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Location: Plymouth, Windsor, Vermont, United States
Surnames/tags: Coolidge Moor
Greetings from Plymouth Notch, VT! My name is Tracy Messer, and I work for the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation as a living history performer, giving first-person portrayals of our 30th President. He is my eighth cousin, once removed as we are both descended from Thomas Blodgett (1604-1642). I'm new to WikiTree, but not to genealogical research, and wish to join the US Presidents Project to connect with other living cousins of Calvin Coolidge. The Foundation will be hosting a reunion of Coolidge Cousins at his birthplace August 5-7, 2022 in honor of the 150th anniversary of his birth and the 99th anniversary of his presidency. For further information and registration, please visit our website: https://coolidgefoundation.org/events/calling-all-coolidges/
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