Location: Colony of Virginia & Province of Noth Carolina
Surnames/tags: Stallings Rountree Hinton
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A collection of my own notes, abstracts, and transcriptions, of Colonial-era Stallings, from Nicholas Stallings, of the Upper Parish, Nansemond's, arrival in 1635, to approximately the American Revolution-era, in hopes of creating links, for the ongoing Stallings research, being conducted by myself, our YDNA research Group, or anyone else.
...also have added all of my early Craven, Johnston, & Edgecombe County Notes.'
Chronological Stallings Info
1635 - Virginia headright land grant, …give and grant unto William Swann (1585-1638), twelve hundred acres of land scituate, lying, and being, in the Countie of James, lying on the Southerne side of the James River… by and for the transportacion at his owne proper costs and charges of fower and twentie persons into this Colony whose names… …Nich Stalling…
- (This grant for bringing our ancestor, Nicholas Stallings, and 23 others, to the Colony of Virginia, was reissued to Thomas Swann, son of William, …to Half-Way Neck… …at a place called Swann’s Bay… Col. Thomas Swann was a member of the House of Burgesses, for James City Co., and then again from Surry Co., Virginia. His plantation there became known as Swann’s Point, …“the English sent to suppress Bacon’s Rebellion met at his house. William Swann arrived at Jamestowne Colony in 1616, but returned to England, then finally came back and settled in Surry Co. He was Land Registrar, and Royal Customs Collector of the Virginia Colony)
1655 - Virginia headright land grant, …give and grant unto William Wright Gen’t, Two thousand, two hundred, and fifty acres of land, situate, or being, in the County of Nansemond, …White Marsh… …adjoining a small creek called Marracoones Creek… …by and for the Transportation of Forty five persons into this Colony &c. …Nich: Stallings & his Wife.
- add very interesting history of William wright and Wright family
1663 - Virginia headright land grant, …I the said Sir William Berkeley, Knight, Governor, do give and grant unto George Catchmaid, Three thousand, three hundred, and thirty three acres, on the north side of the Roanoake (Albemarle Sound), abutting Southerly on the said Sound, Easterly on Katotin River (Little River), Westerly on Perquimans River, which issueth out of said sound, and Northly on Owaseake Creek which issueth out of Perquimans River. …for transportation of 67 persons… …Original list of headrights includes “Nich: Stall”.
- This fascinating, historical, deed is the oldest recorded North Carolina deed! While George Durant was originally credited for bringing the first settlers, and planting the first colony here , when he arrived at the Perquimans River there was already the population brought by English Immigrant , George Catchmaide, Esq., Gent., Speaker of the Assembly, of the Province of North Carloina, which included our ancestor, recent immigrant to Nansemonde Co., VA, from England, Nicholas Stallings. Catchmaid successfully challenged Durants claim to his 3333 Acres, given to him by Sir William Berkeley. The massive land owner, Durant who owned all land between the Perquimans River & Little River, was forced to abandon his claim to that section, in the southern part of what became Durant’s Neck, in Perquimans. In 1716 the deed was finally recorded in the official deed book.
1683, 16 April - VPB 7:255, …I the said Thomas Lord Culpeper &c doe Grant unto John Stallenge & Elias Stallenge 280 acres of land lying and being att a place called the White Marsh, in the upper Parish of Nanzimund County, and begins att a Marked white oake in Capt. Boothes line[] ... Joynes to the land of Robert Reddick ... corner tree of John Ellis. (O-1)
1683, 16 April - VPB 7:257, …accordingly give and grant, unto John Sumner, and John Stallings, 1000 acres of land, lying and being in the Upper Parish of Nansimund county, at a place called Orapeake, beginning at a marked Beech, standing by the edge of Orapeake Swamp… (headrights listed w/original transcript) (O-5)
- the previous two deeds are the first stallings deeds in Colonial America, issued to two of Nicholas Stallings sons, John, and Elias.
- These Virginia land grants were located on the west side of the Great Dismal Swamp. A very hostile area, which was very difficult to travel. This early colony at Orapeake, is known as the first permanent English settlement, in what is to become, the province of North Carolina, but was at the time, the Upper Parish, Nansamonde County, Virginia.
- Collet’s Compleat Map, available through the library of congress, is a great resource for Stallings family migrations; https://www.loc.gov/resource/g3900.ar150000/?r=-0.002,-0.062,1.111,1.11,0
1700 - John Odom, to Nicholas Stallings. Assignment of a patent, Test, …Robt. Roundtree. (350a on Bennett’s Creek, adjoining Robert Roundtree, and John Hinton) Chowan Co. deed book W, pg.15.(Oct.19)
- Roundtrees and Hintons were very early, and very close, allied families to Stallings. Intermarried through many generations. Roundtrees & Hintons also migrated to Johnston Co., NC, like James Stallings [J3]. The Hintons were noted patriot leaders in the Revolution. Their plantation on Swift Creek, in Johnston Co., “Hintons Quarter”, bordering our possible ancestor, William Bryan’s, was a known meeting spot for revolutionaries, airing their grievances, in the years leading up to the Revolutionary War.
1700 - Nicholas Stallings, to Robert Roundtree, of Nansemond County, Va. Tract of land on Bennett's Crick. (Oct.30)
1701, 25 April - Virginia headright land grant, I ye said Francis Nicholson Esqr. Governor Do ... grant unto Nicholas Stallings, 63 acres at a place called ye White Marsh, in ye upper Parish of Nansemond County… …in ye head line of a patent formerly granted to William Wright, and a corner tree of William campbell, bordering on the land of William Browne… (O-2)
1702, 28 October - Virginia headright land grant, I the said Francis Nicholson Esquire, Governor &c do ... grant unto Nicholas Stallings, 285 acres, in the upper parish of Nansemond County, on the South Westward side of the Rich Thickett Swamp, beginning at a Gum standing in the s[ai]d Swamp & running thence South Easterly ... to a pine a corner tree of Thomas Milner his Land ... to a Gum a Line tree of a patent formerly granted William Jones to Thomas Norfleet ... South Westward side of Coropeake Swamp, Jones & Norfleet, their Corner tree, thence running up the said Swamp (Inc]luding a small Island therein). (O-3)
1702 - March 28, 1702. Benjamin Blanchard, John Campbell, Thos. Spivey, Francis Rountree, Robt. Rountree, Robert Lassiter, George Lassiter and Nicholas Stallings lived on Bennett's & Garrett's Creeks, in Chowan Co. (now Gates Co). They had a dispute with the Chowan Indians, who had their hunting quarters upon some of their land.
1702[/3], Nansemond Co., Va., England State Papers Colonial, March 21, 1702[/3]. Williamsburgh. Similar Address of the Magistrates and Militia Officers of Nansemond County. Signed, Geo. Norsworthy, Tho. Swann, Luke Haveild, Fra. Milner, Tho. Milner, Charles Drury, Jno. Speire, William Hunter, Wm. Wright, Hen. Jenkins, James Lockhart, Daniel Sullivan, John Pitt, Jos. Wright, Edward Streeter, Thomas Drury, James Speire, Wm. King, Jonas Holladay, Nicholas Hunton, James Jossy, Michael King, William Speir, John Iles, Isaac Shephard, Jos. Meredeth, Henry Hill, William Staples, Nicholas Stallings, Will. Drury, John Drury, Hen. King. 1
1703 – North Carolina headright land grant, Benjn. Blanchard, in Chowan Precinct, 4 Sept. 1714. Warrant, 850 a. Benjn., Katherine, Aaron, Ephrm., and Judah Blanchard Fras. Samll. and Sarah Parker Jno. Stallians, Jno. and Thos. Spivy, Wm. Hill Rog. Spring Moses Hill Jams. Redick Jno. Campbell Thos. Phillips Wm. Thompson.
