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Copy of Edward Ned Sizemore profile

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Date: 1 Oct 2019 [unknown]
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This freespace page contains data that was initially on the profile of Ned Sizemore.

Research Notes

I'm Joy (Wright) King and I've been researching and collecting records for Sizemore since 1985. I'm also the admn for the FTDNA Sizemore project we started back in 2002. There is a great deal of misinformation regarding the various lines.

My article for our Sizemore project: Origin of the surname: SIZEMORE (Eng.) Descendant of Sigmar (victory, great) dweller on the Saxon's wasteland1 [1]

When I checked the LDS IGI for England (Jan/Feb 1988) many years ago, I found numerous pages of records. There were 44 spelling variants of SIZEMORE. The earliest record was dated 1556 and largest concentration of the surname was in the county of Gloucester.2

However, we do have a mixed bag of results that does need explaining. The largest group in our DNA test results is Haplogroup Q. This haplogroup designation has been confirmed with SNP tests of several of our participants. It is found in Native Americans and in Europe. In addition to our main Q group, we have received results for three of our participants that also have SNP confirmed Hg Q but do not match the main group. In order to be sure our markers are consistent with the Native American markers, our main group participants were joined to the FTDNA Q3 Native American project.3

The three non matching participants and a few of the main group participants were joined to the FTDNA Q project.4 The administrators of both projects have concluded our participant’s markers are most consistent with the Native American markers, which means they are all descendants of a MALE Native American, but not the same Most Recent Common Ancestor.

Even though some Sizemore lines have an oral history of NA ancestry, it was always thought to be from a MALE SIZEMORE/FEMALE NA relationship, so these results were quite surprising.

I think everyone will agree there wasn’t a full blood male or female Indian named SIZEMORE waiting on the banks of the James when the English arrived. These DNA results are for the “ancient ancestry” and genealogically the earliest MRCA would have to be in 1600s Virginia. The DNA results indicate the origin of these male lines is apparently due to FEMALE SIZEMORE and MALE NA relationships with the child/children using the Sizemore surname. This also means these male lines are not *genetically* Sizemores. The genealogical research shows the earliest appearance of the surname in Virginia is WILLIAM SISMORE who came to VA from England and received 100 acres of land "Upon Appomattox River" in the first division of land in 1619.5

William isn’t found on any of the surviving early ship lists, but in order to qualify for this amount of land he had to be in VA before 1616.6

The Henrico & Charles City Co. division line was moved in 1634 and later patents mentioning SIZEMORE'S CREEK indicate William's land was on the north side of the Appomattox River in Henrico Co. in the area that became Chesterfield Co. in 1749.

There are two records for Martha SISEMORE, one dated 18 July 1620 saying she had paid for her passage to VA7, the other dated 23 May 1625 indicating she made frequent trips between England & Virginia.8

No record of a maiden name has been found for Martha. I believe she arrived later than William. It is assumed they were married which most likely occurred in Virginia. She may have been among the women that were transported from England, starting in 1619, with the intention of marrying the many unhappy single males already there. 9

During the Indian massacre William & Martha fled across the river where they are found on the 16 Feb. 1623/4 list of the living at West & Shirley Hundred.10

They are not found on the 1624/5 census, but on Jan 14, 1625/6 William was still living in VA when he sent 2000 lbs. of tobacco to England.11

1636/31/Dec.- VA Patent Bk. 1-Part II: Ralph WYATT, Gent. to Richard JOHNSON, Roger DAVIS & Abraham WOOD, Planters, last day of Dec. 1636, p.590. One parcell of land lying & being from SIZEMORES Cr. & soe up the Cr. as farr as CAPT. BUTTONS land doth extend, from thence up to the Rock in Apamattock Riv., thence along the river & soe into the Baye & from thence to SIZEMORE his Cr. againe. Said WYATT, his assigns &c. shall possess & enjoy 10A of land aforesaid running down from the Rock above mentioned. Signed Ralph WYATT. Wit: Joseph FISTER, Daniell LEWELLIN.12

Abraham WOOD, Richard JOHNSON, & Roger DAVIS jointly leased from Ralph WYATT, a tract on SIZEMORE'S CREEK and extending to the rock in Appomattox River for 21 yrs. On May 14, 1638 Abraham WOOD patented 400A in Charles City Co. on Appomattox River adjoining lands of JOHN BAKER & JOSEPH BOURNE and extending west on the main river over against Peircie's Toyle Creek.

