Location: [unknown]
- Recruited from Albany county
- Organized at Albany and there mustered in the United States service for three years between November 4 and December 9, 1863.
When it became evident that more men must be had to make up the maximum required, under the change from infantry to heavy artillery, commissions were given to several men in the old companies to recruit, among them F. A. Sinclair of Com- pany I, and. as he rendered the best account of himself, to him fell the captaincy, and S. Augustus Howe, who had been an excellent soldier in the 24th N. Y. Infantry, was commissioned senior 1st lieutenant. 'Tis said that there was much bickering over the placing of officers in this company, but notwithstand- ing the men gave a first-class account of themselves. Let a veteran of the company give his own story: "Some one has said that Company L came from nowhere in particular, but were 'from all over the lots,' which was true in a large measure. Oswego county gave quite a large delegation and Oswego canal a larger one; beyond those they scattered badly, but they were as good a set of men as one could find in a day's march. They were pretty full of ginger sometimes, so much so that profane persons have been known to allude to them as 'Company H — 1.' There were some men who would have a good time whether or uo. John H. H., Billy G., and others, as a general thing, kept the boys laughing with their wit and nonsense. Even when feet were bloody through blisters and long marches, "John Henry"' used to run the comjiany much as though the boys were on the 'raging canawl,' hailing other regiments to know what they were loaded with, or asking them to pass our line over theirs. No Company L man can forget the way he would roar out. 'W-h-o-a, snub her up! Bring them mules on board!' this when the company stopjied for rest or for the night. We always had our kits for play when in bar- racks or camp about Washington; football, boxing-gloves, fid- (\\v.-i and bass viols, with nearly every other musical instrument excepting ])ianos and church organs (the boys could play them, too) were reached for whenever we had a chance to pause awhile, but when we started for the front they were boxed up and left in Washington."
Contents |
Frank A. Sinclair, from Company I. Feb. 22. '64; rank from Feb. 10; wd. June 19. '64. near Petersburg; dis. Nov. 28, '64.
S. Augustus Howe, from 1st Lieut., Dec. 24, '64; rank from Nov. 28; M. O. with regiment July 6. '65.
S. Augustus Howe, 24; Feb. 23, '64, Oswego; rank from Dec. 6, '63; promoted Captain. Had served an enlistment in the 24th N. Y. Vols.
Joseph W. Jewliuist, from Sergt., Co. I, Feb. 23, '64; rank from Feb. 15; promoted Captain Co. H.
William W. Sinclair, trans, from Co. C, March 15, '65; M. O. with regiment July 6, '65.
John W. Fitzpatrick, from 2d Lieut., March 1, '65; rank from Feb. 3; trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A.
William W. Sinclair, from Co. I, Feb. 15, '64; promoted 1st Lieut. Co. C.
Charles Y. Squier, 29; Feb. 2.3, "64, Washington; dis. Jan. 4, '65.
John W. Fitzpatrick, from 1st Sergt., Dec. 15, '64; rank from Oct. 25; promoted 1st Lieut.
Theodore D. Quick, from Sergt., Feb. 4, '65; rank from Dec. 21, "64; M. O. with regiment July 6, '65.
Charles Robinson, from 1st Sergt., March 30, '65; rank from Feb. 28; trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A.; M. O. as 1st Lieut.
Abbott, Andrew J., 26; Dec. 14, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 15; no M. O. Allen, Seneca P., 23; Dec. 29, '63, Onondaga; prisoner Oct. 19.
'64, Cedar Creek; trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Alpeter, George H., 19; Dec. 10, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 15; wd.
Cedar Creek; dis. June 9, '65. Andrews. Aura J., 18: Dec. 30, '63, Lafavette; Dec. 30; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Askey, David, 21; Dec. 17, '63. Auburn; Dec. 17; Corp., Feb. 11,
'64; Sergt., Jan. 1, '65; trans. June 27, '65, 2d X. Y. H. A. Aurer, Romain, 25; Xov. 23, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 2; dis. Mav
23, '65. Babbitt. Charles L.. 25; Dec. 7, "63; Dec. 15; prisoner Oct. 19.
