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Creating Geographic Categories for County Carlow

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Creating Geographic Categories for County Carlow

Is it a parish, barony, town or townland? Need help categorising place names? Logain.ie, the Irish Ordinance Survey website should be able to assist!

Wherever possible, please create categories to the lowest or most specific level possible: in particular, be aware that townlands are smaller units of land than towns and are not the same thing. Similarly, Roman Catholic Parishes, Church of Ireland parishes and Civil Parishes are all different too - try to ensure that if you are creating new categories for these places that you categorise as accurately as possible.

Place categories should be [Name of Barony/Town/Townland/Civil Parish], County Name]. So, for example, the townland of Agha, in Carlow, would be "Category:Agha, Carlow" and would be linked to the category of "Townlands in Carlow".

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