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Czech Language

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Česká abeceda/Czech Alphabet

A, a, Á, á B, b C, c, Č, č D, d, Ď, ď E, e, É, é, ě F, f G, g H, h Ch, ch I, i, Í, í J, j K, k L, l M, m N, n, Ň, ň O, o, Ó, ó P, p Q, q R, r, Ř, ř S, s, Š, š T, t, Ť, ť U, u, Ú, ú, ů V, v W, w X, x Y, y, Ý, ý Z, z, Ž, ž

The Czech alphabet uses several letters in addition to the 26 letters used in the English alphabet.

These are á, č, ď, é, ě, í, ň, ó, ř, š, ť, ú, ů, ý, ž.

The letter combination ch is also considered a single letter.

Letters q, w, x are used only in words of foreign origin.

Czech dictionaries and indexes use the following alphabetical order:

a,á  b  c,č  d,ď  e,é,ě  f  g  h  ch  i,í  j  k  l  m  n,ň  o,ó  p  (q)  r,ř  s,š  t,ť  u,ú,ů  v  (w)  (x)  y,ý  z,ž 

Letter combinations you may encounter in the old texts and their modern equivalents:

cz read as c or č

cž/čz read as č

rz/rž read as ř

ss read as š

g read as j

y read as y or j

j read as í

v read as u (at the beginning of words)

ie read as ě

au read as ou

w read as v



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