
On the waters of the Wateree River, Camden District, Province of South Carolina

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Date: 20 Dec 1752 to 1 Jul 1797
Location: Chester County, South Carolinamap
Surname/tag: Lee
This page has been accessed 130 times.

South Carolina Deed Book F

Information regarding deeds by: John Lee and his daughter Sarah Gordon on the waters of the Wateree River, Camden District, Province (and then State) of South Carolina: [Capitalized names are not in the original.]

John Lee sells land in 1797

Feb 25, 1775 John LEE to John McCLURKIN pg 46) This indenture made the 25th of February in the fourteenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the grace of God of Great Britain, France & Ireland, King Defender of the faith, Anno Domini 1775. Between John LEE of the Province of South Carolina Camden District on the waters of the Wateree River of the one part and John McCLURKIN of the same place of the other part Witnesseth whereas his Majesty King George the third by his letters patent under the great seal of the said province bearing date the 14th day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & sixty two tested by his excellency Thomas BOONE Esq. Governor of the aforesaid province did give & grant to Isaac ELLEDGE his heirs and assigns all that parcel or tract of land containing one hundred & fifty acres situate lying & being on a creek of the Wateree River called Rockey Creek in the province aforesaid bounded Southwestward on John LEE's land & on all other sides by vacant land, which land I the aforesaid LEE purchased of said ELLEDGE which the deeds for the same will make appear all grants answered together with all & singular the woods and underwoods, timber & timber trees, lakes, ponds, fishing, waters, water courses, profits, commodities, appurtenances, hereditaments whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining as in by the said grant remaining upon record in the Secretaries Office of the said province, relating thereunto being had doth more fully & at large appear. Now this indenture witnesseth that for & in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds current money of the province aforesaid the said McCLURKIN to the said LEE in hand at or before the serving & delivering of these presents well & truly paid the receipt whereof the said LEE doth hereby acknowledge & every part & parcel thereof doth fully & absolutely acquit release and discharge the said John McCLURKIN his heirs, executors & administrators by these presents he the said John LEE hath granted, bargained & sold, aliened, released and confirmed unto the said John McCLURKIN in his actual possession now being by virtue of a bargain & sale to him thereof made by the said John LEE for one whole year by indenture bearing date the day next before the date of these presents & by power & virtue of the statute for transferring of uses into possession and to his heirs all that tract or parcel of land containing one hundred & fifty acres situate lying & being as aforesaid together with all & singular the woods & underwoods, timber & timber trees, lakes, ponds, fishing, waters, water courses, pasture, marshy feedings, profits, commodity, advantages, hereditaments & appurtenances whatsoever as to the said one hundred and fifty acres of land belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversion & reversion remainder or remainders, rents & of profits thereof & also all the right, title, interest & property, profit, claim and demand whatsoever both in law & equity of him the said John LEE of & in the same together with the original grant all the writings touching or concerning the same and he the said John LEE doth assign and assign over quit claim to the said John McCLURKIN his heirs and assigns all the right, title, interest, claim & demand whatsoever to the said tract of one hundred & fifty acres of land with all the appurtenances

