Location: Culpeper, Virginia
Surnames/tags: Culpeper_Minute_Men Orange_Minute_Men Fauquier_Minute_Men
This Free Space is managed by Culpeper Minute Men, a 501c3 non-profit organized to promote and preserve history specific to the CMM Region. We work with many of the societies, institutions and organizations in the six counties that make up the CMM Region today - Orange, Greene, Madison, Culpeper, Rappahannock and Fauquier. Please connect with us through our Facebook page - [Culpeper Minute Men]
The Culpeper Minutemen were unique in the early battles of the American Revolution and in the minute men formation. When Virginia called, they answered with a full cadre of men, well organized, skilled, on-time and prepared to fight. Of the 16 military regions organized in 1775 by the Colony of Virginia, the Culpeper Minutemen was the only Battalion able to accomplish this feat. As they were so uniquely prepared, the units and leaders within this battalion were able to contribute to victory in the first battles of the American Revolution in Nov/Dec of 1775; The Battle of Hampton 1775, and the Battle of Great Bridge. Battle of Great Bridge category
Many of the soldiers and officers moved to the Continental Army and served with great distinction throughout the war.
Other Resources
Excellent interview hosted by the Orange Historical Society with SAR member Bill Schwetke [1]
"In mid-1775, the Culpeper Minutemen militia battalion was created by volunteers from Culpeper, Orange, and Fauquier Counties to fortify the revolutionary task force operating at Great Bridge, VA. The minutemen were under the command of Culpeper's John Green and were attached to the 1st VA Regt (Continental Line) under the command of Patrick Henry.
The program will be live streamed on our Youtube History to Go channel at: https://www.youtube.com/@history-to-go8789/streams "
History of the Culpeper Minutemen Battalion 1775
This history was built on the research and efforts of the Culpeper Minutemen SAR, see their webpage for more - [[2]]
At the Virginia convention held May 1775, in Richmond, the Colony of Virginia was divided into 16 districts and each district instructed to raise and discipline a battalion of men "to march at a minute's notice."
Culpeper, Fauquier and Orange counties, forming one district, raised a cadre of 350 men, 150 men from Culpeper, 100 from Orange and 100 from Fauquier, called the Culpeper Minute Men. Organized July 17, 1775, under a large oak tree in "Clayton's old field" (later known as Catalpa Farm).
The Committee of Safety commissioned Lawrence Taliafero, of Orange, to be the Colonel; Edward Stevens, of Culpeper, to be the Lieutenant Colonel; and Thomas Marshall of Fauquier to be the Major of this Battalion. They also commissioned ten Captains for the Companies which were to make up the Battalion, among them were: John Jameson, then Clerk of Culpeper County and a member of the Committee of Safety; Philip Clayton; James Slaughter; George Slaughter; and Capt. McClanahan, A Baptist minister, who regularly preached to his troops.
(It was the custom then to put all the Baptists in one Company, for they were among the most strenuous supporters of liberty, The Methodists went into another, according to the wishes of the Committee of Safety which recommended that the different religious denominations each organize companies of their own kind.)
They adopted uniforms consisting of hunting shirts of strong, brown lines, dyed with an extract of the leaves of trees (probably the broad of oak leaves). On the breast of each shirt was worked in large white letters the words: "LIBERTY OR DEATH." (A wag of the times said that this was too severe for him, but that he would enlist if they could change the motto to "Liberty or be Crippled."
Their flag had a rattlesnake with 13 rattles, coiled in the center, ready to strike. Underneath it were the words: "DON'T TREAD ON ME." On either side were the words: "LIBERTY OR DEATH." And at the top "THE CULPEPER MINUTE MEN." The Minute Men took part in the Battle of Great Bridge, the first Revolutionary battle on Virginia soil.
Sooner after they were formed than the companies of Culpeper Minutemen were absorbed into regiments of the Continental Line, and by Act of Assembly in October 1776, they were dissolved and merged into the militia.
Several original Culpeper Minutemen were sufferers at Valley Forge.
The Culpeper Minute Battalion
19 August 1775-17 December 1776
Third Virginia Convention passed an ordinance on 19 August 1775 [1] that grouped counties into military districts, mandated the districts to raise minute battalions, and also raise a company of regulars. The counties of Orange, Fauquier, and Culpeper were grouped together and required to raise a minute battalion of 10 companies of 50 men each. The regulars were to be a rifle company.
Officers were appointed by the newly formed Committee of Safety for the District. Lawrence Talifferro of Orange County was appointed colonel, Edward Stevens of Culpeper was appointed lieutenant colonel, and Thomas Marshall of Fauquier major. In proportion to the population of the counties, four minute companies were to come from each of Fauquier and Culpeper, and two from Orange.
At the beginning of September recruiting for all of the companies, including the company of regulars, was under way. Although company of regulars and the minute companies began their existence together with the meeting of the district committee of safety, they very soon parted ways. Regular companies were to rendezvous at Williamsburg whereas minute companies were to rendezvous at a location set the by the District Committee of Safety, in this case, at the town of Culpeper. Records of the Committee of Safety for 18 September 1775 show the regulars under Capt. John Green drawing 15 rifles [2], an indication that they were already in Williamsburg. Indeed, of all of the regular companies in Virginia, Green’s was the first to arrive in Williamsburg and pass inspection. He became the senior captain of the Virginia Continental Line and his company assigned to the First Virginia Regiment on October 21st.
The Culpeper Minute Battalion was reported within a few hours march of Williamsburg by Purdie’s Virginia Gazette reported on October 20th and on October 23rd the captains of the Culpeper Minute Battalion were definitely in Williamsburg starting to draw equipment. [3] However, there were weapons for only half the Battalion. On October 24th, five companies of the Culpeper Minute Battalion were ordered to Norfolk with the Second Virginia Battalion under Col. William Woodford.