1704 – Nansemond, VA Tax List for 1704; Nicholas, John, Richard, Elias Jr., & Elias Stallings.
- Listed 1along with early allied families; Reddick/Riddick, Rountree, Newby, White, Spivey, Arnold & Norfleet.
1704 - John Stallings, VPB 9:635, 404 acres situated lying and being in the upper parish of Nanzemond County on both sides of a swamp called the Middle Swamp, a branch of Bennetts Creek… (O-4)
1713 - No. 31. John Smith, & Rachel his wife, of Perquimans, for £35 pd by David Reddick, of afsd—sold 150a on Newbegun Creek, adj John White, along “Great Branch” to patent of Joseph Jessop, 190a, Feb 14, 1713/14. 80a of which John White dec'd, (and wife Elizabeth Newby), purchased of William Moore, & gave to his daughter Rachel, now Rachel Smith.” Test’ Robert Reddick, Elias Stallings… (no date)
- this deed shows residents of Newbegun Creek, in Perquimans Precinct, on which young James Stallings [J3] lived.
1716 - Chowan, N.C., Nicholas Stallings, and wife Ann, of Upper Parish, Nansemond Co., Va., to Joseph Wright, of same place. …at the head of Bennett’s Creek, part of a patent for 350 acres granted 17 April 1692, to John Odom, and by him sold said Stallings, adjoining Wm. Rountree and John Hinton… Test, Jno. Riddick, Joseph Stallings
1716 – Chowan Pct., Nicholas Stallings of Upper Parish of Nansemond Co., to John Hinton, 3000 pounds of Tobacco for 125 acres on the south side of Bennett’s Creek, part of a greater tract conveyed to Nicholas Stallings by John Odeham (Odum) in 1700.
1719 - Perquimans Pct., N.C., Tax List, John Staling.
- This tax list only shows John Stallings, Son of Nicholas Sr., owning land in Perquimans in 1719
1721 - Lewis Scinner (Skinner) of Perquimans, for the Sum of — pd by “Lott Stallings of the Co. of Nansemond, in Virginia,” 35a , adjoining land of Robert Wilkes…
1721 - Charles Wilks, of Perquimans, Planter—for £20 pd By Lott Stallings of Va, Planter—100a on Thomas Brooks line...
1723 - William Horn, of Bertie, and wife Margaret, to Elias Stallings, of Chowan Co.… My manor plantation, at a place called The Banks of Italy (north of Main Cypress Swamp, and on Little Cypress Branch). Test, Michael Horn, John Denby
1727 - John Stallings died Jany. 25, 1726-7. (listed in Deaths in Berkeley Precinct)
1728 - Wm Moore, of Perquimans, for £20 pd by Nicholas Stallings, of Nansemond Co in Va, sold 100a, on Newbegun Creek, adj John White, & Thomas Jessop… (Perq.) *land he sells to James Stallings
1729 – William Horne to Elias Stallings… 100 acres known as the "Banks of Italy." (north of Main Cypress Swamp, and on Little Cypress Branch). Test, Michael Horn, James Donbey.
1729 - Joseph Newby, Mary Newby, Thos Winslow, Elizabeth Winslow, Thomas Jessop, Jane Jessop, John White, Sarah White & Hannah Bunday, “all of Perq,” for £10 pd by Nicholas Stallings, late of Virginia, assigns 169a, “granted to Timothy Clare, December 1, 1712, and given to his children”…
1730 – Will of James Speir, of Bertie, …daughters in- law Sarah Stallings, and Patience Stallings, son John, …daughter Sarah Averitt.
1730 – John White, Perquimans will, …land I bought of Frances Nube (Newby)… …Jaems Stalins, up the creek… (witnessed by Samuel stallings???)
1730 - Members of the Court, Chowan Precinct, …Gregory Stallins, appointed Constable.
1731 - Nicholas Stallings, for £20 pd by James Stallings [J3], assigns right of 100a. Oct 19, 1731. Test’ Thomas White, Jacob Perry.
- possibly Nicholas, giving to son, James [J3]
1732 - No. 73. Thomas Jessop, of Perquimans, for £8 pd by James Stallings [J3], of Afore’ sold 250a on No Wt side, of Newbegun Creek…
1732 - Joseph Stallings of Nansemond Co,VPB 14:514, 40a in the upper parish in the aforesaid… …at a beech, a corner tree of a patent granted to John Stallings & John Sumner, on the East side of the Orapeak Swamp… …partly on the high land, and partly in the said swamp… … Down various courses of the westward side of Orapeake Swamp.
1732 - Joseph Stallings of Nansemond Co, 26a in the Upper parish, …on Northwest side of the Beverdam Swamp, …in William Hills line. …from said swamp to John Campbells line…
1733 -Nicholas Stallings, of Upper Parish of Nansemond Co, Vir’, & wife Christian, for £4 pd by Henry Stallings of Perquimans, to Jesse Reddick of same Parish & Co, sold 50a near the South Westward side of the head of Perquimans River…
1733 - James Stallings, of Perquimans, Planter—for £13 pd by William Rountree, sold 190a on east Side of Newbegun Creek, laid off for Joseph Jessop, & 50a adj it, being part of land, taken up by Thomas Jessop…
1734 - James Stallings of Perquimans Precinct, for £30 paid by Francis Rountree, of Nansemond county, in Virginia, sold 100a patented by Joseph Jessop …on Newbegun Creek adjoining, John White, Thomas Jessup, and William Roundtree.
- this Francis Roundtree is actually Francis Roundtree Junior, who migrated to, and died in, Johnston Co., North Carolina, like James Stallings / …also, Francis Rountrees niece Elizabeth (dau.of Thomas Rountree Sr, married Elias Stallings III, son of Nicholas Stallings Jr
1734 - John Wimberly, & Elizabeth his wife of Perquimans, to Nicholas Stallings of Afore’ Consent of John Powell of same)—for a “Val’ Con” assigns 125a on So Wt Side of the head of Perq River, now in occupation of Thomas Rountree , to River Swamp, or Pocoson. Test’ Benj Perry, Simon Stallion (Stallings)
1735 - Robert Rountree, of Nansemond Co., Va., to Gabriel Lassiter, of same place. May 23, 1735; 175 acres south side Bennetts Creek. Test, Thos. Rountree, Robert Rountree, John Rountree, Elias Stallings.
1735 - Simon Stallings, of Perquimans, to Catharine Brothers, of Nansemond Co, Va. 100 acres on Middle Swamp, …said land given me by my father, John Stallings will; (this abstract is the correct one! From Reg. of Deeds, in Edenton, NC, old book, no#, no letter. Also, in Chowan Precinct. deed book W)(John Sr?)
1736 - Thomas Speight Esq, of Perquimans, & Mary his wife, sold to Lott Sterlings (Stallings) of afore’ for £30 235a, a plan’ called “Sandy Ridge” adj “middle Swamp” that issueth out of Katherine Creek Swamp, to a dividing line of Charles Wilks, & Robert Barnes, on line of Kitchen and Snooks… Test’ Elias Stallings, Lewis Skinner.
1736 – Elias Stallings lives on West side of Cypress Swamp, adjoining Richard Odom, John Price…
1736 - Elias Stallings, Nicholas Stallings, Henry Stallings and Simon Stallings, of Perquimans Precinct…
1737 - James Stallings, [J3] assigns “within Deed” to Francis Rountree, for £8 paid. Test’ Lemuel Riddick, Thomas White. (selling Newbegun Creek land, before moving to Neuse River, in Craven/Johnston Co., Frances Roundtree also moved there.)