Another patent for 200A in Henrico Co. on the north side of Appomattox River "neere unto the great Rocke" and opposite land of JOHN BAKER was granted to him 8 June 1639. These two tracts, with 100A added, were incorporated in a patent for 700A in Henrico Co. on SIZEMORE'S CREEK granted to him, 20 Oct. 1642.13

FORT HENRY, located at present-day Petersburg, was granted to Captain Abraham WOOD with 600A of land plus all houses, edifices, boats, and ammunition belonging to the fort. WOOD was required to maintain and keep ten persons continuously at the fort for three years. The forts served as the first line of defense against possible attacks by the natives. Being the center of the varied activities of the frontier, they also were the starting point for expeditions against the Indians and became the center of trade for the outlying regions.14

In 1650 he [Abraham WOOD] joined Edward BLAND, Sackford BREWSTER and Elias PENNANT on a journey of discovery along the Chowan and Nottoway rivers into NC. In 1653 the Assembly granted him and his associates special privileges for fourteen years in trading activities "in places where no English ever have bin and discovered, nor have had particular trade." 15

Appomattoc. Appamattucks, chief village of King Coquonasum was located until 1623 on Swift Creek, a tributary of the Appomattox River, about a mile above its mouth. Apamatuks (Smith) or Mattica (Tindall) was the chief village of Queen Oppussoquionuske, sister of King Coquonasum. It was located on Bermuda Hundred point until it was destroyed about Christmas, 1611, by Sir Thomas Dale. Appomattocks Indian Towne apparently became the chief village after the destruction in 1623 of King Coquonasum's village by Capt. Nathaniel West. It was located on Old Indian Towne Creek, the present Rohoic Run, and remained there until 1691. It was within a short distance of the site of Fort Henry, 1646-1676. Population about 250.16

Various deeds continue to use SIZEMORES Cr. as a boundary location, but I haven't found anything else naming either William or Martha, and nothing indicating they had any children. However, I believe the NA ancestry had to have come into the line during this early time period when it was encouraged and totally accepted. The most likely suspect right now is Martha, but there's no actual proof of that. It also seems possible this MALE NA could have been from the above Appomattock tribe, although I doubt we'll ever know exactly which tribe this ancestry actually came from.

Surry Co., VA- 10 June 1654. Deed Thomas ROLFE to Wm. CORKER 150 acres of land between SMITH's Fort old field & the Divell's Woodyard Swampe & all houses, etc., being due unto the sd ROLFE by guift from the INDYAN KING. Wit: Ja. MASON, Edmund HOWELL. On backside assigned by Wm CORKER to Wm. BARBER, 22 Aug. 1654. Wit: Richd. WEBSTER, SAM SUKLEMOE. [Is this SIZEMORE? JK] Assigned by Wm BARBER to Rober GILBERT and Xo. MITCHELL on 1 Dec. 1654. Wit: Wm. MARRIOTT, Jno. BRADY. Interest assigned by Chr. MITCHELL to Roger GILBER. Wit: Jno. CORKER.17

Note JK: The above dates are shown in this deed but all other entries in this section are dated 1674. If the 1654 date is correct, SAM would have been at least 21 so born by 1633 or earlier.

A record has been found that indicates SAMUEL SIZEMORE owned a lot in Norfolk Town, Norfolk Co., VA, in 1693.18 In order to acquire land, SAMUEL would have to be at least 21 at this time so born by 1672 or earlier. If this is the same SAMUEL that’s a witness on the above deed and the 1654 date is correct, he would have been 60 yrs. old in 1693! No record of this purchase by SAMUEL or the sale to Thomas TABOR has been found, but the purchase by TABOR is mentioned in his 1700/1 will.19

1707/10/Mar. - Deed Book W #1, Chowan County, N.C.