'64, Cedar Creek; trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A.; Vet!
Co. I, 12th N. Y. Vols. Balliett. Andrew J., 18; Julv 30, '64, Mentz; JuIt 30, 1 rear;
M. O., July 6, '65. Barber, Eugene. 21; Dec. 23. '63, Onondaga; Dec. 23; deserted
July 23, '64 ; Vet. Co. 1, 12th N. Y. Vols. Barber. John A., 20; Sept. 1, '64, Skaneateles; Sept. 1, 1 year;
wd. Oct. 19, '64, Cedar Creek; M. O., July 6, '65. Barry, Patrick, 28; Dec. 22, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 22; badly in- jured bv batterv team at Cold Harbor; trans. June 27, '65,
2d N. Y. H. A. ' Bell, James, 24; March 26, '64, Mendon; April 6; trans. June 27,
'65. 2d X. Y. H. A. ; Veteran. Bellville. Henry, .30; Xot. 9, '63, Syracuse; X'^ov. 9; no M. O. Bennett. Eli-sha L.. Sr.. 44; Dec. 31, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 31; de- serted Mar 26, '64.
Bennett. Elisha L., Jr., 18; Dec. .31, "63, Syracuse; Dec. ,31; de- serted Dec. 4, 'Gi. "Like father, like son;" both false prophets.
Bennett, William, 29; Dec. 21, '63. Fabius; Dec. 21; dis. July 18, '65.
Bilke.v, Edward, 20; Dec. 21, "63, Scriba; Dec. 21; trans. .Juno 27, 'es, 2d N. Y. H. A. Vet. Co. C, 24th N. Y. Vols.
Bostock, James, 27; Jan. 8. '64. Onondaga; Jan. 8; no M. O.
Brant. Bela B., 23; Dec. 19, '63, Oswego; Dec. 19; k. Oct. 19, '64, Cedar Creek; Vet. Co. C, 24th N. Y. Vols.
Brown, Charles A.. 21; Dec. 24, '63, Scipio; Dec. 26; trans. June 27, '65, 2d y. Y. H. A.
Buck, Daniel, 34; Dec. 30, '63, Onondaga; Dec. 30; trans. June
27. '65, 2d X. Y. H. A.
Burdell, George, 22; Dec. 20, '63, Niles; Jan. 2; prisoner Sept.
28, '64; trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A.
Campbell. Leland E., 18; Oct. 24, '63, Oswego; Nov. 12; dis.
Dec. 20, '64. Carev, Timothy, 25; Nov. 6, '63, Oswego; Nov. 24; deserted Apr.
13, '64.
Carlton. Frederick, 19; Nov. 30, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 2; pvisniier
Sept. 28, '64, in the Vallev; trans. June 27, "6.5, 2d N. Y.
H. A. Carpenter, Orlando. 19; Dec. 21, '63, Watertown; Feb. 19; dis.
July 19, '65. Veteran. Carrier. Silas. 21; Dec. 22. '63. Montezuma; Jan. 4, '64; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Carrier, Vaughn D., 18; Dec. 31, '63, Throop; Dec. 31; dis. May
18. '6.5. Carroll, William, 19; Dec. 26, Covert; Dec. 26; trans. June 27,
'65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Case, George A., 26; Dec. 23, '63, Onondaga; Dec. 23; trans.
June 27. '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Veteran. Casevand, Levi, 24; Jan. 2, '64, Geddes; Jan. 2; trans. June
27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Catlin, David, 44; Nov. 2. '63, Auburn; Nov. 12; dis. June 26. '65. Chilton. Spencer, 18; Oct. 24, '63, Oswego; Nov. 12; dis. June
14, '65.
Churchill, Charles R.. 39; Feb. 22, '64, Scriba; Feb. 22: trans.
