizabeth BaH, Mary London, Benjamin Brackley, Margaret Gallifants, Elizabeth Jantred, Roger Shryd, Susan Crisp, Sarah Brackley, John Clarke, Alice Shy, Janet Cartington, Elizabeth Linnet, John Barinl, Edward Potter, William Foy, Ann Crow, John Rolan, Sut.. Bur.., Son Rapor, John Poulter, Esther Brackley, Martha Ligiam, Mary Pinity, Child Rust, Mary Rust, Daughter Martin, William Hatch, Solomon Warford, Widow Wictshier, Child Emery, Widow Wiltshire, Child Brackley, Child Manr, William Gallifants, Edmond Hammond, Child Morris, Elizabeth Bigfest, Child Lay, Child Brackley, John Brackley, John Perkins, Mary Bunting, Elizabeth Loinr, Ann Emery, Lake Wash, Sarah Linnet, William Perkins, Sarah Gris, Elizabeth Kenl, Thomas Wright πŸ“Œ
1713-22 Image 30 John Speke, Sarah Howard, Ann Hull, Elizabeth Perkin, Mary Parker, William Gallefants, John Hall, John Brown, Thomas Brown, Thomas Brown, Daughter Purvris, Elizabeth Baker, Margaret Lay, John Emery, Rebecca Miller, Ri: Manning, William Prentiss, Golden Prentiss, John Clark, Elizabeth Manning, Elizabeth Cawdell, Child Eades, Child Brown, Martha Prentis, Elizabeth Hobbs, Martha Emery, Jeremy Ringer, Mary ..., Child Barley, Joseph Fi...n, George, Child Barnes, Thomas C...., John Linnet, Elizabeth Hatch, Widow Brown, John Snell, Benjamin Mellder, Child Grlliff, Child Hoy, Sarah Prentis, Henry Gallifant, Ann Gallifant, Sarah Graver, Robert Linnett, Mary Wade, Golding Prentis, Thomas Leapingwell, Ann Manning, Jeremiah Brown, Rachavol Condol, Elizabeth Hatch, Catherine Clark, Thomasine Prentice, Sarah Prentice, William Linnet. πŸ“Œ
1722-31 Image 31 Sarah Smith, Alice Bray, Martha Hoy, Jane Wade, Edward Bray, William Hoy, Mary Brown, Mary Emery, Ann Potter, Mary Leech, Ruth Linnet, Henry Ringer, Sarah Shrive, Samuel Browser, Martha Gallifance, Elizabeth Hoy, Luke Powter, Sarah Little, John Prentise, William Brown, Joseph Emery, Child Lassell, Edward Wash, Robert Linnett, Judith Frost, Thomas Linnet, Ann Perry, Mary Wash, Lydia Hoy, Child Linnett, Susanna Hoy, Mary Ringer, William Hoy, Sarah Prentis, Mary Emery, Robert Linnet, Ann Barrett, Thomas Prentice, Sarah Green, John Harrington, George Beard, Anne Beard, John Barrett, Mary Linnett, Susannah Powter, Ellen Howard, Ann Fuller, Thomas Wilkinson, George Wade, Amy Brown, Mary Argent, William Creak, William Beard, Wife Wiltshire, Rose Martin, Jane Hoy, Edward Boosey, William Prentice, Edmund Gold, Sarah Brackley, Elizabeth Hoy, Sarah Linnett, Ambrose Wicker, Daniell Hoy, Thomas Wakelin, Mary Wash, Jane Brackley. πŸ“Œ
1731-38 Image 32 Sarah Wade, Thomas Wade, Edward Sewell, Sarah Hoy, John Wade, Thomas Stedd, Robert Prentice, Gould, Sarah Wade, Allington Morley, Thomas Brackley, Joseph Linnett, Mary Powter, Robert Bloomfeild, Child Wilkinson, Francis Hammond, William Beard, William Carrington, Elizabeth Emery, Elizabeth Manning, Robert Tracey, William Bland, Sarah Lazell, Anne Creak, Edward Boosey, Sarah Linnett, Alice Lazell, Martha Boosey, Elizabeth Benning, Wright Owers, Ann Manning, Thomas Brown, Hannah Boosey, James Wade, Simon Powter, Mary Brackley, James Miller, Richard London, Thomas Brown, Isaac Tillot, Mary Barnard, Charles Manning, Thomas Kemp, Child Powter, Frances Totman, Martha Brackley, Sarah Ady, Matthew Powter, Susan Wilkinson Thomas Wash, Widow Hoy, Daniel Wash, John Jackson, Daniel Manning. πŸ“Œ
1738-47 Image 33 Rebeccah Owers, John Brean, Thomas Linnett, Wife Holiday,William Baker, Joseph Brackley, Wife Owers, Child Morley, Wife Pain, Martha Manning, Child Wash, George Potter, Timothy Morley, Mark Powter, Child Powter, Child Powter, Mary Ruffle, Samuell Linnett, William Emerey, June Manning, Labourer from Bocking, Child Brown, Widow Powter, Child Davis, Widow Holiday, Child Holiday, Child Wade, Mary Wash (Entered twice), Sarah Beard, Child Linnet, John Lazell, John Owers, Dorcas Wenden, Sarah Bland, John Bridge, Hannah Gossling, Aaron Ady, John Beard, Elizabeth Tillott, William Miller, John Brown, Deborah Sidy, Mary London, Thomas Brown, John Perkin, Elizabeth Prentice, Widow Bridge, Katherine Linnett, George Barnard, Son Hart, Widow Potter, Edward Potter, Child Creek, Child Fuller, Child Manning, John Brean, William Ruffle, Widow Bowles, Ann Sted, Mary Wakelin πŸ“Œ
1748-58 Image 34 Mary Hurril, John Boosey, Sarah Hurrill, Child Webb, Aaron Ady, Benjamin Ward, John Spark, James Brown, Mary Linnett, John Bland, William Browning, Sarah Ringer, William Wash, Anne Sparke, Mary Sparke, Susannah Eades, Elizabeth Bootle, Son Raffle, Child Bridge, Thomas Morley, Frances Brackley, Sarah Bland, Elisabeth Maissant, John Fincham, Sarah Wilkinson, Child Ringer, Robin Pain, Child Dam, Child Ringer, Child Ringer, Child Baker, Daniell Bland, Child Herington, Thomas Martin, Sarah Wade, Thomas Brackly, Sarah Sparke, Son Ruffle, Ann Prentice, Johnson, Elizabeth Berring, Daniel Sidey, Wife Hervey, Mary Wilkinson, Child Mead, William Beard, Mary Brown, Mary Kendall, Mary Boosey, William Kendall, Elizabeth Bridge, Daniel Miller, Lydia Betts, Child Pudney, John Bacon, Widow Bridge, Mary Hoy, John Tillot, George Wade, Will Wade, Miriam Gould, Robert Bromfield, John Wiatt, Daniel Maisent. πŸ“Œ
1758-63 Image 35 Richard Sidey, Child Dod, Harry Ringer, Elizabeth Okes, Widow Linnett, Widow Potter, William Longdinnet, Isaac Brown, Mary Cooper, Widow Linnet, Hannah Wodley, Mary Nab, Ann Nab, James Parish, John Jacob Oakes, John Fincham, Isaac Brown, William Kemp, James Perry, Hannah Butcher, Hannah Hals, Ann Linnet, Sarah Beard, John Hoy, Sarah Bracley, Parnell Prentice, Elizabeth Bootle, Edward Warren, Anne Beard, Elisabeth Browning, William Smith, Ann Halls, Susan Pudney, James Smith, Widow Martin, Jeremiah Brown, Hannah Manning, William Ward, Susannah Bowles, John Bootle, Elizabeth Linnet, Ann Johnson, Thomas Linnet. πŸ“Œ

