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Culcairn Cemetery, Culcairn, New South Wales

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This is part of the Australian Cemeteries Project.



The Culcairn Cemetery is situated in the south of NSW, about 40 minutes drive north of the city of Albury. Links to WikiTree profiles are provided (where known). If you know of any others that can be linked to please contact Paul Bech to have the link added. If you require a photo of a gravestone listed and there is no profile on WikiTree, please create a profile (WIkiTree is entirely free) and contact Paul Bech and one will be added to the new profile. WikiTree is a collaborative effort, so it is little to ask that you add a profile for a person that has not already been added. If you have found a profile then please consider helping others by adding the details of another profile to WikiTree that has not already been added.

Location and Map

Link to map of location of Culcairn Cemetery


This project is to document the life and times of the people interred in Culcairn Cemetery. Project members are needed to assist in the research and adding profiles and information to profiles.

To Do

  • Create WikiTree profiles for all people in the table below
The completed table will include links to WikiTree profiles and direct links to the photos of gravestones. The profile created can include other sources of information as well as biographical details of the person.

Sortable Table of graves

Sortable table
name born died age notes photo #
Adams, Christina 1997 08 1093W of Gray 4210328
Adams, Frederic Edwin 1936 10 2064H of Mary 4210180
Adams, Gray E M 1964 03 0363H of Christina 4210328
Adams, John Kenneth1950 12 231950 12 23S of Ken & Eileen 4210180
Adams, Mary Jane 1950 12 1485W of Frederic 4210180
Adulcikas, Jonas 1920 10 172007 10 19H of Petronella; F of Doris & Ralph (dec) 1010992
Adulcikas, Petronella1923 02 112014 12 01W of Jonas (dec); M of Doris & Ralph (dec) 1010993
Alexander, Jeanette Edith 1993 05 2952W of Malcolm; M of Andrew & Cathryn 4210397
Allitt, Grace 19101987W of Rupert John; M of Graham & Pam 1010806
Allitt, John Henry 1937 12 2472 4210176
Allitt, Raymond Thomas 1996 09 0892H of Violet; F of John, Beverley, Kevin 1010874
Allitt, Rupert John 19021987H of Grace; F of Graham & Pam 1010806
Allitt, Violet Mary 1998 09 2182W of Raymond; M of John, Beverley, Kevin 1010873
Anderson, Marjorie 1925 03 152015 10 15W of Percy; M of Margaret, Susanne, Garry 1010804
Anderson, Percy Claude 19111985H of Marjorie; F of Margaret, Susanne, Garry 1010804
Appleyard, Amy Margaret 1939 06 0944W of Darcy 4210420
Appleyard, Darcy James 75AIF; H of Amy (dec); F of Keith & Perce 4210421
Asbury, Alfred 1933 10 0148 4210182
Aylett, Dulcie1986 07 0967W of William 4210349
Aylett, William George 1975 06 0456H of Dulcie 4210349
Aylett, William R 1959 07 2716Accidentally killed 4210301
Babbington, Colin William 1949 04 201949 12 08S of Val& Bill; B of Ray, Sue, Ros 1010500
Babington-Bradshaw, Mary Ann Ada 1977 06 2887wife/mother 1010637
Babington, Garry Daniel 1951 11 222003 09 26 4210415
Babington, Harry Daniel 1919 06 051993 07 09AIF; H of Joan; F of Diane, Garry, Trevor, Cheryl, Keryn 1010845
Babington, Joan Ellen 1930 07 242017 07 24W of Harry; M of Diane, Garry, Trevor, Cheryl, Keryn 1010845
Babington, Trevor Martin 1980 12 2626accidentally killed; H of Mandy; F of Regan; S of Dan & Joan; B of Garry, Cheryl, Keryn 4210414
Babington, Val 1927 08 252007 08 2379AIF; W of Bill; M of Ray, Colin (dec), Sue, Ross 1010921
Badger, Jeffrey Roy 1941 06 182009 07 07H of Kelly; F of David, Grant, Noela, Jett, Carcie, Mackinley 1010941
Balfour, B Ruby 1932 06 20 4210385
Balfour, Ethel Maud 1939 02 1677W of James 4210389
Balfour, James Hugh 1949 07 1287H of Ethel 4210389
Balfour, Ronald Gordon 1915 06 02272nd S of James & Ethel 4210388
Barber, Allan Thomas 1921 09 112014 03 18H of Dot; F of Kathy, Jill, Bruce 1010862
Barber, Colin Gordon1989 09 0440H of Diane; F of Sherrie, Mathew, Tarnya1010826
Barber, Dorothy May1925 05 062019 08 31nee Hensel; W of Allan; M of Kathy & Ron (dec), Jill & George (dec), Bruce & Roslyn1010863
Barber, Elsie Bertha1977 11 1785W of George Lesley4210370
Barber, Enid Jean1922 06 022011 09 12W of Gordon; M of Colin, Diane, Wendy & Bill, Sherrie, Kirrilie, Mathew, Tarnya1010827
Barber, George Leslie 1972 05 2884H of Elsie; F of Ron, Gordon, Lillia, Allan, Pearl, Beryl, Jack, Joyce 4210369
Barber, Gordon Rupert1917 12 152001 04 24AIF; H of Enid; F of Colin, Diane, Wendy & Bill, Sherrie, Kirrilie, Mathew, Tarnya1010827
Barber, Jack Maxwell1926 052009 10F of Kerrie, Debra, Carolyn, Iain Scott; S of George & Elsie1010985
Barber, Karren Francis1972 07 1302 days4210362
Barber, Natalie Joy1977 08 182017 11 020M of Nayte, Indy, Asher; D of Gary & Kaye150005
Barber, Ronald George (Duke)1916 07 241994 03 05H of Winifred; F of Ron, Gary, Wayne1010846
Barber, Winifred Maud (Winnie)1920 07 032009 07 15W of Ron; M of Ron, Gary, Wayne1010846
Barton, George Robert1907 11 099S of George & MayBarton1010503
Bauer, Emma Frieda 1984 01 1095W of Henry 4210276
Bauer, Henry Richard 1955 07 0971H of Emma 4210275
Bayley, Ruby Blain1983 12 0987nee De Mamiel; M of Norma, Olga, Verna; bur. Warragul Lawn cemetery4210178
Baz, Michael1966 02 0160H of Sheila; F of Judith & Michael1010721
Beazley, James1902 08 27631010502
Bedggood, Aaron Edwin1983 11 162014 12 31S of Mervyn & Valda1010774
Bedggood, F A G (Gus) 1993 09 1484H of Lillian May; F of Sheila, Pauline, Trevor, Mervyn 1010841
Bedggood, Lillian May2001 07 0989W of Gus; M of Sheila, Pauline, Trevor, Mervyn1010840
Bedggood, Marcus John1972 05 151988 08 13S of Mervyn & Valda; B of David, Stephen, Aaron1010812
Bedggood, Stephen Patrick1969 11 271988 08 13S of Mervyn & Valda; B of David, Marcus, Aaron1010811
Beer, Alexander George (Alex)1912 02 122002 06 01H of Lilian; F of Nancye, Lois, Anne, Rodney, David, John1010912
Beer, Lilian Isabella (Lil)1914 12 062009 02 26W of Alex; M of Nancye, Lois, Anne, Rodney, David, John1010912
Bennetts, Isabel Eveline1931 07 13754210170
Betts, Betty1927 09 202007 01 12W of Fred; M of Terry, Fred, Neville, Brenda1010979
Betts, Frederick Alvin1947 08 17<118 days1010662
Betts, Frederick KAIF; H of Betty; F of Terry, Fred, Neville, Brenda1010978
Betts, Jessie Jane1946 11 13774210233
Betts, S K1956 10 02854210234
Biti, Agostino (Gus)1906 06 181991 01 14H of Iole; F of Bruno, Osanna Simonette; B. Vernio, Florence, Italy; d. Albury; S of Emilio & Geltrude (Masi)1010750
Biti, Iole1907 08 192004 03 10nee Stolfi; W of Agostino; M of Bruno, Osanna, Simonette; b. Vernio, Florence Italy; D. Culcairn; D of Giosue & Chiara (Storai)1010749
Black, Frank1962 03 09691010645
Black, Neil Aitken1989 05 1060B of Bill & Alison1010795
Blanis, George1955 07 1451Accidentally killed4210261
Bloomfield, George W R1929 01 211999 05 06H of June; F of Max, Judy, Les, Gena1010885
Bloomfield, June1931 09 182009 05 11W of George; M of Max,Judy, Les, Gena1010885
Bloomfield, Leslie Robert1959 12 212016 03 01S of George & June1010885
Bodycott, Arthur Ronald19361989H of Elizabeth; F of Karen, Bruce, Wayne, Ian1010792
Bodycott, Ian John1975 04 242021 04 24F of Tayla, Kyle, Cody; B of Karen, Bruce, Wayne; S of Ron (dec) & Betty1010761
Booucher, Percy A1917 07 0541H of Rosetta4210138
Boswell, Allan George1969 12 03591010542
Boswell, Emily Harriet1945 04 20731010544
Boswell, Henry George Allan1962 10 05881010543
Boswell, Malcolm James1988 09 28841010545
Boswell, Nita Myrtle2004 03 2086M of Joy, Bevan, Gaye1010541
Boucher, Joseph William1918 07 029S of Percy & Rosetta4210138
Bowdren, John joseph1922 12 2843H of Catherine; F of James, John, Alfred, Jessie1010519
Brand, Eileen Doris1998 11 0591W of Thomas1010722
Brand, Ronald James1949 10 072012 02 20H of Kathy; F of Leesa, Travis, Karly, Taryn1010932
Brand, Thomas Lockyer1979 10 1776H of Eileen1010722
Brooker, Agnes Pauline1976 11 0360W of Les; M of Shirley, Robert, John, Aln, Noel4210375
Brown, Allan Richard 1940 07 132004 05 09S of Redvers & Doris; H of Janette; F of Helen, David, Alice, Andrew 1010927
Brown, Betty May 1928 05 052014 09 22W of Sam; M of Peter & Carol 1010859
Brown, C D 1999 11 2779AIF VX81748 1010696
Brown, Christopher Edward 1952 11 212018 06 26S of Ron & Judy; B of Gordon, Beverly, Alister, Fay, Ronald, Patricia, Robyn 1010787
Brown, Clarence Cecil (Sam) 1922 03 082004 09 14H of Betty; F of Peter & Carol 1010859
Brown, Edna May 1916 02 212003 08 21Nee Kleeman; W of Cyril; M of Susan 1010697
Brown, Elaine Elizabeth-Anne1950 09 052006 01 19W of John; M of Trevor, Heather, Patricia, Narelle, Kevin1010981
Brown, Gordon Morell 1936 09 152010 04 03H of Margaret 1010738
Brown, Gordon Ronald 1965 05 12 1010634
Brown, Laurel Jean 1939 10 062019 12 03W of Adrian; M of Barry, David, Narelle, Michael, Robert, Roxanne, Madeline, Dale (dec) 1010764
Brown, Margaret Rose (Rosey) 1939 11 061987 09 26W of Gordon; M of Les, Jo, Greg, Ricky, Roslyn, Darren, Jason, Steven 1010737
Brown, Mary Ellen 19122002W of Roy 1010526
Brown, Noreen Doris (Judy) 1914 12 261996 02 10M of Gordon, Beverley, Alister, Fay, Ronald, Patricia, Robyn, Christopher 1010635
Brown, Ronald John 19451997S of Ron & Judy Brown; B of Gordon, Beverley, Alister, Faye, Patricia, Robyn, Chris 1010636
Brown, Roy Carlton 1972 06 2365RAAF 127512; H of Mary 1010526
Bruce, Harold Robert1925 07 21161010556
Bubb, Clifford George1903 08 151968 12 04H of Mavis Thea; F of Elizabeth, Milton4210368
Bullock, Amelia May1979 08 08741010650
Bullock, Douglas Elver1933 09 251995 03 181010651
Bullock, Thomas1960 07 22581010652
