Location: Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island
Surnames/tags: Veazie Winslow
linked from Probate Records of Joseph Veazie
A brief description of the images found in the probate records of Joseph Veazie, Case No. A 8518, probate records of Providence, Rhode Island:
www.familysearch.org; FHL #2313432, DGS 7650429, imgs 1039-1271. The records begin with image: https://www.familysearch.org/search/film/007650429?i=1038&cat=982005
As the documents in the probate records are not numbered, the number listed below is the image number for the film cited above.
1040. Petition of Maternal heirs for modif. of decree of distribution. M. C. Jany 12, 1869: since granted to amend decree.
1044. Admin Bond
1047. Appraiser bond
1049. petition of admin for order of distribution. more than 3 three years passed ... asks for court to order distribution. Jan 16 1867.
1052. inventory jul 28, 1863. total $45734.39 (?) accepted by court
1061. newspaper notice
1063. accounting for the estate $50,390.02. account allowed.
1070. newspaper notice
1072. account of estate after admin costs $55,858.65
1074. add'l changes $54,336.58. accepted 23 oct 1866
1075. newspaper notice
1077. account of estate $55,309.43 accepted 20 aug 1867
1080. petition for order of distribution. oct 1 1867. moiety $27,242.11 to be dist to paternal heirs as follows: list of veazie heirs totaling $21,793.59
1085. decree - distribution to maternal heirs: list of heirs
1087. list of next of kin with distr. share. desc of uncle joseph veazie. desc of uncle silas veazie. desc of uncle lemuel veazie. harwicks, thayers, etc. desc of aunt sarah veazie (several generations). desc of uncle john veazie. (several generations).
1092. dist to maternal heirs. jan 21 1868. list of names, share, amt. total dist 27,241.89.
1098. 16 jun 1863. request by several veazies to appoint Amos M Warner as admin - goods/chattels not to exceed forty thousand dollars
1099. deposition of mrs ruth b grave
1101. deposition kenelm winslow
1102. 15 nov 1867. depositions received
1103. deposition of mrs sally trouant
1106. gravestone inscriptions
1107. john lewis testifies to inscriptions
1111. deposition e watson arnold. town clerk of Braintree Massachusetts, info for family of benjamin vesey. record book of braintree
1114. deposition of mrs sarah trouant desc of kenelm winslow 3rd (cover sheet)
1115. jp cert
1116. jp cert
1117. deposition of caroline a champrey
1120. deposition of martha cole desc of abigail winslow lewis
1124. jp cert
1125. deposition of thomas hiller (maternal)
1128. deposition john v efner (paternal) [affidavit]
1131. letter from joseph veazie to mrs phebe sherman regarding purchase of memorial stones
1134. deposition william gallison g-grandson of kenelm winslow 2nd
1136. deposition rachel urann (4) paternal [affidavit]
1140. deposition susan mason (3) paternal [affidavit]
1144. deposition mary white (paternal) [affidavit]
1147. request for order of distribution by phebe sherman; affidavits - phebe sherman
1148. deposition of Joseph A Hollis
1150. deposition provost veazie [affidavit]
1152. deposition harriette c keatringe (14) henry veazie was 1st husband [affidavit]
1153. deposition francis richardson (11) paternal [affidavit]
1157. receipt
1158. letter fm joseph veazie to phebe sherman purchase of mem'l stones
1160. deposition of betsey holden (maternal)
1163. deposition of thos p g hardwick (5) paternal [affidavit]
1167. deposition of mrs john veazie (8) paternal - mindwell veazie [affidavit]
1171. notary
1172. deposition freeman smith maternal
1173. a genealogy (freeman smith)
1176. admin balance
1177. deposition henry gallison g-grandson of kenelm winslow 2d
1179. deposition william h ferris
1181. deposition charles veazie, troy, ny (6) [affidavit]
1185. deposition polly veazie, widow of benj veazie, ny (7) [affidavit]
1188. jp notice deposition elisabeth cloutman
1189. submission by mrs green williams
1193. deposition lorenzo wily carl (maternal)
1196. deposition thankful s hedrick
1199. deposition hezekiah rich hawes
1201. deposition mrs catharine roffe, widow of matthew roffe
1204. deposition isaac smith (maternal)
1208, 1209. genealogical desc. chart left side benj and mary veazie
1210. genealogical desc. chart right side benj and mary veazie
1211. genealogical desc. chart left side kenelm winslow and abigail waterman
1212. genealogical desc. chart right side kenelm winslow and abigail waterman
1213. petition for order of distribution
1219. applic for sale of inventory jul 23, 1867.
1222. admin stuff
1223. registration of death cert
1224 deposition henry gallison (maternal)
1226. deposition mary j hayden (12) (paternal) [affidavit]
1229. deposition hiram lowell g-grandson of kenelm winslow 2d
1232. deposition nancy s waterman (maternal) widow of captain asa waterman
1236. deposition joseph smith (maternal)
1240. deposition samuel smith (maternal)
1243. deposition rebecca tepper smith (maternal)
1248. deposition elizabeth cloudman (maternal) wife of nathan cloudman
1254. deposition samuel veazie, no. adams (9) [affidavit]
1257. desc of abigail (winslow) lewis (cover)
1258. deposition abigail austin woods, d of Daniel woods & mary lewis woods (maternal)
1268. deposition susanna h willard (maternal)
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