Marriages 1629-1754

1658 Image 4 William Poole and Mary KingeπŸ“Œ
1629-36 Image 15 John Turner and Anne Finch, John Simpson and Elizabeth Steele, Adam Polley and Lettice Browne, Thomas Hall and Anne Peartree, Robert Till and Mary Potter, Mathew Buick and Ellenor Mullins, John Williamson and Dorothy Ashbye, John Starling and Anne Mullins, Richard Packer and Anne Leppingwell, Peter Plum and Anne Bucke, William Heckford and Susanna Wade, William Copping and Joane Dod, Henry Sawen and Edith Lenton, Ezra Day and Ellen Crabb , Henry Leach and Elizabeth Alderton, John Danes and Thomason Willet, John Clarke and Elizabeth Pratt, William Hardey and Sarah Prentis, William Hill and Margery Lanse, Edward Haxell and Hellen Till, Thomas Osborne and Sarah Westly, Thomas Mullines and Katherine Harrington. πŸ“Œ
1637-63 Image 16 Thomas Hickman and Mary Wakering, John Savile and Elizabeth Wood, Thomas Haell and Anne Bragge, Edmond Yeoman and Joane Copping, John Yeoman and Rebecca Acocke, Edward Till and Rose Totnam, William Kendall and Jane Potter, Arthur Isam and Elizabeth Sweeting, John Frost and Mary Andrewes, Richard Tiffin and Margarett Cotman, John Sparke and Margaret Lucas, Thomas Leffingwell and Grace Gray, Thomas Thebold and Adry Sparke, Reynold Tracy and Mary Browne, William Potter and Mary Tod, Thomas ? and Margret Bowly, John Hall and Ellen Birdock, Robert Hatch and Anne Crab, John Layer and Joane Cage, Thomas Leffingwell and Elizabeth Prentise, Thomas Horner and Joane Browne, Robert Moore and Ellyn French, Nicholas Neale and Frances Micklefield, John Perkin and Elizabeth Barker, John Scott and Bridget Hoy, Moyses Richardson and Grace Fletcher, William Pairtree and Rose Shelly, William Seaber and Rose Crabb, Thomas Sammon and Mary Nun, Thomas Cowell and Sarah Brown, William Browne and Sarah Steele, William Prentice and Ann Wendon see/2 image 4 , John Polly and Sarah Leffingwell, Adam Polly and Elizabeth Ged, Robert Prentice and Ann Burton , Samuel London and Mary Bridge, William Hatch and Ann Halls, Solomon Carter and Rose Potter, Matthew Allen and Elizabeth Everet, Robert Nicholls and Ann Boughton, Humpfrey Daniell and Sarah Skingly, Martin Carter and Elizabeth Woolmer, Gilbert Liffon and Ann Hatch.πŸ“Œ
1664-95 Image 17 Robert Oddy and Grace Leffingwell, Joseph Brackly and Alicia Fosset, James Wheeler and Sarah Savill, John Brackly and Mary Barker, John Boosy and Dorcas Pryor, William Seburn and Ann Day, William Barker and Susannah Sawkins, William Lewis and Margaret Large, Georg Land and Mary Till, John Yearling and Jane Pairtree, Robert Potter and Mary Prentice, George Spicer and Jane Yearling, David Bray and Alicia Gilbey, Solomon Oddy and Mary Webb, Guy Pennock and Mary Mabourn, Thomas Kent and Sarah Butcher, James Cranfield and Abigaile Rooke, John Troules and Elizabeth Coppyn, Edward Sowell and Elizabeth Brewer, Isaac Cross And Margaret Crosse, John Allein and Mary Wendon, William Bunting and Ann Guylet, Richard Parry and Elizabeth Amery, Samuell Newton and Susannah Alliston, Moses Richardson and Judith Smith, William Bower and Phebe Maklam, Robert Rosse and Elizabeth Arnold, William Cant and Mary London, Thomas Argent and Sarah Kent, Guy Pennock and Mary Pennock, Will Bunting and Mary Willows, Mr Wale and Lidia Andrewes, Thomas D?and Frances H? πŸ“Œ
1696-1729 Image 18 Samuel Jay and Rose Snell, John Spouke and Mary Hull, George Poll and Mary Fuller, William Emery and Mary Chandler, John Bray and Sarah Harpig, George Smith and Sarah Clarke, Christopher Ring and Elizabeth Guns, John Harrington and Sarah Emery, Henry Gallafants and Ann Taylor, Thomas Martin and Rose Linnet, John Rocely and Esther Jones, Willson Woodard and Esther Poalter, John Sirilee and Elizabeth Hatch, Joseph Brackley and Mary Leppingwell, John Godfrey and Katherin Jonwr, Harry Ringer and Mary Clarke, Thomas Brasier and Danaris Richardson, George Broad and Ann Emery. George Wade and Jane Wade, Daniel Manning and Elizabeth Richardson, John Eades and Susan Hull, John Johnson and Anne Tiffin, Thomas Ringer and Hannah Spurrey, Daniel Polley and Rebecca Brand, Dr Rague and Elizabeth Big, Joseph Wilkinson and Elizabeth Bowtel, John Wilkinson and Sarah Wade, Phillip Baker and Sarah Bland, John Poulter and Sarah Linnet, Thomas Allgate and Mary Linnet, Samuel Guyon and Judith Perry, George Wade and Sara Scot, John Ambrose and Mary Puter, John Hoy and Elizabeth Wilkinson, John Linnet and Mary Barret, Henry Wakefield and Elizabeth Baker, Isaac Creak and Ann Beard, Donald Smith and Frances Barret, Daniell Miller Nd Elizabeth Garlam, Richard Newton and Mary Hayward. πŸ“Œ
1729-43 Image 19 John Maissent and Mary Sparke, John Sparke and Ann Wakelin, William Charrington and Ann Reynolds, John Osborne and Mary Linnet, Solomon Jackson and Hannah Martin, John Scot and Mary Lay, Walter Pees and Sarah Harrington, Golden Boosey and Margarett Dyster, Isaac Brown and Ann Peartree, William Jerman and Ann Smith, Ambrose Wicker and Katherine Totman, Thomas Manning and Rachel Peartree, Edward Wells and Martha Powter, Abraham Prentice and Mary Ady, Simon Powter and Martha Wilkins, Robert Tracey and Sarah Brackley, Wright Owers and Catherine Clark, John Walford and Rebekkah Miller, Thomas Barrell and Bridgett Winn, John Overhill and Catherine Wicker, John Everett and Sarah Saunders, Richard Manning and Mary Till, Thomas Brown and Elizabeth Taylor, John Lazell and Hannah Cook, Thomas Rampin and Sarah Tracey, William Emery and Hannah Newton, John Lazell and Catherine Owers, Charles Haukshaw and Elizabeth Maissent, Joseph Brackley and Martha Smith, Joseph Bracley and Anne Cramer, Isaac Barker and Mary Cook, Richard Bridge and Grace Allen, William Ringer and Jane Wade, Francis Cooper and Mary Man, John Fincham and Elizabeth Manning, John Harvey and Widow Kerrington, John Waters and Elizabeth Harrison, Noah Goody and Martha Manning, William Bland and Elizabeth Dash, John Mannistre and Sarah Layer, Thomas Kemp and Ann Prentice, John Tweed and Frances Burr, Robert Bell and Ann Smith, Frances Holiday and Mary Wall, Thomas Elsden and Rose Moor, Nathaniel Moulton and Rose Graves, John Hoy and Mary Peke, Richard Plumb and Elizabeth Brown, William Ward and Mary Owers, Jonathan Attkins and Anne Baker, John Linnett and Judith Haman, Jeremiah Brown and Hannah Emerey. πŸ“Œ
1743-54 Image 20 Edward Sewell and Mary Clark, William Coot and Sarah Fanner, William Wornock and Mary Lazell, William Sparrow and Mary Cook, John Allen and ? Linnett, Jeremiah Cowell and Martha Beard, Edmund Pearce and Ann Humphrey, Samuel Abrahams and Hannah Wisby, John Wisteria and Mary Newman, Richard Watkinson and Mary Sparrow, John Raven and Martha Womock, Matthew Clement and,Martha Bland, John Murrills and Esther Hurrill, John Butcher and Mary Lazell, John Linnett and Susan Wade, William Bridge and Ann Hurrill, Samuell Guyon and Sarah Wright, Thomas Richardson and Mary Cowper, John Gozzard and Mary Brackley, Joseph Smith and Sarah Dugard, Thomas Grimwood and Ann Dearsley, Bartholomew Johnson and Sarah Steward, Isaac Sewell and Hannah Cook, Robin Berring and Elizabeth Haremew, Edmund Bacon and Susan Smith, Robert Pool and Mary Bridge, Samuel Jones and Sarah Binks, Joseph Hales and Elizabeth Brown, Richard Cook and Ann Cranfield, John Savage and Sarah Stebbing, Emanuel Eldred and Mary Clark, Richard Livermore and Sarah Clark, Tiffin and Stuck, Cressell and Martha Daw, William Wade and Frances Haste, James Brian and Susan Kemp, John Kemp and Elisabeth Hoy, Thomas Stedd and Catherine Wilkin, John Gould and Mariam Martin, Abraham Bockin and Anne Hummock, John Oakley and Ann Beard, Joseph Johnson and Mary Harril, Alexander Warford and Susan Dunt, Thomas Tibbald and Elisabeth Manning, John Wade and Mary Linnett, William Root and Rose Arnold, Samuel Newcome and Mary Powter Samuel ?and Mary Hoy, Aaron Lamprell and Ellen Miller, Richard Sidy and Lydia Daw, Robert Fowkes and Jehoaddan Clerk, William Edwardson and Sarah Powter, John Revell and Mary Watkins, John Percivall and Sarah Cressall, William Hoy and Ann Jerman, John Sidney and Elizabeth Abbot, Thomas Argent and Elizabeth Fincham, William Macsome and Elisabeth Beard, Thomas Barnes and Ann Binks, Eleazer Hasell and Rebecca Bridge, William Brand and Parnell Prentice, William Ellis and Rose ats Hannah Jay, William Clark and Mary Creswell, Jeremiah Mathew and Mary Ruffle.πŸ“Œ


List of rectors Image 1
Various Summary notes Image 37-46 C Partridge and Rev Arthur Chilton, Emanuel School, Wandsworth Common.