Burge, Clara Alma 1980 05 0282accidentally killed; W of James 4210394
Burge, Donald Archibald 1914 12 1318S of James & Grace 4210391
Burge, Emma Grace 1960 04 1890 4210390
Burge, George William 1954 01 1256 4210390
Burge, James 1926 03 1556 4210390
Burge, James Reginald 1964 09 2164H of Alma; F of James, Raymond, Jean, Barbara 4210394
Burgun, Margaret Jean1991 12 27W of Norman1010698
Burgun, Norman E1977 05 22H of Jean; F of Von & Peter1010698
Burkitt, Bronwyn Fae1937 09 05infant D of Faye & Reg4210295
Burns, Douglas Donald1929 10 231989 06 06150015
Burton, Albert (Pop) 1951 11 0669 4210236
Burton, Edith (Nanny) 1947 05 2659mother 4210235
Buttfield, Cynthia1962 11 2252Widow of Norman Butterfield; Only D of Mrs. R J & the late W Brodie; Aunt of Jacqueline & Francine1010649
Byrne, Hellen1932 05 28321010508
Byrnes, Jobe1941 01 11801010514
Caldwell, Dorothy Violet1974 05 2969W of William1010694
Caldwell, William Stewart1987 08 2882H of Dorothy1010694
Cameron, James William1962 02 28524210325
Cameron, Lila Jean19201999W of James (dec); D of Rosie & Rueben Hodges1010884
Candy, Angel Lee2003 06 20S of Tracey & Mathew; Twin of Thomas; B of Alisha, Montanna, Shayla1010470
Carey, George Leslie 1981 05 2481H of Thelma 1010743
Carey, George William1936 08 162018 07 09partner of Lesley; S of George & Thelma; B of Ron, Margaret, Kath1010740
Carey, Ronald Charles1938 06 182007 09 16S of George & Thelma; B of George, Margaret, Kath1010741
Carey, Thelma Irene1910 05 161999 04 11W of George; M of George,Ron, Margaret, Kath1010742
Carr, Adelaide Ann1942 03 1887W of John1010490
Carr, Charles William1917 05 2021S of A & J Carr1010488
Carr, John1932 08 2282H of Adelaide1010490
Carroll, Doreen Frieda2000 07 1992W of James; M of James, Leonard, Sylvia1010745
Carroll, James John1980 03 1776H of Doreen1010745
Carroll, John James1947 08 0479H of Mary1010624
Carroll, Mary A1953 03 3087W of John1010624
Carroll, Thomas1973 08 3183H of Violet1010509
Carroll, Violet M1970 09 2082W of Thomas1010509
Carter, Jason P19792011S of Joyce (dec) & Mark; B of Michael, Benjamin, Louise; F of Tristan, Hunter, Kylie1010945
Carter, Maylene Joy1952 09 052018 05 18Sis of Sharon & Mark; M of Patrick, Simone, Vanessa, Cecilia1010786
Carthew, Margaret (Maggie)1932 08 082009 09 27mother1010937
Chaffey, Marjorie Lesley1916 01 211993 05 08W of Octavius4210372
Chaffey, Octavius19081980H of Marjorie4210372
Chaffey, Peter Gregory1955 10 201998 07 07H of Helen; F of Jayne & Andrew4210371
Chamberlain, Herbert Vincent (Uncky)189519901010821
Chomatek, George Thomas1950 09 232020 08 15H of Barb; F of Geraldine & Steve, Damien & Kristen & Jason (dec)1010889
Chomatek, Jason Trent1980 09 232001 07 1420S of George & Barbara; B of Geraldine & Damien1010888
Chomatek, Stefan1914 05 041988 11 27H of Janet; F of Alexander, Sophie, George, Edward, Christine1010799
Church, Maria Eleanor1988 03 05701010672
Church, Stanley Cuthbert1971 07 10581010671
Churches, Arthur1974 03 2465H of Mary1010705
Churches, Mary Josephine1995 05 1493nee Carroll; W of Arthur1010705
Clancy, Fiona Lynn1958 02 202022 04 0564nee Crawley1010458
Clarke, Ann1942 05 3172W of John; M of Tom, Molly, Jack, Bill1010601
Clarke, John Patrick1973 06 2968S of John & Ann Clarke; B of Tom, Molly (dec), Bill1010600
Clarke, John Patrick1940 02 1169H of Ann; F of Tom, Molly, Jack, Bill1010601
Clear, Bernice May Mary1910 12 022002 02 02D of Francis & Hannah1010515
Clear, Cyril James Patrick1909 12 021996 02 02S of Francis & Hannah1010515
Clear, Doreen Teresa1921 11 131998 06 10D of Francis & Hannah1010515
Clear, Francis Charles1866 08 041949 09 06H of Hannah1010515
Clear, Hannah1943 01 31601010598
Clear, Hannah Collis1883 12 121943 01 31W of Francis1010515
Clements, Albert Gordon1987 08 1681H of Florence1010676
Clements, Florence Harriet1976 04 2584W of Albert1010676
Cochrane, Father Cyril1960 11 02parish priest of Culcairn 1950-19601010607
Comer, Eric Hilton1973 10 24831010718
Comer, Eva May1985 12 23841010719
Comer, Michael Thomas1957 04 041957 04 081010585
Cook, Rose1930564210162
Copley, Leslie W1969 12 1259H of Myrtle1010703
Copley, Myrtle Florence1909 06 171991 02 15W of Leslie1010703
Coulson, Anne Louise19001986W of Frank; M of Ben & Selby, Ross & Shirley1010801
Coulson, Frank Walter18981989H of Anne Louise; F of Ben & Selby, Ross & Shirley1010801
Cox, David1973 05 2278H of Mary4210143
Cox, Mary Eleanor1972 12 0478W of David4210143
Cox, Walter Edward1944 07 0978H of Lydia; F of Araminta, Walter, David4210142
Coyle, Dora Agnes1953 03 2676W of William1010621
Coyle, Dora Therese1914 12 15Infant D of Dora & William1010621
Coyle, Peter James1952 06 082019 01 05H of Linda1010767
Coyle, William Patrick1964 11 0786H of Dora1010621
Crawley, Bessie 1943 06 1351mother 4210211
Crawley, Henry Roy1979 10 3083H of Margaret1010628
Crawley, Henry Roy jun1944 07 0817S of Henry & Margaret; accidentally killed1010628
Crawley, James Stephen 1918 08 032004 07 11H of Val; F of Glenys & Brian, John & Yvonne, Murray, Melissa, Amanda, Jarrad 1010897
Crawley, John Douglas] 1930 01 302003 11 25S of John Muir Crawley & Bessie Crawley; F of Susan, Nicola, Fleur, Meredith 1010896
Crawley, John Muir 1955 01 1368 4210210
Crawley, Margaret Eugenie1946 07 0954W of Henry1010628
Crawley, Robert Jon1948 09 0811 yr 10 mths; S of Roma & Bill4210209
Crawley, Roma June1925 11 252002 07 18W of William; M of Elizabeth, Robert (dec), Elaine, Wayne (dec), Garry, Fiona 1010893
Crawley, Valerie May 1926 11 252019 02 10W of Jim; M of Glenys & Brian, John & Yvonne, Murray, Melissa, Amanda, Jarrad 1010897
Crawley, Wayne Haydn1951 07 1004 mths; S of Roma & Bill4210209
Crawley, William Muir 1922 03 292004 09 06H of Roma; F of Elizabeth, Robert (dec), Elaine, Wayne (dec), Garry, Fiona 1010893
Craze, Albert Leonard1988 02 1772H of Velma; F of Janiece4210346
Craze, Amy A1962 12 2473W of Thomas4210281
Craze, Anthony Glenn1966 09 282001 10 30S of Gordon; F of Shae; B of Cheryl, Anne, Stephen1010890
Craze, Edith Merle1995 08 0568nee Davis; M of Allan & Christine1010876
Craze, Gordon Leslie1928 09 182010 07 05RAN; B.E.M.; Friend of Dorothy; F of Anthony (dec). Step-F of Cheryl, Anne Stephen1010892
Craze, Ronald Allan (Oge)1999 05 1550S of Stan & Merle; B of Christine & Graham1010867
Craze, Stanley George1977 02 01514210280
Craze, Thomas G1952 12 1662H of Amy4210281
Craze, Velma Jean2007 10 1487W of Albert; M of Janiece4210346
Crosby, Charles Franklin1928 06 2937H of Ethel Frances Crosby4210395
Crosby, Ethel Frances1972 06 1883W of Charles4210396
Crosby, Helen Balfour1927 06 085D of Charles & Helen4210395
Crowhurst, Rosemary1943 01 082D of Alan & Mavis4210224
Crowley, J 1935 03 2946AIF 4944; H of Martha; F of Jim, Doug, Jean, Mickey, Eileen, Keith, Hugh, Neil, Ruby, Pearl 4210228
Crowley, Martha Louisa 1956 08 0171W of J Crowley 4210229
Cullen, Annie B1993 06 03911010976
Dahlenburg, Meta Augusta18911965W of Victor Percival; M of Joyce, Maisie, Ken, Ross1010967
Dahlenburg, Victor Percival18911929H of Meta Augusta; F of Joyce, Maisie, Ken,Ross1010967
Dale, Christabell Jane 1921 10 1040with Irene Dale 4210141
Dale, Eleanor1918 09 3024W of W S Dale4210134
Dale, Irene 1922 08 2916with Christabell Dale 4210141
Daley, Edith Florence Emily 1959 11 0271W of Milton 4210249
Daley, Milton Curzon Bonynge 1952 11 0169H of Florence 4210249
Dallwitz, Bertha1974 08 1875W of Otto; M of Ivan & Lillian4210217
Dallwitz, Ernst Otto1965 02 2279H of Bertha; F of Ivan & Lillian4210217
Dalton, David Anthony1967 02 24231010704
Davis, Edward Robert (Ted)1924 06 222019 08 01H of Dawn; Step-F of Robyn, Daryl, Allen, Neville4210309
Davis, Lesley Dawn1929 02 282009 10 28Ross nee Taylor; W of Ted; M of Robyn, Daryl, Allen, Neville4210309
Davis, Norm R1963 04 0137H of Irene; F of Patsy & Rhonda4210323
De Mamiel, Leslie Clarence1936 05 20394210179
Densley, Henry William1958 10 2876H of Mary; F of Alma, Jack, Elva, Les, Albert1010576
Densley, Louisa Mary1977 08 1990W of Henry; M of Alma, Jack, Elva, Les, Albert1010576
Diebert, Desmond1931 10 212011 10 17H of Monica (dec)1010625
Disher, Daniel John1984 12 212000 06 14S of Terri & John; B of Catherine, Jimmy, Matthew1010865
Dopper, Ronald Brent1989 09 2830150014
Drage, Walter Wright19342009H of Neva; F of Christine & Kelvin1010943
Dunn, Jean 1987 01 01102W of Timothy 4210238
Dunn, Rita Marion1912 06 131991 10 09W of William; M of Robert, Marion, Alan, Ian 4210312
Dunn, Robert William1935 06 221984 03 03Eldest S of William & Rita; B of Marion, Alan, Ian4210310
Dunn, Timothy Thomas 1948 09 0569H of Jean 4210238
Dunn, William Alexander 1906 11 191989 02 16H of Rita; F of Robert, Marion, Alan, Ian 4210312
Dunstan, Annie Maree1969 01 2299?4210205
Dusina, Pietro1904 02 281976 08 18H of Rita; F of Rosanna; F-in-L of Peter; b. Darzo, Italy1010747
Dusina, Rita1903 01 061986 01 28W of Pietro; b. Italy1010746
Dyball, Patricia Mary1935 07 0328D of William & Johanna Tait1010510
Eady, Albert James1926 12 122019 12 23H of Lillian; F of Robyn, Margaret, Peter, Anne1010939
Eady, Lillian Marguerite1925 06 122009 08 12W of Albert; M of Robyn, Margaret, Peter, Anne1010939
Eagles, Eileen Gladys1925 10 062003 04 01W of Bill1010905
Eastick, Adeline 1920 09 2138with Hurtle Eastick 1010472
Eastick, Hurtle 1941 11 2957with Adeline Eastick 1010472
Eastick, Lawrence Hurtle 1989 10 0676B of Lylia, Merlin, Ruby 1010825
Eddy, Henry19674210326
Eddy, Mabel Florence19684210326
Edwards, George Henry 71 1010549
Edwards, John William1976 03 06 73S of George & Mary (dec)1010550
Edwards, Mary Ann 1957 05 3150 1010549
Elliott, Edgar Arnold (Ted)1919 12 132009 06 05AIF; H of Rosa; F of Pauline, Kaye, Christine, Roslyn, Ian, Craig, Vivian1010924