The next day the Committee of Safety received word that British ships are at Hampton threatening the town. Col. Woodford took a company of regulars and 50 minutemen armed with rifles under Capt. Abraham Buford to defend the town. Because the minute companies were armed with both muskets and rifles, volunteer riflemen from other companies of the Battalion replaced some of Buford’s own men who were not equipped with rifles. Buford’s men were stationed in a house and at a breastwork that had been constructed. Their accurate rifle fire soon had an effect. The sailors were unable to man their guns except where protected by netting. A British pilot boat, the Hawk Tender, was captured. The British lost 2 killed, 3 wounded, and 8 captured. [4]
By the end of the first week of November it was clear that half the Culpeper Minute Battalion could not be equipped. On November 8th The Committee of Safety ordered the Commander-in-Chief of the Virginia forces, Col. Patrick Henry, to discharge the remainder of the Culpeper Minute Battalion from duty at Headquarters. 6 The married men were discharged and single men joined other companies. 7 Col. Taliaferro led half the Battalion home while Lt. Col. Stevens remained to lead five companies to Norfolk under Col. Woodford of the 2nd Virginia.
The companies discharged were those of
Capt. William McClanahan, Culpeper
Capt. William Blackwell, Fauquier
Capt. John Williams, Culpeper
Capt. James Scott, Fauquier
Capt. William Payne, Orange
The companies remaining in service were those of
Capt. Abraham Buford, Culpeper
Capt. John Chilton, Fauquier
Capt. John Jameson, Culpeper
Capt. William Pickett, Fauquier
Capt. Joseph Spencer, Orange
By November 15th Woodford’s troops were equipped and on the march.
The land route from Williamsburg to Norfolk had a critical choke point at Great Bridge on the south branch of the Elizabeth River. Governor Dunmore erected a fort here to block Woodford’s approach. Governor Dunmore ordered Capt. Charles Fordyce to attack early in the morning of the 9th.8 The choke point now worked against the British. Fordyce commanded about 120 men, but they could advance only six abreast across the causeway. Most of the defenders held their fire until the British were within 50 yards of the lines. The British were staggered by the volleys that followed. Fordyce was killed with over 14 bullets in his body. The British retreated. Col. Edward Stevens led men of the Culpeper Minute Battalion over open ground in the action. The only American casualty was a Fauquier County private in Capt. William Pickett’s Co., Benjamin Arnold. He was wounded in the wrist. British casualties are more difficult to determine. The British did manage to drag off the bodies of a number of their dead. Col. Woodford initially reported the British casualties at 12 killed and 17 wounded who had been captured, but reported the next day that the British casualties were much higher.9 Leven Powell wrote that the total number of British casualties 102.10 Whatever the number, it was large enough that Dunmore could no longer hold the choke point at Great Bridge. Dunmore retreated to his ships and the fall of Norfolk to Woodford was inevitable. Although it would not be until 9 July 1776 that Dunmore finally was forced from Gwynn’s Island, the British had lost Virginia.
Woodford quickly moved to Norfolk and intermittent fighting occurred between the American forces on land and the British forces on ship. On January 1st the British landed soldiers who set fire to Norfolk. Virginia troops burned most of the remaining houses.11 On January 2nd some of the Battalion was discharged to return home. Two of Capt. Buford’s men were killed on January 21st by a cannonball.12 The balance of the regiment was sent home in late March. Capt. William Pickett’s Company from Fauquier were paid through April 2nd, 1776.13
The Council of the State of Virginia called two battalions of minute men into service on August 10th, 1776. Unlike the order of 1775, the call was made for companies from six different districts. Culpeper was required to provide two companies.14 One was a company commanded by Capt. James Nash and was in service at least from August 19th to August 22nd.15 The other company appears to have been under Capt. Abraham Buford. 16 The men were stationed near Jamestown, where many of the men became sick and some died. 17 The last date of documented active service for the Culpeper Minute Battalion was when Lt. Elijah Kirtley drew rations and forage from October 3rd to November 20th, 1776. 18
Minute battalions throughout the state lost officers and men to the newly forming continental regiments as well as the Virginia State Line in 1776. On 17 December 1776 the House of Delegates passed an ordinance abolishing the minute battalions. 19
Although in existence for only about a year and a quarter, the Culpeper Minute Battalion had a major impact on the American Revolution. It was involved in engagements at Hampton, Great Bridge, and Norfolk and did garrison duty at Jamestown. The engagement at Great Bridge was a strategic victory making it inevitable that Lord Dunmore would have to abandon Virginia. Virginia was free to provide critical troops and provisions both to the North and South until 1781, when the enemy returned to Virginia. Without this support from Virginia, the outcome of both northern and southern battles of the Revolution could have been very different.
1 Scribner, Robert L. and Brent Tarter: Revolutionary Virginia: The Road to Independence, Vol. III, Virginia Independence Bicentennial Commission and University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville, 1977, p. 466.
2 Hening, William Waller, Statutes at Large, Vol. 9, Richmond, 1821, pp. 9-34.
3 Scribner, Robert L. and Brent Tarter: Revolutionary Virginia: The Road to Independence, Vol. IV, Virginia Independence Bicentennial Commission and University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville, 1978, p. 123.
4 Ibid., p. 263.
5 John Page to Thomas Jefferson, 11 Nov. 1775, in Boyd, Julian P. (ed.): The Papers of Thomas Jefferson Vol. 1--1760-1776. Princeton University Press; Princeton, N.J. 1950.
6 John Pendleton Jr. to Patrick Henry, 8 Nov. 1775, in Scribner, Robert L. and Brent Tarter: Revolutionary Virginia: The Road to Independence, Vol. IV, Virginia Independence Bicentennial Commission and University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville, 1978, p. 344.
7 Pension affidavit of David Jameson, 16 Aug, 1832, S-5607, National Archives, Washington, DC; Pension affidavit of William Butler, Nov., 1832, S-15024, National Archives, Washington, DC.
8 For an excellent, well-documented account of the Battle of Great Bridge, see Scribner, Robert L. and Brent Tarter: Revolutionary Virginia: The Road to Independence, Vol. V, Virginia Independence Bicentennial Commission and University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville, 1979, pp. 7-9.
9 Woodford to the President of the Convention, 9 Dec., 1775 & 10 Dec. 1775, in Scribner, Robert L. and Brent Tarter: Revolutionary Virginia: The Road to Independence, Vol. V, Virginia Independence Bicentennial Commission and University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville, 1979, pp. 90-91, 98-103.
