Location: Croxall, Derbyshire, England

Surname/tag: curzon
In the name of the Eternall livinge God Amen I George Curzon of Croxall in the Countie of Darbie knight, this xijth daie of October in the yeare of our lord god one thowsand sixe hundred twentie & two beinge diseased in bodie but of good and perfect mind and memorie (thanks be to God) doe for the pfecte setlinge of my small estate, and quietinge of my mind and conscience ordaine and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge
And first for that my Lands or the greatest part of them are by the marriage of my daughter estated and setled with my Consent and contentmt as maie appeare by the bookes thereof made for that I neede not, nor would (yf I could) doe or make any mention herein of altering them or that estate soe made, yet because I have some lands lying within the Mannor of Allrewas in the Countie of Stafford whereof I have not long since made some estates to severall tenants by Leases for yeares as maie appeare by the said severall grannts in the deeds and lands alsoe in Eddingale of which I have made litle leases to the severall Tennants in possession as by the said Leases maie appeare, my will is that all those estates soe made by me shall stand and be effectuall to the said Tennants duringe their severall termes, according to the purporte and effect of the said severall grannts and Leases And alsoe my will and meaninge is And I doe hartely request that all leases made by me to any Tennants of any my lands whatsoever shall stand and be in force accordinge to the severall effects fo the said severall Leases
Item for the disposing of my goods which are but small First I give and bequeathe unto the said Dame Marie Sackvile my daughter all my plate and all my howshold stuffe of what kinde soever & wheresoever together with all my hangings and all my lynnen More I give unto my said daughter all the glasse and wainscott aboute my howse at Croxall Alsoe I give unto her all my fallow deere belonginge to my parke there and all my swannes upon the Ryvers wheresoever And I doe hereby request of my said daughter Dame Marie Sacvile and doe herein earnestly Charge her, as ever there was love betwixt her and mee, and as shee will answer the dutie of a lovinge Child to an honest Father, that shee never pmitt or suffer her husband Sir Edward Sackvile to sell or alter that estate which alreadie I have made to her of my Land at Croxall nor dispose it to anie person, except yt be to one of her kindred nexte in blood to her, or to one whose name shalbe Curzon whome she shall honestly thincke worthie of it after her decease
Item I give to my said daughter Dame Marie Sackvile all such statute bonds as heretofore were acknowledged by my Father George Curzon unto Dame Marie Leveson deceased or by me George Curzon for pformance of anie Covenants betwixt the said Dame Marie Leveson and my said Father or my selfe, with libertie to the said Dame Marie Sackvile by her selfe or her assignes to extend the said Statute and take the profitts thereof accordinge to the course of the lawes in such Case provided
Item I give and bequeath to my servannt Margaret Tayler Twentie pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her within one yeare next after my decease (yf she be my servant at my death)
Also I give and bequeath to my servannt Lawrence Brooke one suite of my owne wearing apparrell vizt one payer of hose and doublett and one Cloake as shalbe thought fittest for him by my Executors to be paid and delyvered unto him within one yeare nexte after my decease
Item I give and bequeath to my three anncient servants George Mutshawe John Thacker and Thomas Worley to each of them Five marks a peece in token of my love to them to be paid to them within one yeare next after my decease
Also I give and bequeath to John Worrall my servant Five pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him everie yeare duringe his life of that Rent which I have reserved to my selfe out of that house & ground now in the tenure and holdinge of Richard Higge or his assignes or under Tennants
Alsoe I give and bequeath to all my hyred servants which have ben with me by the space of two yeares and which shalbe remaininge with me at the time of my death to each of them one yeares wages over and above their wages due unto them in consideration of my love unto them (exceptinge those to whome I have or shall in this my will by expresse name give legacies unto
Item I will and bequeathe to William Mole my Cooke Tenn pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him within one yeare nexte after my decease (yf the said Wm Mole be servant unto me or my daughter at the time of my decease
Alsoe my will and earnest desire is that my old servants Elizabeth Kensall & Henry Kensall her sonne whoe dwell in a little poore howse neere to my dwellinge howse at Croxall and have at my allowance the pasturinge and keepinge of fower kyne in the wood and feilds there and some allowance for haie in the winter for them that my said daughter to whome I have assured the inheritance of my land will suffer the said Elizabeth Kensall and Henry Kensall her sonne to hould and enjoy the said howse and beasts gate in the wood or some other the grounds in Croxall with allowance of some haie for the said beasts duringe their severall lyves Soe that the said Elizabeth Kensall and Henry Kensall doe behave themselves honestly lovinglie & dutifully towards my siad daughter during all their said time More I give and bequeath to the said Henry Kensall the some of Five pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him within one yeare nexte after my decease