Elliott, Rosaline May (Rosa)1924 06 072014 12 18W of Ted; M of Pauline, Kaye, Christine, Roslyn, Ian, Craig, Vivian1010923
Emble?o?, David James4210181
Enders, Benjamin19001996H of Robena4210373
Enders, Robena19021984W of Benjamin4210373
Essen, Bruce John1970 08 282003 01 19H of Sharon; F of Kyrie, Skye, Tarran1010906
Farrell, Margaret Mary1965 02 22W of Thomas1010623
Farrell, Thomas H1952 08 30H of Margaret1010623
Feckner, Dolly Lillian1934198551M of Sean1010807
Feltrin, Bruno1931 04 202019 07 31H of Genowefa; F of George, Rino, Peter, Robert, Maria1010753
Feltrin, Genowefa (Gwen)1927 07 152008 05 08W of Bruno; M of George, Rino, Peter, Robert, Maria1010752
Ferguson, James P1933 03 04AIF 28231010604
Ferguson, Joseph Victor1939 09 1849H of Julia1010603
Ferguson, Julia1973 10 0686W of Joseph1010603
Ferguson, Lindsay Mervyn1969 11 13401010602
Fifield, Allan Francis1930 01 302011 09 08A.M.; H of Gwen1010949
Fifield, Gwen Marjorie1933 02 102017 10 04W of Allan; Sis of Jim & David1010949
Fifield, John F R (Jack) 1917 01 172015 04 25H of Verna; F of Jan, Don, Richard, Leonie 1010913
Fifield, John Francis 1963 02 2078H of Muriel 4210305
Fifield, Muriel Emily 1980 07 1986W of John; M of Beat, Jack, Leila, Allan 4210304
Fifield, Verna Joan 1921 11 082003 11 11W of Jack; M of Jan, Don, Richard, Leonie 1010913
Finemore, Sarah E1935 10 1235W of Ray; M of Betty & Bob1010548
Fox, Emma Amelia 1966 05 2175wife 1010683
Fraser, Leslie Cecil1930 09 212019 10 29H of Bernice (dec), Valda (dec)4210360
Fraser, Valda Lorraine1937 10 302005 10 04W of Les; M of Michael, Noelene4210361
Freeman, Kenneth William1950 03 202022 02 04H of Alison; Step-F of John, Scott, Tracy, Sally1010755
Frohling, A E 1958 02 0379F of Lillian Ann & F-in-L of Charles Thurline 1010570
Frohling, Myrtle Ella 1912 01 152000 01 19W of Otto; M of Kevin, Perc, Ron 4210105
Frohling, Otto Gustave 1969 04 2561H of Myrtle; F of Kevin, Perc, Ron 4210105
Frohling, Paul Justin1988 08 1314S of Robyn & Ron1010813
Furze, Gwendolyn Florence1999 05 03 80W of John1010677
Furze, John Nelson King1975 09 2753H of Gwendolyn1010677
Gamble, Ada Beatrice1984 11 1783W of John4210296
Gamble, Harvey L S1963 03 19731010575
Gamble, John S1957 07 1482H of Ada4210296
Gardiner, Alex John1977 08 26H of Dawn; F of Robyn, Joy, Colin, Trevor, Ian4210409
Gardiner, Arthur John 1973 07 1883F of Roy, Rua, Gordon, Alex, Doug, Harry 4210402
Gardiner, Barry James1982 03 2020accidentally killed; S of Joyce & Doug4210405
Gardiner, Beryl Anne1924 03 052019 02 1394W of Gordon; M of Judith1010907
Gardiner, Dawn Margaret2001 12 2873mother4210410
Gardiner, Douglas James1929 03 151997 11 07H of Joyce; F of Lorraine, Keryn, Graham (dec), Barry (dec)4210406
Gardiner, Gerald Pressey 1975 05 2783H of Lucy; F of Tom, Ron, Jeanette 4210400
Gardiner, Gordon Ray1923 07 192002 12 1479H of Beryl; F of Judith1010907
Gardiner, Graham Douglas1971 04 1012S of Joyce & Doug; B of Lorraine, Keryn, Barry4210405
Gardiner, Harry1933 07 122007 07 0973?H of Mavis; F of Cynthia, Dianne, Jennie1010919
Gardiner, Henry 1913 06 2654H of Martha 4210383
Gardiner, John Raymond1957 10 1222H of Mary; F of Robert & Steven4210401
Gardiner, Kenneth Roy 1938 04 282016 10 07H of Margaret; F & F-in-L of Phillip, Christine & Ross, Andrew & Laura 1010448
Gardiner, Lucy Selma 1902 12 251983 06 29nee King; W of Gerald 4210399
Gardiner, Maggie K 1967 04 0169wife 4210403
Gardiner, Margaret 1939 08 282023 05 06W of Ken; M & M-in-L of Phillip, Christine & Ross, Andrew & Laura 150002
Gardiner, Martha Edith 1943 02 0173W of Henry 4210383
Gardiner, Ronald James 1937 07 112024 01 06H of Joyce; F of Scott, Paul, Karen 150004
Gehric, George1952 09 0389H of Kate1010622
Gehric, Kate1956 11 2082W of George1010622
Gehrig, Phillip H1968 05 31721010702
Germer, Herman W1973 05 1484H of Martha; F of Iris (dec), Melva, Dawn1010692
Germer, Martha L1977 02 0973?W of Herman1010693
Germer, Melva Mary1926 05 022010 01 201010691
Gibbs, Dawson Alward Browse1958 11 0767H of Della; F of Dorothy, Lorna1010577
Gibbs, Della Isabella1967 06 2579W of Dawson1010577
Gilbert, Flora M1908 02 192004 08 19W of John Jarrott; Formerly Jarrott nee Dunn; M of John, Bert, Reg, Jim Jarrott4210216
Gilbert, Robert1964 11 22694210348
Glenn, John Wormel 1963 01 1292H of Sarah 1010646
Glenn, Sarah 1964 01 1892W of John 1010646
Godde, Barry John1944 06 272009 08 26H of Barbara; F of Michell, Andrew, Paul, Virginia, Nigel, Joel1010938
Godde, Catherine Marie1970 01 122021 09 18nee Frohling; W of Paul150008
Godde, James Anthony1972 04 262002 06 13S of Bob & Dulcie; B of Janita & David1010911
Godde, Mary Ellen1935 09 022021 11 03W of Jim; M of Timothy, Wayne, Stephen, Gregory, Desmond, Lynette, Malcolm, Kathleen1010773
Godde, Mervyn James1928 07 292013 11 18H of Mary; F of Timothy, Wayne, Stephen, Gregory, Desmond, Lynette, Malcolm, Kathleen1010773
Godde, Nerrida Anne1949 07 212010 09 0361W of Maurie; M of Brent, Kade, Tom1010934
Godde, Noah John2002 02 052003 08 27S of Andrew & Michelle; B of Lucy1010903
Goode, Aaron James George1983 12 221983 12 221010612
Goode, Catherine1963 01 0680mother1010606
Goode, Cheryl Maree1964 09 30<12 days1010723
Goode, Conrad1958 11 30661010615
Goode, Denise Louise1985 07 0230W of Tim; M ofGreg, Kelly-Ann, Chanelle, Aaron (dec)1010614
Goode, Edith1921 07 052009 03 30W of Gordon; M of Barry, Robert, Pamela, Maurice, Colleen, Cheryl1010724
Goode, Elizabeth May1991 02 0389mother1010610
Goode, George Joseph1971 11 17731010611
Goode, Gordon James192110 102010 05 17H of Edith; F of Barry, Robert, Pamela, Maurice, Colleen, Cheryl1010724
Goode, Valerie Anne1954 09 0771010613
Goode, William1943 08 07631010605
Goode, William Harold1913 11 272006 02 16H of Jean; F of Kerryn, Valerie (dec), Leone, John, Patrick, Philip1010609
Goyne, Rex Thomas1928 01 261937 11 29S of Flora & Roy4210172
Goyne, Thomas1931 09 0771H of Tryphena4210171
Goyne, Tryphena1958 09 1290W of Thomas4210171
Graham, Mary1958 08 25with W W Graham4210246
Graham, W W1948 07 16with Mary Graham4210246
Grassen, ?4210107
Grasson, Gladys Eileen1994 12 2882W of Carl Gustav; Sis of Jack & Ross Meehan1010855
Green, Frances A1970 10 02W of Perce4210279
Green, Mary E1922 02 17511010522
Green, Mary Jane1964 05 0287W of William; M of Russell, Jack1010648
Green, Perce W1953 10 06H of Frances4210279
Gregson, Lillian Isabel1905 08 031994 01 111010751
Griffin, Ester Mary1980 07 1694mother1010709
Griffin, F J1929 03 14591010583
Griffin, Roy W J1930 06 05214210148
Griffin, William G1960 11 05721010710
Habermann, Lillian Muriel1929 08 062012 07 0182W of David; M & GM of Brett & Peter, Timothy & Talisa1010954
Haigh, George A1927 06 1974b. Leeds, England; d. Albury4210157
Hall, Catherine1971 01 0791W of Samuel4210187
Hall, David1924 09 1488H of Elizabeth1010476
Hall, Elizabeth1912 05 0869W of David1010476
Hall, Evelyn May1912 03 112013 04 12W of Robert John Hall; M of Robert, Beverley, John, Wendy, Marjorie, Russell, Kenneth, Evelyn, Valda1010768
Hall, Max1972 11 17S of Catherine & Samuel4210187
Hall, Mervyn Claud (Merv)1936 05 082019 07 09H of Florence1010784
Hall, Samuel1943 05 0164H of Catherine; F of Bonnie, Jim, Eric, Enid4210186
Hall, Wendy1972 11 17D of Catherine & Samuel4210187
Hall, William EricAIF; S of Samuel & Catherine4210186
Hallam, Robert john1919 09 161999 05 1279F of Lynnette & Robert1010983
Hallett, Phyllis Eugenie<1D of A & O Hallett1010475
Halls, Ada E189919781010716
Halls, Kevin Joseph (Joe)1994 05 1952S of Joe & Ada; B of Graham1010850
Hands, Margaret Ailsa1922 05 032004 05 011010984
Hansen, Daniel Paul1979 03 282013 02 16S of Beverley & Robert; B of Philip, Joanne, Peter (dec), Christopher1010956
Harding, Ernest A1966 10 02894210201
Harding, Mary H1945 10 0266mother4210200
Harris, James W1905 07 19694210139
Hartley, George1921 09 0747With Lorna Ivy Hartley4210140
Hartley, Lorna Ivy1928 12 284with George Hartley4210140
Hartley, Shirley Patricia1942 12 032021 01 29Partner of Fred Williams1010952
Hartmann, Noreen Rose1936 05 082016 06 14nee Fischer; W of John; M of Joanne, Kay, Deborah, Shane1010780
Harvey, Mavis Emma1981 10 1171W of Bill; M of Joan4210198
Harvey, William Henry2001 05 2390H of Mavis; F of Joan4210197
Hatcher, Violet1916 08 132015 08 23nee McFarlane;1010986
Hawkins, Charles John (Bob)1990 05 0582H of Jessie (Nell); F of Brian & Hazel1010819
Hawkins, Jessie Helen (Nell)1999 08 2393W of Charles (Bob); M of Brian & Hazel1010819
Hawkins, Joseph1919 06 05431010491
Hazelton, William Hugh2012 01 07791010950
Heathcote, Thomas1920 02 1456Accidentally killed4210133
Hegney, Carlyle Henry1918 01 232005 06 23RAAF?; H of Hilda Margaret; F of Carl, Lorraine & Barbara1010836
Hegney, Hilda Margaret1919 11 091992 03 07W of Carlyle Henry; M of Carl,Lorraine, Barbara1010836
Hensel, Alfred G1973 11 1072H of Gladys; F of Boyce & Haydon4210118
Hensel, Boyce Alfred1929 09 062014 03 1584H of Valda; F of Greg, Rick, Marcia1010775
Hensel, Gertrude Linda1983 10 2676W of Reginald1010695
Hensel, Gladys E M1994 10 0687W of Alfred4210118
Hensel, Reginald1976 10 2676H of Gert; F of Dot1010695
Hensel, Valda May1927 12 312014 11 2986W of Boyce; M of Greg, Rick,, Marcia1010775
Hermann, Harold John1921 09 2533H of Ruby; F of Geoff, Joan, Henry1010521
Heuzenroeder, Sue1955 05 171010620
Heyne, Gus 1947 11 0169 4210237
Hicks, Albert Alfred1967 06 17551010551
Hicks, Albert Alfred Jr1939 Jan 121975 Jun 07Ashes scattered at Perth1010552
Hicks, Alfred1931 06 2445H of Lillian1010553
Hicks, Emma Valda19162000W of Norman; M of Ross (dec), Dennis, Garry1010803
Hicks, Lillian1960 07 0776W of Alfred1010553
Hicks, Norman Leslie19141987H of Valda; F of Ross (dec), Dennis, Garry1010803
Hicks, Ruby May Mackay1975 10 17651010551