pg 47) rents & profits thereof. To have & to hold the said tract of one hundred and fifty acres of land and all singular the premises here before mentioned & intended to be hereby given & released with their & every of their appurtenances to him the said John McCLURKIN his heirs & assigns forever. And I the said John LEE do covenant & promise & grant to & with the said John McCLURKIN his heirs, executors, administrators & assigns & that I the said John LEE do promise & covenant at any & all times hereafter be made a rule in his Majesties successor courts or courts of indication whatsoever both of law & equity & not withstanding any matter or thing whatsoever had made, committed, omitted or subject to be had made done omitted or suffered to the contrary by the said John LEE or his joint heirs it shall & may be lawful to & for the said John McCLURKIN his heirs & assigns from time to time & at all times hereafter peaceably & quietly to hold, use & occupy, possess the said tract of one hundred & fifty acres of land & all & singular the premises herein before mentioned and intended to be hereby granted, released, conveyed & confirmed with their & every of their appurtenances whatsoever without any detriment, hindrance, molestation or interruption whatever him the said John LEE his heirs or assigns or any person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming or to lay by from or under him them or any of them and clearly acquitted & discharged free & clear of all for men, gits, bargains, sales, mortgages as also of all jointurey dowries, claim & demands and incumbrance whatsoever, the quit rents thereof to be reserved to his Majesty or to his heirs and successors & other conditions, provisos & resurvations expressed in the said original grant only excepted. In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hand and seal this day & year first above written. John LEE (his mark & seal) Mary LEE (her mark & seal) Witness present Nelson THOMPSON, John McCLURKIN Received the day & year first within written of the within named John McCLURKIN the sum of one hundred pounds South Carolina currency it being the full consideration money within mentioned, I say received by me. John LEE (his mark & seal) Mary LEE (her mark & seal) South Carolina Chester County - Personally appeared before me the subscribing Justice John McCLURKIN who made oath that he saw John LEE & Mary his wife sign, seal & deliver the within deed or instrument of writing to the within named John McCLURKIN for the uses & purposes therein mentioned & that he saw Wilson THOMPSON together with himself sign his name as witness at the same time. Sworn to before me this 27th day of May 1797. John McCLURKIN William McQUISTON J.P.

In 1797 Alexander & Sarah Gordon sell land inherited from John Lee

Aug 18, 1790 Alexander GORDON & wife Sarah to Matthew McCLURKIN pg 60) This indenture made the eighteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & ninety & in the fifteenth year of American Independence between Alexander GORDON and his wife Sarah GORDON of Fairfield County, Camden District & State of South Carolina of the one part & Matthew McCLURKIN of Chester County District & State aforesaid of the other part witnesseth whereas in & by a certain grant bearing date the twentieth day of December A.D. 1752 under the hand of his excellency Thomas BOONE Esq. Capt. Gen. & Commander in & over the province of South Carolina (now the State) & signed by his excellency William Sampson Governor in council for that purpose appointed did give & grant unto Francis PENSON a plantation or tract of land containing fifty acres situate & lying in Craven County now Chester on a branch of Rocky bounding S.E. on John LEE's land & on all other sides vacant land at that time & hath such shape form & marks as the plat represents to said grant annexed as in & by the grant duly recorded in the Secretaries Office of said Province now the State. Reference being thereunto had may more fully appear which said Francis PENSON did sell unto John LEE & said John LEE did give & bequeath said plantation or tract of land containing fifty acres unto Alexander GORDON & his wife Sarah GORDON by his last will and testament. Now said Alexander GORDON & his wife Sarah GORDON hath bargained and sold unto the said Matthew McCLURKIN said tract containing fifty acres. Now this indenture witnesseth that the said Alexander GORDON and his wife Sarah GORDON for & in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds sterling to them in hand well & truly paid by the said Matthew McCLURKIN at & before the sealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge to be well contented, satisfied & paid. Said Alexander GORDON & his wife Sarah GORDON hath given, granted, bargained & sold, released & confirmed and by these presents doth absolutely grant, bargain, sell, alien, release convey & confirm unto the said Matthew McCLURKIN in his actual posession now being by virtue of a bargain & sale thereof to him made for one whole year by indenture bearing date the day next before the day of this date of these presents & by force of the statute for transferring of uses into possession of his heirs & assigns forever all the plantation or tract of land aforesaid containing fifty acres with the rights members and appurtenances thereof, together with all & singular the houses, out houses