D/P 193/1/2 Overall Date Range 1653 -1704

Entries in blue are duplicates in book 1, with a clear sequence Black records may also be duplicates

Baptisms 1653 -1675

1660-1664 Image 13 John Prentise, Evered Allin, Ann Potter, Samuell London, Mehetibell Prentis, Susan Bowles, Jane Hudson, Samuel Prentise, Richard London, John Potter, Mary Osborne, Mary Scott, William Scott, John Pennock, Thomas Pennock, Guy Pennock, Sarah Browne, Jeremiah Browne, Helen Browne, Elizabeth Brown, Ann Jarret, Hannah Linnett, John Cranfield, Sarah Cranfield, Joseph Peartree, William Buntin, John Ours, Elizabeth Ours, John Hammond, Hannah Hammond, Frances Nicholl, Barnabys Peartree, John Upwood, Elizabeth Upwood.. For blue entries see Book 1 Image 6 πŸ“Œ
1664-1670 Image 14 Elizabeth Hammond, Elizabeth King, Dorothy Greene/Galephant, Martha Osborne, John Cranfield, Mary Carter, Nathaniel Potter, Frances Nevile, Ann Upwood, Ann Stowin, Ann Nichol, Stephen Surry, Joseph Cranfeld, John Tibball, John Prentice, John Hatch, Joseph Brackley, Mary Ours, Jane Pairtree, Elizabeth London, Ann Prentice, Samuell Cranfield, James Potter, Margaret King, Phebe London, Hannah Hull, Elizabeth Nicholls, Daniel Nevile, Georg Cranfield, Hannah Ardly, Thomas Brackly, John Brackly, Daniel Constable, Susannah Nicholls.For blue entries see Book 1 Image 6 πŸ“Œ
1670-1673 Image 17 Benjamin Brackly, Mary Hull, Mary Cranfield, John London, John Nevile, John Shelly, Esther Brackly, Mary Parkins, Francis Stead, Joseph Emmery, Thomas Emmery, Mary Fooler, Jorg FoolerMary Leppingwell, Mary Nichter, Daughter ParkinsFor blue entries see Book 1 Image 6/7 πŸ“Œ
1675-1693 Image 17 Moyses Rust,Eonery Rod, Edward Potter, Thomas Nevorel, Martha Leppingwell, Martha Parkins, Thomas Furman. For blue entries see Book 1 Image 7 πŸ“Œ

Births 1693 -1704

1696-1697 Image 5 Son Barret, Son Brackley, Son Linnet, Son Smith, Daughter Wakring, Daughter Shrive, Daughter Lazil, Daughter Boofrey, Daughter Poalter, Son Haller, Child Brackley, Daughter Emry, Joseph Tiffin. πŸ“Œ
1697-1704 Image 6 Son Hatch, Child Wilkinson, Daughter Jay, Child Wade, Daughter Kindal, Child Bland, Son Orris, Daughter Brays, Child Linnet, Edward Meade, Daughter Basset, John Beard, Ann Beard. πŸ“Œ
1653-1654 Image 9Edward Hudson, Mary Parkens, Daniell Gidding, Robert Hatch, Edward Gilet, Elizabeth Leppingwell, Ealns Richardson, Sara Richardson, Nathanill French, William Crabb, Son Troules, Elizabeth Parkins. For blue entries see Book 1 Image 5 πŸ“Œ
1654-1656 Image 10 Francis Hunwich, Daughter Moule, Samuell Nutton, Hound, Rose Harris, Moyses Richardson, William Pautow, Elizabeth Richardson, John Saville, Ann Thayer, Mary Linnitt, Daughter Troules, Rose Crab, Mary Allen, Son Gylet, Sara Browne, Daughter Leppingwell, Daughter Parkines, Sara Leppingwell, Charles Harrington. For blue entries see Book 1 Image 5 πŸ“Œ
1656-1659 Image 11 Ellen Prentis, Daughter French, Child Harris, Nathanill Moule, William Hatch, Henry Prentis, Hannah Claypoole, Anna Nuton, Child Browne, John Richardson, William Prentis, Susen Prentis, Thomas Wade, Son Leppingwell, Sollomon Carter, William Crab, Robert Prentis, Sarah Linnitt For blue entries see Book 1 Image 5 πŸ“Œ
1659 Image 12 Jeames Moule, Son Browne, John Allen, Child Pennocke, Mary London, Samuell Richardson, John Potter, Elizabeth Weebb For blue entries see Book 1 Image 5 and 6 πŸ“Œ

Burials 1653-1671

1656-1657 Image 6 Robert Prentis, Ellen Moore, Judeth Allen, Henry Prentis, Thomas Humphrey, Ellen Prentis, Benjamin London, Thomas Osborne, Wife North, Thomas Hatch, Widdow Allen, Mary London. For blue entries see Book 1 Image 24 πŸ“Œ
1657-1661 Image 7 Thomas Osborne, Richard Karland, Ann Prentis, Bartholima Mickkellfill, Chavell Day, Daughter Osborne, Addam Polly, Wife Warner, Tobyas Leppingwell, Everett Allmie. For blue entries see Book 1 Image 24 πŸ“Œ
1653-1654 Image 8 Elizabeth Richardson, Moyses Richardson, Elizabeth Gilly, Rebecca Day, Edward Polly, Robert Leppingwell, William Richardson, Lettice Polly, William Crab, Sarah Mullins, Child Moules, Son Hatch, Torn For blue entries see Book 1 Image 24 πŸ“Œ
1653-1656 Image 9 William Bunting, Robert Linnitt, Ann Halls, Son Moule, Wife Gilet, Son Bunting, Son Frankelin, Lettis Polly, Son Troules, Troules, Widow Mickelfield, For blue entries see Book 1 Image 24 πŸ“Œ
1663-1670 Image 15 Martha Osborne, John Guilet, Anne Hudson, Adery Tibball, Joseph Peartree, Widow Troules, Matthew Allen, Nathaniell Halls, Anne Crow, Robert More, John Hammond, Edward Peartree,Frances Barker, Anne Jarret, Grace Hammond, Giles Gilby, Elizabeth Brown, Barnabas Peartree, Elizabeth Letch, Wife Till, Stephen Surry, John Prentise, Alice Leffingwell, Jane Bedell, Sarah Mullins, Robert Peartree, Ann Cunny, Tobias Leffingwell, Wife Guylat, Widow Rudland, Elizabeth Hazzy, Robert Peartree, Robert Till, Robert Emry, Nathaniel Harding, Thomas Yearling, Widow Prentice, Robert Nicholls, Margaret Kooker.For blue entries see Book 1 Image 25 πŸ“Œ
1669-1671 Image 16 William Seburne, Child Harding, Robert Allen, Joseph Cranfield, Anne Hatch, Hannah Ardlyes, Simeon Haward, Joseph Greene, Child Emerys , John Savill, Elizabeth Leffingwell, Joseph Harrington, William GuylettMargaret Brackly, Susannah Peartree, Hannah Niccol, Robert Hatch, Susanna Purcas, Jone Prior, Henry Prior, William Prentice, Mary Greene, Elizabeth Upwood, Ambrose Rust, Margaret Rust, Dorothy Loch, Jone Browne, Ann Fuller, John PollyFor blue entries see Book 1 Image 25 πŸ“Œ
Undated Image 18 Mary Nichols, Mary Nichols. For blue entries see Book 1 Image 25/26 πŸ“Œ

