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Connection Count at 7 Degrees (CC7)

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 22 Jun 2022 to about 19 Jun 2023
Location: Worldwidemap
Surnames/tags: connectors CC7 challenges
Profile manager: Tommy Buch private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 5,061 times.

Members can add their Degree counts and CC7 score to the table below.


Update (5 Aug 2022): You can now get your current Degree counts (1 thru 7) and CC7 score on the following WikiTree page. It is the first line listed in the table. The background is shaded green.:

Links to Apps:

  • My Connections - this app calculates/displays how many profiles you have at each degree up to 1000 profiles. (Note: If you are using the WikiTree BEE extension, you can click the MISSING CONNECTIONS button by each degree level to see which profiles are missing one or both parents or a spouse.)
  • Missing Parents - this app will display the ancestors and/or up to 4th cousins that are missing one or both parents. It also checks for a possible missing spouse or child based on age at death, the absence of any spouse or children, and the statuses NOT being set.

WikiTree BEE extension:

  • The WikiTree BEE extension has been coded to calculate your score out to CC7 and beyond on the My Connections page. However, once the connections exceed 1000, the private connections are not made known to the extension and are not counted in the individual degree score and the final CC7 score.
  • When you reach Degree 7 on the My Connections page, the BEE will give you the table code to paste into the table on this page.
  • If your score maxes out at or before the 7th degree; the BEE will replace the score that it counts (which may be lower than your actual score due to the issue with private profiles) with your actual score (given on your profile).

Notes (if using the My Connections app listed above):

If your CC7 is over 1000 and you max out at 7 degrees using the "My Connections" app above, then your degree 7 number will be CC7 - (degree 1 + degree 2 + degree 3 + degree 4 + degree 5 + degree 6).
If your CC7 is over 1000 and you max out at degree 6, then your degree 6 number will be incomplete and there is no accurate way to determine your degree 6 & degree 7 number. If you max out at degree 6, then just add the degree 6 number that is returned to the degree 6 column and place MO in the degree 7 column.
If your CC7 is over 1000 and you max out at degee 5, then your degree 5 number will be incomplete and there is no accurate way to determine your degree 5, degree 6 & degree 7 numbers. If you max out at degree 5, then just add the degree 5 number that is returned to the degree 5 column and place MO in the degree 6 and degree 7 columns.
If your CC7 is over 1000 and you max out at degee 4, then your degree 4 number will be incomplete and there is no accurate way to determine your degree 4, degree 5, degree 6 & degree 7 numbers. If you max out at degree 4, then just add the degree 4 number that is returned to the degree 4 column and place MO in the degree 5, degree 6 and degree 7 columns.


Some rough numbers from our analysis in May 2022 (source):
  • 21 members have more than 10,000 connected profiles within seven degrees.
  • 438 have 5,000+
  • 5,780 have 2,000+
  • 21,000 have 1,000+
  • 118,000 have 100+
See also : Beyond_CC7

Badges (updated 30 April 2023 • 05:00 UTC):

NOTE: If you do not have a number for one or more degree columns, then leave it blank. Adding a question mark or any other character is causing the column not to sort correctly.