10 Leven Powell to Sarah Powell, 18 Dec. 1775, The Leven Powell Papers, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
11 John Marshall: The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Forces, During the War which Established the Independence of His Country, and First President of the United States, Compiled under the Inspection of the Honourable Bushrod Washington, from Original Papers Bequeathed to Him by His Deceased Relative, and Now in Possession of the Author Volume II. The Citizens Guild of Washington’s Boyhood Home, Fredericksburg Virginia: 1926, p. 133. (Originally published 1832). Marshall was a lieutenant in Capt. William Pickett’s Co. of the Culpeper Minute Battalion and an eye witness.
12 Dixon and Hunter’s Virginia Gazette, 27 Jan. 1776.
13 The roll was published in a newspaper article. A clipping of the article, bearing neither date nor the name of the newspaper, is in the National Archives, Record Group 93, Jacket 364-4. The Archives notation states that the clipping appears to have been taken from an original manuscript and does not appear to be that old. The record was deemed not official and not carded, and as a consequence this service is not indexed or abstracted in the National Archives military service records. The notation bears a date of December 7, 1905.
14 McIlwaine, H.R. (ed.): Journal of the Council of the State of Virginia, Vol. 1, Virginia State Library, Richmond, 1931, pp. 115, 116.
15 Ibid., p. 232.
16 Ibid., p. 237. Pension affidavit of William Taylor, 27 Sep. 1832, W-6238, National Archives, Washington, DC. Benjamin Martin testified that he served in the minute men in from August of 1776 to November 1776 under Capt. James Winn. Pension affidavit of Benjamin Martin, 25 Mar. 1832, R-6965, National Archives, Washington, DC.
17 Pension affidavit of William Taylor, 27 Sep. 1832, W-6238, National Archives, Washington, DC. Petition of Benjamin Bohon of Orange Co. to House of Delegates, 30 Oct. 1777, Virginia State Library, Richmond. Petition of Ann Boling of Orange Co. to House of Delegates, Oct. 1777, Virginia State Library, Richmond.
18 McIlwaine, H.R. (ed.): Journal of the Council of the State of Virginia, Vol. 1, Virginia State Library, Richmond, 1931, pp. 237.
19 Hening, William Waller, Statutes at Large, Vol. 9, Richmond, 1821, pp. 198. Journal of the House of Delegates Anno Domini, 1776, Richmond, 1828, p. 99.
Original Members of the Culpeper Minute Men Battalion 1775 for Whom There Is Clear Documentary Evidence
37 officers, 114 men
TALIAFERRO, Lawrence Colonel Orange
STEVENS, Edward Lt. Colonel Culpeper
MARSHALL, Thomas Major Fauquier
POLLARD, Robert Adjutant Culpeper
POLLARD,Benjamin Deputy Adjutant (volunteer w/o pay) Culpeper
SLAUGHTER, James Quartermaster, Captain, Culpeper
TAYLOR, Charles Surgeon’s Mate Culpeper
Culpeper Co. Companies
BUFORD, Abraham Captain Culpeper
KIRTLEY, Elijah Lieutenant Culpeper
GILLISON, John Ensign, Lieutenant Culpeper
JAMESON, John Captain Culpeper
LONG, Gabriel Lieutenant Culpeper
JAMESON, David Ensign Culpeper
McCLANAHAN, William Captain Culpeper
FERGUSON, Samuel Lieutenant Culpeper
GILLISON, John Ensign, Lieutenant Culpeper
ROBERTS, John Ensign Culpeper
NALLE, ________ Ensign Culpeper
WILLIAMS, John Captain Culpeper
JETT, ------------ Ensign Culpeper
Fauquier Co. Companies
BLACKWELL, William Captain Fauquier
NELSON, William Lieutenant Fauquier
CONWAY, Peter Lieutenant Fauquier
CHILTON, John Captain Fauquier
KEITH, John Lieutenant Fauquier
PICKETT, William Captain Fauquier
MARSHALL, John Lieutenant Fauquier
KEITH, Isham Ensign Fauquier
SCOTT, James Captain Fauquier
Orange Co. Companies
BRUCE, ____________ Captain (appointed but did Orange
Not serve due to sickness)
PAYNE, William Captain Orange
BURNLEY, Garland Lieutenant Orange
SPENCER, Joseph Captain, Quartermaster Orange
MADISON, Ambrose Lieutenant Orange
WELCH, Nathaniel Ensign Orange
Later Companies (1776), possibly crossing county lines
EDMONDS, Elias Captain Fauquier
NASH, James Lieutenant, Captain Orange
ADAMS, Littleton Private Fauquier
ALLAN (ALLEN), James Private Fauquier
ALLAN(ALLEN), Moses Corporal Fauquier
ALLEN, Vincent Private Culpeper
ALLEN, William Private Fauquier
ANDERSON, Spencer Private Fauquier
ARNOLD, Benjamin Private Fauquier
ASBERRY, William Private Fauquier
ATKINS, Ambrose Private Orange
ATKINS (ADKINS), Edward Private Orange
AYLOR, Jacob Private Culpeper
BAAR, Issac Private Fauquier
BAKER, Samuel S. Private Fauquier
BALLARD, Phillip Private Orange
BARKER, Peter Corporal Fauquier
BLACKWELL, David Private Fauquier
BLACKWELL, Joseph Private Fauquier
BLISS, William Drummer Fauquier
BOHON, Benjamin Private Orange
BOHON, John Private Orange
BOHON, William Private Orange
BOLING, Jesse Orange
BOLING, William Orange
BRONAUGH, William Private Fauquier
BROWN, Jeremiah Private Fauquier
BROWN, Jonathan Private Fauquier
BROWN, William Private Culpeper
BUFORD, Simeon Private Culpeper
BURK, Samuel Private Fauquier
BURTON, William Sergeant Orange
BUTLER/BUTLAR, William Private Culpeper
CAMPBELL, William Private Orange
CORBIN, Lewis Private Culpeper