Marriages 1653-1670

1653 Image 2 Robert Moore and Ellin Frence, Richard Neale and Frances Micklefield, John Perkins and Elizabeth Barker For blue entries see Book 1 Image 16 πŸ“Œ
1654-1655 Image 3 Edmund Rolfe and Fun Chirall, John Scot and Bridget Hoy, Moyses Richardson and Grace Flecher, William Partere and Rose Shelle, William Seaver and Rose Crabb, Thomas Samman and Mary Nun, Thomas Cowell and Sarah Browne, William Browne and Sarah Steele. For blue entries see Book 1 Image 16 πŸ“Œ
1656 Image 4 William Prentis and Mary Prentis, Henry Prentis and Ann Wenden, John Polly and Sara Leppingwell, Addam Polly and Elizabeth Ges, Robert Prentis and Ann Burton, Samuell London and Mary Bridge. For blue entries see Book 1 Image 16 πŸ“Œ
1656-1661 Image 5 William Hatch and Ann Hallis, Sollomon Carter and Rose Potter, Mathew Allen and Elizabeth Everett, Robert Niccolls and Ann Boughtton, Humphey Daniele and Sarah Skingl. For blue entries see Book 1 Image 16 πŸ“Œ
1663-1670 Image 14 Martin Carter and Elizabeth Woolmer, Gilbert Lisson and Ann Hatch, Robert Oddy and Grace Leffingwell, Joseph Brackly and Alice Fosset, James Wheeler and Sarah Savill, John Brackly and Mary Barker, John Boosy and Dorcas Pryor, William Seburne and Ann Day, William Barker and Susan Sawkins, William Lewis and Margaret Large, George Land and Mary Till, John Yearling and Jane Peartree.For blue entries see Book 1 Image 16-17 πŸ“Œ
1663-1670 Image 15 Robert Potter and Mary Prentice.For blue entries see Book 1 Image 17 πŸ“Œ