Name WikiTree-ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total Updated
Thom Anderson Anderson-23510 9 32 111 249 536 1050 1916 3903 2023-01-18
Nick Andreola Andreola-1 8 33 73 191 432 1019 2080 3836 2022-08-14
Carolyn Ball Ball-19346 8 15 43 115 199 259 478 1117 2022-08-21
Sabrina Baskey Baskey-5 6 18 49 126 355 471 635 1660 2023-01-31
Michele Bazley Bazley-67 2 7 33 77 167 284 402 972 2022-06-29
Marcia C. (Bonnet) Benjamin Bonnet-244 5 10 30 75 118 146 112 496 2022-07-27
Andréa Boudreau Boudreau-1232 7 9 50 108 179 210 470 1033 2022-07-09
Tommy Buch Buch-358 4 16 41 95 134 249 381 920 2023-04-30
Paul M. (Burlinson) Burlinson-Ely Burlinson-44 8 34 105 301 338 253 197 1236 2022-08-21
Virginia L. (Butter) Fields Butter-100 5 27 96 362 1016 1651 2861 6018 2022-12-27
Sharon Casteel Casteel-170 5 20 42 145 421 1120 2226 3979 2022-08-10
Eric Christensen Christensen-8328 5 10 46 156 367 577 818 1979 2023-02-24
Loretta C. (Leger) Corbin Leger-741 10 26 92 196 379 824 2322 3849 2022-08-21
Randi Cortazar Brenneman-590 8 10 35 43 71 151 239 557 2022-06-29
Sue (Gollan) Crerar Gollan-99 7 21 57 160 416 699 1291 2651 2022-12-27
Ambar M. Díaz Díaz-2569 3 7 20 46 56 14 11 157 2022-10-04
Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf Dijkgraaf-24 5 19 48 137 427 668 979 2283 2023-05-07
Eva Ekeblad Ekeblad-7 2 10 27 106 352 1029 3478 5004 2023-03-31
Kathy Evans Evans-3182 4 11 38 101 213 362 748 1477 2023-03-31
Maree A. (Patroni) Evans Patroni-12 5 12 20 94 247 603 800 1788 2022-07-16
Randall Gardner Gardner-8870 7 16 46 192 619 1588 3538 6006 2023-06-26
Liza (Macklem) Gervais Macklem-13 10 38 90 138 227 405 956 1864 2022-08-14
Mildred (Wheeler) Gillett Wheeler-18799 8 16 28 88 122 218 520 1000 2023-01-05
Norbert Gitzl Gitzl-5 3 14 65 195 474 935 1398 3084 2022-07-10
Steven Greenwood Greenwood-3667 4 15 25 51 84 108 168 455 2023-02-13
Russ Gunther Gunther-113 4 12 36 120 255 390 773 1590 2023-04-21
Bobbie (Madison) Hall Madison-125 6 15 41 134 277 563 964 2000 2022-12-24
Léa Haupaix Haupaix-1 3 13 42 71 166 418 376 1089 2022-07-18
Alina (Nowosielski) Hudzik Nowosielski-51 4 27 76 100 109 90 43 449 2022-07-03
Susie Humbeutel Humbeutel-1 12 27 116 504 1125 2045 3285 7114 2022-08-14
Ron Johnson Johnson-66920 6 35 73 174 331 538 891 2048 2022-10-08
Hans E. Juneby Juneby-1 5 16 43 71 163 265 267 830 2022-07-04
Paul L. Kerbow Kerbow-16 3 7 36 104 194 236 679 1265 2022-07-19
Friedemann Kiedaisch Kiedaisch-1 2 4 9 20 48 84 196 363 2022-12-18
April M. Kiskis Kiskis-1 6 17 27 39 65 126 235 515 2022-12-06
Thomas L. Koehnline Koehnline-1 2 8 16 40 83 148 284 581 2022-08-11
Leif Biberg Kristensen Kristensen-547 2 5 31 63 155 335 817 1408 2023-05-31
Jim LaBossiere LaBossiere-31 10 38 103 247 425 799 1579 3201 2022-08-14
Patty (Luker) LaPlante Luker-573 14 52 129 315 1042 1320 3024 5896 2022-07-03
Patty (Simon) LaPlante Simon-5011 2 21 85 177 214 228 784 1511 2022-07-03
Rob Lund Lund-2792 8 10 13 14 19 32 54 150 2022-11-09
C. Mackinnon Mackinnon-507 7 17 45 165 353 675 945 2207 2022-08-14
Isabelle E. (Rassinot) Martin Rassinot-1 7 9 37 111 391 288 254 1106 2022-07-29
Bartley McRorie McRorie-37 8 25 84 160 233 424 940 1874 2022-06-29
B.W.J. Molier Molier-3 1 3 15 54 213 560 1168 2398 2022-07-10
Kathryn Morse Morse-5268 9 46 135 353 553 896 1480 3482 2022-08-18
Lisa R. (Kelsey) Murphy Kelsey-745 8 38 155 302 614 907 1226 3250 2022-09-03
Kathy J. (Urbach) Nava Urbach-13 10 13 16 36 61 62 96 294 2022-08-04
Jamie Nelson Nelson-3486 3 7 24 69 322 576 1728 2729 2022-07-06
Living Notestein Notestein-13 3 8 25 63 269 457 846 1671 2023-06-19
Alison Palmer Palmer-9783 5 13 37 124 321 742 1263 2505 2024-10-14
Dean (Cowper) Pascoe Cowper-404 8 16 47 86 153 357 818 1485 2023-01-05
Tricia Payne Payne-15730 4 20 59 180 436 901 2312 3912 2023-02-26
Susan E. (Penter) Pearson BA(Hons) Penter-43 4 11 39 61 117 168 284 684 2022-07-13
Anonymous Reed Reed-28962 1 2 17 65 77 136 284 582 2022-07-10
Nancy Regan Diener-200 4 11 36 102 180 305 414 1052 2022-08-14
Jennifer Robins Robins-1306 2 5 16 84 297 600 1067 2067 2022-06-23
Azure Robinson Robinson-27225 10 44 143 323 675 834 1171 3200 2022-09-08
Fran Robinson Peasley-221 18 92 222 494 794 861 1728 4209 2022-09-11
Patricia Roche Roche-395 5 12 40 126 294 630 893 2000 2022-08-16
George Roscoe Roscoe-225 5 17 48 177 308 442 7 1004 2022-06-29
Darryl Rowles Rowles-314 6 18 66 249 640 1342 3301 5622 2022-08-21
Don B. Sage Jr Sage-1513 10 30 64 160 361 659 930 2214 2022-08-28
Kenneth Schatz Schatz-206 7 5 10 13 27 74 128 264 2022-06-29
Robert H. Seale Seale-237 3 7 23 83 243 379 567 1321 2022-10-01
Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz Selvaggio-84 12 17 62 152 245 320 601 1409 2022-07-03
Brady Shea Shea-2766 7 12 42 114 290 362 517 1344 2024-08-15
Chuck R. Sinclair Sinclair-11461 6 17 13 14 13 36 80 179 2022-10-14
Ellen Smith Smith-62120 3 9 22 52 179 400 736 1401 2022-07-09
Shirlea Smith Smith-123128 9 15 69 186 422 512 787 2000 2022-11-18
Amy E. (Scheeler) Sparks Scheeler-65 8 10 37 83 84 67 48 337 2022-11-02
Nelda (Gilchrist) Spires Gilchrist-1197 8 16 60 191 388 797 1504 2964 2022-11-24
Clare Spring Spring-570 4 11 33 112 330 827 1343 2660 2022-06-24
Nan Starjak Lambert-1995 5 16 41 126 184 386 678 1437 2022-07-06
Michael L. Stills Stills-18 5 18 65 201 329 481 1078 2177 2022-08-21
Susan Stopford Stopford-19 3 8 34 53 102 315 591 1106 2022-08-21
E S. (Holt) Storey Holt-9534 6 7 27 38 81 178 277 614 2022-08-18
Alicia (Bonner) Taylor Bonner-1839 9 34 115 278 492 902 1678 3508 2023-07-22
Ken Tremblay Tremblay-5644 4 16 74 157 329 887 2791 4258 2022-12-21
Lennart van Haaften Van_Haaften-79 7 18 71 268 825 1037 1135 3361 2023-02-07
Bernard Vatant Vatant-1 5 15 56 108 313 567 1181 2245 2022-07-19
Doug Vaugh Vaugh-18 2 10 34 60 85 83 179 453 2022-12-03
Caroline Verworn Vernon-2152 8 15 33 70 90 159 239 614 2022-06-27
Paddy Waldron Waldron-201 2 7 15 18 35 53 89 219 2022-06-23
Jeffrey S. Wall Wall-7415 2 6 20 75 313 788 818 2022 2023-12-11
Roy H. Walmsley Walmsley-632 2 4 21 26 33 25 41 152 2023-01-01
Robert M. Ward Ward-22928 7 15 61 112 267 445 647 1554 2023-12-10
Judy Weggelaar Dyer-10748 9 35 100 298 710 1313 2041 4506 2022-08-21
Rags Weggelaar Weggelaar-1 7 25 75 177 397 706 1175 2562 2022-07-09
JG Weston Weston-4750 9 29 37 128 239 380 592 1414 2022-07-03
Melanie (Fisher) White Fisher-26333 8 11 41 112 211 272 352 1007 2022-09-11
Anonymous Wimble Wimble-157 2 4 8 41 121 199 268 643 2024-09-16
Chris M. (Smith) Wright Smith-24375 4 8 31 77 131 162 213 626 2022-07-18
Martin Young Young-43998 4 11 41 108 139 177 170 650 2022-12-29
Nicki D. (Sano) Zigler Sano-4 13 43 64 98 155 215 434 1022 2022-08-14
Gary Ireland Ireland-1573 10 38 109 315 656 1264 2188 4580 2023-10-31
Kevin Ireland Ireland-1445 6 26 68 222 419 791 1471 3003 2023-10-31
MaryAnn Blakeman Blakeman-448 7 25 53 96 224 618 1487 2510 2023-06-27
Stephen Davis Davis-78583 5 23 78 137 290 564 1208 2305 2023-10-31
Monica (Rienerth) Palmer Rienerth-1 7 15 43 115 203 430 803 1616 2024-08-11

