Location: Clifden, Omey, County Galway, Ireland
Surnames/tags: Thomas Richard Geraghty 1763 to 31/01/1817 John Geraghty
Here are the profiles Cyril Beardwood is currently working on. Geraghty family who migrated to Australia in 1880,s Geraghty from Dungannon, Tyrone; and from Clifden Galway: 1780's to about 1880s.
Thomas Richard Geraghty b 1763; d 1817; Solicitor and Linen merchant
Eldest son: John Geraghty m Elizabeth Malone Jones 09/01/1850; 13 children schooled and educated in Clifden. Family, led by Thomas Richard, eldest son, and siblings, emigrated to Australia about 1885/1890. Some 10 years thereafter, the family migrated to South Africa, They lived in Johannesburg and Port Elizabeth. Of the 5 women in the children, two died very young, two became Mother Superior of their respective convents in Ireland, two died vey young and one, Theresa, was a very popular and much loved spinster.
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