1737 - Lott Stallings, of Perquimans Precinct, Planter—for £10 22 Barrels of Tar, pd the 25 Dec next, by Richard Harrel of afore’ Planter—sold 170a… (land bought of Skinner 1721, he of Robert Browne, he of William Kitchen)
1738 – James Mcglohon to Elias Stallings of Chowan Precinct, …317a. (McGlohons married into Stallings family, mentioned in an Elias will)
1739 – Allen deed, on Merrittock River, wit. by Jonas Stallings, jurat (Bertie).
1739 - Henry Stallings, “doth assign, within deed” unto Isaac Stallings, Perquimans Pct.
1740 – Perquimans Co. Early Tax List for 1740 contains Elias, Isaac, Lot, Nicholas & Simon Stallings.
1740 – James Stallings [J3] beginning to purchase land on Neuse River, in Craven Co./ Johnston Co.
1740 - Isaac Stallings, of Perquimans, Planter—for £10, 50a… …Joseph Newby, & Mary his wife, Thomas Winslow, & Elizabeth his wife, which was sold by them, to Nicholas Stallings, July 21, 1729. (appears to show a possible father Nicholas, giving to his son, Isaac)
1741 - Christopher Jackson, of Nancimund Co., in Va, “do grant unto my trusty friend Nicholas Stallings,” power to Ack’ unto John Hollowell, a tract of land, devised to said John, this 25 Oct, 1741. Test’ Elias Stallings Jr, Wm Price
1741 – Chas. Stallings sells to James Ellis, land in Chowan Co., deed book A1, pg.36
1741 – Elias Stallings sells to John Norris, land in Chowan Co.
1741 – Elias Stallings sells to Henry Baker, land in Chowan Co., deed book A1, pg.26.
1741 – Elias Stallings sells to William Langston, land in Chowan Co.
1741 – Elias Stallings sells to James Ellis, land in Chowan Co.
1741 – Elias and Susannah Stallings sell John Norris “The Banks of Italy”, being the manor and plantation where Elias Stallings now lives…
- then moved to Bertie Co., bought thousands of acres, on both sides of The Great Branch
1741 - Christopher Jackson, of Nancimund Co, in Va, “do grant unto my trusty friend Nicholas Stallings,” power to Ack’ unto John Hollowell, a tract of land, devised to said John, this 25 Oct, 1741. Test’ Elias Stallings Jr, Wm Price. (Perquimans Co.)
1742 – Joseph Newby of Perquimans, Millwright; for £10 paid by Lott Stallings, of aforesaid, sold-150 acres …NE side of Cypress Swamp, and “Balls” Branch, adjoining Nathan Newby.
- Nathan Newby was a Quaker Leader, who built the first meeting house in Perquimans, gave the land for the creation of the city of Hertford, and sat on the board controlling its development.
1742 – John Vanpelt to Elias Stallings, Yeoman of Bertie Precinct, …£400 for 150a…
1742 - Court Minutes, Bertie County, February 8, 1742, Elias Stallings proved his headrights videlicet; Elias Stallings, Susannah Stallings, wife, Elias Stallings, Moses Stallings, Judah Stallings, Jesse Stallings, Josiah Stallings, Margaret Stallings, Susannah Stallings, whites and Sarah & Phillis, black indentured
1744 - Petition for a Road- …Jno. Stallins or any 12 of them lay out sd Road from Horspen Meadow to the sd. Wynns' Landing. (Bertie Court) …Needham Bryan, Justice.
1744 - Isaac Stallings - administered on the Est. of his brother, Jonas Stalling, Bertie Co. court, at Windsor, NC. …Needham Bryan, Justice.
- I believe this is the first Isaac. Probably closely related to my line, since we appear to be the only ones with the name Isaac stallings very prevalentk
1746- Rountree, Thomas, Sr., Chowan, Dec. 1st, 1746. July Court 1748. Sons Charles and Thomas, grand-sons William Wallis and Thomas Rountree (son of Thomas and Mary), son-in-law Elias Stallings and wife Elizabeth my daughter, their children Jacob, Elias, John and Elizabeth, wife Elizabeth, Charles and Thomas Rountree Executors. Test, Thos. Walton, John Freeman.
1747 – Joseph, Joseph Jr., William & John Stallings, of Upper Parrish, Nansemonde, VA, present for many land transactions with John Jacob, Solomon, Mills & Lemuel Riddick.
- May show some of the group of early Stallings who stayed in Virginia.
1748 – Thomas Parker, wheelwright, to John Freeman, wheelwright, Bertie Co., …I’m including grist water mill, on Barbecue Swamp, bought of Elias Stallings…
1749 – Elias Stallings sells to William Norris, land in Chowan Co.
- If anything, this early Elias Stallings, of Perquimans Precinct, then County, was the progenitor of a large family, and a prominent citizen, and owned enormous tracts of land. He was the Yeoman for Perquimans Co., and authored many official documents such as the 1745, and the 1748 official Tax Lists for Perquimans. The following deed shows this Elias Stallings, giving 600 acres of land, to 12 of his friends, “for love and affection”, 50 acres each. This Perquimans land deed is a great representation of early friends of the Stallings family. Capt. Joseph Reddick, and his brothers are amongst those found on this deed. The Captain’s son, Gen. Joseph Reddick, married Simon Stallings’ daughter, Ann (Stallings) Reddick. Gen. Reddick was, to say the least, a Patriot, and leader, in the revolution, and a 33yr. Representative, and Speaker, in the Senate. During the Revolution, Gen. Reddick (then Captain) had some of the following soldiers in his company; Robert, William, and Mark Newby, Simon, Jacob, & Elias Stallings, Thomas, John, Abraham, and David Riddick, John, Joel, and Abner Holowell, Daniel, and Josiah Rogerson, Joshua, Joseph & issac Lilly, and Moses Roundtree. Capt. Reddick’s brother, Robert Reddick, Esq., also deeded land here, was Justice of the Peace for Perquimans Co., John Reddick md. Margaret Lilly (dau. of Thomas). / John Hollowell md. Ann Newby, were known Perquimans Quakers. Lilly’s were some of the first inhabitants of Perquimans Precinct, known Quaker leaders, and married into Stallings, Roundtrees, and Hollowells)
1749 - Elias Stallings of Perquimans, for “love & aff’ I have for my Friends, Nicholas Stallings, Robert Reddick, Joseph Reddick, John Reddick, John Hollowell, Daniel Rogerson, Thomas Lilly, William Lilly, Timothy Lilly, Joseph Lilly, Simon Stallings, & James Pierce, of afore’ Co, have given to them land on North East side of head of Perquimans River, 50a without any manner of condition.” July 15, 1749.
1749 -No. 16. John Hollowell, & James Price of Perquimans, for £5, pd by Joel Hollowell, of afsd—sold 100a on East side of Perquimans River, adj Elias Stallings, dec, “land taken up by sd Stallings (640a) out of which sd Stallings gave unto Nicholas Stallings 600a, July 15, 1749.” (selling the 50a. each that Elias gave them?)