June 27. '65. 2d N. Y. H. A. Clark, Charles M.. 24; Dec. 14. '63. Waterloo; Dec. 15; trans.
June 27. '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Clark. James. 21 ; Oct. 24. '63, Syracuse; Nov. 5; Corp., April 1,
'64; Sergt., Dec. 1, '64; trans. June 27. '65. 2d N. Y. H. A. Cook. Clement. .36; Dec. 14. '63. Sullivan ; Dec. 14: wd. June,
'64, Cold Harbor: trans. June 27. '65. 2d N. Y. H. A. Cook. John W.. 21: Nov. 14, '63, Syracuse; Nov. 14; trans. June
27. '65. 2d N. Y. H. A. Cooper. George W.. 18; Sept. 2. '64. Skaneateles; Sept. 2, 1 vear;
M. O., July 6, '65.
Cooper, John S., 33; Dec. 14, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 15; no M. O. Cowan, Albeitus, Jr., 18; Nov. 14, '63. Syracuse; Dec. 2; d. Mar.
25, '64, Fort Simmons. Crooks. Georox', 41; Oct. 17, '63, Auburn; Oct. 17; no M. O. Crouch, Henry. 35; Nov. 12. â– ()3, Oswego; Nov. 24; dis. July
18, '65. Cummings, Lawrence, 21; Dec. 17, '63, Onondaga; Dec. 17; dis.
Aug. 29, '65. Dakin, Timothv, 44; Nov. 27, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 2; dis. Dec.
22, '64. Dandv, Thomas W.. 18; Oct. 20, '63, Oswego; Nov. 12; trans.
as Corp. May, "64, to U. S. Navy. Davenport. Umphrev, 18; Nov. 21, '63, Moravia; Nov. 21; no
M. O. Decker, Peleg V., 21; Nov. 18, '63, Auburn; Nov. 18; no M. O. Deland, William, 27; Dec. 11, '63, Cicero; Dec. 12; no M. O. Dennv, Paul. 27; Dec. 14, '63, 22d N. Y. Dist.; Dec. 14; deserted
Mav 6. '64. Denny, Peter, .30; Dec. 14, '63, 22d N. Y. Dist.; Dec. 14; trans.
June 27. '65. 2d N. Y. H. A. Doan, Edwin, 28; Oct. 27, '63, Auburn; Oct. 27; no M. O. Dodge, Isaac, 24; Oct. 29, '63, Auburn; Jan. 18, '64; dis. July
13, '65. Doran. John, 21; Nov. 10, '03, Auburn; Nov. 10; no M. O.; Vet.
3d N. Y. A. Dozer, Frederick, 26; Oct. 19, '63, Oswego; Nov. 24; k. in camp
of 8th N. Y. H. A., Feb. 18, '65. Vet. Co. B, 24th N. Y. Vols. Dubois, Valentine, 23; Dec. 16, '63, Volney; Dec. 16; trans. June
27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Vet. 24th N. Y. Vols. Dunbar, Alonzo, 23; Nov. 19. "63, Syracuse; Nov. 19; no M. O. Edgerton. William, 37; Nov. 12, '63. Syracuse; Nov. 24; pro- moted. April 17, '65, 2d Lieut., 10th U. S. C. H. A. Fields. George, 18; Dec. 19, '63, Onondaga; Dec. 19; d. Aug. 21,
"64. Washington. Fitch. Georffe M., 21; Dec. 24, '64, Syracuse; Dec. 24; k. Oct. 19,
•64, Cedar Creek. Fitzpatrick. John W., 20; Oct. 20, '63. Syracuse; Nov. 12; 1st
Sergt., Feb. 1, '64; promoted 2d Lieut. Veteran. Flvnn. Thomas S., 18; Dec. 19. '63, Auburn; Jan. 4, '64; wd.
Oct. 19, '64. Cedar Creek; trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A.
Ford. Charles A., 19; Jan. 9, '64, Homer; Jan. 9; trans. June 27. '65, 2d N. Y. H. A.