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  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)

Comments: 12

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Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but what does a + next to a number mean? e.g. My 6 degrees number is 238+
When you use the My Connections app, it stops when you reach 1000 connections. But it may stop when you reach 5 degrees, 6 degrees or 7 degrees. So the "+" indicates that there are additional connections for that degree count.
posted by Tommy Buch
How can I add myself to the table? 1=1; 2=2; 3=17; 4=64; 5=76; 6=136; 7=284. My mom is still living and prefers me to refrain from adding her family. I've been working to fill out 3 complete generations of descendants from my father's great grandparents. Of the 578 listed in my CC7 this morning, I've added all but a few dozen since joining on 22 Feb 2022. I haven't figured out inline citations, but these profiles have sources. I will easily exceed a CC7 of 1000 within the year. I plan on improving the profiles as my coding skills grow.
posted by Anonymous Reed
To add your score, just edit the page and highlight an existing line of data, copy it then paste it at the beginning of a new line, and then change the information to your information and then save it. You can keep updating your score as you add new connections.

If you are using the WikiTree BEE extension, you can follow the instructions listed above the table under the section WikiTree BEE extension.

posted by Tommy Buch
Thanks, I've done it! And you've left directions for others.
posted by Anonymous Reed
I suggest, in order to minimise confusion and potential damage, that participants just add their own line at the end of the table, and not try to rewrite it in alphabetical order. This is a table of type "sortable" and you can sort it in any way you want by clicking the arrows in the head of each column.
posted by Leif Biberg Kristensen
edited by Leif Biberg Kristensen