1749 - William Moore of Perquiman planter—for a val’ con’ pd by Lott Stallings, sold 98a, on South West side of Perquimans River, on line of Elizabeth Symons, in Balahack, commonly called “the Elbow”…
1749 – Lott Stallings – will – written in Chowan Co., proven in Bertie Co. Court at Edenhouse. …to my son Samuel, that parcel of land in Belley Hacck, known as “The Elbo”…(at the head of the Perquimans River) …my son in law Isaac Hill, all that parcel of land bought of Joseph Newby, being in the fork joining one Thomas Newby line… …– Granddaughter Sarah Hill – cow and calf. – Daughter Ann Stallings – rest of my estate. Ex. son Samuell. Wit: James Copeland, Benjaman (B) Berryman, Gilbert Scott
1749 – Samuel Stallings of Perquimans, planter, for £18, 1 shilling, paid by George Eason, of aforesaid county, sold 150 acres on Middle Swamp to the lines of James Scott, Richard Harrell, and Thomas Docton... . Test. Luke Sumner…’
1749 – John Boyce, Perquimans Will… …wit. Nicholas and, (his brother) Henry Stallings.
1749 – John Gilbert to Isaac Stallons (Stalions), £25 for 100a, on East side of Coneritsrat Swamp, Bertie Co.,j
1750 – Isack Stallings to James Jenkins, £25 for 360a, on Cashy Swamp, now called Connaritsrat Swamp…(Bertie)jl
1750 – James Stallings, listed in North Carolina Militia Rolls for Edgecombe Co. in 1750.
1750 – Gregory Stallings, sold land In Chowan Co. to John Sumner.
1752 – Hugh Allen, Chowan Co. will, …wit. Richard Stallings
1752 – Edward Arnoll (Arnold/Arnell) – will, Chowan Co., …bequeath to my daughter, Hannah Stallings… …James Stallings and Hannah Stallings, my grandchildren. (unsure of Father, unverified says an Elias)
1753 – Gregory Stallings Jr., and Joan Stallings, of Edgecombe Co., to Gregory Stallings Sr., of Edgecombe Co., …163 acres, …being half the tract whereon I live.
1753 – Chowan Co. Tax List for 1753 contains Moses & Samuel Stallings.
1754 – Henry Stallings died. Estate inventoried by Elias. Henry’s brother Nicholas Stallings, sells his right to brothers land to John Hollowell. …buyers, Nicholas, Elias, Simon Stallings, John Hollowell.
1754 – John Sumner – will – Chowan Co., …land bought of Joseph and Grigory Stallings… (Sumner, was FF, lived on Orapeake Swamp, was considered Upper Parish, Nansemonde, VA)
1754 – Perquimans Co. Tax List shows, Simon, Elias, and Nicholas Stallings, along with Reddicks/Riddicks, Whites, Lilly’s, and Rountrees.
1755 – John Stallings and Judith Stallings, of Edgecombe, to Thomas Price of Edgecombe, …200a on north side of Tar River, and North side of Falling Run, joining the Great Pond…
1755 - Reuben Field, & Sarah his wife, for £100 pd by Joshua White, of Perquimans, sold 330a in the mouth of “Reedy Branch” adj Elias Stallings… Test’ Nichols Stallings.
1756 - John Stallings, of Granville County, and Elias Stallings Jr., to William Blitchenden, March 13, 1756. £50 for 416a, on Spring Branch adjoining Mary Parker, and Wynns. Witness Peggi Wynns, Benjamin Wynns… April Court, Bertie Co.
1757 – Bertie Co. Tax List for 1757 contains Elias Jr., Elias Sr.(possible son of Nicholas Junior), Jesse, Josiah, Isaac & Moses Stallings. (cannot be original Elias Sr. & Jr.)
1758 – Isaac Stallings – Craven Co., estate inventoried by wife Mary Stallings. **(estate sales papers show a buyer as Elias Stallings, son of John Stallings) (need to find inventory again!!!)
1758 - Stallings, Nicholas, - will - May 10, 1758; Mch. 9, 1768. Sons Nicholas and John, wife Christian, daughters Elizabeth, Mary, Rachel and Charity Stallings; wife and son Nicholas, Exrs. Test, Robt. Riddick, John White, Samuel Perry. .
1758 – Gregory Stallings Sr., of Edgecombe, to James Stallings [J1], of Edgecombe Co., “for favors done, 80 acres whereon I live” …wit. Gregory Stallings Jr.
1759 – upper Parish, Nansemonde, VA, …the line between James Stallings [J?], and Joseph Stallings, & Joseph Stallings Jr., and hezikiah riddick…
- (upper parish vestry book entry shows a great number of Stallings, Riddicks, & Lassiters, still neighbors, in Virginia at this time)
1759 – John Morris’s will, Bertie co. …daughter Mary Stallings, …and proved by the oaths of John Early, and Jacobe Stallings, jurat.
- note – the following 2 wills are the In-laws, and friends, of James Stallings [J1]. Father and son, both wrote wills within a few days of each other, then died at the same time, a few weeks later. Also mentioned are “Ross” sons, and daughters, who seem to have died very recently. Maybe disease killing them?
1761 April 14 – Andrew Ross, Edgecombe Co. will, …son in law, James Stallings [J1]. …Exrs. Wife, and James Stallings….
1761 April 7 – Daniel Ross, Edgecombe Co, will, …father and exr., Andrew Ross., Exrs, …James Stallings…
1763 – Elias Stallings – will, Bertie Co., proven June, 1763. …my sons, John, Elias, Moses, Jesse, & Josiah, my daus.,
1764 – Edgecombe co. will of James Stallings [J1], written 02/26/1764, proven in April. …son, Jacob, dau., Ester, Elizabeth, Ann… …Exrs., wife Ann (Ross) Stallings, friend that’s how Henry Horne. …wit., Elisha Stallions, John Stallions. (probably Henry “the Quaker” Horne, his father, “William Horne, of Nansemonde” [ancestor of my grandfather Henry Horne in Johnston Co.], was friend of Elias Stallings).
1767 – Nicholas Stallings will, written 10 May 1759, Perquimans Co., …unto my two sons, Nicholas and John Stallings, all my lands that I now hold… …my loving wife Christian Stallings… …daughters, Elizabeth, Mary, Rachel, and Charity Stallings.
1774 – Simon Stallings gives inventory of Joseph Stallings estate. (Give list of buyers, and their counties.)
(Original in the Court House at Edenton, N. C.)
North Carolina—ss, To the Honourable President & Councill — March ye 28th 1702. The petition of Benjamin Blanchard, John Campbell, Thomas Spivey, Erancis Rountree, Robert Laciter, George Laciter and Nicholas Stallings in all humility, Complaineth,
Whereas every of yor Honrs petitionrs hath a lawfull right in and to considerable tracts of land lying and being within this Province and bounding upon Bennett’s Creyke and a Creyke now Known by the name of Garrett’s Creyke as by yor Honours petitionrs patents under the Seale of this Province and other grants and Conveyances more at large doth and may appeare. And forasmuch as the Chowan Indians having their hunteing quarters upon some of ye petitionrs lands aforesaid, therefore doe pretend the said lands to be theirs notwithstanding the patents and grants aforesaid: in Marceing and threatening yor Honrs petrs by destroying their Stocks burning their houses and other hostilities under pretence they are under yor Honrs protection and no Englishman ought to Seate within four miles of their Towne the which yor Hours petitionrs well Knowing that by an ordr of the Honourable Councill no Seate ment ought to be made within the space of four miles aforesaid anywise to the prejudice of the said Indians neither hath yor Honrs petitionrs taken up any land witingly within that distance, yet to continue peace and tranquility with the said Indians yor Honrs petitionrs hath offered to purchass their right if any to the land held as aforesd by yor Honrs petrs which they refuse and denyeth any Seatement to be made thereon for prevention whereof and that yor Honrs petitionrs May have a peaceable enjoyment in their and every of their aforesd lands humbly implores that the said Indians land may be laid out to them according to the aforesd order of Councill, and if any of yor Honrs petrs hapen to hold any land within the aforesd limited bounds it shall be by yor petitionrs deserted and left out to the said Indians use—that they as well as yor Honrs petitionrs in their capacity may be found true & faithfull subjects. And that yor Honrs petitionrs May enjoy their said lands in peace & safety, and as in all duty bound shall ever pray &c.