Fralich, Zachariah. 23; Dec. 16, "03. Oswego; Dec. 19; Artificer,
no date; trans. June 27. '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Fredenburgh, Andrew. 19; Oct. 19. '03. Elbridge; Dec. 2; trans.
June 27. '65. 2d N. Y. H. A. Vet. 12th N. Y. Vols. Garnet, Robert. 40; Dec. 6, '63. Syracuse; Dec. 9; trans. June 27,
"65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Veteran; also borne as Gamel. Garrison. Edward H., 38; Nov. 23. '63. Auburn; Dec. 7; Musi- cian, no date; trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A.
Ganison, Willie J., 13; Nov. 23, "63, Auburn; Nov. 23, Musician
dis. June 15, '65. Geary, James, 19; Jan. 13, '64, Geddes; Jan. 13; deserted Jan.
10, '65. Gearv, William, 29; Jan. 13, '64, Geddes; Jan. 13; trans. June
27. '65, 2d X. Y. H. A. Geriug. John, 23; Not. 30, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 9; trans. June
27, '(iS, 2d X. Y. H. A. Gillis. John P., 23; Dec. 7, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 7; deserted May
27, '64. Glassford. Benjamin T., 26; Dec. 24, "63, Oswego; Dec. 24; dis.
June 14, '65. Grantier, George, 21; Dec. 16, '63, Scriba; Dec. 16; dis. Aug. 8,
•65. Yet. Co. B, 24tli X. Y. Vols. Greggs, Julius B., 33; Dec. 22, '63, Owasco; Jan. 4, '64; deserted
July 23, '64. Gregson, Frank, IS; .Jan. 7. "64, Auburn; Jan. 8; dis. Jan. 15. "65. Hadden, George, 18; Xov. 17, '63, Auburn; Xov. 24; trans. June
27, '65, 2d X. Y. H. A. Hall. George, 33; Dec. 16, '63, Oswego; Dec. 16; trans. June 27,
'65. 2d X. Y. H. A. Vet. Co. C, 24th N. Y. Vols. Hall, Henry H.. 22; Xov. 12, '63, Syracuse; Xov. 24; trans. June
27. "65, 2d X. Y. H. A. Veteran. Hammond. Sidnev K., 24; Dec. 24, '63, Scriba; Dec. 24; trans.
June 27. '63. 2d X. Y. H. A. Handwright, Daniel, 32; Dec. 26, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 26; Corp.,
Jan. 1. '65; trans. June 27, '65. 2d X. Y. H. A. Haskins. Benjamin F.. 18; X'ov. 9. '63, Syracuse; Nov. 24; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d X. Y. H. A. Hayhoe. Henry, 29; Sept. 1, '64, Skanea teles; Sept. 1, 1 year;
k. Oct. 19. '64, Cedar Creek. Heath, Teter. 20; Xov. 30. "63. Auburn; Dec. 9; deserted Oct. 10,
'64; a regular heathen. Heath, William T.. 20; Aug. 1, '64, Rochester; Aug. 1; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d X. Y. H. A. Henry, Charles G., 19; Xov. 10, '63, Syracuse; Nov. 24; d. July
21, '64, hospital, Xew York. Heustis. Horatio X., 27; Dec. 24, "63, Syracuse; Dec. 24; Corp.,
no date; wd. June 19. '64, before Petersburg; dis. July 24,
'65. Hewitt. Thomas, 21; Dec. 17, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 17; trans. June
27, '65. 2d X. Y. H. A. Hicks, James W.. 20; Xov. 23, '63, Svracuse; Dec. 7; trans.. May
1, '65, 37th Co., 2d Bat.. V. R. 6. Hill. Charles. 20; Xov. 14. '63. Oswego; Xov. 14; no M. O. Himcs, Lucius P.. 24; Dec. 18, '64, Scriba; Dec. 18; k. Oct. 19,
"64, Cedar Creek. Hollister. Henrv K.. 18; Nov. 9. '63, Syracuse; Nov. 24; Corp.,
Feb. 1, '64; Sergt.. May 1, '65; trans. June 27, '65, 2d X. Y.