Hines, Janewith John Hines1010599
Hines, Johnwith Jane Hines1010599
Hoare, A J1964 11 0258AIF NX32445; H of Gladys4210318
Hoare, Gladys Muriel1917 01 111990 01 17W of A J Hoare4210319
Hobbs, Ethel Maude1970 09 1183nee Tait1010512
Hodges, Herbert George (Phel)192720161010776
Hodges, Reuben M1943 04 08541010564
Hodges, Rose Edith May1951 06 1454mother1010535
Hodges, Stanley Gordon1959 12 0534accidentally killed1010485
Hodges, Thelma Jean2000 12 2771M of Graeme, Mark, Craig1010886
Hogan, Kevin Eugene331010729
Hogg, Bernice M (Sidda)1910 12 022002 02 01W of Robert (Bob); M of Dudley (Tony) & Noel1010739
Holmes, Naomi H1957 06 232003 10 13nee Taylor; W of Jim; M of Christie, Jacinta, Joshua, Thomas1010902
Holt, Debra Joan1985 02 1721D of Don & Margaret’ Sis of Ken, Gavin, Tanya, Kelly; Accidentally killed1010733
Holt, Donald Leslie2009 01 2474H of Margaret; F of Ken, Gavin, Debra (dec), Tanya, Kelly1010734
Hopkins, Alice 1935 09 02 4210184
Hopkins, Henry1930 06 054210149
Hopkins, Mary1930 06 054210149
Horsburgh, Carleen1979 01 16961010654
Horsburgh, Walter1961 07 03821010655
Howell, Mary Eileen1956 08 1051W of Stanley; M of Peter1010618
Hoy, Eric1916 05 111996 06 04H of Irene; F of Max, Narelle, Marilyn1010875
Hoy, Mabel Irene1916 12 182001 02 16W of Eric; M of Max,Narelle, Marilyn1010875
Hurst, Ronald (Ron)1942 07 072019 10 30b. Widnes, England; d. Culcairn; S of Robert & Hannah Hurst (UK, dec); b of Robert, Cyril, Lawrence, Anthony1010461
Hynes, Annie1964 07 12901010586
Hynes, Jack Thomas1906 04 192005 09 251010714
Hynes, Marie1903 07 191993 06 271010713
Hynes, Thomas1930 10 30651010587
Jabara, Isbir Callil1947 09 1781H of Charlotte (dec)1010625
Jarrott, Albert William (Bert)1935 09 302014 08 1778AIF; H of Alleyne; F of Irene, Douglas, Cathy, Daryl (dec), Tracy1010844
Jarrott, Daryl James1963 08 031993 04 2529S of Bert & Alleyne; B of Irene, Doug, Cathy, Tracy1010843
Jarrott, Ethel Mary1931 03 2838W of John M4210169
Jarrott, John M1897 07 171939 01 24H of Flora; F of John, Bert, Reg, Jim4210216
Jeacocke, Alfred James 1953 02 0149H of Beatrice 1010529
Jeacocke, Beatrice May 1987 09 2684W of Alfred 1010529
Jenkins, Jack1923 08 231995 06 12H of Kath; F of John, Janet, Adele, Corinne, Daryl, Paul, Chris, Gareth, Dai1010848
Jenkins, John1952 01 262011 08 08S of Jack & Kath; B of Janet, Adele, Corinne, Daryl, Paul, Chris, Gareth, Dai1010948
Jenkins, Kathleen Marie1927 09 202004 10 17W of Jack; M of John, Janet, Adele, Corinne, Daryl, Paul, Chris, Gareth, Dai1010848
Jennings, Alexander Ian Brough1935 06 041991 02 25H of Dorothy; F of Russel, Michelle, Anthony1010817
Jennings, Dorothy Roma (Kilo)1939 Jun 152001 10 12W of Ian; M of Russel, Michelle, Anthony1010817
Jennings, Elsie Ellen1900 08 231958 12 074210220
Jennings, Gordon Alexander1980 11 1550H of Nola; F of Cheryl & Alan4210339
Jennings, Henry John1861 07 281939 12 02H of Sarah4210219
Jennings, Leslie Herbert1894 04 271936 02 264210219
Jennings, Nola Dorothy1933 09 092019 05 09W of Gordon (dec); M of Cheryl & Alan4210338
Jennings, Sarah Ellen1862 06 251947 03 30W of Henry4210219
Jobson, George Ronald1908 09 301985 02 27H of Kathleen; F of Barbara, Nerida, Kathryn1010736
Jobson, Ivan William1935 09 24251010496
Jobson, Kathleen Joan1918 03 031984 10 20W of George; M of Barbara, Nerida, Kathryn1010736
Jobson, Leonard L1921 11 1651010496
Jobson, Leslie Joseph1963 04 0459H of Dorothy; F of Marjorie & Allan1010494
Jobson, Lillian Ann1957 08 29Wife/mother1010495
Jobson, William Leslie1945 11 03771010497
Jones, Annie Elizabeth1953 11 09841010499
Jones, Margaret1957 07 2066W of Thomas4210262
Jones, Stanley T1911 09 27851010972
Jones, Thomas1955? 12 1660H of Margaret4210262
Jongeneel, Joyce Mary Lorraine1942 06 292017 04 18W of Cornelius; M of Debra, Peter, Ann, Tonnie, Nellie, Cor1010781
Kaletta, Leo Heinrich1924 09 162016 02 08H of Ursula; F of Wolfgang1010800
Kaletta, Ursula Eva1924 05 011987 07 20nee Maser; W of Leo; M of Wolfgang1010800
Kay, Bertha E18931929W of Stan1010970
Kelly, Bertie1923 11 1007 months4210125
Kelly, Elizabeth Jane1994 09 0392W of Harold1010687
Kelly, Harold George1971 04 2070H of Elizabeth; F of Beryl1010687
Kelly, Isobel W 1946 08 1270Mother 1010590
Kelly, Jack1935 09 27191010591
Kelly, William James 1945 04 2771 4210151
Kelly(?), Christina634210128
Kennedy, Emily Edna1975 04 291010720
Kerle, Alan Wilson1918 04 052003 11 021010990
Kerle, Jean Florence May1917 04 132008 06 161010991
King, Lucy 1947 05 0673 4210206
King, Thomas 1943 08 3077 4210207
Kirk, Dorothy Irene1913 11 301995 01 14W of Thomas; M of Bruce & Margaret1010809
Kirk,Thomas Gordon1909 01 141985 07 17H of Dorothy; F of Bruce & Margaret1010809
Kirley, Nancy Isobel1929 05 021930 06 18D of Pat & Lottie1010589
Kleeman, Eileen Myrtle1969 09 06644210106
Klose, Arthur William1968 07 2461H of Myrtle; F of Dulcie & Wayne4210103
Klose, Myrtle Doris2002 02 2487W of Arthur; M of Dulcie & Wayne4210103
Lacey, Delia Catherine1972 07 2073W of Thomas; M of Colin, Stewart, Douglas, Athelea4210355
Lacey, Thomas Lawrence1963 11 1867H of Delia; F of Colin, Stewart, Douglas, Athlea1010717
Ladon, Alice Pauline1925 11 1755Nee Mayfield; M of Alexander (Poddy) Landon1010554
Landon, Alexander Richard (Poddy)1960 06 0166H of Dorothy; F of Alexander, Ted, Dorothy, Pauline Ron1010554
Landon, Dorothy May1947 08 0245nee Ilett; W of Alexander; M of Alexander, Ted, Dorothy, Pauline, Ron1010554
Landon, Edward Robert (Ted)2019 01 0893OAM; H of Marj; F of John, Robert1010555
Landon, Marjorie June2018 01 0292nee Crawley; W of Ted; M of John, Robert1010555
Langley, Kevin Ralph1985 07 20561010808
Langley, Lilian Martha19081991M of Kevin (dec), Robert, Colin1010837
Langley, Robert John1934 03 062012 11 15AIF 3/7140711010904
Larter, Arthur Taylor1952 01 2868H of Frances4210248
Larter, Frances Jane1972 05 0180W of Arthur4210248
Lavery, Ethel jean 1988 01 1376W of Lindsay 1010528
Lavery, Keith Ronald1938 02 061998 01 04H of Olive1010870
Lavery, Lindsay Norma 1964 12 2954H of Ethel 1010528
Lea, Sheila Noreen1912 05 152007 10 23W of Charlie (dec); M & M-in-L of Pam & Graham Schulz & Bill1010996
Lea, Stella Edna1995 04 1890M of Merle & Coral; M-in-L of Roy & Max1010860
Lee, Damian Paul1991 04 0614S of Malcolm & Marilyn; B of Darren & Brendan1010833
Lee, Florence Emily1974 07 1882W of Herbert4210332
Lee, Gilbert1972 05 1755H of Beryl McLauchlan; F of Max, Thelma, Jim, Bert (dec)4210330
Lee, Graham George1928 11 152009 12 13H of Wendy; F of Joanne, Robyn, Bennita, Bronwyn, Michael1010935
Lee, Herbert E (Bert)1965 08 1378H of Florence4210332
Lee, Herbert E (Bertie)1967 08 2721Accidentally killed4210331
Lee, John Edward1975 07 3056H of Nancy; F of Neville, Malcolm, Nola4210333
Lee, Nancy Pearl2020 10 16101W of John4210333
Lennon, Sister M Gertrude1930 05 271010506
Liston, Alexander1974 12 0892H of Mary1010507
Liston, Jason James1988 08 1321S of Beverley & Henry; B of Dianne & Karen1010810
Liston, Maitland Ellen 1975 09 579 1010685
Liston, Mary Carmel1941 04 1457W of Alexander1010507
Liston, Robert 1966 09 0477 1010685
Litchfield, Charles1968 11 30974210367
Lloyd, Lindsay Gordon 1914 09 102002 10 03H of Ruby; F of Gloria, Kevin, Shirley, Wendy 1010824
Lloyd, Narelle Betty19571989W of Barry; M of Amanda & Jodie1010794
Lloyd, Ruby 1918 04 252009 06 29W of Lindsay; M of Gloria, Kevin, Shirley, Wendy 1010824
Lord, Miles Vernon1918 08 301978 07 19H of Millie; F of Rodney, Robert, Howard, Suzanne1010670
Lord, Millicent Mary (Millie)1925 03 082011 08 26Nee Smyth; W of Miles; M of Rodney, Robert, Howard, Suzanne1010670
Louison, Ruth Edith1930 09 242011 08 31M of David & Catherine1010947
Lowe, Alfred1943 05 13824210188
Lowe, Alice Jean1902 05 301991 10 23with Edwin Lowe4210327
Lowe, David Alexander1932 06 152019 06 13H of Julie1010765
Lowe, Donald Robert1935 07 311998 11 02H of Joan Mary; F of Warren, Bradley, Kylie4210192
Lowe, Edith Isabell1870 05 281962 09 3092with Henry Lowe4210381
Lowe, Edwin Keith1903 08 211969 06 2765with Alice Lowe4210327
Lowe, Henry1919 12 1661with Edith Lowe4210381
Lowe, Jessie Cormack1997 Oct 18104W of Roy; M of David & Don4210190
Lowe, Lesley May1932 07 262001 06 30W of Linday; M of Jennifer, Stephen, Paul1010887
Lowe, Roy Alfred1972 05 0177H of Jessie; F of David & Don4210190
Lowe, Warren Robert1973 01 1711S of Joan & Don; B of Bradley & Kylie4210191
Luck, Esther1935 May 234210223
Mackie, Alan Carlyle1962 10 27794210256
Mackie, Andrew Melville1963 06 2670H of Ethel4210308
Mackie, Arthur Hamilton1952 04 15744210253
Mackie, Ethel May1989 03 1786W of Andrew4210308
Mackie, Francis Gladstone1953 06 08694210255
Mackie, Keith Melville1925 08 052007 06 05H of Judy; F & F-in-L of Leah & David, Robert & Joy, Scott & Roxanne1010918
Mackie, Mary1973 07 1992mother4210252
Mackie, Melda Doris (Judy)1931 07 182020 02 27W of Keith; M & M-in-L of Leah & David, Robert & Joy, Scott & Roxanne1010918
Maclean, James Donald1973 12 0368H of Win; F of Jon, Don, Graham, Colin4210376
Maclean, Winifred Francis2002 03 1194W of James; M of Don, Joan, Graham, Colin4210377
Mahedy, Father Terence Francis 1940 10 042023 08 03S of James & Lucy Mahedy; B of Annette, Pauline, Catherine, John1010616
Maher, Alice1991 04 05101W of James 150001
Maher, ClydeAIF; S of Alice & James1010616
Maher, James1957 05 1479H of Alice1010616
Major, Wendy Michelle1974 11 022017 05 12W of Stewart; M of Darcy & Brock1010783
Malone, Reginald Thomas1926 11 121964 02 07H of Thelma1010715
Malone, Thelma Veronica1925 03 162006 03 19W of Reginald1010715
Maloney, Iris Edna1922 11 022019 04 01Nee Bauer; W of Frank1010766
Maloney, Ronald F1943 12 282004 04 20Eldest S of Edna & Frank1010898
Manning, Alfred H1969 01 12811H of Clara1010489