Rectors notes Image 1

D/P 193/1/3 Overall Date Range 1740-1812

Baptisms 1740-1812

1740-1744 and 1797 Image 2 (1797 Samuel Abrahams, Robert Smith, George Chandler, William Wade, Frances Taylor, Sarah Moss, Mary Moss, James Hart), Thomas Rampin, John Rampin, Mary Rurle, Frances Ringer, Daughter Kemp, James Manning, Elizabeth Wade, Susan ?, Sarah Massey, Mary German, Mary Holiday, Bridgett Higham, Mary Lazell, Philippa Daw, Mary Wash, Margarett Ruffle, Son Brown, John Manning, Mary Manning, Devina Daw, Philippa Daw, Child Ringer, Hannah Lazel, Isaac Brown, Mary Holiday, Thomas Ward, Roger Green, Mary Ruffle, Aaron Ady, Elizabeth Brown, Jeremiah Cowell. πŸ“Œ
1745-1748 Image 3 Mary Manning, Edward Wade, Anne Lazell, Elizabeth Prentice, Mary Ward, John Murrill, John Baker, Thomas Wash, Thomas Ringer, Ann Bridge, Ann Sted, Jane Brown, John Linnett, William Ruffle, Thomas Hart, Joseph Pudney, William Wash, Sarah Bridge, Daniel Manning, John Manning, William Browning, Jeremy Ringer, Jane Ringer, Son Holiday, Mary Ringer, Mary Prentice, Parnell Prentice, Thomas Webb, Abraham Ringer, Sarah Ringer, Sarah Drinkfeild, Sarah Pork πŸ“Œ
1749-1752 Image 4 Jemima Wash, Jeffrey Ruffle, Susanna Pudney, John Hoy, Samuel Hoy, Isaac Manning, Anna Manning, Ann Linnett, Child Cressell, Child Sidney, Hannah Linnett, Martha Web, Sarah Wale, Sarah Holiday, Elizabeth Pudney, Shadrach Bootle, Joseph Herington, female Prentice, Thomas Butcher, Daniel Fincham, Elizabeth Gallifance, Martha Manning, Samuel Hall, Joseph Sidey, John Gould, Thomas Kemp, Thomas Web, Christian Sidey, Elizabeth Hoy, Thomas King, James Ruffle, John Pudney, Elizabeth Manning, Abraham Pudney, Samuel Bacon. πŸ“Œ
1752-1755 Image 5 Thomas Wash, John Kemp, Mary Warwick, Isaac Brown, Ann Hoy, Stephen Bridge, Martin Gould, Hannah Emery, Rebeccah Brown, John Brown, Isaac Brown, James Brown, William Fincham, Elizabeth Ringer, Daniel Sidy, William Halls, Hannah Pudney, Mary Wade, Letitia Sidy, Sarah Mead, Benjamin Sted, William Sidy, Susan Ward, Samuel Bacon, John Web, Samuel Gould, Sarah Pudney, Child, William Wake, Ann Moss, Susannah Manning, Susannah Warwick, William Butcher, Son German. πŸ“Œ
1755-1758 Image 6 John Baim, Abraham Gould, Judith Halls, James Brown, Anne Gallifant, Tabitha Sidey, Mary Pudney, Ann Beard, John Wade, John Hurrill, Jeremiah Sidey, Jonathan Baker, Sarah Pudney, William Hoy, Richard Stratford, Henry Webb, William Coppin, John Bacon, Mary Pudney, Miriam Gail, John Moss, John Tillor, William Boucher, Dorothy Oakes, James Webb, Ann Benning, John Beard, William Gallifant, Elizabeth Doi?, Thomas Warren, Pricilla Halls, Elisabeth Okes. πŸ“Œ
1759-1762 Image 7 Carolina Sidey, Susan Wade, Ralph Rud, James Creek, Mary Web, Mary Brown, Mary Miller, John Jacob, Hannah Manning, Sarah Emery, Rebecca Moss, Fanny Pudney, James Moss, Sarah Bulliard, Mary Barthomy, Hannah Butcher, Miriam Wade, William Emery, Hannah Emery, Isaac Creek, Edward Warren, William Root, Hannah Halls, William Pudney, Mary Pudney, James Pudney, Catherine Oakes, John Eldred, Anne Hals, William Barlaelmy, Sarah Fisher, James Jarman, Anne Jarman, William Charinton, Edward Sidy, William Prentice, Sarah Creek, Thomas Kervall, Thomas Harril, Edward Linnel, George Ball, Samuel Moss, Richard Benning, George Beard, Sarah Wade, George Wade, James Hurrell, Hannah Manning, Martha Green, Mtal Butcher, John Root. πŸ“Œ
1762-1763 Image 8 Margaret Warren, Edward Gould, Mary Prentice, Elizabeth Jarman, Sarah Jarman, John Jarman, William Ringer, William Hoy, William Mead, John Emery, John Charrington, James Creek, Elizabeth Creek, Susan Creek, Mary Beard, William Whiting, Abraham Poole, Hannah Wash, Jonathan Bull, John Hurrill, Joseph Beard. πŸ“Œ
1764-1765 Image 9 James Gould, William Manning, Sarah Burls, Mary Pudney, Daniell Hoy, Thomas Halls, Anne Laver, John Hickleton, William Beard, Mary Wash, John Creek, James Charrington, Sarah Ingett, Frances Wade, James Wade, Mary Moss, Mary Ringer, Mary Sach, Elizabeth Oakes, Joseph Root, Hannah Hurrell, Mary Hickleton, Mary Warren, William Page, Hannah Anna Bull, Hannah Benning, George Fuller. πŸ“Œ
1765-1767 Image 10 William Beard, Edward Gould, Elizabeth Bishop, Ann Poole, Sarah Prentice, Thomas Manning, James Wash, Henry Collins, Mary Beard, Abraham Ringer, Susan Pudney, William Bull, John Tillott, Judith Gould, Nathanael Page, Elizabeth Beard, James Creek, John Green, Ann Sach, Mary Ingate, Priscilla Mead, Mary Prentice, Elizabeth Moore, Hannah Whiting, Rebecca Hurrell, Joseph Mead, Sarah Ringer, John Laver, John Wade, John Jacob Oakes, Joseph Warren, Elizabeth Warren. πŸ“Œ
1768-1772 Image 11 Joseph More, Elizabeth Collins, John Beard, Joseph Charrington, Robert Beard, James Sidey, Ann Moyson, William Mote, John Hoy, Daniel Gallafent, Richard Warren, Ann Higgleton, William Creek, Henry Collins, Martha Beard, William King, William Benning, Elizabeth Ingate, Sarah Bowtell, William Warren, Mary Lovekin, Samuel Hart, Thomas Moss, Elizabeth Collins, Susanna More, Wright Hours, Isaac Hours, Mary Hurrell, Edward Hayward, Ann Root, Joseph King, Thomas Gally, Susanna Lovekin, Mary Fuller, Susanna Creek, Thomas Wade, Shadrac Bowtel, John Bowtel, Susanna More, Thomas Moss, Mary Berring, John Mead, Charles Collins, Elizabeth Brown, John Manning, Mary Hours, Isaac Manning, Mary ringer, Mary Hart, Samuel Sacke, Ann Halls, Mary Laver. πŸ“Œ
