
DD Challenge Location XV

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 20 Jan 2020 to 27 Jan 2020
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: data_doctors challenges
This page has been accessed 948 times.
This page is part of the Data Doctors Project.
Latest report: November 3rd 2024.
Data Doctors Challenge: Fix_Broken_Links_XIV and .
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Suggestions List

Location suggestions

Suggestion report for Location suggestions. There were 175528 suggestions on 2020-01-19.

175528 Suggestions on 20200119 Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Open Hidden New
601 Wrong word in birth location 1113 275 31 24 597 186 169 221 8
603 USA too early in birth location 15625 15625 15625 1234 307
604 Birth location too short video
Play the video.
3050 375 544 523 1228 380 2013 121 3
605 Number in birth location 662 254 290 118 1 242 1
606 Bogus birth location 0 1
607 Misspelled word in birth location 310 21 8 28 141 112 60 59 2
608 Misspelled country in birth location 1234 111 40 40 693 350 282 416 19
609 Wrong character in birth location 512 18 4 125 356 9 431 269
610 Birth location in uppercase 790 90 419 281 1 166 1
611 Birth location in lowercase 1550 231 759 559 1 3 9 1
612 Location too early in birth location 18073 1 1809 15889 268 106 17813 556 374
614 Birth location too long 12 4 6 2 4 2
631 Wrong word in death location 7122 323 38 168 5015 1577 1 3897 326 120
633 USA too early in death location 346 18 61 267 346 150 42
634 Death location too short video
Play the video.
3242 267 397 491 1363 724 2362 94 3
635 Number in death location 451 37 227 187 4 125 3
636 Bogus death location 0 3
637 Misspelled word in death location 274 12 6 32 116 108 57 51 3
638 Misspelled country in death location 844 74 34 41 362 333 185 452 5
639 Wrong character in death location 19 3 14 2 7 95
640 Death location in uppercase 673 117 1 309 246 3 51 3
641 Death location in lowercase 1484 320 570 593 1 27
642 Location too early in death location 2162 72 815 1274 1 2162 109 57
644 Death location too long 31 1 18 12 1 2 1
661 Wrong word in marriage location 173 21 8 9 83 52 35 14 3
663 USA too early in marriage location 333 4 4 325 333 44 24
664 Marriage location too short video
Play the video.
293 43 85 14 105 46 121 28 3
665 Number in marriage location 92 24 60 8 6 15 6
667 Misspelled word in marriage location 42 1 12 26 3 21 9 1
668 Misspelled country in marriage location 112 7 15 9 64 17 33 50 8
669 Wrong character in marriage location 14 2 3 8 1 7 63
670 Marriage location in uppercase 72 8 53 11 4
671 Marriage location in lowercase 161 18 98 45 4
672 Location too early in marriage location 1193 1 2 1177 13 1188 159 46
674 Marriage location too long 8 7 1 3
559 Wikidata - Missing birth location 2800 74 350 592 475 965 344 2750 32 10
561 Wikidata - Missing death location 3686 79 552 642 558 1264 591 3632 48 12
579 FindAGrave - Missing birth location video
Play the video.
44740 243 3 173 4311 28154 11856 43886 1056 669
581 FindAGrave - Missing death location video
Play the video.
54280 192 7 232 4334 35599 13916 53117 1640 854

Table prepared at 23.01.2020 01:26:36 (Slovenian time). Condition to prepare list (ErrID is 600..699,559,561,579,581).


Comments: 1

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South Africa - when putting in a suburb of Cape Town - Rondebosch it jumps to Rondebosch Peddie - this is incorrect. Peddie is a small village in the Eastern Cape of South Africa and most certainly does not have a suburb named Rondebosch. There may well be a farm in the District by this name but will not have many persons living there past or present.
posted by David Slingsby

Categories: DD Challenges