
Comingtee Plantation, Berkeley County, South Carolina

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Berkeley, South Carolinamap
Surnames/tags: Ball Slavery Black_Heritage
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Index of Ball Plantations

Index of Plantations on WikiTree



"Cooper River, about thirty miles from its mouth divides into two branches the Eastern and Western, which, with the main stem of the river, fairly well represent the letter "T." This is where Captain Coming settled this land and called it ComingTee.

"In 1703 and 1704, Elias "Red Cap" Ball purchased and added two adjoining tracts of 572 and 115 acres, respectively, at one shilling per hundred acres. In 1735, he bought a third tract of 140 acres, described by his son, in 1752, as lying between the T of the river, lands of his own, a creek between Nicholas Harleston (then owner of Rice Hope) and the "Northwestern branch of Cooper River;" for this he paid more — three shillings sterling or four shillings, proclamation money, per hundred acres."[1] The probate papers of John Ball (1782-1834) describe the property of Comingtee as being in St Johns Parish Berkley.[2]


Captain John Coming, the half-brother of William Ball, a farmer in Devonshire, England.[3]
Elias "Red Cap" Ball (1675 - 1751), original owner;
Second Elias Ball (1709-1786) in his will, left Limerick and Comingtee plantations to son: Elias Ball III (1752-1810).
John Ball (b. 1782 d. 1834)
Ann Simons Ball (b. 1776 d. 1840) (daughter: Ann Deas)
Keating Simons Ball (b. 1818 d. 1891)

Noted Slaves

Fortune Ford, former slave: a faithful and beloved servant of the Porcher family." Edward Ball notes in "Slaves in the Family" that Ford was "probably, the son of Fortune, a field hand on Comingtee in his twenties at the end of slavery." Laura Porcher White writes of Mr. Ford in the "Porcher Family History" held in the South Carolina Historical Society, "Fortune worked with the Family first at 'Coming Tee' and later at 'Mulberry' - always a faithful and loyal friend. He had charge of the Dairy, skiming [sic] the big pans of milk and churning the butter. In the Basement at Mulberry he made the sausages -- those long links, some mild for the children and red hot ones for the grown-ups. He kept the Brasses shinning [sic], fed all the Dogs and chickens, and many, many other plantation things. The children were devoted to him, and was so trusted that he had charge of the 'Corn House Key' - an important position on a plantation. When Fortune died his family wanted to carry him back to his own family 'Burying ground' at 'Coming Tee.' His family and friends put him on one of the long Rice 'Flats', rowed with long oars, down the cooper with the Tide to Strawberry landing. I wish I could remember how long the journey took, but there were many oars-men and the tide was swift." [4]
Mary Ann Royal, former slave: Laura Heyward Porcher White recounts in the Porcher Family History book (found in the South Carolina Historical Society): "Maum Mary the old Nurse at 'Coming Tee' who took care of all the little children for many years." The word "maum" is a Creole word used in the Lowcountry in place of "Aunt" or "Mammy. [5]


Slaves of Elias Ball

Slaves of Elias Ball, South Carolina The enslaved of Elias Ball at Comingtee Plantation were recorded in 1810 on the probate inventory of Elias Ball.[6]

Slaves of John Ball

There were 339 enslaved persons on Comingtee named in the probate inventory of John Ball in 1834:[7]

