
Company K, 144th Regiment, New York Infantry, United States Civil War

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1861 to 1865
Location: New Yorkmap
Profile manager: Dennis Miller private message [send private message]
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Soldiers, Company K, 144th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, US Civil War Allen, Ashael Allison, Philo Barber, George A. Bassett, Amaziah Bayazell, Amaziah Bennet, Cornelius W. Berg, Gustave G. Buell, Anson Burch, Ansel B. Burg, Gustave G. Bush, James Campbell, Frank J. Campbell, Ulysses S. Clapper , David W. Clapper , John W. Clapper , William Coe , H. George Cole , James E. Conklin , R.H. Conklin , Seth W. Cook , John W. Criffin , William E. Crippen , William E. Curtis, Horatio Dibble, James M. Disco, Conrad Discor, Coonrod Elderkin , James W. Elwood, Francis M. Elwood, William V. Evans, Benjamin A. Evens, Benjamin A. Everett , John Finch, Jacob O. Finch, William H. Francisco, Delansie Freely, Samuel Fuller, David B. Fuller, Erastus L. Fuller, Eugene Golden, Alexander Gransbury, Edward Gransbury, John Gray , Hiram Gun , Junius Gunn , Adam S. Gunn , Junius Hanford , Marcus L. Harris, John Haskins , John W. Hawk , Hiram Hawley, Nathan E. Hawley, William E. Holmes, John W. Hoskins, John W. Hotchkiss, Cyrus C. Hotchkiss, James Hotchkiss, Philo Howard, George R. Hunter, Lafayette Johnson , George H. Jones, Franklin Kingsley , Faley Lancaster, Charles Launt, Andrew J. Lawton, Frank Layman, Albert J. Leonard , Joshua Lovelace , George W. Mc Arthur, David Mc Donald, George W. Mc Donald, Willam H. Miller, George W. Miller, Robert Minor, Chauncey A. Minor, Lorenzo D. Murray, William M. Myers, Herman E. Niles, Gardner Odwell, John T. Odwell, John T. Odwell, John T. Olmstead , Joseph C. Olmsted, Joseph C. Ostrander, John W. Pelett, George W. Radeker , Augustus E. Radeker , C. Porter Radeker , Charles E. Radeker , James K. Radeker , James M. Radeker , Junius K. Radeker , Porter C. Rifenburg, Frederick Rivenburg, Fred Robinson , Buell W. Robinson , Enos Rollins , Charles Rowe , Adelbert Rowe , George Scott, Erastus E. Scott, James D. Scrum, Joseph Seath, James G. Seeley, Milo W. Sherwood , Gilbert Signor, John C. Smith, Daniel D. Smith, Enos B. Spencer , Herman Spencer , Hiram E. Spencer , James O. Spencer , Richard Sprague , Erastus Sprague , William P. St John , Cook W. Stevens , James W. Stevens , John Stevens , Milton A. Stevens , William R. Stoddard , Frank Sturges , C.T. Telford , Charles H. Townsend , Hiram Turp , David Turp , Edward Underwood, Samuel R. Van Akin , Jeremiah Vernold , William C. Warner, Conrad Warner, Coonrod Warner, Sylvester C. Warren, Archibald Warren, Charles A. Warren, George W. Warren, John H. Washburn , Oliver D. Welden, Peter White, Daniel B. White, Edgar A. Whitney , Eli Williams , Thomas D. Wilsey, Edgar J.

Additions to List BOGART, Richard V., Company K WARNER, George W., Company K

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Corporal Cyrus C Hotchkiss died 09 DEC 1864 • Deveaux's Neck, SC. killed in battle. James Andrew Hotchkiss died 30 NOV 1864 • Beaufort, SC - Died of Disease. William Philo Hotchkiss survived the war and died in 1919.all members of the 144th and cousins of mine
posted 6 Jan 2019 by Dennis Miller   [thank Dennis]
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144th ny flag

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