pg 61) edifices, buildings, barns, stables, yards, gardens, orchards, woods, underwoods, timbers, meadows, pastures, ponds, lakes, fishing ways, water and water courses, paths, passages, liberties, priviledges, profits, hereditaments, rights, members & appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining & the reversion and revisions, remainder & remainder rents, issues & profits thereof & every part & parcel thereof & all the estate, right, title, interest, use, trust, possession, property, profit, benefit,claim & demand whatsoever of the said Alexander GORDON & his wife Sarah GORDON of, in, to or out of the same premises above mentioned & of, in & to every part & parcel thereof with the appurtenances & also deeds, evidences, escript & writings, touching or concerning the said premises and every part thereof. To have & to hold the said plantation or tact or fifty acres of land with every premises & appurtenances, hereditaments, granted release & conveyed unto the said Matthew McCLURKIN, his heirs & assigns forever to the only proper and absolute behoof of the said Matthew McCLURKIN, his heirs & assigns. And they the said Alexander GORDON & his wife Sarah GORDON for themselves their heirs, executors, administrators & assigns that they the said Alexander GORDON & his wife is now the true & lawful owner of said plantation or tract of land when the bargain & sale above mentioned was made & also that the said Alexander GORDON & his wife Sarah GORDON now is & until the execution of these presents is lawfully & rightfully seized in their own right of a good sure, perfect, absolute, indefeasable estate of inheritance in fee simple of and all & singular the said premises above mentioned or tract of fifty acres of land with the appurtenances without any manner of condition, mortgage, limitation of use or uses or other matter, cause or thing to alter, change or charge or determine the same & also that the said Alexander GORDON & his wife hath good, right, full power & lawful authority in their own right to grant, bargain, sell & convey the said plantation or tract aforesaid. Matthew McCLURKIN, his heirs & assigns forever according to the true intent of meaning of these presents. And also that the said Matthew McCLURKIN, his heirs & assigns shall & may from time to time & at all times forever hereafter peaceably have hold, occupy & enjoy the said plantation or tract of fifty acres of land with every ther premises thereunto belonging with the appurtenances without any trouble, hindrance, molestation or interruption or denial of them the said Alexander GORDON, his wife Sarah GORDON, their heirs or assigns & all of every other person or persons whatsoever & indeminify of & from all former bargains, sales, gifts & grants, leases, jointures, dowries, wills or intails. And lastly the said Alexander GORDON & his wife Sarah GORDON for themselaves, their heirs, executors, administrators & assigns the said plantation or tract of fifty acre of land with the premises & appurtenances unto the said Matthew McCLURKIN, his heirs & assigns against them the said Alexander GORDON & his wife, their heirs & assigns & every other person or persons shall & will warrant & forever defend by these presents. In witness we have hereunto set our hand & seal the day & the year first above written. Alexander GORDON (signed & seal) Sarah GORDON (signed & seal) Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of us Andrew GRAHAM, Thomas McCLURKIN

pg 62) Received the day & year first within written the full sum of fifty pounds sterling being the full consideration money mentioned we say received by us. Alexander GORDON Personally appeared Andrew GRAHAM before me the subscribing justice who made oath that he saw the within named Alexander GORDON & Sarah his wife, sign, seal & deliver the within deed, the uses & purposes therein mentioned & further that he saw the within named Alexander GORDON sign the receipt for the consideration money therein mentioned & that he saw Thomas McCLURKIN sign as witness together with himself at the same time. Sworn to before me this 1st day of July 1797 Andrew GRAHAM William McQUISTON J.P.

Aug 18, 1790 Alexander & Sarah GORDON to Matthew McCLURKIN pg 62) This indenture made this eighteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred ninety & his wife Sarah GORDON of Fairfield County & State of South Carolina & District of Camden of the one part & Matthew McCLURKIN of Chester County District & State aforesaid of the other part witnesseth whereas in & by a certain grant bearing date the second day of January A.D. 1754 under the hand of his Excellency James GLEN, governor & commander in chief in & over the province of South Carolina (now the state) and signed by his excellency Alexander GORDON governor in counsel for that purpose appointed, did give and grant unto George TAYLOR, a plantation or tract of land containing four hundred acres lying in Craven County, now Chester & State aforesaid & situate & lying on a branch of Rocky Creek bounded on all sides with vacant land at that time & hath such shape, form & marks as the plat represents to said grant annexed as in & by the said grant duly recorded in the Secretaries Office of said province (now the State) reference being thereunto had may more fully appear which said George TAYLOR did sell unto John LEE & said John LEE did give & bequeath said plantation unto Alexander GORDON & his wife aforesaid Sarah GORDON by his last will & testament. Now said Alexander GORDON and his wife Sarah GORDON hath bargained and sold unto the said Matthew McCLURKIN two hundred acres of the above mentioned tract of land or half said tract of 400 acres be the same more or less, line beginning on a beech & running SE to a post oak from thence NE to a b. oak & thence NW to a stake, thence SW to the beginning. Now this indenture witnesseth that the said Alexander GORDON & his wife Sarah GORDON for & in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds sterling to them in hand well & truly paid by the said Matthew McCLURKIN at & before the sealing & delivery of these presents the receipt

