
Suggestion 572 FindAGrave - Link without matching Grave

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 27 Mar 2017
Location: Worldwidemap
Surnames/tags: data_doctors db_error_572
This page has been accessed 5,348 times.

Description of Hint - 572: FindAGrave - Linked grave not matching profile

This WikiTree profile has one or more links to FindAGrave profiles. When comparing FindAGrave profiles names and dates none of the memorials match the profile.

To read more on Find A Grave, see Help:Find A Grave.

Content of info column: All FindAGrave IDs found in the profile


Suggestion 572 FindAGrave - Link without matching profile
Play the Suggestion 572 FindAGrave - Link without matching profile.

Topic Video: Mr E Figures Out Find A Grave
Play the Topic Video:  Mr E Figures Out Find A Grave.

Possible Causes

  • All links to FindAGrave memorial are links to relatives.
  • Names and dates are not similar enough to classify them as a match.

Action Steps

  1. If all of the links are links to relatives, try finding the profile person's memorial and add it as a source. You can also use {{FindAGrave|1234|sameas=no}} for relatives.
  2. If one of the links is to the person's memorial, there must be a significant difference in names and dates. Check them to see if they are correct. If you find the error, correct the data. You can also use {{FindAGrave|1234|sameas=yes}} for memorial of the person.

Hint Status

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If there are related errors for the profile, you will also see them on status page.

Full description is available on Status Help Page.

Questions and Discussions on this Hint

You can read what other people have asked here db_error_572.

You can also share your best practices, experiences, problems about the Hint by posting a question in G2G. If you create a new G2G discussion for this Hint, add tag data_doctors and db_error_572.

Technical Stuff

All identified links to FindAGrave are compared to the profile data. Link is identified by extracting memorial number from link, template or text Memorial #

Comparison is done by following rules:

  • If name is exactly the same, it is considered a match.
  • If there is a small difference, the dates are also compared and if they are the same within 1 year, it is considered a match.
  • If it is a medium difference, dates are also compared and if they are exactly the same, it is considered a match.
  • If none of the conditions apply it is considered not identified.

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Comments: 5

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The find a grave that is listed is not a mistake. The only found information is on the grave of the one referenced - information under the picture of the grave list the mother and father and approximate date of their marriage. This is the only information I have found thus far.
Susannah ? May with unknown maiden name is correct on Wiki profile.

Claim of Aldrich as maiden name cannot be verified by me even in Aldrich book, which only gives Susannah's first name marrying Samuel May. One of their son's married an Aldrich. I have one Aldrich book. All sources I show on her profile only give Susannah's first name. I do not see any sources at findagrave that supports Aldrich for her maiden name. This is one of my wife's ancestors and it has been carefully researched to no avail on Susannah's maiden name. Unknown-511352 H 102819111 Susannah May (Unknown) before 1745 not living Female Leighr-1 102819111 Susannah Aldrich If someone can suppy a proof doc, my wife & I would be grateful.

I have responded to albertus
posted by Lance Martin
The Find-A-Grave source for Otto Scherp at the profile of Margaretha Krebs is not mistake: it is there purposely, as the Find-A-Grave profile for Otto Scherp indicates his second wife as being Margaretha Krebs and gives their date of marriage. Margaretha Krebs does not have a Find-A-Grave profile of her own.
Peter Sr Marsteller-93 is Grandfather to Peter Henry Mosteller- 108

Peter Henry Mosteller-108 belongs toFind A Grave 114352168

Peter Henry's father - is George Mosteller Find a Grave 29994690 has data for Peter SR-93 on his grave bio.

Categories: DD Suggestions Help