Benjamin Blanchard John Campbell Thomas { his X mark } Spivey Francis Rountree Robert Rountree Robert Laciter George Laciter Nicholas Stallings
Original Archived Document; https://digital.ncdcr.gov/digital/collection/p16062coll38/id/7916/rec/1
Early Stallings Virginia Land Patent Transcripts
(O-1) John stallings and Elias stallings, Nansemonde, VA patent abstract
To all whosoever, thou know ye, that I the said Thomas Lord Culpepper, with the consent of the Council of State, accordingly give, and grant, unto John Stallings and Elias Stallings 280 acres of land and white marsh, lying and being at a place called the White Marsh, in the Upper Parish of Nanzemond County, and beginning at a marked white oake in Captain Boothe’s land, and runs north 31°, easterly passing by a great marked line which stands on a point by said marsh, …and so runs till it joins the land of Robert Riddick, 520 polls, and again from… South 50° east early 140 poles to a… marked line… … of John Ellis … belonging to the said Boothe, bound north 21° easterly 554 poles to land of the aforesaid Reddick , being surplus of land found to be within the bounds of a patent granted to William Wright the eighth 18th of March 1662, the said land being granted for his transportation of six persons into this colony whose names? In the records used for this Patent to have and to hold… The 16th day of April, 1683
6 Persons Transported: John Serjeant, Thomas Symons, Thomas Barrick, James Johnson, Thomas Busby, John Meekes
(O-2) Nicholas Stallings, 63 Acre patent, White Marsh, Upper Parish, Nansemonde, Virginia, 1702.
To all ye where as ye down the year that I the said Francis Nicholson Esquire, governor, and Company, do with the advice and consent of the Council of State, accordingly give and grant unto Nicholas Stallings, 63 acres of land situated, lying, and being, at a place called the White marsh in ye upper parish of Nanzemond County, beginning at a gum standing in the line of a patent formerly granted William Wright, and a corner tree of Charles Campbells land, and running vans bounding on Campbell’s, north by West 190 poles to a white oak vents are bounding on the land of William Brown south by West 280 poles to a black oak standing in the aforesaid Wrights line, thence North East 124 poles, bordering on ye said Wrights first station. The said land being given unto the said Nicholas Stallings by and for the transportation of two persons into the colony, whose names are to be in the records mentioned under this patent. To have and to hold, and to behold… …given under my hand and seal of sd. Colony, this 25th day of April anno domini 1702. —JJNicholson
2 persons imported: Daniel Pugh (twice imported)
(O-3) Nicholas Stallings 285 acres on Rich Thickett Swamp, 28th October 1702.
To all ye where as ye now no year that I said Francis Nicholson Esquire governor and Company do with the advice and consent of the council of state accordingly give and grant on to Nicholas Stallings 285 acres of land lying and being in the upper parish of Nanzemond County in the south west word side of the rich thicket swamp adjoining beginning at a gum standing in the said swamp spring thence South easterly 4° 28 poles to a pine a corner tree of Thomas Milner his land thence South westerly 20° 45 poles to a pine thence South easterly 62° 402 poles to a pine fence northeasterly 63° 40 poles crossing a branch to a gum a line of trees of a patent formally granted to William Jones and Thomas Norfleet thence bounding on the sideline do Norse to a woman 86 poles to a white oak standing on the south west word side of Corapeake Swamp, Jones and Norfleet their corner tree vents running up the swamp including a small island there in according to its overall courses to the mouth of the rich thicket swarm that’s running up the Rich thickett swamp, it several courses in bounding there on to the first station. The said land Being due to the said Nicholas Stallings by and for the transportation of six persons into the colony whose names are to be in the records mentioned under this patent. To have and to hold and to be held to yielding in paying ye provided and given under any my hand and the seal of (Could not find any record of these 6 people transported) yes I did, need to insert!
(O-4) John Stallings 1704 404 acres, nansemond Virginia patent Abstract
To all ye whereas ye now know ye that I the said Francis Nicholson Esquire governor and co, with the advise and consent of the council of states accordingly give and grant unto John Stallings 404 acres of land situated lying and being in the upper parish of Nanzemond County on both sides of a swamp called the middle swamp, a branch of Bennetts Creek beginning at a red Oak a corner tree of Henry Kings land and running thence southwesterly 51° 51 poles to a gum thence North Westerly 71° 40 poles 2A white oak, thence northwesterly 39 degrees 75 poles to a red oak, thence due West 31 poles to a white oak, thence northwesterly 70 degrees 184 poles to a white oak thence northwesterly 10 degrees 50 poles to a Hickory that northeasterly 52 degrees 78 poles to and oak thence due E 384 poles to a sourwood tree thence northeasterly 55 degrees 30 poles to a pine thence southeasterly 69 degrees 78 poles to a red oak, thence South westerly 3 degrees 20 poles to a red oak standing in we at first said Henry kings line then to do W 21 poles to a corner tree of the said kings vents rounding on the said kings line to the first mentioned station the sad land going do unto the said John stallings by and for the transportation of nine persons into this colony whose names are to be in the records mentioned under this patent period to having to hold ye to be held ye yielding and paying ye bounded you given under my hand and the seal of the colony this day of October anno domini 1704. —FF Nicholson 9 persons imported;
(O-5) John Sumner, and John Stallings, 1000 acres
To all ye whereas ye Now know ye that the said Thomas Lord Culpepper Esquire do with the consent of the council, accordingly give and grant, unto John Sumner, and John Stallings, 1000 acres of land, lying and being in the Upper Parish of Nansimund county, at a place called Orapeake, beginning at a marked Beech, standing by the edge of Orapeake Swamp… … the mouth of a branch that runs out of ye said swamp and runs by The said branches side northeast half a degree Northerly 320 poles, to a marked white oake by ye said branch side, thence SE 504 poles, to a marked pine, thence southwest half a pole, southerly 320 poles to a marked Red Oake by Orapeake Swamp, and thence up along by the said swamps first station. The said land due to the said John Sumner and John Stallings by and for the transportation of 20 persons into this colony whose names are mentioned and the records used for this patent. To have and to hold as yielding and paying you provided and dated the 16th day of April 1683.
Headrights listed— James Williams, Job Lane, Bartholomew Lowndes, Arthur Upshore, Robert Brady, Dorothy Perkins, Thomas Melford, John Little, Mary Fisher, Jane Jolly, Peter Peterson, David Warren, Thomas?, Roger Beech, Thomas Rogers, Janet Duncan, Walter Wood, Phyllis Cox, William(?) Norman.
Early Craven & Johnston County Stallings
Stallings Land Deeds – Craven / Johnston / Wake Co.
1740 - 313a -James Stallings …in Craven County, on the South Side of the Neuse River, opposite of John Blackman’s landing, …along the meanderings of the river.
1741 - 64a - James Stallings …in Craven County, on the North side of the Neuse River, adjoining Arthur Blackmans line.
1745 – 327a - … I, Theophilus Williams, of the county of Onslow… to James Stallings, of Craven County… …one plantation, and track of land, lying and being in Craven County… At the mouth of the Curd??? branch on the north side of the Neuse River.
1753 - 350a - James Stallings, Earl Granville Grant, on N side of Neuse River, in Johnston Co.