COWHERD, Jonathan Private Culpeper
CRUMP, Travis Private Fauquier
DARNALL, Rawley/Rolley Private Fauquier
DICKERSON,John Private Fauquier
DULIN, John Private Fauquier
ELLIOTT, Samuel Private Fauquier
FAYN, William Private Fauquier
FEWELL/FEWEL/FUEL, Henry Private Fauquier
FILBERT, Fewel Private Fauquier
FINNILL, John Orange
GAINES, Richard Private Culpeper
GRANT, Daniel Private Fauquier
GRANT, John Private Fauquier
GRESPY, Martin Private Fauquier
HAMRICK, Benjamin Private Fauquier
HAMRICK, Siars/Siras/Silas Private Fauquier
JENNINGS, Berryman Private Culpeper
JESSOPS, Jacob Private Fauquier
JETT, Thomas Private Fauquier
JOHNSON, Yellis/Kelles Private Fauquier
JONES, Charles Private Fauquier
JONES, John Private Fauquier
JONES, Henry Private Fauquier
JONES, William Private Fauquier
KERWIN, Andrew Private Fauquier
LANTER, Thomas Private Orange
LAWLER/LAWBER, Thomas Private Fauquier
LEE, William Private Fauquier
LINTON, Michael Private Fauquier
LONG, Richard Private Culpeper
LONG, Robert Private Culpeper
LUCAS, Francis Private Culpeper
MADDOX, Ezekiel Private Fauquier
MADDOX, Henry Private Fauquier
MADDOX, John Private Fauquier
MARSHALL, Thomas Jr. Private Fauquier
MARTIN, Benjamin Private Fauquier
McQUEEN, Alexander Private Culpeper
MILES, Charles Private Culpeper
MILLER, William Private Fauquier
MINOR, Jeremiah Private Orange
MOFFETT, Henry Private Fauquier
MONDAY, George Private Fauquier
MONROE, James Private Fauquier
NICHOLAS, Samuel Private Fauquier
NORMAN, Hugh Private Fauquier
O’BANNON, Andrew Private, Wagon Master Fauquier
O’REAR, Daniel Private Fauquier
PAYNE, William Private Fauquier
PRICE, John Private Orange
RANSDALE, Thomas Private Fauquier
RANSDALE, William Private Fauquier
RICE, William Private Fauquier
RIDDLE, William Private Fauquier
SEATON, George Private Fauquier
SIMS, Reuben Private Culpeper
SINCLAIR, John Private Fauquier
SLAUGHTER, Phillip Private Culpeper
SMITH, Gerrard/Jared/Garret/,Garnett Private Fauquier
SMITH, Spencer Private Fauquier
SMITH, William Private Fauquier
SMITHER, William Private Orange
SOUTHARD/SOUTHERD,William Private Fauquier
STIVER(S), Reuben Private Orange
TAYLOR, Francis Private Orange
TAYLOR, Thornton Private Culpeper
TAYLOR, William Private Culpeper
TAYLOR, William Private Orange
TILMAN, Thomas Private Orange
TOMLINSON, George/Ambrose Private Orange
TWISDALE, William Private Orange
UTTERBACK, Harmon Private Fauquier
WALLS, Reuben Private Culpeper
WATKINS, Benjamin Fauquier
WEALEY, Daniel Private Fauquier
WHITE, William Private Fauquier
WHITECOTTON, Axton Private Fauquier
WILLIAMS, James Culpeper
WINFIELD/WINKFIELD,William Private Fauquier
WITHERS, James Sergeant Fauquier
WITHERS, William Private Fauquier
WITHERS, William Sergeant Fauquier
WITHERS, William Private Fauquier
WITHERS, William Ramblin/Hamblin Private Fauquier
Capt. John Green’s Co., 1st Virginia Regiment (1776), Continental Army, American Revolution category1st Va. Regt. Officers and Men for Whom There Is Clear Documentary Evidence
4 Officers, 15 Men
GREEN, John Capt. Culpeper
TAYLOR, Richard 1st Lt. Orange
EUSTACE, John 2nd Lt. Prob. Culpeper
LEE, John Ensign Fauquier
ALLEN, John Private Culpeper
BARBEE, Daniel Private Culpeper
BLACKWELL, Thomas Private or Sergeant
COLVIN, John Private Culpeper
FIELD, Henry (III) Private Prob. Culpeper
FREEMAN, John Private Culpeper
GIBBS, Churchill Private Culpeper
GIBBS, Julius Private Culpeper
GREEN, Robert Culpeper
McCLANAHAN, Thomas Private Fauquier
MOTHERSHEAD, Nathaniel Orange
REED, John Private Culpeper
SAUNDERS, Joseph Culpeper
TRIPLETT, George Private Culpeper
WARD, John Private Culpeper
Men Associated with but Not in the Culpeper Minute Battalion and Other Revolutionary Services Proven
ASHBY, John Express Rider Fauquier
BARBOUR, James County Lieutenant of Culpeper Culpeper
CAMP, Thomas Wagon Master (Civilian) Culpeper
FIELD(S), Henry Jr. Paymaster (Civil Position) Culpeper
MADISON, James (Jr.) County Lieutenant of Orange Orange
Also a member of the Orange Independent Co.
Men in Other Military Service Sometimes Confused with Culpeper Minute Battalion Services
GRAVES, Thomas Private, Culpeper Independent Co. Culpeper
Marched to Fredericksburg at the Powder Alarm
JOHNSON, George Captain, 2nd Virginia Regiment Fairfax
SPICER, William Private, Dunmore’s War (1774) Culpeper
TALIAFERRO, William Captain, 2nd Virginia Regiment Caroline
Additional Men of Interest Documentary Evidence Is Not Clear Regarding
Culpeper Minute Battalion Service
BLACKWELL, John, Captain Fauquier
Definitely in Williamsburg and associated with the CMM. Likely a subaltern under Chilton, under whom he served as Lt. in 3rd Va. Regt., but probabably not a captain.
CARTER, Thomas Neale Battalion Surgeon Williamsburg
A Dr. Carter was reimbursed for medicines provided to the CMM, but Scribner and Tarter say he was James. Evidence that a Dr. Carter was in the battalion has not been found.
TRIPLETT, Francis Captain Fauquier
Fauquier militia major. Asserted by secondary sources to have been a Battalion Captain. Evidence that he was in the Culpeper Minute Battalion has not been found.