  1. 241 pg.112: PETER EVANS of Chowan Prect., carpenter to Charles MERRITT and Eliner his wife for sundry causes and considerations, one half of a tract of 600A at ye mouth of Deep Ck. and running up Chawanock River. Wit: SAMUEL SUKLEMORE [SIZEMORE], William STEVENS.20

Note JK: Only place in deeds from 1696 to 1723 that Suklemore is listed, all others Sizemore.

Samuel SIZEMORE is also found on a 1715 tax list in Perquimans Co., NC21

Joseph SISEMORE is a witness to a deed in Chowan Co., NC Oct. 13, 1718 but not found in any other records.20

Samuel SIZEMORE received land grants in NC.22 He md. Elizabeth HOOKER, daughter of William HOOKER. Elizabeth’s sister Ann was married to Robert EVANS, son of the above Peter EVANS.23 He is found on a 1721 tax list 24, but was dead by 1723 leaving one known son, Samuel Jr., and Elizabeth md. Nicholas SESSUMS.25

There are later records for Samuel SIZEMORE, Jr., but nothing has been found in any of the records, so far, that indicate he had a wife or children. I do think Samuel Sr. and Joseph were related to the early Henrico Co., VA family, but there is no concrete proof of that either.

In 1712 Margery SISEMORE was a witness to the will of Richard HOMES/HOLMES. The Henrico Co., VA records, found so far, show Margery was born in 1690, most likely the orphan of Evan OWEN & his wife Margery. They also show she was Margery SISEMORE in 1712, living in the same area of then Henrico Co., VA (present Chesterfield Co.) where the 1st William SIZEMORE received land in 1619.26

In 1734 William SIZEMORE of Henrico Co., VA had a land survey. He would have to be born by 1713.27

In 1736 another Henrico Co., VA deed mentions SIZEMORE Cr.28

William SIZEMORE received a patent in 1738, the land was located in Amelia Co., VA.29

He is also mentioned in other patents.30 He is not found on the early Amelia Co., VA tax lists so may not have lived on this land.31

In 1739 Henry SIZEMORE is found in one Goochland Co., VA record, but there’s no indication he ever actually lived there.32 There’s no way to know his actual age at this time, but if he was of legal age (21) he would have been born by 1718.

There are numerous entries for the SIZEMORES in the VA survey books and all the locations are in present Halifax & Mecklenburg counties of VA.33

In 1741 WILLIAM has the 1st survey entry.

In 1743 MARGERY has a survey entry. This is transcribed as MARY but additional records show it was probably an abbreviation of MARG.

In 1743 HENRY & EPHRAIM have surveys so born by 1722 or earlier.

In 1744 WILLIAM sold the Amelia Co. land and is "of Brunswick Co., VA" (the parent Co. of present Halifax Co.).34

In 1746 EDWARD & JAMES are mentioned for the first time in the surveys so born by 1725 or earlier.

In 1747 GEORGE SIZEMORE enters 200 Acres of Land on the Lower side Line of his Mother MARY [MARGERY] SIZEMORE's Survey. GEORGE was born by 1726 or earlier.

Also in 1747 is this entry: P.50 (March 19 1746/7 Void) HENRY SIZEMORE junr. enters 400 Acres of Land Begin: at his Fathers begin. W.O. Blaz'd 3 Ways thence running for length Southwardly.

Note JK: There is nothing in any of the continuing records that mention HENRY as SR. or JR. and only one Henry is on the tithes list in 1748.

The 1748 Lunenburg Co., VA tithes lists for the area that became Halifax Co. included: William, Ephraim, Henry, James, and Edward SIZEMORE, 1 tithe each and all 21 or older.35

In 1749 we find William and Edward SYSMOORE, and James SIZEMORE.

