Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Crawford Craufurd Crauford

About the Project
The Crawford Name Study project serves as a collaborative platform to collect information on the CRAWFORD name. The hope is that other researchers like you will join the study to help make it a valuable reference point for other genealogists who are researching or have an interest in the Crawford name.
As a One Name Study, this project is not limited to persons who are related biologically. Individual studies can be used to branch out the research into specific methods and areas of interest, such as geographically (Scotland Crawford's), by time period (18th Century Crawford's), or by topic (Crawford DNA, Crawford Occupations, Crawford Statistics). These studies may also include a number of family branches which have no immediate link with each other. Some researchers may even be motivated to go beyond the profile identification and research stage to compile fully sourced, single-family histories of some of the families they discover through this name study project.
Also see the related surnames and surname variants.
How to Join
To join the Crawford Name Study, first start out by browsing our current research pages to see if there is a specific study ongoing that fits your interests. If so, feel free to add your name to the Membership list below, post an introduction comment on the specific team page, and then dive right in!
If a research page does not yet exist for your particular area of interest, please contact the Name Study Coordinator: Amy Gilpin for assistance.
Once you are ready to go, you can also show your project affiliation with the ONS Member Sticker:
Research Pages
Here are some of the current research pages included in the study.
DNA Pages
If you have questions or need assistance with DNA, please contact Jonathan Crawford, our DNA Research contact.
General Research Resources
- Name Origins
- Scottish Clan Branches
- Crawford Name Study Statistics
- Crawford Name Study Census Records
Contentious and/or Conflated Lineages
- James Crafford of the Waxhaws Lineage
- Crawford and Hutchinson Lineage
- John Crawford of Ayrshire, Scotland and Virginia, United States
- Disambiguation David Crawford
- Lancaster County, South Carolina Crawfords
- York County, South Carolina Crawfords
- Colonel William Crawford (Colony of Virginia) Family Line
Please see Crawford Name Study - Member Research Areas for a more detailed outline of research areas.
- Amy Gilpin - Crawfords in Scotland and Ontario
- Jim Parsons - Crawford Family Researcher
- Janelle Weir- Researching Ayrshire, Scotland, also unsourced Crawfords
- Terri Crowell
- Jane Renton - Crawfords in Lanarkshire, Scotland
- Susan Yarbrough - Lanarkshire, Scotland
- Traci Thiessen - Crawford family in Pennsylvania, possibly New York and, in Iowa. Brick Wall research assistance needed.
- Chris (Sharp) MacNeill - Crawfords of Loudoun, Ayrshire.
- Alex Stronach - Scotland and Ontario Crawfords
- Joelle Coville-Hanson - Crawfords from Scotland to South Carolina
- Alana Bowman - Lanarkshire and Ayrshire Crawfords
- MaryAnn Thomas My study will begin with my 4th great grandmother, Elizabeth (Crawford) Minter (1757 - 1829). I am wanting to confirm my connection to the Crawford's of Scotland Lanarkshire and Ayrshire Crawfords
- Heather Crawford - Lanarkshire
- Lex (Creel) Bakarich DVM, ACLAM - Georgia Crawfords
- Jonathan Crawford - Crawford and variant DNA
- Eleanor (Holmes) Colson
- Virginia (Kline) Norris Ph.D.
- Luke Brady - Virginia Crawfords circa 1860 and earlier
- Keith Sevek Sr. -
- Mark Breuer - William Crawford of Philadelphia
Related Surnames and Surname Variants
This study includes the variants:
- Craufurd (Traditional Scottish Spelling)
- de Crawford (Anglo spelling pre-1500)
Possible Misspellings or Other Variants
- Crofferd - Knox County, Tennessee, USA
- Crauford - origin unknown at this time
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Amy Gilpin, One Name Studies WikiTree, and Jonathan Crawford. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
I'm interested in trying to figure out where we fit and I might be able to contact on of the male Crawfords if a Y chromasome test would be useful. Especially if it might help pin down where we fit.
I have recently gotten 2 DNA hits that link to the Crawford line, but I'm not sure how accurate they are.