1773-1775 Image 12 James Jarman, James Collins, John Faires, Joseph Gally, Hello Wade, Mary Bowtel, John Hale, Elizabeth weighed, Sarah Charrington, Ann Hours, John Cobbs, Elizabeth Bowtel, Samuel Abraham, Susanna Creek, Ann Beard, Rebecca Lovekin, Hannah Barnard, Mary Green, Roger Green, Elizabeth Tastle, Hannah Ringer, John Warren, John Lazell, William ringer, Ann Collins, Sarah Wade, Susan Gray, James Wade, Susanna Higgleton, Samuel Bridge, Sarah Bridge, Mary Abraham, Judith Gold, Sarah gold, Samuel Root, Elizabeth Firman, Susan Ward, Susanna Brown. πŸ“Œ
1775-1781 Image 13 James Hale, Ann Collins, Millet More, Richard Manning, James Hart, Robertus Beard, William Manning, William Fuller, Edmund Bull, James Moss, Melia Turble, Mary King, William Firman, Jeremiah Ringer, Thomas Mills, John Wade, Thomas Mead, James Bowle, Mary Hale, James Turble, Ann Collins, Isaac Warren, Susanah Sewell, Hannah Clark, Joseph Beard, Samuel Halls, Ann Mills, Samuel More, James Wash, Judith Brown, Elizabeth King, Mary Bowtle, Abraham Creek, Henry Blackborn, Robert Laver, John Draper, Joseph Ingate, Abraham Manning, Mary Hale, Daniel Manning, William Jarman, Thomas Abraham, Isaac Brown, Sarah King, Isaac Turtle, Judith Ringer, Sarah Hart, John Hart, Elizabeth Fuller, Isaac Laywell, Jacob Manning, George Ward, Thomas Ward, William Halls, John Mills, Henry Webb, Jemima Wash, Thomas King, John Wade, Judith Gold, William Hoy, Thomas Ward, Ann Bull, Elizabeth Draper, Sarah Brown, Isaac Abraham, William Abraham, Jenny Brown, Esther Hart, Thomas Halls. πŸ“Œ
1781-1784 Image 14 Thomas Brown, and Creek, Elizabeth Jarman, John Sewell, Kitty Wade, Jacob Halls, Abraham Ringer, Mary Root, Susanna Pudney, Mary Pudney, Sarah Mills, Mary Ottley, John Sewell, Thomas Dowman, Joseph King, Martha Pudney, Alice Abrahams, Ann Pudney, Mary Baker, Elizabeth Roberts, John Jarman, Sarah Brown, Mary Ann Manning,Thomas Walsh, Sarah Boutle, James Hart, Sarah Bull, Richard Roberts, Thomas Baker, Mary Spurgeon, John Barnard Firman, Mary Manning, William Brown, Mary Ray, Mary Potter, Richard Laver, Ann Bridge, Georg Abrahams, Mary Gould, πŸ“Œ
1785-1789 Image 15 Henry Chandler, Lydia Mills, Hannah Boutle , Martin Gould, William Pudney, Mary Brunning, Ann Pudney, Mary Baker, Joseph Spurgeon, Samuel Draper, Sarah Hart, Jemima Miller, William Brown,Mary Baker Brown, Isaac Baker Brown , William Leaper Prentice, William Jarman, William Boutle, James Mills, Edmund Bacon, Elizabeth Ringer, John Makson, William Galafant, John Creek, Ann Pudney, Elizabeth Jarman, Daniel Potter, James Laver, John Browne, Isaac Hughes, Mary Abrahams, Sarah Prentice, Mary Ringer, Ann Boutle, Jane Gould, William Mills, Rachel Baker, Frances Taylor, Susanna Spurgeon, Elizabeth Purkis, Kezia Higgleton, Elizabeth Wade, Joseph Hart, Amelia Chandler, Rose Abraham, James Creek, John Potter, Martha Munson, Sarah Pudney, John Creffield, Ann Gally, Robert Laver, Mary Benning. πŸ“Œ
1790-1793 Image 16 Ann Spurgeon, John Caster, James Caster, Susan Beard, Thomas Hallwest, James Hallwest, Sarah Kretia, Robert Gallafent, Elizabeth Highelton, Judith Purkiss, Jane Gould, James Gallifent, Sarah Beard, Mary Hart, William Hart, William Ingate, Richard Bennington, Alice Wade, Mary Jarman, John Beard, Sue Boutle, John Higleton, Mary Yeldham, James Rogers, James Potter, William Hart, Sarah Coot, Penten Abraham, Joe Winn Brown, Charlotte Prentice, Hannah Purkiss, James Brown, George Chandler, William Wade, Palmer Firman, James Gould, Daniel Galafent, Judith Halls. πŸ“Œ
1793-1794 Image 17 Sarah Moss, Mary Moss, James Hart, Daniel Hart, Zacharias Rogers, Sarah Root, John Spurgeon, Leda Strut Everet, Elisabeth Collins, Mary Hoy, Ann Hoy, Charlotte Hoy, Brumfield Highton, Ann Chiswick, Samuel Hart, Mary Creek, James Creek, Rebecca Yeldham, Reuben Abrahams, James Grey, Hannah Laver, Samuel Potter, Pamela Batilda Brown,Thomas Collins, Abraham Ringer, George Beard, Daniel Berrin, Thomas Coot, Maria Prentice. πŸ“Œ
1794-1795 Image 18 Delmiah Mills, Edmond Galafent, Mary Hoy, Mary Root, Mary Beard, James Harty, Elizabeth Chandler, Charles Potter, Sarah Thent, William Hale, Susan Hale, Thomas Hale, Elizabeth Hale, Samuel Hale, John Manning, James Wade, Ann Wade, Susan Deaper, Joseph Deaper, Elisabeth Bagen, Sarah Gaule, William Whiten, Susan Whiten, George Whiten, John Whiten, Kesiah Miller, Kerenhappuch Miller, Elizabeth Charring, Sarah Charring, William Charring πŸ“Œ
1795-1796 Image 19 William Green, Dorcas Green, Sarah Green, Mary Berrin, Hannah Berrin, James Berrin, Susan Higgleton, William Bridge, William Wade, John Wash, Thomas Jarman, Isaac Tillott, Rachael Manning, Hannah Sack, Hannah Wade, William Berrin, Abraham Green, Sarah Hume, John Webb, Mary Webb, Jeffrey Wash, Henry Hawk..., Mary Hull, Thomas Th..., Susan Riggleton, Elizabeth Everett, Joseph Abrahams, John King, Lucy Wade, Samuel Moss, William Brown, Daniel Purkiss?, John Galafant. πŸ“Œ
1796-1797 Image 20 Joseph Yeldham, John Boot, Hannah Coot, Jeremy Binger, Ann Potter, Jonathon Beard, Edith Halls, Sarah Halls, Mary Jarman, Hannah Hale, Anne Prentice, Robert Hills, Abraham Smith, Edward Joshua Wade, Sarah Potter, John Harry Wither?, Isaac Manning, Maria Rogers, James Wade, James Beard, Abraham Whilen, Susannah Jarman, Mary Ann Higleton, Benjamin Galafant, Harriett Abrahams, Charlotte ?, Rachel Root, Mary Hale. πŸ“Œ