Hoover, Daniel, 34; Dec. 22, '63, Oswego; Dec. 22; deserted
May 4, •64. Horton, Charles A., 19; Nov. 23, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 2; trans.
June 27, "65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Hoyt, James L., IS; Jan. 7, "64, Onondaga; Jan. 7; trans. June
27, "65, 2d X. Y. H. A. Hoyt, Ossian M., 21; Nov. 23, '63, Onondaga; Dec. 7; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Hubbard. Henrv C, 28; Dec. 24, '63, Scriba; Dec. 24; trans.
June 27. Tw", 2d N. Y. H. A. Hubbard. Luke. IS; July 6, "64, Norwich; July 6; M. O., Oct.
IS, '6.5, Eluiira. Hudson. \Yilliam T., 21; Aug. 1, "64, Rochester; Aug. 1, 1 year;
trans. June 27, "65, 2d N. Y. H. A.
Huntington, Edwin L., 23; Dec. 14, '63, Oswego; Dec. 14; Sergt, Feb. 11, '64; 1st Sergt., May 21, '65; wd. Oct. 19, '64, Cedar Creek; trans. June 27. '6.5. 2d N. Y. H. A.; promoted 2d Lieut. Vet. Co. B, 24th N. Y. Vols.
Huntington, Lewis J.. 19; Feb. 26, '64, Mexico; Feb. 26; d. July 9, '64, Washington.
Hurtubise, Stephen, 29; Dec. 26, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 26; wd. Oct.
19, '64, Cedar Creek; dis. May 29, '65. Hutchins, Samuel, 23; Dec. 14, '6.3, Onondaga; Dec. 14; d. Dec.
2, '64. Veteran. Jackson, John, 18; Dec. 2, '63, Auburn; Dec. 24; k. Oct. 19, '64,
Cedar Creek. Vet. Co D, 3d N. Y. L. A. Jackson, Thomas, 20; Oct. 21, '63. Auburn; Dec. 2; wd. Cedar
Creek; trans. June 27, 'Qo, 2d N. Y. H. A. Vet. Co. D, 3d N.
Y. L. A. Jacobs, William H., 26; Nov. 27, '63, Auburn; Dec. 27; trans.
June 27. '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Jaquay, Reuben, 19; Dec. 8, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 8; Bugler, no
date; d. Sept. S, '64, prisoner at Andersonville, Ga. Johnson. John. 39; Nov. 9, '63, Auburn; Dec. 24; trans. June
27, '6.5. 2d N. Y. H. A. Johnson. William, 18; Nov. 12, '63, Albany; Nov. 12; no M. O. Jones, Milton, 2(\: Dec. IS, '63, Scriba; Dec. 18; trans. Jane
27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Jordan, Joseph H., 33; Dec. 21, '63, Oswego; Dec. 21; deserted
Nov. 26, '64, which was the "other side of Jordan." June. Morris. IS; Dec. 21, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 21; lost leg at
Cedar Creek; dis. May 13, '65. Kaufman. George. 26; Dec. 10. '63. Syracuse; Dec. 10; Corp.,
no date; dis. July 24. '6.5. Vet. Co. H, 12th N. Y. Vols. Kaye, William. 3.5; Dec. 3. '63, Syracuse; Dec. 3; no M. O. Keller, John, 24; Dec. 14, '63. Sullivan; Dec. 14; trans. June
27, '65. 2d N. Y. H. A. Kennedv, Michael, 18: Dec. 14, '63, Onondaga; Dec. 16; trans. June 27, '6a, 2d N. Y. H. A.
Kibbie, Almond M., 29; Dec. 19, '63, Fabius; Dec. 19; wd. Cedar Greek; Sergt., no date; dis. July 12, '65. Veteran.
Kingsley, Seth H., 19; Dec. 23, '63, Onondaga; Dec. 23; trans. June 27, '65. 2d N. Y. H. A. Veteran.
