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Creating a new Prince Edward Island Location

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Prince Edward Island, Canadamap
Profile manager: Doug McCallum private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 61 times.

When adding a new Prince Edward Island location category, make sure the name follows the current convention of:

<Location>, Prince Edward Island

The three counties have been created but communities and Lots are only created as needed. It is also important to verify that the location exists. This can be done by checking the WikiPedia entry for the location or the Prince Edward Island Place Finder. Note that a Location does not include the Lot or county in its name unless it is necessary to disambiguate a place in the event that it is a duplicate name but in a different region. Communities will have a Lot as parent1 unless it is a Royalty. Lots and Royalties will have the County as parent1.

Locations also get a Category Information Box (CIB) at the top of the Category. Copy the following template and fill in the needed information:

{{CategoryInfoBox Location:
| name =<location name>
| project =Prince Edward Island
| parent =Prince Edward Island, Places [or Prince Edward Island, Historic Places]
| parent1 =<lot> or <county> (line is optional if not appropriate. e.g. Royalties)
| image =
| imageleft =
| imageright =
| wikidataID =<the wikidata ID if one exists>
| spacepage =<Space page if one exists for the location>
| coordinate =<GPS coordinate used for the location -- must be decimal format>
| succ1text =
| succ1next =
| succ1prev =
| succ2text =
| succ2prev =
| succ2next =
| startdate =<year the location started using this name>
| enddate =<year the location stopped using this name>
| TopLevel = no
| subcat = yes
| profiles = yes

The CategoryInfoBox will setup the parent categories.

Any location that is now part of a Rural, or other type, Municipality is a Historic Place and needs to be categorized as such. Don't use the Lot as the second parent. You then put the name of the current location (Rural Municipality) in the succ1next parameter and add the word "Timeline" as the value of succ1text. Once saved, if the RM does not exist, it will need to be created. When the RM location is created. The CIB for the RM should have succ1text should specify the historic name without the ", Prince Edward Island" and the succ1prev should have the name of the historic location. If the RM exists, add succ2text an succ2prev, or the next sequential version of those parameters.

The image parameter will place an image at the top of the profile above the CIB. imageleft and imageright will place an image to the left or right of the CIB respectively.

wikidataID can be found by searching for the location on wikidata.org. The ID will be the string in parens next to the title. It will start with a 'Q'. That value will setup a link to the corresponding WikiPedia page.

More detail on the Category Information Box template can be found at CategoryInfBox Location The succ1text/succ1next/succ1prev are used to setup navigation links between different names the location may have had over time.

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