1808-1809 Image 27 Millicent Stammer, Emma Goonel, Harriett Hale, Susanna Beard, John Hart, William Hoy, William Ray, Isaac Tuckamon, Rebecca Hart, Thomas Astle Hills, Isaac Moss, John Scott Burls, Catherine Brown, Ruth Jarman, Elizabeth Woraker, Charles Prentice, William Stuck, Elizabeth Larkin, William Potter, Rhoda Laizell, Elizabeth Sparks, Emma Hills, Jacob Hart, Mary Ann Fairhead, Lucy Ray. πŸ“Œ
1809-1811 Image 28 George Wade, Emma Hills, Mary Rogers, Susan Green, William Fuller, William Hale, Sarah Higgleton, Stephen Yeldham, Hannah Moss, James Boyer Brown, James Mayhew Shaves, Jane Larkin, Thomas Mills, Mary Ann Hart, George Beard, Mary Jane Samprell, Francis Mayhew Butcher, William Brown, John Potter, Thomas Sparkes, Louisa Gould, Caroline Hills, Jane Ray, Sarah Alston, James Green, Jeremiah Rogers, Elizabeth Shaves. πŸ“Œ
1812 Image 29 Isaac Baker Brown, Sophia Hale, Harriett Prentice, Mary Benning, Thomas Mills Wilkins, Thomas Halls.πŸ“Œ

Burials 1763-1812

1773-1779 Image 34 Sarah Hurrell, James Charrington, Hannah Hurrell, Phebe Mead, Sarah Dodd, Mary Hale, John Brown, Elizabeth Brown, Richard Benning, Shadrac Bowtell, Ann Jarman, Ann Jarman, Susannah Hale, John Hale, Joseph Gallafent, Susanna Benning, John Harvey, Thomas Manning, Phillis Linnet, Ann Hours, Elizabeth Manning, William Charrington, Hannah Hale, Mary Hart, Ann Collins, Ann Bridge, Sarah Bridge, Hannah Bridge, Mariam Gold, Sarah Gold, Elizabeth Brunning , Elizabeth Firman, Thomas Jarman, Mary Green, Sarah Hours, Mary Green, Ann Collins, Elizabeth Pudney, Judith Gold, Ann Charrington, James Daw, William Berring, Dinah Kemp, Ann Potter, Elizabeth Beard, Ann Hours, William Firman, Dorcas Green, James Bowtle, Elizabeth Brown, Mary Mead, James Brown, Mary Fuller, Joseph Beard, Roger Green, Samuel London, Sarah Pudney, Mary Smee, Robert Benning, Elizabeth Collins, John Wade, John Miller, Mary Hale, Abraham Gould, Ann Brown, Sarah Pudney, Martha Beard, Thomas Webb, Hannah Firman, William Manning, Joseph Cook, George Ward, Thomas Ward, Mary Ann Ray, Caroline Massey, Ann Benning, Mary Prentice. πŸ“Œ