Knapp, Henry Z., 25; Oct. 29, '63, Syracuse; Nov. 12; dis. July
26, '65, Syracuse.
Lagrange, William, 24; Jan. 4, '64, Syracuse; Jan. 4; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Laughlin. George. 20; Dec. 31, '63, Varick; Dec. 31; trans. June
27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A.
Lefflngwell, William H., 26; Dec. 23, '63, Camden; Dec. 23; d.
July 29, '64, Washington. Little, Henry F., 22; Oct. 20. '63, Syracuse; Dec. 7; dis. Aug. 29,
'65. Veteran. Long. William E., 30; Dec. 19, '63, Scriba; Dec. 19; trans. June
27, "65, 2d N. Y. H. A. McGill, Frank, 30; Oct. 26, '63, Oswego; Nov. 12; trans, to U. S.
Navy May, "64. Vet. Co. F, 24th N. Y. Vols. McGovern, Thomas, 21; Nov. 3, '63, Auburn; Dec. 2; trans. June
27, '65. 2d N. Y. H. A. Vet. Co. D, 3d N. Y. A. McGowan. Robert E., 41; Dec. 28, '63, Fabius; Dec. 28, Bugler;
dis. Feb. 16, '65. McMabon, Daniel, 37; Nov. 9, '6.3, Syracuse; Nov. 12; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Vet. Co. C, 24th N. Y. Vols. McManus, Edward, 26; Nov. 17, '63, Marcellus; Dec. 2; dis. May
15, '65. McManus, William, 22; Nov. 28, '63, Svracuse; Dec. 7; trans.
June 27, '65. 2d N. Y. H. A. Vet. Co. H, 12th N. Y. Vols. Mansfield, Rupert E., 18; Nov. 9, '63, Svracuse; Nov. 24; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Marion, Napoleon, 20; Dec. 19, '63, Oswego; Dec. 19; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Marshall, George, 24; Jan. 4, '64, Geneva; Jan. 4; trans. June
27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Martin, George. 27; Dec. 21, '63, Clay; Dec. 21; Corp., Feb. 11,
'64; trans. June 27. "65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Veteran. Mead, Stephen E., 19; Nov. 23, '63, Auburn; Dec. 2; trans. June
27, "65. 2d N. Y. H. A. Miller, John J., 18; Jan. 4, '64, Skaneateles; Jan. 4; trans. June
27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Milliken, William, 26; Nov. 7, '63, Oswego; Nov. 24; dis. Aug.
9, '65. Elinira. Vet. Co. B. 24tb N. Y. Vols. Mix, George. 18; Nov. 20. '63, Syracuse; Dec. 2; d. Feb. 3, '65,
hospital. City Point, Va. Mosner, Peter, 18; Nov. 27, '63, Svracuse; Dec. 2; trans. June
27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Mulvev, Frank, 20; Nov. 9, '63, Auburn; Nov. 24; trans. June
27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Munroe, George C, 21; Nov. 18, '63, Oswego; Dec. 9; commis- sioned 2d Lieut., May 23, '64, not mustered; dis. Aug. 29,
'64. for promotion 2d Lieut., 13th U. S. C. A. Vet. Go. I, 24th N. Y. Vols. Murphy, Thomas, 22; Nov. 9, '63, Auburn; Dec. 2; trans. June
27, 'fir,, 2d N. Y. H. A. Murray. Thomas, 26; Dec. 3, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 9; trans. June
27", "65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Northrup, George, 22; Dec. 28, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 28; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. O'Brien, Patrick. 23; Jan. 6, '64, Syracuse; Jan. 6; trans. June
27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. O'Connor, Benjamin, 32; Dec. 22, '63, Oswego; Dec. 22; trans.
June 27. '65. 2d N. Y. H. A. O'Donnell. Michael, 44; Oct. 22, '63, Auburn; Nov. 5; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Veteran. O'Hara, John, 21; Dec. 4, '63, Auburn; Dec. 4; no M. O. Page, Seneca, 44; Nov. 26, '63, Auburn; Dec. 2; Artificer; d. Apr.