1754 - 399a - James Stallings, Earl Granville Grant, in Johnston Co, on the East side of White Oake Creek…
1760 – 100a - James Stallings to Isaac Williams - To all ye whom these may come knowings, that I, James stallings, of Johnston County, in the province of North Carolina, for and in consideration of these sum of 20 pounds to me, in hand, paid by Isaac Williams of Johnston County the province aforsaid, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, I have this day bargained and sold to the above named isaac williams, one certain tract of land in johnston county on the north side Of the Neuse River, on north side of the Meadows Branch, beginning at the Meadows Branch at James stallings line, thence along Thomas P. Stallings line, to George Pooles line thence down the various courses of the said Line to the Meadows Branch… 100 acres, to be the same more or less, being part of a track taken by James Stallings as appears by Earl Granville’s deed, bearing date the 26th day of October in the year of our Lord 1753… …I the said James Stallings, have here on to, set my hand, and affixed my seal, this 28th of July 1760 — James Stallings Witnesses present; Needham Bryan, William Poole & George Poole.
- These neighbors to the Stallings family plantation, William, and George Poole, were also great-grand children of our grandmother Jane (Boult) Poole/Avera, and Henry Avera Sr.
1763 - 399a - James Stallings of Johnston Co., to Richard Johnson of same, … on the South side of the Neuse river, on the east side of White Oak Creek. … as appears in Earl Granville’s grant of 1754.
1777 - 130 Acres - beginning at a mouth in the branch that separates him and Samuel Smith. Land passed down in will, by Thomas Avera Sr., (that was patented to him in 1744) to his son Isaac Avera of GA. ( Zadock Stallings purchased this land from his wife Anne’s uncle Isaac Avera who moved to Georgia.) -Z-
1778 - 200 acres in Wake County on both sides of Middle Creek... beginning at Andrew Collins corner... ...To a red oak in John Smith's line... to a red oak in William Lynn's line... -Z-
1778 - 300a in Johnston county, on the South side of the Neuse river, adjoining his own, and Colonel John Smith’s.
1779 - 340a - in Johnston Co., on the north side of the Neuse river, and both sides of the Great Branch... Adjoining his own line, and Samuel Smiths corner...
1779 - 300 Acres - State of N.C. Grant #264 - North side of Neuse River, along his own line, and the Great Branch, adjoining Samuel Smiths line, and Thomas Avera Sr’s line. -Z-
1782 - 340 Acres - State of N.C. Grant #715 - N. side of Neuse River, both sides of the Great Branch, joining his own, and Samuel Smiths line. -Z-
1782 - 100 Acres - State of N.C. Grant #535 - …on the Rooty/Rocky(?) Prong of Mill Branch, and Moccasin Pocosin. … beginning at a pine in Lewis Bryan's corner, on said prong… -Z-
1782 - 224 Acres - State of N.C. Grant #678 - …on the head of “Little Creek”, including the pocosan, and the pond… beginning at a pine at the head of the creek, and Beaverdam Branch. …in Searcy’s corner on Thomas Barrow’s line. -Z-
1792 - 150 Acres - in Johnston Co. adjoining Samuel Smiths corner, purchased from William Smith. -Z-
1792 - 700 Acres - in Johnston Co., purchased from Elphinston Cary (prominent British family, Jamestowne ancestors). -Z-
1793 - 245 Acres - S. side of Neuse River, on a prong of “Little Creek”, purchased from John Bedingfield.
1794 - 50 Acres - State of N.C. Grant #1321 - in Johnston Co., adjoining his own line, Nicholas Ferrells line, and Little Berry Mays line. -Z-
1800- 485 Acres, in Johnston Co., North side of Little River, adjoining Vinsons corner, Thomas Barons corner, from Matthew Parker. -E-
1800- 100 Acres, in Johnston Co. North side of Little River, adjoining Parker’s line. -E-
1800- 250 Acres, in Johnston Co., on Sam’s Creek, along Hogpen Branch, from William Branon. -E-
1801- 90 Acres, in Johnston Co., on the North side of Neuse River, South side of Hogpen branch. Adjoining his own line, William Richardson’s corner, and George Wimberlys corner, from William Robertson. -E-
1801- 175 Acres in Johnston Co., on the south side of Little River, adjoining Hardy Parker’s line, and various corners of the Great Branch, and along Chapman Hales corner, from Benjamin O’Neal. -E-
1802- 99 Acres in Johnston Co., on the North side of Little River, adjoining his own line, Stephen Hicks line, the Spring Branch, and William Bailey’s old line, From Calvin Jones. -E-
1805 - 350 Acres - S. side of the Neuse River, adjoining Ethelred Gregory, John Hinton, and his own line, purchased from Samuel Norsworthy. -Z-
1807- 40 Acres in Johnston Co., on the North side of Little River, being part of Hailes current plantation, from Chapman Hailes. -E-
1807- 211 Acres in Johnston Co., on the North side of Little River, adjoining his own line, and Moses O’Neal’s corner, from Thomas Barrow. -E-
1815- 150 Acres in Johnston Co., north side of Little River, adjoining Calvin Jones old corner, and Stephen Hicks line, from Lewis Hailes. =E=
1822- 160 Acres in Johnston Co., from Lewis Solomon. -E-
Early Edgecombe County Stallings
Edgecombe Precinct...
1735 – Gregory Stallings, Chowan County, 1735 Tax List, 150 Acres.
1743 - page 216, James Pittman and Elizabeth Pittman of Edgecombe County to John stallings of Edgecombe County, 21 Feb., 20 pounds current money of Virginia, 200 acres on the north side of Tar River joining Falling Run. Witness Abraham Evans, Robert Coleman jr, Thomas Woodard. Registered Feb. ct 1743, Robert forester clerk of court.
1749 – George stallings 326 acres of land in Edgecombe County beginning at a white oak in George Wimberly line …. …to a pine in Jacob Popes’ line… …pole in Elizabeth Tillman’s line… along George Wimberly line to the first station. Dated 25th day of March 1749, Granville Grant #275
1750 – James Stallings, listed in North Carolina Militia Rolls for Edgecombe Co. in 1750.
1750 – Gregory Stallings, sold land In Chowan Co. to John Sumner.
1753 - John Stallings 180 acres of land in Edgecomb County, on Beech Run beginning at a large white oaks…… Dated 27th day of April 1753, Granville Grant #74.
1753 – Gregory Stallings Jr., and Joan Stallings, of Edgecombe Co., to Gregory Stallings Sr., of Edgecombe Co., …163 acres, …joining Elizabeth Pittman, being half the tract whereon I live…
1754 – John Sumner – will – Chowan Co., …land bought of Joseph and Grigory Stallings… (Sumner, was FF, lived on Orapeake Swamp, was considered Upper Parish, Nansemonde, VA)
1755 - DB 2 pg. 169 - John STALLINS and Judith STALLINS of Edge. Co. to Thomas PRICE of Edge. Co., planter, 26 Jan 1755 - 26 pounds current money of Virginia, 200 acres more or less on the north side of Tar River and teh north side of Falling run, joining the Great Pond as by patent 5 May 1742. Wit: William TAYLOE, John WOODARD. Reg Edge Co. Feb Ct 1755, B. WYNNS C.Ct. (Edgecombe Co. , North Carolina, Abstract of Deeds 1732-1758 , Margaret Hoffman
1756 - John Stallings, of Granville County, and Elias Stallings Jr., to William Blitchenden, March 13, 1756. £50 for 416a, on Spring Branch adjoining Mary Parker, and Wynns. Witness Peggi Wynns, Benjamin Wynns… April Court, Bertie Co.
1757 – Bertie Co. Tax List for 1757 contains Elias Jr., Elias Sr.(possible son of Nicholas Junior), Jesse, Josiah, Isaac & Moses Stallings. (cannot be original Elias Sr. & Jr.)