Manning, Clara C1963 04 1572W of Alfred1010489
Manning, Robert Henry1932 08 16681010486
Manning, Stella Ivy1918 03 2501 day4210382
Marecki, Cecilia Frances (CC)1983 12 062019 10 0635nee Walsh; M of Amelia1010759
Martin, Ella Gwendoline1986 01 0572W of Barnett Solomon; Step-M of Pat & John; Sis of Harvey & Kathleen1010667
Martin, Ellen 1946 05 13 4210418
Martin, Harriet Sabina1905 12 301999 01 14W of Percy4210417
Martin, Percy Joseph1972 01 3072H of Harriet; F of Merle, Joan, Fay4210416
Martin, Robert (Bob]) 1928 07 3074 4210419
Matthews, Edward James1953 11 0670?H of Violet4210284
Matthews, Violet Isabel1968 12 0382W of Edward4210284
Mazzocchi, Beverley Beatrice1928 11 292014 05 14W of Joseph; M of Susan & Geoffrey; M-in-L of Brian1010777
Mazzocchi, Joseph William1924 09 192016 12 26H of Beverley (dec); F of Susan & Geoffrey; F-in-L of Brian1010778
McCawley, Robert Bruce1925 06 0244210152
McCormick, John1938 10 18H of Mary; F of Margaret & Violet4210147
McCormick, Mary1936 05 21W of John; M of Margaret & Violet4210147
McDonald, Searson1923 08 0637W of Annie McDonald1010517
McElhinney, Betty Anne1957 09 02114 mths; D of Shirley & Charles4210299
McElhinney, Roy Charles1971 03 2152H of Shirley4210300
McElhinney, Shirley Joy1988 04 29604210298
McFarlane, Christopher Paul1970 12 131988 08 13Youngest S of Noel & Wilma; B of Lesley, Jeanette, Kevin, Robert, Carol, Michael, Graham, Teresa, Julie1010814
McFarlane, Mary Ann1963 02 0377mother4210324
McGee, Francis Brian1906 07 241980 03 27B of Laura, Annie; uncle of Janny-Geoffrey1010669
McGee, Harold john1952 05 20591010663
McGee, Leslie Bryan1930 03 122022 03 31921010757
McGilvray, John Eustace 1914 07 191974 03 13H of Mona; F of John, Richard, Janice 1010926
McGilvray, Mona 1913 12 132004 07 23W of John; M of John, Richard, Janice 1010926
McGrath, Catherine 18601953 05 1493W of Patrick 1010584
McGrath, Dora1983 09 0485mother4210366
McGrath, Dudley Vincent1995 12 2659S of Vincent & Irene1010877
McGrath, Elizabeth Bridget 1900 02 061984 07 26nee Rogers; W of Patrick; M of Patrick (dec), Joe, Teresa, Margaret, John, Win, Phillip, Cecily 1010708
McGrath, Iris1935 08 23stillborn1010481
McGrath, John Michael1930 06 052018 09 17H of Jacqueline; S of Patrick & Elizabeth (both dec); B of Patrick (dec), Joe, Teresa, Margaret, Win,Phiilip (dec), Cecily1010989
McGrath, Patrick1923 12 12<11010518
McGrath, Patrick 18531932 07 0779H of Catherine 1010584
McGrath, Patrick Joseph 1889 08 061975 04 22H of Elizabeth; F of Patrick (dec), Joe, Teresa, Margaret, john, Win, Phillip, Cecily 1010708
McGrath, Peter1949 11 162009 12 081010763
McGrath,Betty Margaret1931 03 26<11010481
McIntyre, Edwin William1982 12 194210379
McKenzie, Patricia Anne1944 02 122014 07 16nee Hoare; D of Archie & Gladys Hoare (both dec); Sis of Jim (dec), Gloria, Mervyn, Janice, Denise, Lynette, Beverly, Maree, Margaret1010463
McKinley, Frederick Hugh1909 10 171993 06 21AIF; H of Hazel1010828
McKinley, Hazel Jean1919 12 032002 10 19W of Fred1010828
McLauchlan, Elsie Beryl1924 03 292009 03 05W of Walter (dec) and Gilbert (dec); M of Max, Bert (dec), Thelma, Jim4210329
McLeish, Agnes 1903 10 182d. Moama; D of Annie 4210244
McLeish, Alexander 1950 11 1286 4210243
McLeish, Alexander George 1977 04 0981H of Lillian 4210272
McLeish, Annie 1945 05 1382M of Agnes 4210244
McLeish, James 1950 01 1689 4210245
McLeish, John William (Jack)1929 08 102011 02 01H of Shirley; F of Margaret & Andrew1010944
McLeish, Lillian Stella 1979 10 0478mother; W of Alexander 4210271
McLeish, Mary Ellen 1980 05 0281M of Jack,Carmel, Morrie 4210241
McLeish, William G 1970 11 0172H of Mary 4210242
McLeod, Elsie May1968 10 0888W of Thomas4210292
McLeod, Thomas George1951 04 0960AIF 3044; H of Elsie4210293
McNuff, Alice Amilia1941 01 2754wife/mother1010626
McNuff, George Albert1956 08 2164AIF 12551010571
McNuff, Herbert W1962 10 18581010573
McNuff, Ivy Maude Eileen1974 01 1268W of Herbert (dec); M of Les, Stan, Kevin1010653
McNuff, Jane1916 10 1354W of Edward McNuff1010484
McNuff, Jill Denise1945 07 192000 12 14W of Leo; M of Adam1010864
McNuff, Leslie1979 10 2955S of Herb & Ivy (dec); Uncle of Lorriane & Margaret1010684
McNuff, William (Bill)1926 06 242007 10 06S of George & Alice; B of Gertrude, Alice, Jane, Lorna, George, Leo, Gordon, Norman, Dorothy, Kenneth1010922
Meier, August Albert Emil1957 06 24811010493
Meier, Bertha Ottilie1949 06 18Wife/mother1010492
Melbourne, Florence 1975 04 08with Frederick 1010673
Melbourne, Frederick 1970 07 28with Florence 1010673
Meyer, Alice1917 11 022009 09 08D of Alf & Elsie; Sis of Evelyn, Keith, Gilbert, Ivan, Arthur, Noel, Edna, Ken, Joyce1010942
Meyer, Arthur Edgar1963 12 25374210320
Meyer, Christelle Lee1985 02 071985 03 19D of Bryce & Keryn; Sis of Kimberley, Heath, Jamie4210404
Meyer, Elsie Jane1974 05 1484mother4210322
Meyer, Evelyn Dulcie1916 07 142009 06 14D of Alf & Elsie; Sis of Muriel, Keith, Gilbert, Ivan, Arthur, Noel, Edna, Ken, Joyce1010942
Meyer, George Alfred1971 09 09844210321
Meyer, Gilbert George1922 04 161998 10 21S of Alf & Elsie; B of Dulcie, Muriel, Keith (dec), Ivan, Arthur (dec), Noel (dec), Edna (dec), Ken, Joyce (dec)1010869
Meyer, Ivan William1924 03 291999 01 29AIF VX147638; S of Alf & Elsie; B of Dulcie, Muriel, Keith (dec), Gilbert (dec), Arthur (dec), Noel (dec), Edna (dec), Ken, Joyce (dec)1010868
Meyer, Joyce Anne1938 01 171997 10 03D of Alf & Elsie; Sis of Dulcie, Muriel, Keith (dec), Gilbert, Ivan, Arthur (dec), Noel (dec), Edna (dec), Ken1010871
Meyer, Noel Joseph1928 09 101997 02 11B of Dulcie, Muriel, Keith (dec), Gilbert, Ivan, Arthur (dec), Edna (dec), Ken, Joyce1010880
Millard, Josiah Arthur188919451010629
Miller, Bruce Patrick1945 10 112012 09 03F of Craig & Paul; S of Mary & Tom1010955
Miller, Doreen May1911 11 062009 08 07nee Martin; W of Cliff; M of Gordon, Robert, Helen1010940
Miller, Gordon Anthony (Tony)1989 10 1548H of Glenise; F of Roslin & Marelda1010823
Miller, Gordon Clifford (Cliff)1916 08 261999 12 16AIF; H of Doreen; F of Gordon, Robert, Helen1010940
Miller, Mary Millicent1904 10 111982 12 04W of Thomas1010718
Miller, Robert James1943 06 032020 03 11H of Sabina; F of Glen; B of Helen1010788
Miller, Thomas Joseph1903 09 181982 02 04H of Mary1010748
Mills, Alexander Charles1970 11 0152S of Robert4210239
Mills, Mary1918 11 112000 09 01W of Bill1010847
Mills, Rev William David (Bill)1919 04 031995 03 06H of Mary1010847
Mills, Robert Francis1950? 09 0862F of Alexander4210239
Milner, Robert 1936 06 1249 4210177
Mitchell, Allen John1953 01 152017 10 041010569
Mitchell, Amy Ann1948 08 0654M of Colin & Gordon Hicks1010567
Mitchell, Dorothy Jean1925 06 201956 04 06W of Sydney; M of Robert &Allen1010568
Mitchell, Iris Mary Emma1929 03 221999 12 15W of Keith1010856
Mitchell, Keith Desmond1925 04 151995 07 05AIF; VX146032; H of Iris1010856
Mitchell, Sydney William1923 10 042008 09 08AIF; H of Dorothy & Maisie (50 yrs); F of robert, Allen, Kerry, Lynette1010568
Mohr, Joanna Margaret1960 101960 11 111010593
Moloney, Aileen Theresa1920 12 262001 06 30W of Rupert Moloney; M of John, Margaret, Leo, Laurence, Bernadette, Carmel, Grace, Bernie1010894
Moore, Evelyn Frances1960 03 0860D of Louisa & Morell1010525
Moore, Helen Webster19111991W of Eric; M of Shirley & Jack McLeish1010842
Moore, Louisa Emily1960 06 2179W of Morell1010525
Moore, Morell Carlton1953 11 0779H of Louisa1010525
Moore, Shirley Ann1948 06 272006 08 10W of Ray Albert; M of Sharon, Susan, Michelle, Donna, Tracey, Cheryl1010666
Morey, Ray Walter19321990B of Clifford, Mervyn (dec), Joyce, Douglas, Elizabeth, Vernon, Alan1010818
Moss, Henry John1881 07 111945 09 25H of Mildred4210230
Moss, Mildred Mary1886 05 151979 06 18W of Henry4210230
Mullavey, Jean1918 05 011918 05 171010505
Mullavey, Michael 195274H of Ollie 1010516
Mullavey, Ollie I M1930 10 0538W of Michael 1010516
Muller, Barbara Jean1909 07 231999 12 27M of Barbara & Shirley (Hanckel)1010805
Muller, Denise Maree1966 10 122013 04 29W of Wayne; M of Joshua, Luke, Elisha, Joseph, Esther1010957
Muller, Walter Percival1921 08 301991 07 20H of Elsa; F of Marilyn, Dennis, Sandra, Bronwyn, Judith4210109
Murphy, Adelene1908 03 18201010504
Neiberding, Ignatius Wilhelm2018 05 30S of Thomas & Shae; GS of Anthony Craze; B of Ottille & Oskar1010891
Neiberding, Thomas Ignatius Maria1990 07 072021 01 24F of Ignatius, Ottilie, Oskar; H of Shae; S of Stephen & Elizabeth; B of Prudence, Stephanie, Felicity, Bridget, Samuel, John1010762
Notara,JackH of Evdokia; F of Andrew & Kaliope1010524
O’Brien, Daniel Edward1930 11 172002 02 23b. Dublin, Ireland; H of Kathleen1010929
O’Brien, Derek Edward1959 08 222015 01 25H of Geraldine; F of Benjamin, Nicholas, Joshua, Samuel, Brigid1010458
O’Brien, Kathleen1925 07 182006 10 25nee Doyle; b. Wicklow, Ireland; W of Daniel1010929
O’Keefe, Brian Thomas1940 12 022018 10 12H of Ann; F of Andrew, Donna, Rodney, Jo-Ann, Gemma1010735
O’Keefe, Dorothea Joan1933 11 242017 05 08wife/mother1010782
O’Keefe, Joseph1982 11 1673H of Margaret1010730
O’Keefe, Margaret Elizabeth361010729
O’Keefe, Margaret May1998 05 0688W of Joseph1010730
O’Keefe, William Joseph (Bill)1932 11 102021 03 24881010760
O’Leary, Anne Frances1958 09 0281010619
O’Looney, Father Francis1930 07 17first parish priest of Culcairn1010608
O’Loughlin, Emily Dorothy1920 08 132009 05 11W of Tom; M of Dorothy, Kenneth, Beverley (dec), James (dec)1010916
Odewahn, Bernard Norman1974 05 1263H of Florence; F of Colin; F-in-L of Sue4210116
Odewahn, Bernhard1952 05 1081H of Janet4210250
Odewahn, Clara Amelia18921983W of William Andreas; M of Burnice Clara (1925-1931)1010971