  • Bristol $300, Cena $300
  • Caesar $300, Phenda $200, James $150
  • Violet $100, Morris $50 total $1400
  • Surrey $200, Dorcas $300, Gibbey $150, Celia $50
  • Paris $500, Maggy $400, Hagar $150, Martha $100
  • Rhina $50, Adonis $300, Tena $150, Binah $400
  • Friday $250, Murria $100, Exeter $300, Chloe $50
  • Fatima $200, Carolina, $50, Judy $60
  • Jewel $300, Jacob $500, Felix $250, total $4810
  • Daphne $400, Cuffee $500, Patty $150, Isaac $50
  • Rachel $50, Eliza $300, Margaret $200
  • Cotto $400, Matilda $300, Alick $200
  • Tena $50, Plenty $500, Dye $400
  • Jack $350, Charles $300, Smart $250, total $4400
  • John $300, Judy $250, Carolina $200
  • Chloe $100, Marcus $300, Hagar $100
  • Gabriel $350, Chance $100, Betsey $300
  • Elsie $200, Phillippi $400, Richard $350, total $2950
  • Celia $50, Marcia $50, Brawley $250
  • Bina $400, Stephen $100, Lydia $50
  • Dinah $400, Hannah $250, Amy $200
  • Carter $200, Plenty $100, Phillis $75
  • Rachel $50, Amy $100, Patra $350, total $2625
  • Sander $200, Katey $400, Humphrey $200
  • Sam $200, Pino $50, Clarinda $400
  • Willy $500, Isaac $50, Dianna $400
  • Hannah $1, Barrack $200, Nero $450
  • Sylvia $400, Sue $300, Hannah $300
  • Prince $300, Thomas $150, Peter $50, total $4551
  • Portia $400, Golikcly $500, Natty $150
  • George $50, Bella $1, Nanny $400
  • Joe $100, Amy $50, Phillis $400
  • Captain $50, Ned $100, Ruth $150
  • Sary $100, Mathias $400, Hercules $300, total $3151
  • Charlotte $400, Sophy $300, Charles $150
  • Monimia $100, Glasgow $50, Bina $400
  • Jackey $400, Marcus $300, Sambo $100
  • Libbee $200, Holly $50, Christmas $700
  • Abbey $300, Rachel $300, Alick $250, total $4000
  • Esther $50, Dido $300, Cornelia $200
  • Ezekiel $100, Betty $75, Alick $250
  • Auba $1, Scipio $500, Rhina $400
  • Elisabeth $150, Cuffee $400, Mary $300, total $2726
  • Rose $400, Sprightly $500, Cuffee $300
  • Phenda $200, Sophy $1, Peggy $200
  • Daniel $500, Marian $400, London $300
  • Lavinia $250, Friday $500, Nippee $400, total $3951
  • Alick $150, Marian $100, Willy $50
  • Jack $700, Katey $400, Peggy $300
  • April $300, Kate $200, Chloe $200
  • Jack $50, Tomboy $400, Hannah $300
  • Robin $450, July $450, George $350, total $4400

p.61 (this page does not show any totals)

  • Portius $500, Dorcas $400, Dye $50
  • Sally $100, Jerry $500, Seah $400
  • Elsie $100, Lazarus $50, Mary $50
  • Dublin $500, Dinah $400, Shamote $200
  • Phoebe $300, Dublin $50, Pompey $5
  • Sylvia, $1, Tom $700, Job $600
  • Robin $450, Pompey $500, Maria $500
  • Tular $50, Linda $400, Mackey $200
  • Peter $50, Devonshire $500, Chloe $150
  • Joseph $400, Stepney $350, Benjamin $250
  • Isaiah $200 Saby $500, Tyra $400
  • Rachel $1, Hammond $450, Abram $450
  • Davy $50, Memba $50, Lucinda $400
  • March $350, Silpoe $100, Quacoo $200
  • Bobbet $1, Watboo $200, Silpoe $150
  • Jack $500, Dido $300, Mingo $250
  • Mary $300, Sammy $100, Toney $50
  • Ned $500, Phoebe $400, Cena $250
  • Julatter $200, Carlos $500, Mary $400 (too sick to be appraised, in town)
  • Thomas $350, Nanny $300, Rachel $250
  • Stoke $100, Mary $350, Lucy $200
  • John $700, Venus $400, Tyra $300
  • Solomon $200, John $100, Sukey $50
  • Romeo $500, Isabel $400, Harry $50
  • Flora $50, Violet $50, Tue $300
  • Jinney $250, Pompey $1, Marcus $1
  • Hannah $1, Patty $1, Primus $500
  • Betty $400, Binckey $300, Katey $150
  • Molly $200, Windsor $200, Eleanor $200
  • Beck $400, Surrey $250, Paul $500
  • Purtena $400, Jackey $100, Phoebe $50
  • Billy $500, Sally $400, Tom $300
  • Lydia $250, Symon $500, Bina $250
  • Sam $250, Pompey $200, Chloe $5
  • Roxana $200, Jewel $1, Duckey $50
  • Jacob $250, Sambo $100, Miley $1
  • Moses $300, Bob $500, Bella $400
  • Davy $250, Elisa (dead) $100(strike through), Dido $100
  • Becky $400, Bob $50, Stephen $400
  • Liberty $150, Jinny $300, Susan $50
  • Sarah $250, Cupid $200, Auba $150
  • Roxana $100, Philip $50, Ben $300
  • Nancy $400, Venus $50, Sibb $100
  • Betty $400, Limus $20, Daniel $1
  • Venus $1, Julia $400, Esther $400
  • Daniel $500, Mimba $1, Titus $500
  • Fatima $50, Rose $20, Adam $200
  • Eve $200, Philander $20, Mimba $250
  • Bristol $250, Molley $100, Toney $250
  • Mary $20, Pleasant $400, Rhina $400
  • Symon $600, Harriet $400, Dublin $50
  • Nelly $400 Peggy $50, Phillis $100
  • Gilblas $450, Handy $1, Peg $50
  • Gibbey $400, Grace $400, Sary $250
  • Sampson $500, Jeffrey $400, Pino $350
  • Morris $250, Marcella $200, Amy $150
  • Betty $100, Harry $500, Cornelia $400
  • Carlos $1, Statira $50, Hetty $400