DILLIARD, William Signed (‘X’) Williamsburg Public Store Day Book for Culpeper Minute Battalion.
GAINES, James Asserted on the Web to have been Culpeper a minuteman
NORRIS, William Signed Wmsburg Public Store Fauquier Day Book for Capt. Scott. Likely a subaltern.
PENDLETON, .Henry Asserted on the Web to have been a Culpeper minuteman. Was in Williamsburg associated with CMM.
PENDLETON, Nathaniel Asserted on the Web to have Culpeper been a minuteman.
PENDLETON, William Asserted on the Web to have Culpeper been a minuteman.
ROBERTSON, William Signed Williamsburg Public Store Day Book for Capt. Williams
SLAUGHTER, Thomas Signed Williamsburg Public Store Day book for Culpeper Minute Battalion.
TAYLOR, Thornton Appears to have been resident of Caroline Co. at Time of this minute service.
TEASONS, William Took delivery on fabric from the Williamsburg Public Store for which Capt. Williams signed.
WALDEN, Ambrose Appears to have been resident of Caroline Co. at time of his inute service.
"The Original" Culpeper Minute Men Battalion
Summer, Fall, Winter 1775
OFFICERS: RANK COUNTY REMARKS (*partial genealogy found)
BARBOUR, James Lieutenant Culpeper d. 1775 He was LT in Culpeper Country Militia at the time of forming the Battalion, assisted chief recruiter John Green in securing men.
BLACKWELL, John, Captain Fauquier d. before 1783; 1777, served in Cpt John Chilton's Co. at Brandywine; recommended for rank LT Col. While serving in 2nd Bn Fauquier Militia; as Lt Col commanded 1st Bn Fauquier Militia after oath Sep 1778
BLACKWELL, William Captain Fauquier Mar. 2 Mar 1795 Ann Edwards in Culpeper Co.
BUFORD, Abraham Captain Culpeper
CARTER, Thomas Neale Battalion surgeon
CHILTON, John Captain Fauquier b. 1739; 29 Apr 1776, in 3rd VA Regt Continental Line (CL); Killed at Brandywine 11 Sep 1777
EDMONDS, Elias Captain Fauquier 1776-7 in Fauquier Militia; was Lt Col in 1st VA State Regt of Artillery; served as Colonel in Fauquier Militia
FIELD, Henry Culpeper Battalion paymaster; served in Cpt George Slaughter's Co, attached to 8th Regt, CL; died of sickness during war*
GREEN, John Captain Culpeper Formed as separate Rifle Company with the Battalion and served with the Minute Men units at Hampton, VA, Nov 1775. The company became part of the VA Regt of Foot; died in service unmarried; not to be confused with Col John Green who died 18 Nov 1793 *
JAMESON, John Captain Culpeper b. 1751, d 20 Nov 1810, buried ìcedar Groveî, Culpeper; 13 Jun 1776, 3rd Troop of Horse; 31 Mar 1777, promoted to Maj while in 1st Cont. Dragoons; 2 Apr 1777, transferred to 2d Cont Dragoons; 21 Jule 1778, wounded at Valley Forge; 1 Aug 1770, promoted to Lt Col; 1780 stationed in NY; Clerk of Culpeper County 1772-1880; Captured British spy, John Andre' who had msg from Benedict Arnold betraying American cause; member of VA Society of Cincinnati
JOHNSON, George Captain Fauquier
KIETH, Isham Ensign Fauquier b. 1735 d. 1787; in Cpt William Pickett's Co; Mar 1776, was 2nd Lt 3rd VA Regt; Jan 1777 was 1st Lt 3rd VA Regt CL; resigned Apr 1778 because of eye damage caused by smallpox
MARSHALL, John Lieutenant Fauquier Initially was body servant and drill master. Was son of Major Thomas Marshall. Promoted to Lieutenant in Cpt William Pickett's Co; Jul 1776, 1st Lt, 3rd VA Regt CL; Dec 1776 Lt/Cpt 15th VA Regt, CL (Morgan's Rifle Regt); 30 Nov 1777, Deputy Judge Advocate; Jul 1778 promoted to Cpt; Sep 1778 transferred to 7th VA Regt, CL; 12 Feb 1781 resigned
MARSHALL, Thomas Major Fauquier b. 1730 d. 1802; 13 Feb 1776, 3rd VA Regt CL; 13 Aug 1776, Lt Col; 21 Feb 1777, Colonel; Nov 1777, 1st VA State Regt of Artillery; served to end of war
McCLANACHAN, William Captain Culpeper b. 1730 d. 1802; Raised Company from among his parishioners Called "Fighting Baptistsî After term of service with Minute Men returned as Justice of Peace and minister of Upper Carter's Run Church
NELSON, William Lieutenant Fauquier d. Feb 1777; was in Cpt William Blackwell's Co; Feb 1776, Cpt John Ashby's Co, 3rd VA Regt, CL; died in battle at Brandywine *
PAYNE, William Captain Fauquier Probably not the Cpt William Payne that had the Falmouth Blues that fought at Yorktown and died in Fauquier County nor the Pvt William Payne in Cpt William Pickett's Co.
