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Cumberland County Kentucky Circuit Court Records for Hiram Garrett

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Cumberland, Kentucky, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Garrett
This page has been accessed 76 times.

Reference material: Cumberland County Circuit Court Records by Randolph S. Smith, Burkesville Library, Burkesville, Cumberland County, Kentucky

To house the Circuit Court Records of Cumberland County, Kentucky that mentions Hiram Garrett - who is believed to be Hiram Garrett

Page 5 J.M.P. Alexander & R. Alexander vs Hiram Garrott D 39,3/16/1820

Page 68 Following served on jury April 1824 court John Brummall, Josiah Cheatham, Elem Boles, James White, Hartwell parsons, Joseph Jewell, JohnDewberry, Thomas Watkins, Clayburn Norris, George H. English, Henry Maynard, Morgan Richardson, William A. Walthall, Nathaniel Smith, Samuel Biggerstaff Sr., Peter Montfort, William R. Walthall, James Cloyd, Ingram Alexander, John M. Alexander Jr., George Johnson, Joseph Graves, Alexander Murphy, Jesse Hull, Samuel Lafferty, Thomas Vaugn, David Matlock, Samuel Scott, Thomas Watkins, Francis Barrett, William Cain, Williamson Davis, John Degraffenreid, Reuben Beck, Peter Brents, John Boyds, John Baker, William Baker, Richardson Cheatham, Edward Wilburn, Elem Baker, John Smith, John Allen, Robert Allen, JamesBoyd, Wiliam R. Barrett, Joseph D. pettus, Samuel Phariss, Ely Shugart, George H. English, William Crabtree, James McGlassen, Thomas Smith, Martin Cox, Josiah Carter, William Norris, Zebulon Norris Jr., Hiram Garrett, Lenearse Bowman, james Ritchey, Thomas B. Stockton, John Paull, henry Cheatham, William C. Sweringan, Samuel G. Cheatham, James White, Joseph Jewell, John B. Spearman, Daniel Murley, John Thomas, Barrett English, thoams Vaughn, James Ghoslon, Joseph Hunter, James Barrett, james Baker.

Page 74

Jury - John Allen, Sampson Allen, Lively C. Johnston, William Crabtree, William Roberts, Andrew Thurman, Josiah Carter, JohnGarrett, Hiram Garrett, James Gwinn, Eli Shugart & Abraham Jones; E-375; 4/15/1826 also Charles Thurman & Edward Hill E-377

Page 75 Jury 4/17/1826 William Roberts, Edward Hill, Hiram Garrett, Michael Pharris, Josiah Carter, John Keen, Samuel Phariss, Thomas Garrett, Eli Shugart, Birditt C. Pill/Pile, Joseph Jewell & Robert Powell; E-380

Jury 4/18/1826 John Keen, Harrod L. Gholson, Michael Pharriss, William Spearman, Barber HIll, Saml. Phariss, Eli Shugart, Hiram Garrett, David Matlock, Andrew Thurman, William Roberts & John Garrett; E-387

July 7/11/1826 Daniel Murley, William Roberts, Hiram Garrett, Isaac Litell, Lively C. Johnston, John Radford, Jerry Smallwood, Peter Davis, Richard lewis, Wiliam Spearman, William Gile s& Josiah Elliott; E-410

Page 77 Jury - Richardson Cheatham, William Ferguson Jr., Thomas Bailey, James Obsnion, Solomon Long, Elam F. Boles, Lively c. Johnston, John Matthews, David Humter, Andrew Thurman, Hiram Garrett & Joel Claywell; E-447; 10/11/1826

Page 79 Commonwealth vs. Greenville Black for larceny; Jury - Daniel Bins, Owen Cheatham, Samuel Baker, Joseph Hunter, Lemuel Stockson, Elias Fletcher, nathaniel Bowe, Peter Gearhart, William Kirkpatrict, Thomas Boles, Richard Lewis & Daniel Murley; 4/12/1827; Jury on 4/13/1827 same case - RichardsonCheatham, Henry Maynard, James Baker Jr., John Biggerstaff, Joseph Friend, Hartwell Parsons, John A. Hutchens, Robert Elliott, David Matlock, Tnhomas ?ee, Hiram Garrett & William Spearman; not guilty; F-22 & F-29

Page 85 Samuel Phares vs Thomas Garrett to keep peace; security is Thomas Garrett Sr., & Hiram Garrett; F-153

Jury - Hiram Garrett, Charles Thurman, Benjamin Chandler, Wade H. Rowland, W.A. Walthall, William Roberts Jr., Jacob A. Robertson, A.G. Waggener, Shad Claywell, Jr., Mark Dunn, George Alle; F-163

October 1829 Court 10/12/1829 Ben Moroe, Judge - Milton King, Clerk Page 91 Robert Reid vs heirs of William Roberts; defent. Hiram Garrett & Wife & William Roberts are not inhabitants of state; F-295

Page 92 Abraham Speer Vs heirs of William Roberts, Dec.; def. Hiram Garrett & w. Sally, Joseph Roberts, Charles Roberts & William Roberts not inhab. of Ky.; F-323

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