In 1750 George & Ephraim SIZEMORE.35 The 1751 list for the area of present Halifax & Mecklenburg counties has not been found. No Sizemores are on the few lists that do exist.

There are extensive continuing VA records for this Halifax/Mecklenburg group of Sizemores, all of which indicate they were considered white by the early 1700s. I am confident these are the men our DNA participants with the Hg Q markers descend from. Most of them left VA in the 1750s and are found in the SC records before some of them moved on to GA, NC, TN, and KY.

Some Sizemore researchers consider the 1753 record, that refers to EPHRAIM SIZEMORE as a mulatto, as proof of mixed NA ancestry.36 I have a different view on this. There are numerous references in various county minute books where slanderous statements have been made and later retracted. Since there is nothing, pertaining to this petition, in the remaining published abstracts of the Orange Co. Minutes, which continue for several years, the case may have been dropped for this reason, but Ephraim did not sue for restitution.

It’s also possible his early NA ancestry was known and fully accepted while living in VA, but was *tested* for acceptance in NC by Mary Torrington. Since nothing else is found on this case, and he’s not noted in any other records as anything but white, NC officials apparently accepted it as well, as did SC in this time period.

The half-blood Creek Indian ARTHUR SIZEMORE of AL is well documented, as are his descendants. The male descendant that has been tested does not have the NA markers. He is Hg E3b and matches no one in our project. Until we test another direct line male descendant of this line, we can't be sure the present tested descendent has the true markers for this line.

SOURCES for the above narrative:

1. Smith, Elsdon C. - New Dictionary of American Family Names, 472.
2. http://www.familysearch.org/
3. http://www.familytreedna.com/public/Amerind%20Y/
4. http://www.familytreedna.com/public/ydna_q/
5. Sams, The Conquest of Virginia The Third Attempt

An image of the original can be seen at The Library of Congress web site in The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 8. Virginia Records Manuscripts. 1606-1737. Virginia, 1606-92, Charters of the Virginia Company of London; Laws; Abstracts of Rolls in the Offices of State

6. Charles E. Hatch, Jr., The First Seventeen Years VA 1607-1624

"The first real, or general, division was provided for in 1618 and became effective in VA in 1619. Two classifications of planters- those who came to VA before Dale departed in 1616 "ancient planters", each with three yrs. residence entitled to 100A. Those after Dale's departure, if they had come at their own charge, were to obtain 50A."

7. Library of Congress- Records of the VA Company Vol.1 p.408 and can also be seen on the Library of Congress website at: Manuscript Volume
8. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Vol.XXIII No.2, 135/136 - Minutes of The Council & General Court [ink folio 130]. Date confirmed 6/24/05 in email from Jean L. Cooper, Associate Director, Interlibrary Services University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, VA 22903.
9. http://www.lva.lib.va.us/whoweare/exhibits/destiny/introduction.htm

Between 1619 and 1621 the Virginia Company sent about 250 young English women to Virginia . . . [Virginia Company Records, 16 July 1621, Ferrar Papers, Magdalene College, Cambridge College] Nell Marion Nugent, Cavaliers And Pioneers 1623-1666, xvii. Introduction- Among the projects under the new order was one of November 3, 1619 duly carried into effect, except in the matter of number. “Lastly he wished that a fit hundredth might be sent of woemen, Maides young and uncorrupt to make wives to the Inhabitants and by that means to make them more setled & lesse moveable * * * These women if they marry to the publique farmers, to be transported at the charge of the Company; If otherwise, then those that take them to wife to pay the said Company their charges of transportation.”

10. Colonial Records of Virginia (1874; reprint, Baltimore, MD: Clearfield Company, 1989), 40-41; Sams, The Conquest of Virginia The Third Attempt, 655.
11. VTLS, Inc., Virginia Colonial Records Project, Survey Report No.3758 (revised) http://www.lva.lib.va.us/siteindex/index.htm
12. Nell Marion Nugent, Cavaliers and Pioneers-Abstracts of VA Land Patents & Grants 1623-1666, 95.
13. Adventurers of Purse And Person, 695-698: WOOD

Note JK: 2/25/05- http://users.rcn.com/deeds/pool.htm This site has transcribed and mapped the location, but the Deed Mapper software is needed to view the maps. If anyone has this software, please let me know. This would be a great addition to our Sizemore records.