PICKETT, William Captain Fauquier b. 1742, d. 1814; 1778-9, served as Major in 2nd Fauquier Militia; Mar 1778 recommended but not promoted to Lt Col; daughter married Cpt William Helm
POLLARD, Robert Culpeper b. 3 Jul 1756, d. 10 Oct 1842, son of Richard & Elizabeth (Coleman) Pollard, mar. 10 Jul 1774 Joel Underwood, Battalion Quartermaster
SCOTT, James Captain Culpeper His Company with a detail of horseman drove British from Suffolk, VA in Nov 1775
SLAUGHTER, James Captain Culpeper d. 17 Nov 1833; Mar 1776, was Quartermaster for the CMM Battalion; later was Lt Col *
Spencer, Joseph Captain Orange b. abt 1744, mar. ? Moore, daug of Frances Moore; was Baptist preacher; was Cpt in 7th VA Regt; Lt Col in VA militia
STEVENS, Edward Lt. Colonel Culpeper b. 1744 d. 17 Aug 1820; Mar 1776, commanded 5 Co of CMM Battalion in the field; was in the battles of Brandywine, Camden, Guilford Courthouse and the siege at Yorktown. Promoted to Col before 4 Feb 1777; became General; buried Culpeper Masonic Cemetery
TALIAFERRO, Lawrence Colonel Orange b. 9 Dec 1734 Orange county, son of Francis & Elizabeth (Hay) Taliaferro; Commander of the Battalion
TALIAFERRO, William Captain Orange His company was transferred to Col William Woolford's 1st VA Regt; 1777, promoted to Col; 1777, captured and died as POW
TRIPLETT, Francis Captain Fauquier 1777, was Adjutant Fauquier Militia; Mar 1778, served as Cpt Fauquier Milita in place of Cpt William Ball, promoted Sept 1778; Dec 1780, was serving as Maj in Fauquier Militia at Cowpens; Jun 1781 appointed Col and served in Morgan's VA State Regt; served to end of war
Williams, John Captain Orange 7 June 1776, promoted to Battalion Major; married 5 Mar 1778, Orange county
MEN: RANK COUNTY REMARKS (*partial genealogy found)
ALLAN, Moses Sergeant Culpeper Cpt John Blackwell's Co
ALLEN, James Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
Anderson, Spencer Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
ARNOLD, Benjamin Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
ASBERRY, William Private Fauquier b. 1724, d. Sep 1793 Fauquier County, Son of Henry & Hannah (Hardwick) Asbury; was in Cpt Blackwell's Co according to his widow, Jean Ankrum
ASHER, John Private Culpeper
ATKINS, Ambrose Private Orange Cpt Joseph Spencer's Co.; b. abt 1754, Orange Co; son of James and Elizabeth Smith Atkins; 1776 was in Capt John Scott's Co; 1777 moved to Culpeper Co. and in Capt. John Slaughter's Co.; 1781 drafted but substitute obtained; mar. Frances Mansfield daug. of Jacob & Mary Mansfield
ATKINS, Edwards Private Orange Cpt Joseph Spencer's Co.
BAKER, Samuel S. Private Fauquier Cpt Blackwell's Co.
BALLARD, Phillip Private Orange Cpt Joseph Spencer's Co.
BARKER, Peter Corporal Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
BLACKWELL, David Fauquier b. 1753 d. 1841; Cpt John Chilton's Co; 1777, Fauquier Militia; Sep 1780, Commissary, Cpt John Brett;s Co, Lee's Legion
BLACKWELL, Joseph Private Fauquier b. 1755 d. 1826 (brother was Cpt John Blackwell); Cpt William Blackwell's Co; 1776, Cadet, Cpt John Ashby's Co., 3rd VA Regt; Feb 1777, 2nd Lt, Cpt Thomas Blackwell's Co, 10 VA Regt; Nov 1777, 1st Lt; May 1780, prisoner of war at Charleston, exchanged Jun 1781; 1779, was appointed Captain and Co Comdr when Cpt John Chilton was killed at Brandywine; Jan 1783 retired *
BLISS, William Fauquier Drummer, Cpt william Pickett;s Co; deserted
BOHON, Benjamin Private Orange Cpt Joseph Spencer's Co.
BOHAN, John Private Orange Cpt Joseph Spencer's Co.
BRANDON, Francis Private Culpeper
BRONAUGH, William Private Fauquier b. 21 Feb 1767, Fauquier County; mar. Lucy Bryan 12 Mar 1792; was in Cpt William Pickett's Co.
BROWN, Jeremiah Private Fauquier b. 1757 d. after 1833; Cpt William Blackwell's Co; 1777, drafted Cpt Samuel Blackwell's Co, Fauquier Militia, Col William Edmonds Regt.; 1781, drafted Cpt Thomas Helm's CO., Fauquier Militia; hired Joseph Brown as a substitute when he became sick at Williamsburg.
BROWN, Jonathan Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
BROWN, William Private Culpeper Married in Culpeper 9 Feb 1786, Lucy Campbell
BURK, Samuel Private Fauquier b. 1757 d. 1841; Cpt william McClanahan's Co; transferred to Cpt Abraham Buford's Co; 1777, Private in Cpt Rucker's Co to Delaware Forts; 1781, Pvt in Cpt John Ball's Co, Fauquier Militia
BURNLEY, Garland unk Orange Cpt Joseph Spencer's Co., may have been a LT
BURTON, William Sergeant Orange Cpt Joseph Spencer's Co.
CAMP, Thomas Culpeper b. 1753, Culpeper, d. 1801, son of Ambrose & Ann (Marshall) Camp, spouse-Elizabeth Pollard
CAMPBELL, Owen Private Culpeper There were two by this name, one married Jemima Lear, 1787
CHATTERBOX, James Private Culpeper Supposedly drummer boy for the Battalion.
CONWAY, Peter Private Fauquier Cpt William Blackwell's Co.
CRUMP, Travis Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
DARNALL, Rawley (Rolley) Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co; mar. 5 Apr 1788-Winifred Brown
DULIN, John Private Fauquier b. 1743 d. after 1827; Cpt william Pickett's Co; Apr 1776, Enlisted in Cpt John Chilton's Co, 3rd VA Regt; Bef Jun 1776 in Cpt John Ashby's Co; Sep 1777, discharged after Brandywine from Cpt Ashby's Co by Col Thomas Marshall
FEWELL, Henry Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
FILBART, Fewel Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co.