1758 - Edge. Co. (Halifax) Db 6, page 307, deed date 16 Feb 1758, recorded Jun Ct 1758, Gregory Stallings, Sr, Edge. Co, planter for and in considerations of (favors & deeds done) by James Stallings, county aforesaid, a tract of 81 acres being half the tract on where I live beginning at a red oak on the (upper) line and down to a pine one of the other lines, signed Gregory Stallings (mark), wit (John Fountain), Gregory Stallings, Jr (mark). Abstracted 5-14-06, NCA film C.047.40002, CTC.
1759 – upper Parish, Nansemonde, VA, …the line between James Stallings and Joseph Stallings, & Joseph Stallings Jr., and Hezekiah Riddick…
- (upper parish vestry book entry shows a great number of Stallings, Riddicks, & Lassiters, still neighbors, in Virginia at this time)
1759 – John Morris’s will, Bertie co. …daughter Mary Stallings, …and proved by the oaths of John Early, and Jacobe Stallings, jurat.
Read the petition of sundry inhabitants of Swift Creek for a road. Ordered that the following persons be jury to lay out same beginning on south side of Creek near the old store house alias Col. WHITEHEADs store house in WHITTINGTONs Rode from the new down the road that crosses said Creek at John MIALS at or near John HATCHERs plantation; to wit: Jacob WHITEHEAD, Simon JOHNSON, Robert MANER, William ANDERSON, John HATCHER, Robert ROSE, Hardyman POPE, John SIKES, Arthur WHITEHEAD, Ebenezer FOLSOME, Henry BECKWORTH, Mathew DRAKE, Francis PARKER, Isaac HILLIARD, John STALLIONS, John HATCHER, Jr, Francis JONES, William LANGLY.
1763 – Elias Stallings – will, Bertie Co., proven June, 1763. …my sons, John, Elias, Moses, Jesse, & Josiah, my daus.,
1763 - Deed from James STALLIONS & ux to John STALLIONS proved by William FOUNTAINE
1763 - Edge. Co. Db C, page 73, recorded Oct Ct 1763, Jonathan Coleman, planter, Edge. Co to John Stallings, county aforesaid for 5 shillings proc money, a tract on the north side of Buck Swamp beginningat a red oak in Charles Coleman, Jr's line then north 160 poles to a red oak then west 160 poles to a pine in John Stallings line then south 38 poles to a hickory then west 40 poles to a cypress then down the swamp 122 poles to a gum in Charles Coleman's line then along said line to the first station, containing 200 acres, signed Jonathan Coleman, wit James Murphree, William Fountain (X), John Fountain.
1764 – Edgecombe co. will of James Stallings [J1], written 02/26/1764, proven in April. …wife, Ann, if she shall be with child… …son, Jacob, dau., Ester, Elizabeth, Ann… …Exrs., wife Ann (Ross) Stallings, friend Henry Horne. …wit., Elisha Stallions, John Stallions. (probably Henry “the Quaker” Horne, his father, “William Horne, of Nansemonde” [ancestor of my grandfather Henry Horne in Johnston Co.], was friend of Elias Stallings).
1764 - db c p 544 John Stallings of Edgecombe to Hardy Jones of Hertford Co 25, 1764 for 18# Virginia money an 81 A plantation on the north side of Tar River adj Gregory Stallings it being part of a Granville grant to Gregory Stallings JR wit: Elias Hilliard, John Sikes , Elisha Stallings
1765: Anne STALLIONS app’d Guardian to Jacob, Esther & Elizabeth STALLIONS, orphans of James STALLIONS, dec’d. She accordingly entered into bond of £500 with John WOODARD & John STALLIONS Securities
1765- - Edge. Co. Db C, page 285, deed date 21 Mar 1765, recorded Apr Ct 1765, George Wimberly, Sr and his wife, Morning Wimberly, Edge. Co to George Wimberly, Jr, county aforesaid for 500 pds, a tract of land on the north side of Tar River being the tract whereon said George Wimberly now lives bounded lower side of said tract by the land belonging to he heirs of Robert Coleman, dec'd and Gregory Stallings & Moses Woodard and west by lands belonging to the estate of Henry Bond dec'd and the other side joining on Tar River one of said tract being a patent containing 640 acres of which the said George Wimberly has already sold 100 acres to Francis Elender joyning on the river aforesaid where the said Elender's plantation now is, the said patent granted by his Excellency Gabriel Johnson to George Wimberly dated 28 Jul 1743, the other said tract containing 370 acres granted to Granville to George Wimberly dated 12 Dec 1760, signed George Wimberly, Morning Wimberly (X), wit Aquilla Sugg, W. Hargrove. Abstracted 23 Sep 07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC.
1766 - Edge. Co. Db C, page 471, deed date 13 Oct 1766, recorded Oct Ct 1767, Gregory Stallings, Sr, St. Marys Parish, Edge. Co to John Stallngs, his son, county aforesaid for 5 pds Virginia, the tract of land and plantation that I now live on, on the north side of Tar River containing (81) acres beginning at Hard Jones line a red oak in Gregory Stallings line then along the said Hardy Jones, his line to the former line to a pine Hardy Jones his corner then along the old line as it (directs) to the other corner that convennaits the aforesaid 81 acres then to the first station, a red oak, the land ware a part of deed granted to Gregory Stallings Jr by Earl Granville. Abstracted 10-11-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC
1766 - Edge. Co. Db C, page 471, deed date 13 Oct 1766, recorded Oct Ct 1767, Gregory Stallings, Sr, St. Marys Parish, Edge. Co to John Stallngs, his son, county aforesaid for 5 pds Va, the tract of land and plantation that I now live on, on the north side of Tar River containing (81) acres beginning at Hard Jones line a red oak in Gregory Stallings line then along the said Hardy Jones, his line to the former line to a pine Hardy Jones his corner then along the old line as it (directs) to the other corner that convennaits the aforesaid 81 acres then to the first station, a red oak, the land ware a part of deed granted to Gregory Stallings Jr by Earl Granville. Abstracted 10-11-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC.
1768 -MAY, 1768, Gregory STALLIONS a very aged and poor person is ordered to be recommended to the next General Assembly as a proper object to be exempt from public taxes and duties.
1770 - John WOODARD and John STALLIONS who were security for Anne STALLIONS who was Guardian for Anne STALLIONS, Orphan of James STALLIONS comes into court and moves that Arthur O NEAL who intermarried with the said Anne STALLIONS be summoned to appear at the next court to give other security.
1770 - Edge. Co. Db 3, page 277, deed date 25 Jan 1777, recorded Feb Ct 1778, Robert Coleman, Dobbs Co, to James Stallings, Edge. Co for love and affection for his son in law, the said James Stallings; whereas a deed of grant was signed by Thomas Child, agent for Lord Granville unto Charles Coleman, Jr on 5 Aug 1764 containing 548 acres on Beech Run, said Robert Coleman conveys to his said son in law, James Stallings and his daughter, Priscilla Stallings 200 acres of the said 548 acres granted to Charles Coleman, beginning at a red oak Elisha Battle's corner then east 160 poles to Jesse Price's line then north along the said line to a corner white oak then east along the other line to Beech Run then up the various courses of the said run to John Stallings' line then west along said line to corner pine then south along the line to the first station, signed Robert Coleman (NOTE: SIGNATURE MADE TWICE IN DIFFERENT HANDS), wit Elisha Battle, Jesse Price (proved), Jeremiah Hilliard. Abstracted 4-10-05, NCA film C.037.40005, CTC.
AUGUST, 1772
Elijah PROCTOR, a base born son of Mary PROCTOR, age 13 years be bound to Elisha STALLIONS to learn the art & mystery of a cooper.