Odewahn, Florence Coline2001 02 0781W of Bernard; M of Colin; M-in-L of Sue4210116
Odewahn, Janet Dorothea1960 09 08584210251
Odewahn, Janet Marion1954 11 2882W of Bernhard4210250
Odewahn, William Andreas18931976H of Clara Amelia; F of Burnice Clara (1925-1931)1010971
Odewhan, Clarice Edith19112004W of Sofus; M of Suzanne, Richard, Patricia4210117
Odewhan, Sofus Leslie18971972H of Clarice; F of Suzanne, Richard, Patricia4210117
Osewald, Byron1981 02 281997 09 01S of Werner & Evelyn; B of Jason & Monica1010872
Osewald, Elfriede1926 11 212010 05 23W of Werner Konrad Walter; M of Monty & Werner1010987
Osewald, Evelyn1954 05 222012 09 12W of Werner Osewald; M of Jason, Byron, Monica1010988
Oxenbridge, Daphne A1994 06 2170M of Kerry, Margaret, Ronette, Raymond, Garry1010849
Oxenbridge, Gary Sidney1963 08 091992 05 29F of Carllin, Rochelle, Eathan1010831
Paech, Max Vernon1993 04 1068B of Ron, Sylvie, Irma, Syd (dec)1010829
Paling, Frances (Queenie)19231988W of John; M of Jacqueline & Pauline1010797
Paling, John William19232000H of Queenie; F of Jacqueline & Pauline1010797
Pannach, Adeline Hilda1996 06 2092W of Alfred; M of Elsa, Theo, Heather4210315
Pannach, Alfred John1980 02 2082H of Adeline; F of Elsa, Theo, Heather4210315
Pannach, Esma Annie1929 06 092015 06 07W of Theodore; M of John, Joy, Graham (dec)4210111
Pannach, Graham Niel1979 05 1322H of Valma4210112
Pannach, Theodore John1928 04 162012 12 23H of Esma; F of John, Joy, Graham )dec)4210111
Papworth, Allan1963 07 134210175
Papworth, Charles Lee 1940 01 1652H of Fanny 4210173
Papworth, Fanny Amelia 1964 07 2975W of Charles 4210173
Papworth, Myrie 1926 09 272 4210160
Parker, Cyril F1969 09 14594210363
Parker, George William (Bill)2002 08 2581F of Ken, Janice, Lorraine, Raymond, Colin, Christine, Dianne, Barry1010909
Parker, Ronette Lorraine1990 04 0132W of Ronald (dec); M of Troy & Kim1010820
Pascoe, baby1976 09 16Stillborn S of Helen1010469
Pascoe, Isobell Mary8D of Jim & Mary Pascoe1010468
Pascoe, J N1999 01 1779AIF VX1193521010664
Pascoe, Mary Edna1929 02 032001 03 24W of James (Jim); M of Shirley, Gloria, William, Isobel, Helen, Terry, Patricia, Allan1010665
Pascoe, Matthew Ian1982 06 251982 10 251010465
Pascoe, Nathan Craig (Lenny)1980 07 232004 02 211010466
Pascoe, Terrence John (Terry)0958 05 021995 04 30H of Coral; F of Nathan & Nyomie1010467
Pascoe, William James10S of Jim & Mary Pascoe1010468
Patterson, Annie1966 08 2276W of Leslie4210215
Patterson, Leslie1939 07 1451H of Annie4210215
Pearson, Arnold Geoffrey1923 04 132005 10 21H of Joan; F of Margaret & Keith1010997
Pearson, Desmond Ross19232002H of Selby; S of Jean & James1010802
Pearson, Joan Lucy1927 10 192019 05 17W of Arnold; M of Margaret & Keith1010998
Penniment, Elizabeth1942 05 2257Wife1010561
Peppard, James1944 05 10 701010597
Peppard, Michael1952 08 25801010596
Pertzel, baby1975 02 181975 02 18S of Stan & Ettie4210352
Pertzel, Edward Phillip1911 12 262007 05 01H of Evelyn4210291
Pertzel, Evelyn Jean1921 05 192006 05 07nee Taylor; W of Edward4210291
Pertzel, Mathew Geffrey1979 11 05<15 mths 1 day; S of Rosemary & Alfred1010678
Pettingill, Betty Amelia Jane1936 02 242002 10 14W of Norman (Bob); M of Lee, Ross, Tracy1010908
Pettingill, Norman (Bob)1931 05 152018 04 26H of Betty; F of Lee, Ross,Tracy1010908
Phillips, Geoffrey William1947 09 032013 07 111010931
Piffero, Ann Jane 1926 06 0573W of Bartholomew 4210384
Piffero, Bartholomew 1916 06 0685H of Ann 4210384
Pifferon, J A1918 10 0332AIF KIA; S of Bartholomew & Ann 4210384
Pitman, Alan (Peter)1979 07 1051H of Roma; F of Alison, Peter, Elizabeth, John4210374
Pitman, Alison Jane1953 12 292021 06 29partner of Peter Colbert; Sis of Peter (Twin), Elizabeth, John1010754
Pitman, Roma Alice1986 10 1155W of Alan; M of Alison, Peter, Elizabeth, John4210374
Pitson, Donald Alfred1928 03 141992 12 13H of Joan; F of Jennifer, Geoffrey, Stuart1010830
Pollard, Norman Henry 1973 07 2258 4210311
Porter, Alma2000 10 2683nee Densley; W of Royston1010647
Porter, Royston McLean1979 08 2871H of Alma1010647
Poulson, Albert T1913 07 271993 03 0379RAAF; H of Irene; F of Georgine, Albert, John, Donald, Brenda, Irene (dec)4210136
Poulson, Irene Alice1954 07 081954 10 29D of Irene & Albert; Sis of Georgina, Albert, John, Donald, Brenda4210135
Poulson, Irene Alice1915 09 011999 09 0984W of Albert; M of Georgina, Albert, John, Donald, Brenda, Irene (dec)4210136
Pumpa, Adelina Lovena 1976 04 0176W of John; M of Stan (dec), Leo, Lyla, Joyce, Alan, Noel; Ma of Noela, John, Jon, Ross, Jennifer 4210114
Pumpa, Alan Charles 1925 02 082001 05 16AIF; H of Betty; F of Yvonne, Michelle, Malcolm 1010858
Pumpa, Betty Una 1928 09 062008 08 30W of Alan; M of Yvonne, Michelle, Malcolm 1010858
Pumpa, Eileen Agnes 1966 06 0149W of Stanley; M of Ian & Jeffrey 4210347
Pumpa, Elizabeth Anne (Bet)(Lizzy) 1943 06 292016 08 03D of Leo & Hazel 4210303
Pumpa, Hazel Annie 1921 04 131967 03 16W of Leo; M of Elizabeth 4210303
Pumpa, Ian Robert 1946 01 222022 03 1576 1010756
Pumpa, John Otto 1984 08 1390H of Adelina; Pa of Noela, John, Jon, Ross, Jennifer4210114
Pumpa, Leo Irwin 1917 10 172013 05 15H of Hazel; F of Elizabeth 4210302
Pumpa, Stanley Ian 1971 04 2155H of Eileen 4210347
Purcell, Carl Arthur1943 12 072013 06 27S of Joan & Arthur; B of Richard & Lyndy1010960
Raper, Jean Melville1950 07 22574210398
Raufers, Eric Reginald1901 01 081993 02 22H of Florence1010562
Raufers, Florence Myrtle1899 06 171988 01 3088W of Eric; M of Irene, Neville, Dorothy, John (dec)1010562
Raufers, John Franklin1942 04 2610S of Eric & Myrtle1010563
Reaper, Ada Mary1881 01 251950 06 05W of Charles; M of Mary, Eileen, Frederick, Alan1010581
Reaper, Charles1878 01 211956 01 23H of Ada; F of Mary, Eileen, Frederick, Alan1010581
Reaper, Charles Arnold (Ned)1937 02 051965 10 26S of Frederick & Edith; B of Marie, Helen, Doreen, John, Kathleen, Dorothy, Roy, Anne1010632
Reaper, Doreen Margaret1935 12 071937 12 01D of Frederick & Edith1010582
Reaper, Edith Alice1911 04 272007 07 16W of Frederick Charles; M of Marie, Helen, Doreen, Charles, john, Kathleen, Dorothy, Roy, Anne1010630
Reaper, Frederick Charles1909 11 241963 021 03H of Edith Alice; F of Marie, Helen, Doreen, Charles, John, Kathleen, Dorothy, Roy, Anne1010631
Reaper, Helen Patricia1933 12 051943 10 29D of Frederick & Edith1010582
Reaper, John Frederick1938 09 121964 02 06S of Frederick & Edith; B of Marie, Helen, Doreen, Charles, Kathleen, Dorothy, Roy, Anne1010633
Rees, Emily (Sister Dora)1941 05 26of Bristol & Aberystwyth4210213
Reid, Garnet Herbert1937 04 182010 11 181010680
Reid, John Robert (Baldy)1929 11 091979 11 10H of Isabel May4210356
Reid, John Walter (Buddy)1953 09 151971 10 16S of John & Isabel4210356
Reynolds, Lillian1979 11 0485W of William1010688
Reynolds, William1971 06 0382AIF; H of Lillian; F of Bill, Audrey, Dorothy, Ken, Alec, Brian, Audrey1010688
Richards, Beryl Agnes1998 02 2567D of Henry & Margaret; Sis of Rene, Minnie, Herbert, Leslie, Eric, Robert, Wilfred, Leila, Roy, Allan1010883
Richards, Deborah1969 03 2934210359
Richards, Henry1941 06 0562H of Margaret4210150
Richards, Leslie Norman1914 04 061991 09 10AIF VX101020; H of Louisa Jean; F of Christina & Lesley1010835
Richards, Margaret Mary1969 10 2984W of Henry4210150
Richards, Roy Charles1990 08 0465AIF; S of the late Henry & Margaret Richards1010816
Richter, May Joan1928 03 202007 07 09nee Lindner1010681
Richter, Otto J1969 11 0366AIF QX202581010674
Rider, Arthur Ainsworth1974 08 1990H of Lilian; F of Jack4210344
Rider, Jack Ainsworth1925 10 212015 08 01S of Lilian & Arthur4210345
Rider, Lilian Florence1970 08 2180W of Arthur; M of Jack4210344
Rimmer, Albert Ernest1958 08 05681010557
Roberts, Mavis1913 12 082005 05 10nee Horsburgh. W of Douglas; M of Wendy, Mavis, Douglas, William, Christopher, Ian, Harold; D of Carleen & Walter1010682
Robinson, Mary Eliza1903 06 242000 11 0797M of Thelma, Val, Edna, Kay1010977
Robson, Kathleen1930 06 2728nee Hynes1010588
Robson, Thomas1959 10 3152H of Veronica1010706
Robson, Veronica1990 08 2083nee Carroll; W of Thomas1010706
Roennfeldt, Jean Marguerite1921 07 092012 03 15D of Anna & Martin; Sis of Eileen & Lioel1010953
Roennfeldt, Lioel Eric1915 04 211993 06 04H of Linlin; F of Jessie & Lolita1010851
Rogers, Alice 1964 06 2191 1010592
Rogers, John Henry 1955 03 0887 1010592
Rogers, Patrick James 1929 08 151414 yrs 9 mths 1010592
Ross, Daryl John1950 03 041971 07 14AIF 313245; S & Step-S of Dawn & Ted Davis; B of Robyn, Allen & Neville Ross4210278
Ross, John Francis1968 05 174210358
Ross, Maude1984 10 2987W of Thomas1010690
Ross, Neville David1954 09 141955 02 104210277
Ross, Thomas James1971 08 0382H of Maude1010690
Rossely, Ivo1963 07 2874H of Maud; F of Ann, Nona, Harold, Alice, Win1010644
Rossely, Maud1978 04 1283W of Ivo; M of Ann, Nona, Harold, Alice, Win1010644
Royal, James Thomas1937 04 12771010594
Royal, James Thomas1970 02 2276H of Teresa; F of Len, Tom, Jim1010686
Royal, Robert1948 03 2537H of Pat; F of Robert, Thomas,Lorraine1010595
Royal, Teresa Agnes1971 10 0979W of James1010686
Royal, Walter1958 04 24531010594
Ryan(?), Lewis1930 06 29684210393
Sabellek, Erika1941 06 032021 10 22wife/mother1010789
Sadler/Barber, Hunter Michael2011 05 092011 05 2213 days1010946
Saunders, Jessie1918 11 102013 05 21W of Lewellyn; M of Lynette, Graeme, Michael1010959
Saunders, Lewellyn Clarke1906 10 211992 04 24H of Jessie1010959
Scheetz, Mavis Clara1984 01 0669W of Ray; M of Max, Elaine, Gwenda, Stanley, John, Anne4210110
Scheetz, Ray Samuel1985 05 0573H of Mavis; F of Max, Elaine, Gwenda, Stanley, John,Anne4210110
Schnaars, Alfred T1956 03 24524210273
Schnaars, G D4210218
Schnaars, Mary Anne1940 09 1768W of Richard; M of Bertha & Alfred4210217