Alsoe I give and bequeath to my three Sisters Florence Bridgett and Elizabeth to eache of them a peece of plate of Five pounds to be paid within a twelve monethe after my decease
Alsoe I give to my lovinge servant James Meacocke for a remembrance of my love unto him Five pounds to be payd unto him within one yeare nexte after my decease
Alsoe I desire my daughter and Sir Edward Sackvile her husband to suffer my servant Thomas Wagstaffe and his wiffe to enjoye the howse where they nowe dwell and the little meadow called Pingle meadowe for the terme of tenn yeares next after my decease, yeildinge and payinge onelie to them for the same Fortie shillings p. ann. during the said terme doeinge their duties honestly to them as they ought to doe Alsoe I give & bequeath to the said Wagstaffe Five pounds of lawfull English money as my love to be paid as aforesaid
Item I give and bequeathe to George Collett my servant Five pounds of lawfull money of England And to John Beale my servante the like some of Five pounds to be paid as aforesaid
And I give unto Ellenor Moore my servant Five pounds to be paid unto her as aforesaid
And I doe desire my said daughter Dame Marie Sacvile to be kynd unto my old servant Robert Bate that he maie enjoye those things which he noe holdeth under me as hath donn heretofore conditionally that he perform his duties unto her as he hath offered unto me
And for the performance of this my last will & testamt I doe constitute and appointe my lovinge brother in lawe Sir Frances Cooke knight and my lovinge brother Mr Henry Curzon the Executors of this my last will and testamt To whome I give and bequeathe for their better enablinge to perform the same and that trust which I have reposed in them All my Oxen and milche kyne, all my bulls and younge beasts all my sheepe and horses, all my swyne, all my Corne within the barnes whatsoever there shalbe, and all my Corne which shalbe growinge on my lands at my death Bonds and Bills and all other my goods Chattles and readie money whatsoever unbequeathed towards the payment of my debts and legacies And for my said brother in lawe Sir Frances Cooke his paynes to be taken in this my last will and testamt I give and bequeath unto him the somme of Twentie pounds of currant english money
Lastlie I doe give and bequeathe my Soule to Almightie God Father sonne and holie ghoste humbly prostrating myselfe before his divine Ma'tie earnestlie beseechinge forgiveness of all my sinnes at his mercifull hands by the meanes and mediation of his sonne and my onelie Saviour Jesus Christe by whose meritts and bloodsheddinge I confidently beleeve to obtaine pardon of my transgressions, and to be receaved amongst the nomber of his electe, thoughe by myne owne doeings I have deserved most evill yet hopinge in his mercie I confidently hope of forgivenesse of all my sinnes and comfortably departe this transitorie life, and saie with all my hart come Lord Jesus come quickly Amen
And my bodie I commit to the earth to be buried wheresoever I shall dye nott thinckinge it worthy of any solempnities to the same doe therefore praie my said Executors as ever ther was love betweene us and desire my friends to allowe ytt, that there be no more solempnities used at the tyme of my Funerall nor at any tyme after, but only a black cotten cloath to Cover my Coffin, nor that anie Coats, Gownes, Cloaks, nor anie such things be given to anie person whatsoever to that use
In witness therefore that this is my will and true meaninge I have hereunto put my hand and seale the daie & year aforesaid
Postscript I give to the poore of the parish of Croxall twentie shillings To the poore of Alderwas fourtie shillings To the poore of Litchfeild Fortie shillings to be paid unto them by my said Executors within three monethes nexte after my deathe by me George Curzon
Signed sealed & delyvered by the said Sir George Curzon knight & by him acknowledged ratified and confirmed for his last will & testamt the xijth day of October Ao Dmi 1622 In the presence of us whose names are underwritten Adryan Ballard Danyell Ballard Robt Jones public notary Richard Higge James Adams Bryan Ballard
Probatum fuit testamentum superscriptum apud London coram venerabili viro domino Willmo Bird milite legum doctore Curie Prerogative Cantuariensis magistro Custode sive Commissario legitime Constituto Quarto die mensis Februarij Anno Domini juxta cursum et computationem ecclesie Anglicane Millesimo sexcentesimo vicesimo secundo Juramentis Domini Francisci Cooke milites et Henrici Curzon executorum in .....
Transcribed by Stephen Heathcote from probate records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
- "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 141
Ancestry uk Record 5111 #914606 (accessed 15 October 2023)
Will of Georgij Curzon, granted probate on 4 Feb 1622. Died about 1622 in Croxall, Darbis.
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