Deed of Sale: John STALLINGS to James STALLINGS – proved by Elisha STALLINGS.
Deed of Sale: John STALLINGS to Willis STALLINGS – proved by Elisha STALLINGS.
Deed of Sale: Gregory STALLINGS, Jr to Elisha STALLINGS – proved by John ONEAL.
Ordered Abraham EVANS to oversee the road from Falling Run to the Great Branch near GREGORY STALLIONS Path & that the hands of Jesse HARE, Sherwood HAYWOOD & Josiah MURPHREE work under him.
Ordered that Daniel WOODARD be overseer of the road from the Great Branch near GREGORY STALLINGS Path to Swift Creek Bridge & all the hands who formerly worked under WOODARD (except those ordered to work under Abraham Evans) together with the hands of Robert DIGGER & William ELLINOR work on the same.
1772 - Arthur O NEAL, appointed Guardian of Esther & Elijah STALLINGS, orphans of James
STALLINGS, he accordingly entered into bond of £150 Procl. With Isham O NEAL,
Benjamin O NEAL and Nicholas SKINNER.
Arthur O’Neal marries Ann (Ross Stallings) the widow of James Stallings d1764.
Edge. Co. Db 2, page 145, deed date 28 Apr 1772, recorded Oct Ct 1774, Arthur O’Neal and Ann O’Neal his wife, Edge. Co to Nicholas Skinner, county aforesaid for 20 pds proc money, a tract on the south side of Stoney Creek that Andrew Ross gave to his daughter Ann during her life, it being part of the land that Andrew Ross took up bearing date 25 Mar 1741 and gave to his two daughters, Ann and Elizabeth, signed Arthur Oneal (X), Ann Oneal (X), wit John Davenport, Joel Pitman. Abstracted 9-22-05, RD copy, CTC.
1772 - AUGUST, 1772, Elijah PROCTOR, a base born son of Mary PROCTOR, age 13 years be bound to Elisha STALLIONS to learn the art & mystery of a cooper.
1772 - db d 501 John Stallings of Edgecombe to James Stallings of same May 1772 for 10# proc money and 81 A plantation on the north side of Tar River adj Gardy Jones and Gregory Stallings it being part of a 326 A granted to Gregory Stallings, SR by deed from Earl of Granville on 25 March 1749, and then conveyed by deed of sale from said Gregory Stallings, SR to said John Stallings of 13 Oct 1766 Wit: William Lassiter Elisha Stallings
Edge. Co. Db 3, page 277, deed date 25 Jan 1777, recorded Feb Ct 1778, Robert Coleman, Dobbs Co, to James Stallings, Edge. Co for love and affection for his son in law, the said James Stallings; whereas a deed of grant was signed by Thomas Child, agent for Lord Granville unto Charles Coleman, Jr on 5 Aug 1764 containing 548 acres on Beech Run, said Robert Coleman conveys to his said son in law, James Stallings and his daughter, Priscilla Stallings 200 acres of the said 548 acres granted to Charles Coleman, beginning at a red oak Elisha Battle's corner then east 160 poles to Jesse Price's line then north along the said line to a corner white oak then east along the other line to Beech Run then up the various courses of the said run to John Stallings' line then west along said line to corner pine then south along the line to the first station, signed Robert Coleman (NOTE: SIGNATURE MADE TWICE IN DIFFERENT HANDS), wit Elisha Battle, Jesse Price (proved), Jeremiah Hilliard. Abstracted 4-10-05, NCA film C.037.40005, CTC.
1780 - JOHN STALLINGS: Will 31 Dec 1779, Edgecombe Co., NC probated Aug 1780 The will mentions: sons James Stallings, Willis Stallings, John Stallings one shilling each wf Juda Stallings all my land and estate and my land shall revert to my son Simon Stallings. The rest of my property my wf divide among the children as she pleases ex; wf Willis Stallings wit: Jacob Edwards, Elisha Stallings 12-31-1779 8-1780 residue to wf Juda Stallings, plantation and land , reversion to son Simon; sons James, Willis ,and John ex Elisha Stallings Wit James Edwards, Elisha Stallings b. Note: Will Probated Aug 1780, Edgecombe Co., NC
1780 - Edge. Co. Db E, page 106, grant date 13 Apr 1780, recorded Aug Ct 1781, NC grant #82 to Robert Coleman, a tract containing 150 acres on the north side of Tar River beginning at a white oak corner near the (Cypress Pocoson) then running up a branch along his line west 259 poles to a red oak over the river bank then south 58 poles to a red oak in Elisha Stallings line then along his line north 20 east 57 poles to ( ) line then along his line down said pocoson east 178 poles to a pine said Coleman's own corner then south (116) poles to the first station, signed Rd. Caswell, wit Jno. Franck. Abstracted 8-16-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC.
1787 - Edge. Co. Db 4, page 684, deed date 23 Mar 1787, recorded Oct Ct 1787, Commissioners James Adams, Joseph Philips, William Bell, Stephen Coleman, Britton Bryant, Elisha Stallions, James Barrow, Aaron Coleman, Joseph Hart, Joseph Sumner, Simon Harrell, jurors summoned to lay off to Unity Braswell her dower in the land her husband James Braswell dec'd seized and possessed of, being one tract of land joining the lands of Joseph Fort and Solomon Braswell containing 132 acres, beginning at a white oak and running across the tract by a line of marked trees adjoining Joseph Fort's, Garry Fort's and Solomon Braswell's line containing 44 acres, also one tract containing 300 acres joining Garry Fort's and Elias and Maces her dower sett off as follows, beginning at the corner of the deed then along the line easterly to a pine on Humphreys Branch then up the branch to a pine on the back line then west along said line to the corner then to the beginning, containing 100 acres, also her dower in one other tract of 100 acres called Nathan's, beginning at a white oak then along the old line to a pine up said line then by a line of marked trees to a gum near a spring then down the creek to the beginning containing 33 & 1/3 acres, signed James Adams, Simon Harrell, Joseph Hart, Elisha Stallings, Benjamin Philips, Britton Bryant, William Bell, Aaron Coleman, Joseph Philips, Stephen Coleman, James Barrow, Elias Fort, Sheriff. Abstracted 18 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC.
1797 - Edge. Co. Db 9, page 218, deed date 20 Apr 1799, recorded May Ct 1799, Noah Woodard, Edge. Co to Jesse Jones and Lott & Josey Stallings, minors, county aforesaid, for $8 silver, a tract of land on the north side of Tar River being the fifth part which Elisha Stallings died seized and possessed of and also the identical land conveyed to said Noah Woodard by Hardy Stallings for a consideration which sum or purchase money continued in the possession of said Woodard until the death of said Hardy, who was the brother of said Lott and Josey Stallings, and they being his heirs, signed Noah Woodard, wit Frederick Philips, Jas. Pitt. Abstracted 10-2-04, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC.
- …taken, by me, from The North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, vol.1-3, by Hathaway, Cavaliers and Pioneers, by Nugent, History of Perquimans County North Carolina, by Winslow, Abstracts of North Carolina Wills, by Grimes, English Duplicates of Lost Virginia Records, by des Cognets, Colonial Bertie County, North Carolina, Deed Books A-H, 1720-1757, by Bell, the Rocky Mount Telegram newspaper; 06/06/1959, Chowan County, NC, Registrar of Deeds; Archived Deed Lists, Abstracts of Deeds, Edgecombe Precinct, Edgecombe County, North Carolina, 1732 through 1758, by Hofmann, Granville Connections, Volume 14 June 2008, Journal of the Granville County Genealogical Society
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