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Content Maintenance Team

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Categorization Project > Categorization Maintenance Team > Content Maintenance Team Page


Content Maintenance Team

Welcome to the Content Maintenance Team, a part of the Categorization Project.

The goal of this team is to investigate and correct category content errors as identified through DBE Category Suggestions.

Team Members

  1. Amy Gilpin - Team Captain, working specifically on One Name Study categories
  2. Liz Shifflett working on US Census categories (8062/63/64)
  3. Sheryl Moore working on DBE 8062, in particular WWMD categories and occupation categories
  4. Lindy Jones working on DBE 8063 and 8064
  5. Margaret Haining working on DBE 8062 in Australia Place categories
  6. Mark Rogers working on DBE 8062 Australia Place categories & Ship categories
  7. Stephen Heathcote working on England categories and ONS
  8. David Loring working on Irish Roots categories
  9. Laurie Giffin working on Atlantic Canada categories
  10. James Box working on Devon England Place categories
  11. Steven Bartlett working on Devon England Place categories
  12. Emma MacBeath
  13. Sarah Mason

Team Goals and Progress

Welcome to our new members. Keep up the fantastic work, everyone! We're making progress!!

We are tracking the following four errors

  • Category Content Too Long: 0 as of March 18, 2019.,
  • Category Content Empty: 28,470 as of February 11, 2020. Now: 26,844, as of 4 May 2020.
  • Category Content Almost Empty: 358, as of February 11, 2020 Now: 158, as of 4 May 2020.
  • Category Content Too Short: 3,995 as of February 11, 2020. Now: 3,466, as of 4 May 2020.

Team Priorities

Category Work On Hold

  1. Infant Mortality categories - going to Women's Health Project (low priority for our team)
  1. Church of England Categories - under discussion with a new group of people in the England Project following Martin’s departure
  1. Religion Categories - new project has started. Please contact the project before working in this area.

Current Priorities

High Priority : Categories maintained by the Categorization Project; and newly created categories that are empty.
Medium Priority : Categories maintained by other projects you are part of. Please ensure you advise the project leader that you are part of this team and working in category maintenance for the project. They may want to use a specific header or have content to add.
Low Level : DBE 8064 list and any categories that are part of a specific projects, such as the Military and War Project, that have indicated they will look after adding their own content.

Projects Looking After Errors

  • Military and War Project is looking after their own empty categories
  • England Project categories - This project has implemented a Categories Team to look after their own categories.
  • Ireland Project categories - This project has implemented a Categories Team to look after their own categories.
  • Scotland Project categories - This project has implemented a Categories Team to look after their own categories.
  • Canada Project categories - This project has implemented a Categories Team to look after their own categories.
  • Wales Project categories - This project has implemented a Categories Team to look after their own categories.

DBE Category Suggestions


  1. {{ProjectCategory}} . This template (along with a short sentence on the intent and purposes of the category) will clear the error for Category is Empty and provide guidance to users of that category. Please apply it only to categories that have no other project affiliation.
  2. {{ProjectCategory|ProjectName}} is applied to a category that has project affiliation. This template (along with a short sentence on the intent and purposes of the category) will clear the error for Category is Empty and provide guidance to users of that category.
Example: {{ProjectCategory|1776}} is applied to categories associated with the 1776 Project.
Resulting in the following display on a category page:
This category is managed by the 1776 Project in association with the Categorization Project. For assistance with this or related categories ask in G2G making sure to tag your question with both categorization and 1776.

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