2, '65, hospital, Alexandria. Parker, Melvin, 42; July 2.5, '64, 8th N. Y. Dist; July 25; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Pereaux, Peter, 29; Dec. 21, '63, Oswego; Dec. 21; wd. at Battery
Lee, no date; trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Pike, George A., 19; Aug. 6, "64, Rochester; Aug. 6; trans. June
27, '05, 2d N. Y. H. A. Preston, Thomas, 23; Oct. 21, '63, Oswego; Dec. 9; Sergt., no date; d. Aug. 11, '64, hospital, Fort Reno. Vet. Co. C, 24th N. Y. Vols. Prosser, Garrett S., 22; Nov. 30, '63, Syracuse; Nov. 30; d. Jan.
11. '64, Fort Simmons. Quick, Theodore D., 37; Nov. 4, '63, Owasco; Dec. 2; Sergt., Feb.
1, '64; promoted 2d Lieut. Radway, Fred P., 20; Dec. 29, '63, Onondaga; Dec. 29; Corp.,
Feb. 11, '64; trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Eeidv. Maurice, 21; Oct. 28, '63, Syracuse; Nov. 5; trans. June
27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Richardson. Stephen C, 41; Dec. 22, '63, Skaneateles; Dec. 22
d. March 18. '64, Fort Simmons. Robinson, Charles, 22; Nov. 23, '63, Oswego; Dec. 9; Sergt, Feb 1. '64; 1st Sergt., Jan. 1, '65; promoted 2d Lieut. Vet. Co B. 24th N. Y. Vols. Rockfellow, Victor S.. 28; March 30, '64, Hastings; March 30
dis. as Corp., July 25, '65. Rowe, Francis E.. 18; Jan. 1, '64. Onondaga; Jan. 1; dis. Aug.
23. '64. Ryan, Patrick, 18; Nov. 20, '63, Syracuse; Nov. 24; trans. June
27. '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Savles, John P.., 33; Dec. 28, '63, Skaneateles; Dec. 28; d. March
1.5, '64, Fort Simmons. Searles, Wilbur, 21; Nov. 13. '63, Oswego; Nov. 24; Corp.. Jan. 1, '65; trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Vet. 24th N. Y. Vols. 37
Sinclair, James P., 27; Jan. 4, "64, Cayuga; Jan. 4; dis. Jan.
10. '65.
Skinner, Edson C, 25; Dec. 25, "63, Oswego; Dec. 25; trans. Jan.
23, "05, 81st Co., 2d Bat., V. R. C. Sliney, Thomas, 26; Dec. 26, '63, Oswego; Dec. 26; Corp., Feb.
11, '64; Sergt., Jan. 1, '65; trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Vet. Co. F, 24th N. Y. Vols.
Smith, George, 21; Jan. 1, '64, Galen; Jan. 5; deserted Jan. 10,
'65. Smith, John, 43; Nov. 18, '63, Salina; Dec. 7; absent sick from
Sept. 20, '64. Smith, Mathew W., 18; Dec. 17, '63, Oswego; Dec. 17; trans.
June 27, "65. 2d N. Y. H. A. Veteran. Snvder, Charles J., 19; Deo. 17, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 17; trans.
â– June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Snyder, Philip, 23; Jan. 4, '64, Geneva, in Co. A; Jan. 4; trans.
" to L, no date; trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Soule, Francis E. H., 22; Jan. IS, '64, Schenectady; Feb. 26;
trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Souls, Hobart W., 16; Nov. 3, '63, Auburn; Nov. 12; Musician,
no date; dis. May 18. '65. Sova, Amada, 23; Dec. 2, '63, Oswego; Dec. 2; trans. June 27,
'65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Spaulding, Charles J., 18; Oct. 29, '63, Auburn; Dec. 2; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Springer, Elisha, 26; Dec. 24, '63, Niles; Jan. 4; wd. Oct. 19, '64,
Cedar Creek; dis. July 8, '65. Squires, David R. B., 45; Jan. 9, '64. Onondaga; Jan. 9; no M. O.