14. W. Stitt Robinson, Jr., Mother Earth Land Grants In Virginia, 1607-1699, 32.
15. Adventurers of Purse and Person, 696-7; Landon C. Bell, The Old Free State: A Contribution to the History of Lunenburg County and Southside Virginia, Vol. I Chapter III, 76-78; Philip A. Bruce, Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century: An Inquiry into the Material Condition of the People, Based on Original and Contemporaneous Records. Citation: New York: MacMillan and Co., 1896 Subdivision: Chapter VIII HTML by Dinsmore Documentation

http://www.dinsdoc.com/bruce-1-8.htm In 1646, Fort Henry on the Appomattox with six hundred acres attached was granted to Captain Abraham Wood, Fort James on the Chickahominy with four hundred acres to Thomas Rolfe, and Fort Royal with six hundred acres to Captain Roger Marshall, in return for which each was to maintain a band of rangers for the defence of these fortified posts.2 Hening’s Statutes, vol. I, 326, 327.

16. Ben C. McCary, Indians In Seventeenth-Century Virginia, 3.

Clarence Walworth Alvord and Lee Bidgood, The First Explorations of the Trans-Allegheny Region by the Virginians 1650-1674, 32-33. “Just across the river was situated the principal village or “town” of the Appomattox Indians, who furnished Wood with messengers, hunters, porters, and courageous and faithful guides.”

17. Davis, Surry County Records - Surry County, Virginia, 1652-1684 Book II, March 1671 to 5 July 1684, 54.
18. Roger Dey Whichard, author and editor, The History Of Lower Tidewater Virginia Volume I (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., Inc., 1959), 325-370.
19. Abstracts of Norfolk County Wills, 175-6. Copy of pages personally requested & supplied to me by Kristina 7/23/07. They can now be seen here:

http://www.rootsweb.com/~vanorfol/orf175.jpg Norfolk, Norfolk Co., VA Will Book 6 f.201. Dated 8 Jan. 1700. Proved 15 Jan. 1700/1.

20. Margaret M. Hofmann, Chowan Precinct North Carolina Genealogical Abstracts of Deed Books 1697-1723.
21. NCGSJ-Aug 91, 130/131.
22. Margaret M. Hofmann, Province of North Carolina 1663-1729 Abstracts of Land Patents.
23. 1716/8/June Chowan Co. NC - Will of WM. HOOKER - Oct. Court 1717.
24. Weynette Parks Haun, Chowan Co., NC Misc. Papers 1685-1744 Bk.1, 22.
25. Journal of NC Genealogy Vol. VIII No.2 June 1962 Number 30 NC Inventories 1677-1784- File No. SS876 Dated 1722-1735 page 61.
26. Benjamin B. Weisiger III, Colonial Wills of Henrico Co., VA Part One 1677-1737 ; Cavaliers and Pioneers-Abstracts of VA Land Patents & Grants 1623-1666; Benjamin B. Weisiger III, compiler, Henrico County Virginia Deeds 1677-1705 (Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing Co., 1996); Cavaliers and Pioneers Volume II; Weisiger, Colonial Wills of Henrico Co., VA Part Two 1737-1781.
27. Beverley Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts Vol. XXI Henrico Co., VA - Southside, 21, 29, 45, 48. Also see p.2- PREFACE: “. . . The records are of persons who lived in Henrico on the south side of James River. This became Chesterfield County in 1749. And also records of persons who had properties or business in that section.”
28. VA Gen. Soc., Cavaliers and Pioneers Vol. Four 1732-1741, 124- PB 17 p.211.
29. VA Land Office Patents No. 17, 1735-1738, p. 510 (Reel 15).
30. VGS, Cavalier And Pioneers Volume Four: 1732-1741, 130, 175, 235.
31. Amelia Co., VA tithe lists 1736-1755, 1762 and partial 1779 can be viewed online at:


32. Court Records, Goochland County, VA, Free Negro and Slave Records, 1739, Library of Virginia. “Samuel BURTON, John SPEARS, and HENRY SIZEMORE this day brought before me the head of Hampton, an outlawed slave belonging to John OWEN .... which said slave they could not take without killing of him. (Signed) George CARRINGTON.”
33. Marion Dodson Chiarito, Entry Record Book 1737-1770 (Land entries in present VA Counties of Halifax, Pittsylvania, Henry, Franklin & Patrick).
34. Amelia Co., VA DB.2 - 1742-1747.
35. Landon C. Bell, Sunlight on the Southside Lists of Tithes Lunenburg County, Virginia 1748-1783.
36. Shields- Orange Co., NC Abstracts of the Min. of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions of Sept. 1752-Aug. 1766.

Sept. 1753 Folio 10 p.20: "Mary Torrington petitions this court praying that an orphan female child, called Sarah Torrington taken from her in a forcible manner by a certain EPHRAIM SIZEMORE a mulatto & be bound to Miles Parker . . ."

Note JK: Copy of original ordered by & received from Jack Goins 24 Mar. 1999 The original reads as follows:

Torrington Petition}
Mary Torrington Petitions this Court praying that an orphan female Child called Sarah Torrington taken from her in a forcible manner by a certain Ephraim Sisemore a Mullatto
OD. [ordered JK] be bound to Miles Parker, ordered that the said Parker take the said Orphan Child into his care at present and that the said Mary appear with said Sarah before the Justices of next Court.

The below is my posting to the RootsWeb Sizemore message board regarding our then Y-DNA results. The present defining marker for NA is hgQ-M3+. Our Sizemore participants are hgQ-M3- which is actually older than the NA markers.

The Sizemores
JYKing (View posts)
Posted: 17 Feb 2011 09:41PM
When the Sizemore DNA project was started in 2002, our goal was to see if we could determine which of the early 1730s & 40s recorded VA Sizemore men fathered each of the *documented* lines of the Sizemore men b. 1748-50s. The numerous records show these men were considered *white* by that time period. Nothing has been found in the genealogical *records*, to date, that name the wives, parents, or siblings of these men! In a 1747 VA record, Margery is stated as being the mother of a George (b.1726 or earlier). In 1753 Henry Sizemore & Elizabeth Rhodes were cited for "living in adultery".
Genealogical research indicates The Most *Recent* Common Ancestor (TMRCA) for *some* of the participants in our largest hg Q group are:

Ephraim Sizemore b. 1748 d. 1836 Spartanburg Co., SC George "All" Sizemore b. 1750s d. 1833 Clay Co., KY George Sizemore b. 1750s d. aft. 1820 lived in Ashe Co., NC George Sizemore b. 1750s d. bef. June 3, 1793 in then Barnwell Co., SC Edward Sizemore b. ? d. 1810 Hawkins Co., TN

Because these lines are so closely related genetically, we have *not* been able to determine who the father was of each of the above lines. It's also obvious that 3 different George Sizemores, born in the same time period, did not have the same father! And all of these families were considered white.
The stb wives of George "All", George of Ashe Co., NC, and Owen of Hawkins Co., TN have also been mtDNA tested. None of them have a direct line female Amerindian ancestor.
We have not tested a direct line male descendant of this Owen Sizemore b.1755 d.1837. However, one of his daughters was Lydia Sizemore (1784-1855) md. George Sizemore (1773-1859). George's parents are presently unknown, but a male descendant has been tested and is in our largest hg Q group.
George & Lydia's daughter Aggy Sizemore (1803-aft. 1883) md. Zachariah Minor in 1824.
George & Lydia's son Owen Sizemore (1820-d. in CW) md. Elizabeth Goins in 1856.
This is the *earliest known* Sizemore connection to any of the Melungeon families!
For additional info see Jack Goins' site: http://www.jgoins.com/
The Y-DNA markers for our largest hg Q group are unique. This indicates The Most *Ancient* Common Ancestor (TMACA) for *all of the participants* is the same early to mid 1600s VA male Amerindian. This is now close to 400 yrs. ago (14 to 16 generations), and there is *nothing in any of the records* that indicates he was Cherokee! Neither was there ever a *full blood Sizemore* either male of female. So, the son of the 14th to 16th generation Amerindian male was 1/2 blood. In the proceeding generations, of the direct male line, the inherited percentage of the TMACA Amerindian blood is considerably reduced.
We also have another small hg Q group that does not match the larger group. Therefore they have a different *male Amerindian* ancestor.