pg 63) whereof they do hereby acknowledge to be well contented, satisfied & paid said Alexander GORDON & his wife Sarah GORDON hath given granted, bargained & sold, aliened, released & confirmed & by these presents doth absolutely grant, bargain, sell, alien, release, convey & confirm unto the said Matthew McCLURKIN in his actual possession now being by virtue of a bargain of sale to him thereof made for one whole year by indenture bearing as to the day next before the day of the day of the date to these presents & by force of the statute for transferring of uses into possession & to his heirs & assigns forever all the aforesaid plantation or tract of land containing two hundred acres or half of above mentioned four hundred acres according to the plat that be the same more or less with the rights, members & appurtenances thereof together with all singular the houses, out houses, out edifices, buildings, barns, stables, yards, gardens, orchards, woods, under woods, timber & timber trees, meadows, pastures, ponds, lakes, fishing ways, water & water courses, paths, passages, liberties, priviledges, profits, hereditaments, rights, members & appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining & also reversion & reversions remainder & remainders, rent issues & profits thereof & every part & parcel thereof & all the estate, right, title, interest, uses, trust, possession, property, profit, benefit, claim & demand whatsoever of the said Alexander GRODON & his wife Sarah GORDON of, in, to, or out of the same premises above mentioned & of, in & to every part & parcel thereof with the appurtenances and also all deeds, evidences, escripts of writing, touching or concerning the said premises of every part thereof to have & to hold the said plantation or tract of two hundred acres of land with the appurtenances without any manner of condition, mortgage, limitation of use or uses or other matter, cause or thing to alter, change or charge or determine the same & also that the said Alexander GORDON & his wife Sarah GORDON hath good right, full power & lawful authority in their own right to grant, bargain, sell & convey the said plantation aforesaid to the said Matthew McCLURKIN, his heirs & assigns to the only proper & behoof the said Matthew McCLURKIN, his heirs & assigns forever according to the true intent and meaning of these presents & also that the said Matthew McCLURKIN, his heirs & assigns shall & may from time to time & at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold, occupy & enjoy the said plantation or tract of two hundred

pg 64) acres of land with every the premises thereunto belonging and appurtenances without any trouble hindrance, molestation or interruption or denial of them the said Alexander GORDON & his wife Sarah GORDON, their heirs or assigns & all & of every other person or persons whatsoever & indemnify of & from all former bargains, sales, gifts, grants, leases,jointures, dowers, wills or intails and lastly the said Alexander GORDON & his wife Sarah GORDON for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators & assigns the said plantation of tract of two hundred acres of land with the premises & appurtenances unto the said Matthew McCLURKIN, his heirs & assigns & every other person or persons shall & will warrant & forever defend by these present. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hand & seal the day & year first above written. Alexander GORDON (signed & seal) Sarah GORDON (signed & seal) Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of us Andrew GRAHAM, Thomas McCLURKIN Received the day & year within first written the full sum of one hundred pounds sterling being the full consideration money within mentioned. Present We say received by us, Alexander GORDON South Carolina County of Chester - Personally appeared Andrew GRAHAM before me the subscribing justice who made oath that he saw the within named Alexander GORDON & Sarah GORDON his wife, sign, seal & deliver the within deed or instrument of writing to the within named Matthew McCLURKIN for the uses & purposes therein mentioned & further that he saw the within named Alexander GORDON sign the receipt for the consideration money therein mentioned & that he saw Thomas McCLURKIN subscribe as witness together with himself & at the same time, sworn before me this 1st day of July 1797. Andrew GRAHAM William McQUISTON, J.P. Left Side Menu: "Links - Deed Book F"

Lee's Creek

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