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Current England Project Challenges

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This page has been accessed 469 times.

6 December 2019
The England Project Managed Profiles Christmas Connecting Challenge!

The following England Profiles need connecting to the Global tree. Can you find that all important connection?

To enter our "Just for Fun" competition (sorry there is no badge for this!):

  • Select a profile - the number in brackets is the connections they have so far
  • Put your name and the date next to it
  • When you have made the connection, add that the task is finished (and if you want to brag, please do so regarding number of profiles you had to create, which other notable profiles this trail led you through etc) and also declare your triumph on the [Google Group thread]
  • Sir Edwin Landseer, Victorian artist from London (3) Ling-1181 16:46, 6 December 2019 (UTC) - finished within the hour - Well done Wendy!
  • John Atkinson Grimshaw, Victorian artist from Yorkshire (19) McHugh-842 17:04, 6 December 2019 (UTC)
  • Sir Thomas Lawrence Georgian artist from Bristol (0) Michael Cayley Cayley-55 16:59, 6 December 2019 (UTC)
  • Samuel Johnson yes, THE Samuel Johnson, writer from Staffordshire (8) Stephen Heathcote Connected at the second attempt. The Johnsons were a dead end, but I found a connection through his wife's great-aunt's husband - but there turned out to be an error in the tree I had connected to. After waiting a few days for the (otherwise active) PM to respond to messages on the profiles, I disconnected Coates-349 from his incorrect parents, and reconnected his former mother Wigley-133 to her Derbyshire family. Half a dozen new profiles created along the way, along with sources added to the existing ones.
  • Agatha Christie crime writer from Devon (13) Ros Haywood
  • Alexander Pope 17th century poet, London (5) Elizabeth Viney
  • Isabella Bird Bishop Victorian explorer, born Yorkshire (10) Traci Thiessen connected 7 Dec 2019
  • Bob Hoskins actor from London (0) Gillian Causier 6th Dec 2019 connected 13th Dec 2019. Bob had no ancestors when I started. I added his parents then connected Bob through his maternal aunt's husband, Alexander W Tepper-179, to whom I added 4 generations through to Tepper-198, then back down 3 generations to an existing profile, Tepper-125 (son of a chemist/surgeon who did time in Pentonville for a crime against the unborn child). Lost count of number of profiles but added a lot of siblings and sources and bios on the way and pulled in a few odd orphans whose surname was misspelled. Had a very interesting time sourcing.
  • David Shepherd 20th century artist and conservationist (0) Joe Farler 7th Dec 2019
  • Sir Nikolaus Pevsner authority on architecture, born in Germany.. could be a tricky one (0) Stephen Trueblood
  • Alfred Wainwright writer and walker, Lancashire (4) Carol Keeling Connected 8 December 2019
  • Terry Pratchett author of the Discworld novels, Buckinghamshire (8) Buckle-52 17:31, 6 December 2019 (UTC) finished just improving some of the added profiles

Here is Fran's "How to Connect" masterclass

7 December - Here are another 6 profiles as the first batch were so popular!

  • Charlotte Helston Dymond - Victorian murder victim, great bio written by Sally Douglas, born Cornwall (0) Carol Keeling Connected 9 December 2019
  • Alistair Cooke BBC radio broadcaster, "Letter from America", Lancashire (0) Fitz-Henry-9 21:55, 7 December 2019 (UTC) - connected 9 December 2019 via Ralph Waldo Emerson!
  • Sir Henry Cole - the man who invented the Christmas card! Somerset (2) Carol Baldwin completed 12/7/19 (Pearl Harbor Day) at 10:15pm ET. Redid Bio, added wife and children, all sourced, made his card the background for his profile. Moved all of information originally there (essentially Wikipedia page) below his sourced Profile and cited Wikipedia for that information. Also added the England Sticker for his birth. Ho, ho, ho. So...Happy Holidays WT family (Christmas, Hanukkah, Rosh Hashanah, Kwanzaa, Ganjitsu, Winter Solstice, Three Kings Day--not that sports pub in London).
  • Georgette Heyer novelist, born Wimbledon. (13) Jenny Mortimer 09:24, 7 December 2019 (UTC) Task is finished!
  • Arthur Collins author of The Peerage of England . 18th century. (0) (Matt Steady)
  • Herman Alt first surveyor of New South Wales, London (3) Janet Wild 15:50, 8 December 2019 (UTC) Has had project box removed by Gillian!

8 December: our newest Managed Profile

  • John Peel legendary DJ and BBC broadcaster, Cheshire (0) (Matt Steady 8/12/2019)


England Project Managed Profiles Coordinator

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