The earliest *documented* ancestor is William Sizemore b. 1750s md Catherine Adams and died aft. 1830 in Stokes Co., NC, and they were considered a white family. William's parents are ttb the William & Elizabeth Sizemore of Mecklenburg Co., VA records.

The descendants of John of Halifax Co., VA (b.1743) do *not* have the male Amerindian markers. The descendants of his *well genealogically documented* eldest son Daniel, do *not* match the descendants of the other sons of this John, nor do they have the male Amerindian markers.
The descendants of the well *documented* half blood Creek Indian Arthur Sizemore (abt. 1765-1848) of AL do *not* have the male Amerindian markers. His parents are presently unknown. The direct female line of his half blood Creek Indian wife, Mary "Polly" Bailey, has not been mtDNA tested.
There are other known Sizemore lines that have not been tested.
I do hope this helps to clear up some of the online misinformation regarding the origins of the Sizemores and their family lines.

There appears to be a great deal of missing *documentation* for the below information!

Edward (Ned) Sizemore, nickname "Tory Ned" was born about 1730, in Mecklenburg County, Virginia (alternate birth location: Hanover County, Virginia). His father was William Sizemore and his mother was Winifred Green.

Ned married Elizabeth Rachel Jackson in 1748, in North Carolina. (alternate date 1738).

Ned died 13 Jul 1790, in Wilkes County, North Carolina, and was said by daughter to be buried in Solomon Stamper Sr Old Indian Cemetery, Laurel Springs, Alleghany County, North Carolina. (Probably Old Ned Sizemore who was hanged by Col. Ben Cleveland on the Tory Oak in Wilkesboro, N.C., though witnesses could not remember his last name.)[2][3][4][5][6][7]

Witnessed will of father-in-law Henry Green, 10-15-1748 in Lunenberg Co. Virgina [folio 222]. [8]

Land entries (in the present Virginia Counties of Halifax, Pittsylvania, Henry, Franklin & Patrick) [9]

In 1746, Edward Sizemore entered 400 acres on the South side Banister River beginning a little below the little Rock House about the mouth of little Polecat.
7 Apr 1748 Edward SIZEMORE entered 400 acres on Little Buffalo Creek beginning where the path crosses thence up both sides to Grassy Creek path and 270 acre survey on Winn's Creek on Banister River (Lunenburg Co., Virginia)
1748 &1749 Lunenburg Co., Virginia, Tithables List. (After 1749 unable to locate until 1764)
1764 Edward Sizemore petitions in March for land in Georgia, Parish of St. George on the north side of great Ogeechee (perhaps indicating that he had only been in Georgia from South Carolina for 8 months). Subsequent land transactions in St. George Parish (records indicate that he had five or six children
1772 Land in St. Paul's Parish, GA deeded to William Jones. (-- Ron Blevins source?)
1774 & 1777 Tax List, Surry Co, North Carolina.

During the American Revolution served in a regiment of the Royal {Loyalist} South Carolina troops [10]

The Sizemore family was said to be an Indian family, perhaps Saponi or Mattaponi, who served in a regiment of the Royal South Carolina troops during the Revolution.
Ned was reputed to be a full-blooded Indian {Impossible if his mother was Winifred Green of Henry Green Adams-16917 12:00, 6 October 2016 (EDT)}

DNA analyses[11][12] have confirmed that there is a male American Indian in the Sizemore line, matching samples from Panama, Alaska and North America. [13]


- Reprinted in Kentucky Explorer, Volume 11, March 1997. Recorded in the 1870s.)

