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Suggestion 675 Marriage Location Country not recognised

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 14 Feb 2021
Location: Worldwidemap
Surnames/tags: data_doctors db_error_675
This page has been accessed 737 times.

Description of Warning - 675: Marriage Location Country not recognised

The marriage location is not entered in the accepted WikiTree format due to a possible typo, the location is not recognized in predefined countries or missing in the predefined countries list. This warning is calculated only for orphaned profiles.

Content of info column: Empty

Possible Causes

Caused by a typo, or the location is not recognized in predefined countries, or the location is missing in the predefined countries list.

Action Steps

Correct the Marriage location. If you think the country form is correct, ask for correction of the Predefined countries listing in G2G, or in the Data Doctors Google Group (if you are a member).

Warning Status

For each Warning you can set status. You can set it as Corrected, Not corrected, False Warning, Proposed merge or just add a Comment.

If there are related errors for the profile, you will also see them on status page.

Full description is available on Status Help Page.

Questions and Discussions on this Warning

You can read what other people have asked here db_error_675.

You can also share your best practices, experiences, problems about the Warning by posting a question in G2G. If you create a new G2G discussion for this Warning, add tag data_doctors and db_error_675.

Technical Stuff

This suggestion is calculated only for orphaned profiles. Ending of each entered Marriage location is checked if it is in the Predefined countries list. I do the recognition based on This definitions are still being added, so ask for additions if needed.

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Comments: 8

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Could we change this line from yes to no, please?

Acadia, New France 476 -1 Yes

Thank you.

posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Done. It will not report an error.

Are the others correct?

posted by Aleš Trtnik
Sorry I thought yes meant it was allowed and no it was not. That no meant an error. We haven't been getting errors on the Acadia, New France up to now. We would like it to report the error. The others look fine if yes means allowed.
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Yes / no is more like informative value. So I and others know what is correct and what isn't. To actually report a suggestion, I need to set it to 618 and that form will create report an error. I did set it up.
posted by Aleš Trtnik
Great, thank you. Appreciate your help.
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
For errors of this type, could there be a link to the table of the allowed location names? It would make it much easier to fix them.
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
There is in the Technical Stuff section.
posted by Aleš Trtnik
Thank you Ales, I never thought of looking at that section since "Technical Stuff" would likely be not for me, as you probably already know. Perhaps that could be renamed to Locations Table or something close to that?
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper

Categories: DD Suggestions Help