1786-1793 Image 36 John Cook, Thomas Kemp, Ann Brown, Charles Chandler, Susan Linnett, Daniel Miller, Daniel Hoy, John Middleton, Moses Bowtle, Frances Wade, Sarah Mead, William Root, Stephen Bridge, John Tillott, Mary Ward, Mary Ringer, Jeremiah Mayhew, Mary Fuller, James Laver, Elizabeth Wade, Mary King, John Tillott, Mary Nunn, John Hawkshaw, Rebecca Hurrel, Margery Hurrell, Elizabeth Creek, Sarah Pudney, Ann Mullins, Elizabeth Draper, Ann Webb, Jane Gould, Ann Gally, Susanna Pudney, James Carter, Robert Laver, Susan Pudney, Abraham Prentice, Tabitha Green, Judith Butcher, Susan Beard, Hannah Moss, Sarah Manning, William Wade, James Hoy, Henry Nunn, Jia Winn Brown, John Bernard Firman, Palmer Firman, William Hart, Benber Abraham, James Prentice, Margaret Mead, Mary Butcher, John Louching. πŸ“Œ
1793-1799 Image 37 Sarah Prentice, James Jarman, William Halls, William Halls, Mary Beard, Mary Hart, John Ray, Reuben Abrahams, Mary Creek, Joseph King, Margaret Bouls, John Hale, Susannah Tillet, Joane Pudney, Sarah Chinnery, Mary Blackwell, Sarah Deensley, Elisabeth Gallifant, John Thing, James Pudney, Martha Mayhew, Martha Mumoon, John Brunning, Hannah Wade, Catharine Chandler, Lucy Chandler, James Wade, George Beard, William Brown, Benjamin Galafent, Philip Hills, Herriot Abraham, William Hoy, Hannah Poller, Ann Hoy, John Gould, Susan Moore, Mary Massey, Priscilla Webb, John Spark, Mary Wade, William Eves. πŸ“Œ


Blank Image 1

D/P 193/1/4 Overall Date Range 1754-1812

Marriages 1754-1812

1766-68 Image 9 Robert Warren and Mary Shurry, Isaac Hawes and Mary Hoy, Isaac Tillett and Rebecca Cook, Edward Potter and Elizabeth Prentice, Roger Green and Mary Ward, Joseph King and Mary Ruffle, William Brown and Ann Fitch, James Sidey and Susanna Bacon. πŸ“Œ

1770-72 Image 11 Robert Fuller and Mary Underwood, Isaac Brown and Elizabeth Prentice, George Rogers and Eunice Wade (Banns Only), John Linnett and Mary Page, John Manning and Judith Braybrook (Banns Only), Edmund Bacon and Ann Mead, Isaac Manning and Elizabeth Beard, John Halls and Hannah Emery. πŸ“Œ

1779-81 Image 15 Isaac Brown and Mary Baker, John Webb and Ann Purkiss, Thomas King and Sarah Smith, William Hoy and Hannah Overhill, John Jarman and Sarah Dyer, William Grange and Ann Baker, Martin Gould and Judith Halls, Richard Benning and Ann Linnett πŸ“Œ

D/P 193/1/5 Overall Date Range 1813-1857

Baptisms 1813-1857

1813 Image 3 Charles Smith, Hannah Torbin, Harriett Moss, Jane Brown, Judith Brown, Olivia Goulld, Isaac Butcher, Mary Anne Mills, George Brown. πŸ“Œ

1815-16 Image 5 Mary Ann Brown, William Sage, Charles Brown, Eliza Fuller, James Beard, Lucy Hale, Jesie Rogers, Eliza Hale, Richard Benning, James Mahew Butcher, Edward Fairhead, William Bridge Patten, Sarah Caroline Patten, Harriet Potter, Sarah Shave, Sarah Ann Cardinal. πŸ“Œ

1816-18 Image 7 Thomas Cardinal, Rebecca Elizabeth Cardinal, Heziah Whitin, Sarah Crick, Mary Beard, Mary Moore, William Hart, James William gallagent Binks, Arthur Brown, Keziah Rogers, William Ray, Ann Pudney , Thomas Fairhead, Charles Butcher, Charles Heale, George Heale. πŸ“Œ
1818-19 Image 8 Mark Patten, William George Jacob, Millicent Anne Brown, James Moore, William Fuller, John Hoy, Daniel Binks, Elijah Potter, Anna Shave, Robert Gallafent, Samuel Whitin, Hannah coe, Lucy Beard, Joshua Brown, Charlotte Hale, Sarah Rebecca Stammers. πŸ“Œ

1822-23 Image 11 William Hart, Charlotte Springet, Pamela Catherine Brown, Emma Nunn, Philip Hart, Rebecca Hart, Jane Butcher Overhall, William Coot, John Jeremiah Mathew, William Bowles, Hannah Hoy, Emma Pudney, Mary Anne Potter, James Crick, Rebecca Drafs, Sarah Green. πŸ“Œ

D/P 193/1/7 Overall Date Range 1814-1897

Burials 1814-1897

1820-1822 Image 7 Daniel Binks, Francis Butcher, Coordelia Crick, Robert Smith, Mary Ringer, Mary Hart, John Coote, William Hart, Catherine Brown, George Whiten, Ann Brown, John King, Elizabeth Lay, Sarah Crick, John Beard. πŸ“Œ

1826-27 Image 11 Susanna Potter, Simon Beard, Eliza Prentice, Isaac Brown, James Hoy, Martha Halls, Mary Gallifant, Sarah Smith, John Root, Sarah Wilkins, Susan Green, Rachel Hoy, Sarah Hoy, Elizabeth Wash, Arthur William Trollope, Hannah Hoy. πŸ“Œ



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