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Colorado Cemeteries Team Progress

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Surnames/tags: Colorado cemeteries
This page has been accessed 390 times.

This page is part of the Colorado Cemeteries Team, and was created in an effort to keep track of our progress in the nearly 900 cemeteries located in our state. Please add the cemeteries that you have completed or are working on to the table below in alphabetical order, along with other pertinent data, and include your best estimates of the percentages of completion for photography and transcriptions. Be sure to check this table before starting a new cemetery to avoid duplications of effort.

Note: You do not have to finish a whole cemetery before moving on to the next! You can certainly create profiles as you transcribe the images, and if you're doing a bigger cemetery in multiple visits, you can transcribe and create profiles for the sections you've done without waiting until you've photographed the whole cemetery.

For a LIST of cemeteries in order by County see: [1] It is not current, as the Queen of Heaven cemetery in Elbert County is not listed.

Table of Cemeteries

Sortable table
Cemetery Name City County Started By Start Date Survey (% complete) Transcription (% complete) Photo (click for larger)
Bear Canon CemeterySedaliaDouglasThompson-34031 2019-04 95% 84% }
Belleview Cemetery Westminster Adams
Bethany Lutheran Church ColumbariumCherry Hills VillageArapahoe
Byers CemeteryByersArapahoe
Cherry Hills Community Church Memorial Garden Douglas
Elizabeth CemeteryElizabethElbert Taylor-25258 2015-08 ? % ?  %
cemetery, looking north, from, southwest corner.
Elmwood CemeteryBrightonAdams
Fairview CemeteryBrightonAdams
First Plymouth Memorial GardenCherry Hills VillageArapahoe
First Presbyterian Church ColumbariumLittletonArapahoe
Fonder Cemetery| ParkerDouglas Taylor-252582019-7100% 100%
Cemetery entrance - Shed
Franktown CemeteryFranktownDouglas Taylor-25258 2015-0899 % 99%
Franktown Cemetery, Historic site
Golden Hill Cemetery LakewoodJefferson
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church ColumbariumLittletonArapahoe
Indian Park Cemetery Sedalia Douglas Taylor-25258 2013-08 100% 100%
Kanza Cemetery Rush Elbert Taylor-25258 2015-08 .01% %
Kanza Cemetery
Littleton CemeteryLittletonArapahoe Taylor-25258 2015-08  ? %  ?  %
Headstone: Johann Toepfer
Masonic Cemetery Central CityGilpin 2016-06  ? % 0%
Masonic Cemetery, Central City, Colorado - Shed
Melvin-Lewis CemeteryAuroraArapahoe
Mount Nebo Memorial ParkAuroraArapahoe
Mount View CemeteryBennettAdams
Parker CemeteryParkerDouglas Taylor-25258 2019
Wreaths Across America Program
Pioneer CemeteryBrightonAdams
Queen of Heaven CemeteryElizabethElbert Taylor-25258 2021 1% 1% -
cemetery entrance
Riverside Cemetery DenverAdams Taylor-25258 2018-8 1% 1%
Riverside Cemetery, 60,000
Rose Hill Cemetery RifleGarfield
Saint Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church CemeteryEnglewoodArapahoe
Saint Isidore CemeteryWatkinsArapahoe
Saint Simeon Catholic CemeteryAuroraArapahoe
Wesley Chapel CemeteryWestminsterAdams
Veterans Cemetery Grand Junction Mesa Taylor-25258 2022-02  ? % .01%

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Comments: 14

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If we keep adding the cemeteries we all are working on, is there a way to add a # column?

so we know when we hit 900 LOL

posted by Carole Taylor
A friend I was showing this to suggested to put it in county order first?
posted by Carole Taylor
It's already a sortable table. Click on the "double-arrow" icon in the column header to sort by that column. Click on it again to change it from "ascending" order to "descending" order and vice versa.
posted by Eric Weddington
cool! thanks will try it. 30 characters long
posted by Carole Taylor
The Fonder cemetery is 100% photo'd/ profiled and history..............https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Fonder_Cemetery
posted by Carole Taylor
Great work, Carole! Thanks for doing this!
posted by Eric Weddington
[Comment Deleted]
posted by Carole Taylor
deleted by Carole Taylor
added another one but it has no SPACE... just the category...........

I'll stay out so you can fix it or show me how to do the address, please.

posted by Carole Taylor
never mind got it! they MUST have a FREE Space:
posted by Carole Taylor
I'm going to reach out to the Cemeterist Project leaders. A lot of the substructure of the project has changed, and I'm not sure which pages are even relevant anymore.
posted by Eric Weddington
What do you want the "transcription" to say.. how old, its historic or not?? and what survey  %

We have started a GPR and Lidar at Franktown cemetery, yesterday...

posted by Carole Taylor
The lowest level category is a cemetery. We generally don't categorize sections of cemeteries. So the lowest level should be Orchard Mesa Cemetery. Unless there are areas that are a physically separate cemetery.
posted by Eric Weddington
The Orchard Mesa Cemetery categories should probably be named consistently.
posted by Natalie (Durbin) Trott
Hello!  :)

Please add a category for the Calvary Cemetery section of the Orchard Mesa Cemetery in Grand Junction, Mesa County, Colorado. I have several family members who are laid to rest there.

Thanks So Much! - Tiffany T.

posted by Tiffany Thompson