Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Categorization DB_Error_8003

Description of Error - 8003: WideMinus in Category Name
Category Name contains either an En Dash (–) or Em Dash (—) instead of a hyphen (-).
Content of info column: N/A
Possible Causes
Special characters, including the En Dash (–) and Em Dash (—) are not allowed in category names. In many cases, the En Dash (–) or Em Dash (—) is introduced by a user who has copy/pasted information from another website or program, such as Microsoft Word (which provides automatic formatting).
The incorrect format is:
[[Category:Baden—Württemberg, Germany]]
The correct format is:
[[Category:Baden-Württemberg, Germany]]
Action Steps
To fix this error, the page must be renamed.
- If the correct page name already exists, add {{Rename Category|Correct Category Name}} to the category page;
- If the correct page name does not already exist:
- Copy all content from the page;
- Replace the content with {{Rename Category|Correct Category Name}};
- After you save, click on the red [[Category Link]] on the page and paste all information that was copied from the previous page.
Questions and Discussions on this Error
You can read what other people have asked here db_error_8003.
You can also share your best practices, experiences, problems about the Error by posting a question in G2G. If you create a new G2G discussion for this Error, add tag categorization and db_error_8003.
Technical Stuff
All categories are checked for En Dash (–) or and Dash (—) in the category name.
Suggestion reports
You can see the weekly prepared list of the latest suggestions prepared on February 2nd 2025. You can also get the online report on WikiTree+.- This page is part of the Categorization Project.
- Latest report: February 2nd 2025.
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- Custom reports by: Suggestion lists, Unsourced lists, Unconnected lists.
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- Latest ProjectBox Report: Project Report
- Latest Categories Report: Categories Suggestions Report
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