One point of confusion has been that there are two William Crawfords born in the first decade of the 1800's who both married a Jemima. But our Jemima is a Rodgers and theirs is a Berford and none of the details match. Still the name has caused a few less skilled amateur genealogists to confuse the two and mix them up. Ancestry.com is insistent that Williams's father is John Crawford, but that is the other William's father, not ours. But to research the DNA connections, I accepted the error until I can figure it out.
Do you have any Crawfords in Pennsylvania? Mine are in Philadelphia, but there is another group in Westmorland and Armstrong counties in PA that I think might be connected.
I have found familysearch.org a very helpful site for finding records. I have used it extensively for building out my ancestors on wikitree.
edited by Roberto Valtancoli
Could you please send a private message to me and I will include Jonathan in my emailed response. We will do our best to help.
If you'd like to start a new page please, and link it to the study, that would be great. Thanks! Hope you are finding the answers you have been looking for.
So, thinking about https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:DNA_Categorization_for_Projects and starting categories at the haplogroup level differentiating the ancient clan branches as per the current Clan Crawford project, then setting up something like "Category:Crawford Y-STR Haplogroup R Group 1" for me/my related unknown connected branch, "Category:Crawford Y-STR Haplogroup I2 Group 1" for John Crawford of Virginia's branch, and similar for any of the other known branches with testing. Then a "Category:Crawford Y-STR Haplogroup Untested" category as a catch-all. Building free space pages for each one explaining what they are, and how to use them.
Lastly, adding those higher level category groups to the Free Space Pages as well as the individual profiles, so they lump together if related, even if there are multiple? Should allow us to locate lists and map them on wikitree+ too, which could be fun.
edited by Jonathan Crawford
I have figured out how to create a page. Where I’m struggling is how to organize the information.
Another issue will be the fact that the titles of the posts may not be descriptive enough.
Also - if I link to the posts, what will happen when my blog dies? Is there a way to upload pdf files of the posts to wikitree?
Below is a link - https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Space:Heartland_Genealogy&public=1
My father had, and one of my daughters has, a very quick, scary temper. As a consequence, I have long wondered if there is something genetic in action here.
All you Crawfords out there, related to the Baronetcy of Kilbirnie line, are there people in your family whom you have to tiptoe around for fear of setting them off? Do we all have a Crawford gene for a volatile temper?
Billy Crawford.
Chester Crawford Omer Crawford Philip Crawford and my brick wall Jonathan William Crawford b-1816-1820 Franklin Pennsylvania d-1892 Darke Ohio Married Mary Jane Sanson Please if anyone could help!!
1. look for all jonathan crawfords on 1850 census 2. look for all mary crawfords on 1850 census and after 3. look for all jonathan crawfords born in iowa from 1810 to 1830 4. look for all mary sansons born in pennsylvania from 1810 to 1830 5. compare all family lists to each other on census records to make sure the families make sense, and try to find those family "head of households" in prior census records
Mothers Crawfords: My great great grandfather Andrew Charles Crawford was born in Lisnacreeve ( Clogher, Donacavey) County Tyrone Northern Ireland, died in KS (1898). I only learned this because I messaged a DNA match who matched his brother (that I didn't know about). Andrew and his brothers William, James and John came with their parents William Crawford and Margaret (Culbertson?) to Pittsburgh, PA in 1849. Margaret was from Dromore, County Tyrone. John was married to Isabella Love whose mother was Elizabeth Crawford of a different set of Crawfords (supposedly from the Earl of Crawfords). Williams brother Andrew Crawford stayed in County Tyrone when everyone else immigrated on the Ship HURON. Uncle Andrews adopted son "Wee Andy" stole the farm at this point... unknown if he continued using the surname Crawford.
Fathers Mother Crawfords: Elizabeth Crawford born 1759 County Down married John Scott died 1853 Beaver, PA (she is my 5th great grandmother)
My Uncle will be doing a Y DNA test shortly. Will let you know when results come back.
edited by Brooke Allen
I would like to participate myself, but haven't put aside the funds yet for the specific test that would be of most use, it's not the cheapest option.
not cheap... I've spent almost $1000 in dna tests this year.
Regards Raelee Ryan
Would love to check my tree and see if I can get through to 1700,s