Schnaars, Maud Eva1991 03 2085nee Hannett4210274
Schnaars, Richard Thomas1938 12 1666H of Mary; F of Bertha& Alfred4210217
Schoff, Daniel James1977 01 021977 05 03S of Leon & Pam; B of Shane, Jonathan, Julie, Luke4210113
Schoff, Dorothy Evelyn1914 06 191988 04 19W of Mervyn; M of Leon, Colleen, Noel4210108
Schoff, Elsie Melinda1898 05 011984 03 014210354
Schoff, Hulda1963 11 0290W of Johann4210285
Schoff, Johann1951 08 0685H of Hulda4210285
Schoff, Mervyn Lester1909 08 251995 01 17H of Dorothy; F of Leon, Colleen, Noel4210108
Scholz, Cecil Derisley19041905 04 08S of F W & L Sholz1010474
Schultz, Augusta 18661948W of Ferdinand; M of Meta, Bertha, Clara, Stella, Perc, Norman 1010968
Schultz, Bessie Eunice 1920 05 092016 10 16W of Keith; M of Margaret Beth, Michael 1010961
Schultz, E Ferdinand 18651934H of Augusta; F of Meta, Bertha, Clara, Stella, Perc, Norman 1010969
Schultz, Elsie Amelia 18971981W of Perc; M of Glenn, Ray, Keith, Bruce, Fay 1010964
Schultz, Glenn Norman 1924 03 021993 03 01AIF VX109862; Eldest S of Perce & Elsie; B of Ray, Keith, Bruce, Fay 1010965
Schultz, Keith John 1927 04 21998 04 21H of Eunice; F of Margaret, Beth, Michael 1010961
Schultz, Patricia Mary1928 09 012019 01 13W of Ray; M & M-in-L of Paul & Denise, Judith & Jim1010962
Schultz, Percival Ferdinand 18951985H of Elsie Amelia; F of Glenn, Ray, Keith, Bruce, Fay 1010963
Schultz, William A1969 01 26584210104
Schulz, Edmund Theo (Ted)1990 11 24844210259
Schulz, Ernest Reinholdt1955 02 0980H of Fanny1010580
Schulz, Fanny1953 12 2475W of Ernest1010580
Schulz, Gordon Clarence1979 03 29711010579
Schulz, Leon Edmund1955 04 1626H of Shirley; F of Robyn4210260
Schulz, Leslie Roy1908 12 091999 07 09H of Letitia1010640
Schulz, Lucy Letitia1911 08 042000 08 09W of Leslie1010640
Sestito, Marilyn Dawn 1943 02 142009 05 02nee Sanders; Wife/mother 1010456
Sewell, Eade1946 07 241010661
Sewell, Lucy Y1944 06 201010661
Sharam, Charles1853 07 311941 05 24b. Penola, Sth Aust; H of Ellen4210185
Sharam, Ellen Eleanora1861 04 271959 04 15W of Charles4210185
Shearer, B 1941 09 1069 1010483
Shearer, Jean 1970 04 2754W of King; M of Malcolm & Val 4210123
Shearer, Kingsley Taylor 2008 06 1593H of Jean (dec) & Ailsa; F of Malcolm & Val 4210122
Shearer, Malcolm Sydney 1943 01 232020 05 17H of Janel; F of Mark Darren & Wendy (dec) 1010785
Shearer, Reg 1949 12 2659 4210124
Shearer, T 1950 07 1887 1010483
Sheather, Garry John (Boof)1950 06 162022 06 03711010838
Sheather, Lance1917 05 1241010482
Sheather, Leslie W (Kelly)1925 01 261997 03 14H of Patricia; F of George, Margaret, Robert (dec), Garry, Phillip1010839
Sheather, Patricia Joan1929 08 112000 11 30W of Les (Kelly); M of George, Margaret, Robert (dec), Garry, Phillip1010839
Sheather, Robert William1949 06 221949 09 041010498
Sheather,Tom1912 12 06171010482
Shelly, John1920 09 26321010523
Sherwood, Arthur James1978 08 2693W of Jane; bur. Springvale, Melbourne4210227
Sherwood, Jane Ludden1943 01 1159W of Arthur4210226
Shipard, Ada A E1910 12 202002 02 13W of Cliff4210115
Shipard, Cliff H1908 08 191974 10 07H of Ada4210115
Shoemark, Eliza Lillian 1892 06 161976 05 18W of Herbert; M of Geoff, Les,Nancy, Frank 4210212
Shoemark, Eric James 1991 07 2778H of Thelma 4210380
Shoemark, Herbert David 1882 09 301942 10 14H of Eliza; F of Geoff, Les, Nancy, Frank 4210212
Shoemark, Leownie Joy1946 02 162008 11 2562W of Ray; M of Cynthia, Russell, Natalie, Rosslyn4210313
Shoemark, Lewis John 1924 06 19S of Walter & Minnie 4210156
Shoemark, Lillian Maud 2000 07 0394W of Norman 4210341
Shoemark, Mary Clarinda (Dolly)1918 12 082002 05 0683W of Percy; M of Lyla, Ray, Val, Joan4210314
Shoemark, Minnie Rowena 1929 11 13W of Walter 4210155
Shoemark, Norman Robert 1981 09 2870H of Lillian; F of Robyn & Donald 4210340
Shoemark, Percy Raymond1918 02 181980 12 0662H of Dolly; F of Lyla, Ray, Val, Joan4210314
Shoemark, Sharon Mary1955 02 062008 07 17W of Philip; D of Ted & Iris; M of Karl, Bryce, Dwight1010895
Shoemark, Thelma Jean 1983 08 2165W of Eric; M of Elaine, Philip 4210380
Shoemark, Walter Lewis 1927 08 3049H of Minnie Rowena 4210154
Sim, Daniel Peter1978 04 19115 months4210194
Sim, Marjorie Lorraine1982 08 1253W of Bill; M of Glenda, Reg, Wendy4210195
Sim, Reginald Albert1952 08 052010 10 274210196
Sinclair, Nance1974 09 0655W of William4210214
Sinclair, William Colin1976 05 2954H of Nance4210214
Skeers, James Edward1963 12 20734210353
Skilton, A E186819604210202
Slatter, Eivan Bruce Kaden2016 07 16Stillborn; S of Kaden & Tarran; B of Lilly1010906
Smith, Allan Henry 1905 05 03<1S of J H D & C Smith 1010477
Smith, Beverley Ann1945 07 262007 03 14M of Michael, Elise, Alexandra, Vanessa, Amber, Georgina1010917
Smith, Catherine 1956 03 0873W of John 1010578
Smith, Edith Emily 1908 06 261990 06 25D of Catherine & J H D Smith; M of Peter; Sis of Beatrice, Gladys, Jean, Mona, Jack, Keith 1010815
Smith, Edna Daphne1914 10 052000 10 07W of Roy; M of Trevor, Gary, Daphne, Wendy, Annette, Don, Kenneth, Mervyn1010793
Smith, Elizabeth Menzies1982 02 0790With Grace Smith4210144
Smith, Elsie Amelia1965 06 2377W of Graham4210146
Smith, Emma Amelia1928 08 1052d. Culcairn Schoolhouse; W of W J Smith1010558
Smith, Frank1971 07 2983H of Gertrude4210350
Smith, Gary Roy1974 11 1630H of Robyn; F of Dean Garry & Paul Damien4210408
Smith, Gertrude1964 06 0374W of Frank; M of Elsie & May4210351
Smith, Leslie1965 01 3043H of Madge4210317
Smith, Glen Andrew1972 10 182022 02 28S of Margaret & Ross; B of Karl, Ross (Oggie), Adam (dec)150017
Smith, Graham Harry1958 07 1572H of Elsie4210146
Smith, Jane Maude Agnes1922 08 202013 09 04nee McDuff; W of Lindsay4210413
Smith, John Henry Dixon 1958 04 0188H of Catherine 1010578
Smith, John Henry 1918 07 121997 07 17H of Sarah Alison; F of Wally, Graham, Bob, Sue 1010881
Smith, Keith James (Dick)1921 01 262008 02 24H of Joyce; F of Allan & Anne, Ailsa & Steve, Luke, Gabrielle, Yasmin, Annika, Jordan1010925
Smith, Leslie1965 01 3043H of Madge4210317
Smith, Lillie May1954 08 1178W of Thomas4210231
Smith, Lindsay Gordon (Sonny)1922 06 301977 08 30H of Jane; F of Trevor, Jan, William4210412
Smith, Madge1922 08 032009 12 05W of Les; Sis of Keith, Bob, Ernie, Clyde, Marj, Ian, Don1010936
Smith, Muriel Evelyn Doris1909 06 122006 04 26W of William4210232
Smith, Roy Mervyn1922 01 141989 07 06H of Edna; F of Trevor, Gary, Daphne, Wendy, Annette, Don, Kenneth, Mervyn1010793
Smith, Sarah Alison 1920 05 282000 04 15W of John Henry; M of Wally, Graham, Bob, Sue 1010881
Smith, Thelma Joyce (Joyce)1918 10 212019 08 04W of Dick; M of Allan & Anne, Ailsa & Steve, Luke, Gabrielle, Yasmin, Annika, Jordan1010925
Smith, Thomas1946 03 2672H of Lillie4210231
Smith, William Mark1900 05 121991 12 06H of Muriel4210232
Smyth, Bessie1930 01 0968W of Charles4210168
Smyth, Charles A1942 06 1087H of Bessie4210168
Smyth, David H 1963 12 1975H of Gertrude; F of Cliff & Ross 4210167
Smyth, Gertrude Clara 18931976W of David 4210167
Smyth, Joan1923 05 182018 10 11W of Norm1010861
Smyth, Kay Elizabeth1949 02 23infant D of Joan & Norman Smyth4210247
Smyth, Louisa Caroline Rosalie1987 02 0197W of William; M of Ron, Norm, Gordon4210240
Smyth, Norm1918 02 012003 03 09RAAF; H of Joan1010861
Smyth, Ross Probyn1921 05 101996 10 211010879
Smyth, William Merton1951 02 0965H of Louisa; F of Ron, Norm, Gordon4210240
Somervail, Ada Blanche19051957 05 23W of Charles; M of Alex & Binny4210257
Somervail, Ann1917 03 132017 03 03W of Binny; M of Betty & Charles; D of James & Alice Maher4210254
Somervail, C J Alex1907 03 091982 07 19d. Culcairn4210258
Somervail, Charles Herbert19021965 05 31H of Ada4210257
Somervail, John Binny1908 10 201983 07 10H of Ann; F of Betty & Charles4210254
Spencer, Cecil Henry1902 04 211977 06 131010699
Spencer, Jean1983 09 1584M of Jeff, Shirley, Tom1010700
Spokes, Laurel Elizabeth1947 03 092022 09 16nee Trebley; W of Bob; M of Wade, Bec, Danielle150012
Stewart, Alex Herbert Allan1971 06 08714210407
Stewart, Allan1935 02 072021 02 251010995
Stewart, John Ernest1918 07 131980 07 1963H of Kay (Robertson); F of Tania; S of Ernest & Mary; B of Kath Bahr4210199
Stewart, Kay1937 09 062017 02 201010994
Stores, Thomas1913 09 2777b. Canterbury, Sydney1010480
Stoyles, Lorna Margaret1898 02 091912 05 15D of William Stoyles; bur. Waverley1010547
Stoyles, William Arthur1855 08 081933 11 07b. Braidwood; d. Culcairn1010547
Sutherland, A (Bob)1956 Dec 1140H of Mary4210283
Sutherland, Hilda1972 0882W of William4210164
Sutherland, Mary Isabel1952 02 0133W of A Sutherland; M of Margaret & Joan; D of V I & E J Matthews; Sis of Gladys, Vern, Jim4210282
Sutherland, William Bain193957H of Hilda4210164
Sutherland, William James1929 08 13174210163
Tait, Johanna1940 06 1577W of William1010511
Tait, William James1938 10 1780H of Johanna1010511
Tancock, Angela Therese Cleary1994 05 191995 04 18D of Bernadette & Geoffrey; Sis of Frances, Christopher, Madeleine1010857
Taylor, Arthur Charles1907 02 261976 09 224210297
Taylor, Arthur James1944 03 052013 05 02H of Lynette; F of Tracey, Brian, Michelle, Greg, Julie, Ben1010958
Taylor, Bertie1945 02 2611?4210159
Taylor, Carol Ann1948 04 212021 05 15D of John & Maida4210289
Taylor, Edna Doris1929 02 281929 03 08Twin of Dawn4210161
Taylor, Elsie Madeline1966 08 0279mother4210287
Taylor, Ernest Alfred1951 06 24724210286
Taylor, Ivan Joseph1921 09 142012 08 22H of Lillian June (dec); F of Steven (dec), Susan (dec), Nigel, Naomi (dec), Brent, Natalie1010900
Taylor, James Russell1965 02 1054H of Dorothy; F of Peter, Ian, Jenny, Robert, Rosalind4210334
Taylor, John Henry1984 04 1469AIF VX7177; H of Maida; F & Step-F of Carol, John, Ken4210288