FINCHAM, John Culpeper
GARNER, Jonas Private Fauquier b. abt 1740 Fauquier County, d. 1830; son of Vincent & Jemima (Williams) Garner, spouse-Elizabeth; was in Cpt William Pickett's Co
GRANT, Daniel Private Fauquier b. 2 Jan 1759, d. 21 Feb 1831; Cpt William Pickett's Co; after 1775, Pvt in Cpt Gabriel Long's Co, Morgan's Rifle Regt.; Service Certificate issued by Brig Gen. William Woolford *
Grant, John Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co; 1 Jun 1777, Pvt in Cpt William Blackwell's Co, (#6), 11th VA Regt
GRESPY, Martin Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
JAMESON, David Culpeper b. 19 Aug 1752, d. 2 Oct 1831 at his home at "Redwood"; commissioned Aug 1780; marched to Carolinas; served as Lt Col in Brigade of Col Stevens; obituary Star Exponent, also article 21 Oct 1898, buried in Culpeper Masonic Cemetery
JENKINS, Richard Private Culpeper (The younger) married daughter of the older
JENKINS, Richard Private Culpeper (The older) married Rachel Sisk
JENKINS, Richard Private Culpeper Nicknamed "Jaw Dick", marched prisoners to Winchester. His pension file explains the nickname: ". . .being very much pressed by hunger, as the company was passing along a road which bordered on a large turnip patch, he reached down and pulled up a turnip but did not break the ranks, for which offence Maj. Welsh of our Regiment gave him a blow which broke his jaw bone, that the blow was inflicted with a large seasoned grape vine. . .he has lost a part of his jaw bone which proceeded from the before mentioned blow, and has suffered much from it. . . "
JENKINS, William Private Culpeper
Jennings, Berryman Private Culpeper Cpt William Picket's Co; Nov 1777 recommended for Ensign in Cpt thomas Bronaugh's Co, oath taken May 1778; died in service 1782 at Guilford Court house, NC; mar. 28 Sep 1779-Susanna Duff, son of Augustine & Hannah (Williams) Jennings
JESSOPS, Jacob Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
JETT, Thomas Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett;s Co; 1777, Pvt in Cpt Elias Edmond's Co, 1st VA Regt. Of Artillery
JOHNSON, Yellis Private Fauquier b. 1 May 1754, Hunterdon, NJ; d. 24 Mar 1823; son of Tunis & Jeremiah (Fosre) Johnson, Mar. 6 Feb 1777-Nancy Jeffries; was in Cpt William Pickett's Co
JONES, Charles Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
JONES, Gabriel Private Culpeper d. 1776 in service; 1776, served as Cpt in Col George Gibson's State Line Regt; 1776, joined State marines *
JONES, John Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co; Oct 1779, Sgt in Corps of Guards, service certified; mar. 2 Nov 1790 Sarah Berry
JONES, William Private Fauquier b. 1759 d. 1834; Cpt William Pickett's Co; 20 Apr 1776, enlisted at Fauquier CH; May 1781, re-enlisted as Sgt in Cpt William Triplett's Cav Co of Col Francis Triplett's Regt; 15 Jul-17 Oct 1781, POW at Yorktown
KERWIN, Andrew Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
LAWLER, Thomas Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
LAWSON, Robert Fauquier
LEE, William Private Fauquier Cpt william Pickett's Co; mar. 15 Dec 1788 Molly Burns
LINTON, Michael Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
LONG, Robert Private Culpeper b. abt 1754 Culpeper, d. 25 Feb 1828, Orange County; son of Benjamin & May (Bond) Long
MADDOX, John Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
MADISON, Ambrose Orange b. 27 Jan 1755 at Montpelier, d. 1793; son of Col James & Eleanor Rose (Conway) Madison; served as Cpt in VA CL; was in Cpt Joseph Spencer's Co., may have been LT in Culpeper Minute Men Battalion*
MADDUX, Ezekiel Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
MARSHALL, Thomas Jr. Private Fauquier b. 1761 d. 1817; Cpt William Pickett's Co; Apr 1780, served as Cpt in 1st VA State Regt of Artillery; Feb 1781 Regt paymaster; May 1782, Supernumerary
MARTIN, Benjamin Private Fauquier b. 1758 d. after 1833; Cpt William Pickett's Co; 1776 enlisted in Cpt James Winn's Co, Fauquier Militia; 1777 served as Cpl in Cpt Benjamin Harrison's Co, Fauquier Militia; 1780, served as substitute for James Kemper in Francis Triplett's Co; was Cpl in Cpt John Comb's Co at Cowpens; discharged 1781
MILLER, William Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
MOFFETT, Henry Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co; 1777, Sgt in 3rd VA Regt CL
MONDAY, George Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co; mar 6 Jun 1785 Isabel Myrtle
MONROE, Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
NICHOLS, Samuel Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
NORMAN, Hugh Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
O'BANNON, Andrew Private Fauquier d. 1813; Wagonmaster, Cpt William Pickett's Co; 1777, enlisted Cpt John Chilton's Co, 3rd VA Regt, CL as regimental wagonmaster; served at Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth
O'REAR, Daniel Private Fauquier b. 1759 d. 1834; Cpt William Blackwell's Co; enlisted in Cpt John Ashby's Co, 3rd VA Regt, CL; Sep 1779 enlisted Cpt Richard Allen's Co, Col Wade Hampton's Regt, SC Militia; Ordnance Sgt, Cpt John G Lowman's Co, Col William's Regt; May 1780, POW at Charleston, SC
PAYNE, William Private Fauquier b. 1759 d. 1834; Cpt William Pickett's Co; Sep 1778, was Sgt in Cpt Hezekiah Turner's Co, Fauquier Militia; 1780-1781, Sgt in Cpt John O'Bannon's Co, Fauquier Militia
PRICE, John Private Orange Cpt Joseph Spencer's Co; b. abt 1759
SINCLAIR, John Private Fauquier Cpt william Pickett's Co
SISK, Timothy Private Culpeper
SLAUGHTER, Phillip Private Culpeper b. 2 Dec 1758, d. 4 Dec 1849; Cpt John Jameson's Co; wrote diary of C.M.M. Battalion operations; 1776, LT in 11th VA Regt; Cpt, 7th VA Regt; 1777 served in Col Morgan's Rifle regt, was in Cpt Gabriel Long's Co., Joined Gen. Washington's Army in NY; Paymaster, VA CL; 1778 promoted to Cpt; *
SMITH, Gerrard Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
SMITH, Spencer Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
SMITH, William Private Culpeper b. 1755, d.1850 Culpeper; in battle of Great Bridge; marched to Charleston, SC; in battle of Brandywine and at Valley Forge; 1799 with Col George Rodgers Clark to falls of Ohio for 2 yrs; mar. 20 Dec 1792 Dinah Yager
SOUTHARD, William Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
STIVERS, Reubin Private Orange Cpt Joseph Spencer's Co.