Stacey, Alfred E., 18; Sept. 5, '64, Elbridge; 1 year; M. O., July 6, '65.
Stacey, Anthony, 20; Nov. 2, '63, Skaneateles; Nov. 2; dis. Corp., July 24, '64. Vet. Co. G, 3d N. Y. A.
Stacey, George, 42; Sept. 5, '64. Elbridge; Sept. 5, 1 year; wd. Oct. 19. '64, Cedar Creek; M. O., July 6, '65.
Stevens. Edward P., 18; Dec. 2, '63, Mexico; Dec. 2; trans. June
27, '65. 2d N. Y. H. A. Stewart, Dennis M., 43; Dec. 24, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 24; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Stewart. George, 40; Nov. 24. '63, Brooklyn; Dec. 7; wd. Oct.
19, '64, Cedar Creek; dis. May 27. '65. Stoyell, John, 21; Nov. 12, '03. Moravia; Dec. 2; Corp., Feb. 1, ' "04; Sergt.. Feb. 20, '04; trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A.;
M. O. as 2d Lieut. Sturdevant. Marshall E.. 18; Dec. 16, '6.3, Syracuse; Dec. 16;
k. Oct. 19, '04, Cedar Creek. Tanner, Cvrus, 29; Nov. 17, '63, Auburn; Ntav. 19; dis. May
29, '65. Toner. John, 19; Aug. 29, '64, Ovid; Aug. 29, 1 year; M. O.,
Jnlv 6, '05.
Tunis, William J. H., 18; Aug. 8, '64, Hornellsville; Aug. 8, 1
year;M. O.. July C. '65. Walker, l^iviu<;st()ne, 17; Nov. 16, '63, Auburn; Nov. 24; d. Mar.
12. '61, Fort Siuimous. Walker, William H., 17; Nov. 16, '63, Auburn; Nov. 24; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Walker, William V., 11); Nov. 23, '63, Auburn; Dec. 2; Corp.,
May 1, '65; trans. June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Watson, Thomas, 43; Nov. 12, '63, Auburn; Nov. 16; trans. June
27. '()5, 2d N. Y. H. A. Veteran 61st N. Y. Vols. Wayne, Robert. 21; Nov. 13, '6.3, Auburn; Nov. 13; no M. O. Webster, Anson D., 21; Dec. 28, '63, Fabius; Dec. 28; trans. June
27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Vet. Co. I, 61st N. Y. Vols. Wickes, Jared W., 20; Nov. 23, '63, Svracuse; Dec. 7; trans. May
1, '65, 37th Co., 2d Bat, V. R. C. Wilbur, Simeon, 39; Nov. 30, '63, Cicero; Nov. 30; d. Jan. 3, '64,
Fort Simmons. Wilcox, Stephen T., 26; Dec. 30, '63, Manlius; Dec. 30; trans.
June 27, '65. 2d N. Y. H. A. Veteran. Willis, John G., .37; March .30, '64, Palermo; March 30; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Wilson, Georfje H., 25; Nov. 23, '6.3, Onondaga; Dec. 4; trans.
June 27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Vet. Co. I, 12th N. Y. Vols. Winkworth, John, 21; Jan. 2, '64, Geddes; Jan. 2; trans. June
27. '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Woodburn, Richard, 21; Oct. 21, '63, Oswego; Nov. 24; deserted
JIarch 23, '64. Vet. Co. I. 24th N. Y. Vols. Young. Andrew, 39; Oct. 22, '63, Syracuse; Nov. 5; trans. .June
27, '65, 2d N. Y. H. A. Vet. of "the Regular Army. Zimmernum, George, 19; Dec. 11, '63, Syracuse; Dec. 15; d. Jan.
3, '65, hospital, Washington.
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