Taylor, Kerryn Suzanne1958 12 181958 12 31D of Jennifer & Ken Taylor1010471
Taylor, Lilian Evelyn1909 03 301989 10 25W of George Sherwood (dec); M of Beryl, To, Herbert (dec), Harry, Lila, Bob, Laurel, Margaret, Arthur, Glad, John, Barbara1010822
Taylor, Lillian June1931 05 192006 01 10W of Ivan; M of Steven (dec), Susan (dec), Nigel, Naomie (dec), Brent, Natalie1010901
Taylor, Lylia Sophia1911 02 242000 12 21nee Eastick; bur. Rookwood; M of Robert and Bruce Campbell1010473
Taylor, Maida Beatrice1915 06 272004 11 11W of Ror Gardiner (KIA 1942) & John Taylor (dec); M of John (dec), Ken, Carol1010920
Taylor, Margery (Marge)19221998W of Bob; M of Helen, Bill, Michael, Kathy, John1010834
Taylor, Robert G (Bob)19141991H of Marge; F of Helen, bill, Michael, Kathy, John1010834
Taylor, Thomas Dunstan 1943 09 0572 4210204
Taylor, Thomas George1932 05 222000 04 10H of Wendy; F & F-in-L of Paul & Belinda, Chris & Jacinta, Russell & Donna1010866
Taylor, William Robert (Bill)1950 10 222014 10 20H of Deborah; F of Luke & Raigen1010771
Terry, Edward Eric1930 08 312003 12 12H of Lois; F of Michael, Anne, Brian, Robert1010899
Thistleton, George1961 10 1780H of Olive1010711
Thistleton, Olive Agatha1982 08 2893W of George1010711
Thomas, Eric Edmond1985 04 1470H of Lil; F of Bernie, Wendy, Glenys1010732
Thomas, Ern1903 03 191980 11 06H of Shirley; F of Doug, Graeme, Bernard, Leo, Margaret1010744
Thomas, Margaret1945 07 101010627
Thomas, Margaret Lillian (Lil)2006 06 2087W of Eric1010731
Thomas, Shirley1914 03 101992 10 01W of Ern; M of Doug, Graeme, Bernard, Leo, Margaret1010744
Thomas, William1964 07 06771010641
Thompson, Annie Edith1970 10 2670W of John4210316
Thompson, Brian Claude1945 09 252019 08 05S of Ted & Doll; B of Eric1010790
Thompson, Dorothea Eva (Dolly)1979 03 2066W of Ted; M of Eric & Brian4210121
Thompson, Edgar John (Ted)1996 10 0785H of Doll; F of Eric & Brian; F-in-L of Elwyn4210120
Thompson, Eric Jon1943 10 302018 12 16H of Elwyn; F of Tamika, Eron, Kayden, Karlynda, Brently1010791
Thompson, Isabel (Bell)1918 01 202001 03 18D of John & Margaret4210336
Thompson, John Edward1967 05 3175H of Annie; F of John, Edith, Ron4210316
Thompson, John Newman1881 06 181966 09 18H of Margaret; F of Gilbert, Nell, Bell, Ivy4210335
Thompson, Margaret1887 09 221967 09 23W of John; M of Gilbert, Nell, Bell, Ivy4210335
Thompson, Mary Elizabeth1967 07 2769W of Arthur; M of Jim, David, Gwen1010639
Thompson, R A1978 09 0880AIF 5673; H of Mary; F of Jim, David, Gwen1010638
Thornton, Sarah19301988W of Frederick George; M of Catherine Ann1010798
Thurling, Dorothy Irene1976 09 01661010689
Thurling, Kathleen Jean Ana1912 10 251994 08 27W of Robert; M of Joan, Elaine, Irene, Robert, Wilma1010854
Thurling, Lilian1964 09 03831010643
Thurling, Robert1901 10 191996 09 27H of Kathleen; F of Joan, Elaine, Irene, Robert, Wilma1010854
Thurling, William Thomas1964 06 10851010642
Townsend, Eleanor Mary1944 01 21391010501
Trebley, Douglas (Pop) 1996 05 0843 1010980
Trebley, Hazel H S 1912 09 191992 07 15M of Geoff, Heather, Kelly, James,Laurel, Kevin, David, Douglas 1010973
Trebley, Malcolm Geoffrey (Geoff) 1940 09 102024 03 1883 150006
Trebley, Malcolm Gordon 1914 03 012001 07 0687 1010974
Trebley, Rosslyn Margaret 1952 05 282023 10 22nee Liston; W of Kevin; M of Christian, Jodi, Paul, Joshua 150013
Tymofijewicz, Jan1977 01 0863H of Gene; Step-F of Pauline & Elizabeth4210378
unreadable, John4210130
Viney, Gerald Maxwell19141988F of Garry & Ray1010796
Vonthien, Charles Albert1952 10 10701010533
Vonthien, Charles Edward19162000H of Helen; F of Janet, John, Gregory, Michael1010701
Vonthien, Helen19151967W of Charles; M of Janet, John, Gregory, Michael1010701
Vonthien, Minnie Matilda1962 06 04801010534
Voss, Leila1911 08 241922 10 011010559
Walker, Charles Roy2013 08 0290H of Merle1010882
Walker, Merle Estelle1997 12 0773nee Lea; W of Charles1010882
Warren, Charles Ernest1982 12 31721010539
Warren, Vera Ottilie1978 01 0572wife/mother1010538
Watson, David James1931 05 232014 06 02H of Elsie; F of Peter1010930
Watson, Edward James1915 01 152000 05 23H of Ella; F of Brian, Terry, Joyce4210119
Watson, Ella Rebecca1916 08 251995 12 04W of Edward; M of Brian, Terry, Joyce4210119
Watson, Elsie Lilian1932 03 10 2019 01 26nee Forster; W of David1010930
Watson, Frederick George1931 05 232017 01 15H of Lila; F of Paul, Ruth, Justina, Benita, Janelle, Andrew, Michelle, Tamara1010464
Watson, Glenys Joan1947 Jul 092021 Jul 22W of Brian; M & M-in-L of Murray & Kate1010456
Watson, John1988 05 2786H of Matilda4210337
Watson, Joy1950 06 092006 04 02W of Terry; M of Grat, Mark, Cade, Simone4210411
Watson, Lilias Venture1939 01 082019 09 17W of Fred; M of Paul, Ruth, Justina, Benita, Janelle, Andrew, Michelle, Tamara1010464
Watson, Matilda1970 08 1670W of John4210337
Watson, Myrtle Mary1933 08 012003 07 09wife/mother1010904
Weatherall, Genella1956 09 1974wife1010617
Webb, Geoffrey Heywood19202004H of Lorna (dec) & Ruth (dec)1010832
Webb, Judith Isobel1951 04 231D of Geoffrey & Lorna1010537
Webb, Lorna Isobel1955 05 1332W of Geoffrey; M of Judith & Cecily1010536
Webb, Ruth Enid19261991W of Geoffrey1010832
Webber, Raymond George1946 11 0131010656
Weeding, Ernest Walter1910 01 291995 12 15H of Eileen; F of Dudley (dec), Don, Ken, Brian1010853
Weeding, Lizzie Eileen1914 07 281996 07 06W of Ernest; M of Dudley (dec), Don, Ken, Brian1010853
Weeding, Paul1971 10 121971 10 12S of Diane & Ken; B of Geoffrey & Tony4210193
Wells, David Scott1964 06 151998 11 191010982
Wenzke, Irene J1930 07 042012 03 20W of Norm Davis & Roy Wenzke; M of Patsy & Rhonda4210323
Westman, Annie Violet1988 11 0673W of Harvey; Sis of Laura; Aunt of Jannifer, Geoffrey, Melissa, Andrew1010668
Westman, Catherine E1957 05 2776mother1010574
Westman, Hervey Ronald1915 08 301980 06 14H of Annie1010668
Weston, Eric1996 09 2980H of Dimpey; F & F-in-L of Barbara & Barry Goode1010878
Weston, Mildred (Dimpey)2013 08 1093W of Eric; M & M-in-L of Barbara & Barry Goode1010878
Whitehead, Gwen Una1925 03 212023 06 12W of Robert; M of Peter, Nancy, Jo, Paul150009
Whitehead, Robert Arthur1926 02 082018 07 02H of Gwen; F of Peter, Nancy, Jo, Paul1010460
Wilkinson, Rebecca1908 03 0926W of Charles4210392
Williams, Frederick Charles1916 04 202012 02 07Partner of Shirley Hartley (nee Lamb)1010952
Williams, Phyllis 1971 12 2057wife/mother 1010707
Wilson, Amelia 1928 05 0675W of John 4210145
Wilson, Delia Lila 1998 03 1281W of Keith 4210357
Wilson, Donald 1930 04 272002 06 19B of Keith, Robert, Ernie, Clyde, Madge, Marjorie, Ian 1010928
Wilson, Edward W 1960 01 3176 4210267
Wilson, Ernest James 1958 09 24 4210386
Wilson, Harriet 1957 06 2070mother 4210266
Wilson, Ian (Scott) 1928 02 272016 06 09B of Keith, Bob, Ernie, Clyde, Madge, Marj, Don 1010779
Wilson, James H R 1986 09 1870H of Matilda (Betty) 4210269
Wilson, James Hamilton Reid RAAF 14587 4210270
Wilson, John 1923 03 2373H of Amelia 4210145
Wilson, Keith Edward 1969 02 0854H of Delia 4210357
Wilson, Lionel Keith 1944 07 012015 12 03S of Keith & Lila; B of Beverley 1010772
Wilson, Matilda Jessie (Betty) 2014 06 1893W of James 4210269
Wilson, Maude Adele 1956 12 23 4210386
Wilson, Robert M 1959 10 2380H of Ruby 4210268
Wilson, Ruby M V 1981 08 2189W of Robert 4210268
Wilson, Susan 1947 11 2574M of Ruby & Harry 1010520
Wishart, Coral Regina 1927 04 152002 07 12W of Max; M of Peter, Susan, John (dec), Ian, Scott, Donna 1010910
Wishart, Donald Gregory 1931 01 141993 07 30S of John & Grace; B of Norman, Max, Allan, Betty, Ken, George, Barry, Gwen, Kath 1010852
Wishart, Ellen Elizabeth 1930 11 282014 07 07nee Melbourne; W of Neville 150016
Wishart, Grace 1973 04 2268W of John 4210365
Wishart, John R 1966 10 1767H of Grace 4210365
Wishart, Maxwell Robert 1929 02 192008 08 12H of Coral; F of Peter, Susan, John (dec), Ian, Scott,Donna 1010910
Wishart, Neville James 1934 12 102022 01 0488 1010679
Withers, Michael Scott 19461985S of Leila (nee Fifield); B of Glenys; F of Giselle & Lisa 4210306
Wood, Alfred 1966 11 1274H of Myra 4210364
Wood, Myra Eleanor 1974 11 1479W of Alfred 4210364
Wood, Noel Alexander 1931 03 292016 02 06H of Joan; F of Jo-Anne, Neil, Jennifer, Sharon, Robyn 1010769
Woodland, Margaret 1962 06 10 88wife 1010712
Wright, Raymond Clemson 1933 09 052013 11 1080H of Marion; F of Jennifer & Colin 1010770
Wyatt, Alice Nora 1973 07 1766Wife 1010530
Wyatt, Allan John 1953 01 1222S of Reginald & Alice; B of Ray,June, Max, Gordon; accidentally killed 1010531
Wyatt, Edith Lillie S 2010 07 0198W of Stan; M of Lindsay, Clive, Janette 4210343
Wyatt, Reginald John 1904 04 301989 01 11H of Alice; F of Ray, Allan, June,Max, Gordon 1010532
Wyatt, Russell A 1993 04 2081 1010975
Wyatt, Stanley F 1971 10 0762H of Lillie; F of Lindsay, Clive, Janette 4210342
Wylie, Lillian Ada1917 06 242010 09 14W of Alexander (dec); M of Val, Heather, Greta, Ian (dec), Lee1010933
Yensch, Arthur Edwin 1980 07 0583 1010659
Yensch, Edwin M 1945 04 03<12 days 1010658
Yensch, Emeilie H 1943 03 2973mother 1010565
Yensch, Gustav 1946 12 2979 1010660
Yensch, Hilda Jane 1942 01 2341wife/mother 1010566
Yensch, Jeffrey Murray1930 06 292020 05 15H of Marie; F of Kathy & Murray 1010914
Yensch, Marie Alma 1927 03 122015 05 08W of Jeff; M of Kathy & Murray 1010915
Yensch, Olga Mary 1982 12 2774 1010657
Yeomans, Leila Iris 1919201393nee Fifield; M of Michael (dec & Glenys 4210307
Young, Isabel1959 11 2483 4210265
Young, William 1956 01 0384 4210264
Young, William Capstick 1901 08 151975 07 22b. Dalmellington, Scotland 4210263
Zweck, Albert Henry 1945 02 0165H of Kate 4210203
Zweck, Kate Regina 1945 09 0960W of Albert 4210203

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