TAYLOR, Francis Private Orange Cpt Joseph Spencer's CO., Appointed Cpt of Orange Co. Militia
TOLIDER, Lawrence Orange
UTTERBACK, Harmon Private Fauquier b. 1755 d. 1854; Cpt William McClanahan's Co
WEALEY, Daniel Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
WHITECOTTON, Axton Private Fauquier b. 3 Feb 1741, Stafford, d. aft 1832; son of George Whitecotton; was in Cpt William Pickett's Co
WINKFIELD, William Private Fauquier Cpt William Pickett's Co
WITHERS, James Private Fauquier b. 22 Sep 1757, d. 16 Oct 1836, Cpt William Pickett's Co; 1777-1778, Ensign Cpt John Lee's Co, Col George Gibson's 1st VA State Regt; 1779, served as LT in Cpt Winsor Brown's Co, Col Gibson's Regt; 1781 served as Pvt (sic) in Cpt Armstead White's Co, Culpeper Militia; served in battle of Long Bridge *
WITHERS, William Private Fauquier b. 1754, son of Thomas, d. 1809; Cpt William Pickett's Co; 1781, Pvt in Cpt John Ball's Co, Fauquier Militia
Withers, William Sergeant Fauquier Son of John; Cpt William Pickett's Co; Nov 1777 was recommended as 2nd Lt in CPt Thomas Bronough's Co, Fauquier Militia
WITHERS, William Private Fauquier Son of Keene; Cpt William Pickett's Co
WITHERS, William Ramblin Private Fauquier b. 1758; Cpt William Pickett's Co; 1776, Sgt in Cpt Peter Grant's Co, Grayson's Additional Continental Regt; 1779, was LT in Cpt James Winn's Co, Col William Crawford's Regt at Fort Pitt; 1781, was LT in Cpt Felix Worley's Co, Col Charles C. Pinckney's SC Regt
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Benjamin Lillard was a white landowner, businessman, and local official. He was also a Captain in the Revolutionary War. Captain Benjamin Lillard commanded a militia company from Culpeper, VA. His brother, Capt. John Lillard, also commanded a militia company in the Revolutionary War. Captain Benjamin Lillard was active in the War in 1780 and during nearly all of 1781. He fought with Gen. Nathaniel Greene's Army in the Southern Campaign against the British in the Carolinas, and at the Battle of Cowpens.
Capt. Benjamin Lillard was present during the siege and surrender of Lord Cornwallis and his Army at the Siege of Yorktown, VA in 1781, which culminated in final American victory, and the successful conclusion of the Revolutionary War.
In addition to being an officer during the Revolutionary War, Benjamin Lillard, also, furnished supplies to the American Army, including 39 gallons of brandy to the Colonial forces in 1780. After the Revolution, Benjamin Lillard was commissioned a Justice of the Peace for Culpeper County, VA. His commission was signed by Benjamin Harrison, one of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence.
David Lillard cites the Revolutionary War Pension Application of John Breedlove (Pension Application S2102) and of Shadrack Barns (Pension Application S30840) as a source of much of the information regarding Benjamin's service. Both of these can be found on line.
edited by S. Waters
VIRGINIA MILITIA IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR *** PART IV Virginia's Share in the Military Movements of the Revolution page 235 Bradley, Sergt. Austin, Culpeper Co., 87. (Died Dec. 15, 1832). = The Pension ROll of 1835 - Culpeper County, VA Austin Bradley, Rank- Sergeant Annual allowance 30 00; Sums received 53.45 Description of service -Virginia militia Placed on pension roll - Apr'l 8, 1833 Commencement of pension Mar. 4, 1831 age 87 Died December 15, 1832. = Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements & Rosters
Pension Application of Austin (Augustine) Bradley W5867 State of Virginia } Culpeper County } SS. On the 10th day of August 1832 personally appeared before me William Walden a Justice of the peace in the County aforesaid, Austin Bradley aged eight- five years, m, who being first sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers, Captain [Thomas] Conn; from the County of Culpeper state of Virginia, and was marched to the barracks in Albemarle County, and was orderly Sergeant to said Company, the month and year not remembered, and served his tour as a guard to the prisoners stationed there, which was for three months, after the expiration of which, received his discharge and returned home. That he was again drafted for a three months tour in the Militia from the County of Culpeper, as an Orderly Sergeant in the Company commanded by Capt. Francis Nalle, and marched from said County to the Malbin Hills [sic: Malvern Hill} below Richmond, Virginia, and was stationed there during the tour, for which he was drafted, that he does not recollect the name of the Colonel who commanded the Regiment to which he was attached - that Gen. Edward Stevens was commander of the troops stationed there, that he does not recollect, the month or year that he entered the service for this tour - that after the expiration of the tour for three months, he was discharged from the service and returned home. That he was in the service at several other times for short periods, and that he served in all upwards of six months, and during the whole of his service, he was an orderly Sergeant - that he was born and raised in Culpeper County, and has so continued to reside where raised (now Madison County) to the present time. He hereby relinquished every claim whatever to a pension or annuity, except the present, and he declares his name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any state. Austin hisXmark Bradley
NOTES: Since the duties of an Orderly Sergeant included writing each day's orders into an orderly book, it is expected that Bradley would have signed his full name if physically able. Thomas Thornhill (pension application S46518) stated that he had served in the same company with Bradley at Albemarle Barracks, and Daniel Triplett (pension application W6308) stated that he had served in the same regiment with Bradley at Malvern Hill. The file contains a Lieutenant's commission to "Austin Bradley Gent" of the Culpeper County Militia to take effect on 17 April 1787, as well as a Captain's commission to "Augustin Bradley Gent" in the Culpeper County Militia to take effect on April 1789. On 10 Dec 1838 Franky Bradley, 72, of Rappahannock County VA, applied for a pension stating that she married Augustine Bradley on 13 Nov 1788, and he died 15 Dec 1832. A letter in the filed certifies that Augustin Bradley married Frankey Hurt. Another document certifies that Augustine Bradley died in Rappahannock County, leaving Frances Bradley his widow. [Note" Frances/Frankie was his second wife.]