-Ned Sizemore probably had more than one wife.

-An unidentified Sizemore was a neighbor of planter James Cooper in Surry Co., Virginia, Southwick Parish, ca. 1700.

-Virginia records show that Edward Sizemore was closely connected to the Green, Griffin and Jackson families.

-The ECAs {Cherokees?} confuse him with his son George Edward Sizemore (ca. 1790 Hawkins Co., Tenn.) whose family ended up in W.V.

-The Sizemore family was one of the first Sephardic-Jewish families to establish a foothold in the eastern Appalachians. They appear to have come to Virginia and Charleston from Barbados and London.

- Sizemore in Barbados http://boards.ancestry.co.uk/thread.aspx?mv=flat&m=1276&p=surnames.sizemore

- History of the Jews in Barbados https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Barbados

- Barbados settlers in the Virginia Colony https://familysearch.org/wiki/en/Virginia_Emigration_and_Immigration

- Barbados and America by David L. Kent https://familysearch.org/search/catalog/316574?availability=Family%20History%20Library


  1. Sizemore DNA project DNA king
  2. See: https://www.wikitree.com/photo/jpg/Sizemore-38
  3. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=118137940&ref=acom
  4. http://person.ancestry.com/tree/11286273/person/12797825155/facts
  5. http://person.ancestry.com/tree/6085556/person/-1336786784/facts
  6. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~appalachian/melungeons/Sizemore_Family_Data.txt
  7. http://hackerscreek.com/norman/SIZEMORE.htm
  8. EARLY WILLS 1746-1765 LUNENBURG CO., VA, p9, DB.1 p477:1748/15/Oct.- available at Ancestry.com
  9. FHL unidentified book
  10. Loyalists in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War, Vol. I, Roll 01 - Master Index. Pay Abstract #5, 1980 [lists Edward & George] http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=flhg-southloyalistsi&h=279772&ti=0&indiv=try&gss=pt>
  11. https://www.wikitree.com/photo/jpg/Sizemore-38-1
  12. https://www.familytreedna.com/public/SIZEMORE_DNA?iframe=yresults
  13. Dawes Commission Index (overturned) 1896 [Index-only record, on-line] Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 1997. Original data: Applications From the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Muskogee Area Office, Relating to Enrollment in the Five Civilized Tribes Under the Act of 1896. Description: 1896 records of Five Civilized Tribes: Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminole, Creek and Chickasaw...Name: Ned Sizemore, Tribe: Cherokee, Case Number: 4451...Over 2000 descendants of Owen, and his brothers George, and Lydia Sizemore Blevins (Wife of James Blevins) filed Eastern Cherokee Application beginning in 1906...] National Archives, Washington, DC.]

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Kathie, can you please add the NA project account as co manager so we can track this page? Thanks.
posted by Jillaine Smith
Unclear. No descendants have stepped up to rewrite the profile.
posted by Kathie (Parks) Forbes
Plans for this page?
posted by Jillaine Smith
All the 1896 Cherokee Dawes applications were rejected due to massive fraud. The individual applications are not available on line, just an index.
posted by Kathie (Parks) Forbes
Source 12 should not be used to indicate a DNA or tribal affiliation. In particular, this 19th century document from 1892 listing Ned Sizemore is not the same Ned Sizemore in the profile Sizemore-38. The first names in the document are all similar to the early Sizemore family; however, each applicant would have been living at the time their application was nade to the Dawes Comission. This would preclude a 17th or 18th century persons name from appearing in Dawes documents with exception for later period enrollment cards, which many times listed deceased parents of the applicant. This source should be replaced or paired with the document(s) explaining why the application(s) was "overturned" (denied) by the Comission, which usually provides some useful genealogical details as well. TY
posted by Ronald Prentice