  • Charlotte $50, Carlos $500, Melia $400
  • Manga $600, Kate $400, Scipio $500
  • Violet $400, Jinny $50, London $500
  • London $400

Keating S. Ball

1865 List Plantation owned by Keating S. Ball[8]

  • List needs to be transcribed

Research Notes

There are multiple lists in these papers


  2. South Carolina Probate Re...d Loose Papers, 1732-1964: "South Carolina Probate Re...d Loose Papers, 1732-1964"
    Catalog: Charleston District, South Carolina estate inventories, 1732-1844 1810-1818 1819-1824 1819-1824 (indexed with last item) 1824-1844
    Image path: South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964 > Charleston > Probate Court, Estate inventories > 1834-1844 > No File Description Available > image 33 of 263
    FamilySearch Image: 939L-JJT9-W (accessed 7 August 2022)
    • Inventory of John Ball 1834.
  4. (photographs of some of the enslaved on this plantation are at above link).
  6. South Carolina Probate Re...d Loose Papers, 1732-1964: "South Carolina Probate Re...d Loose Papers, 1732-1964"
    Catalog: Charleston District, South Carolina estate inventories, 1732-1844 1810-1818 1819-1824 1819-1824 (indexed with last item) 1824-1844
    Image path: South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964 > Charleston > Probate Court, Estate inventories > 1810-1818 > No File Description Available > image 20 of 1454
    FamilySearch Image: 939L-JJ94-HB (accessed 12 August 2022)
    • 1810 enslaved of Elias Ball at Comingtee in his probate inventory
  7. South Carolina Probate Re...d Loose Papers, 1732-1964: "South Carolina Probate Re...d Loose Papers, 1732-1964"
    Catalog: Charleston District, South Carolina estate inventories, 1732-1844 1810-1818 1819-1824 1819-1824 (indexed with last item) 1824-1844
    Image path: South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964 > Charleston > Probate Court, Estate inventories > 1834-1844 > No File Description Available > image 995 of 1454
    FamilySearch Image: 939L-JJT8-5 (accessed 6 August 2022)
    • Inventory Bk p.60
  8. United States Union Provo...More Civilians, 1861-1866: "United States Union Provo...More Civilians, 1861-1866"
    Catalog: Union provost marshals' file of papers relating to two or more civilians 15385-15673 (Mar. 1865) (NARA Series M416, Roll 55)
    Image path: United States Union Provost Marshal Files of Two or More Civilians, 1861-1866 > Records by Number and Date > 15385-15673, Mar. 1865 > image 759 of 1278; citing NARA microfilm publication M416 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: 939V-3D3W-SP (accessed 26 May 2023)
    • 1865 list of enslaved on Comingtee
  • Ball, Edward, "Slaves in the Family", Balantine Books, NY 1998
  • 11,000-acre Bonneau Ferry Wildlife Management Area. The tract is comprised of acreage from and , two distinct but associated parts of the same larger plantation.

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