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Confederate Slave Payrolls, Greene County, North Carolina to Neuse River Defenses

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: Dec 1862 [unknown]
Location: Greene, North Carolina, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Slavery US Black Heritage
Profile manager: Gina Jarvi private message [send private message]
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This page is part of a project to further organize the National Archive's recently digitized Confederate Slave Payrolls. See:

Enslaved people were taken from Greene County, North Carolina, to build defenses at Neuse River in December of 1862.[1]

Slave Payroll 1994

This payroll acknowledges that Lieutenant John B. Tapscott, Corps of Engineers, paid certain Greene County, North Carolina, slave owners for work performed by their slaves in December 1862 on the defenses of the Neuse River, as a part of the defenses of eastern North Carolina. First Lieutenant E. E. Mason certified that the payroll was "correct and just."

Slave owner A. D. Speight provided slaves named Jonas, Charles, Peter, and Rufus.

Slave owner B. C. D. Beaman provided a slave named Jim.

Slave owner Scyntha Cobb provided a slave named John.

Slave owner J. F. Jones provided a slave named Lisha.

Slave owner Bennet Fields provided a slave named Stephen.

Slave owner R. Dixon provided a slave named Daniel.

Slave owner Joshua Speight provided slaves named Lewis and Noah.

Slave owner Benjamin Rasberry provided slaves named Wright and Alfred.

Slave owner Mills Smith provided a slave named Handy.

Slave owner A. J. Rasberry provided a slave named Sydney.

Slave owner B. F. Moore provided a slave named Bob.

Slave owner William Cummings provided a slave named Ben.

Slave owner Willis Murphy provided a slave named Joe.

Slave owner B. W. Murphy provided a slave named Tom.

Slave owner J. B. Williams provided a slave named Furnace.

R. C. D. Beaman acknowledged receipt of payment for himself as well as for A. D. Speight, J. F. Jones, Bennet Fields, Joshua Speight, Benjamin Rasberry, Mills Smith, A. J. Rasberry and B. W. Murphy. The other owners were not paid from this payroll.


  1. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/68130148

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