
DD Challenge Locations

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 28 Aug 2017 to 4 Sep 2017
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: data_doctors challenges
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This week's Data Doctors Challenge theme: Locations (600 Errors)

For details on how the Data Doctors Challenge works, see the Challenge page.

Top 10

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Error List

Location suggestions

Suggestion report for Location suggestions. There were 387448 suggestions on 2017-08-27.

Condition to prepare list (SQL is ([Default].[ErrorID] In 600..699)).

387448 Suggestions Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Open New
601 Wrong word in birth location 6604 525 23 291 1019 3931 815 5236 53
603 USA too early in birth location 182585 30087 152498 182585 594
604 Birth location too short 6253 740 700 836 3262 715 4544 71
605 Number in birth location 405 273 1 97 34 77 8
606 Bogus birth location 1 1 1
607 Misspelled word in birth location 5189 97 534 1433 2764 361 4653 60
608 Misspelled country in birth location 11286 254 373 1796 7528 1335 9756 160
609 Wrong character in birth location 3366 167 418 1375 1363 43 3195
610 Birth location in uppercase 15666 176 869 1886 10905 1830 14422 91
611 Birth location in lowercase 27518 755 584 4234 17092 4851 2 21848 99
631 Wrong word in death location 6883 416 19 163 739 4923 623 5360 77
632 Y death location 220 11 203 6 3
633 USA too early in death location 53633 600 33150 19882 1 53632 112
634 Death location too short 6560 596 74 575 995 3460 860 5206 53
635 Number in death location 191 59 2 11 80 39 28 10
636 Bogus death location 2 2 2
637 Misspelled word in death location 847 20 177 153 330 167 513 38
638 Misspelled country in death location 4709 201 1 161 475 2812 1059 3762 113
639 Wrong character in death location 2272 200 521 949 539 63 2180
640 Death location in uppercase 8826 217 317 771 6132 1389 7807 80
641 Death location in lowercase 15962 661 182 1632 9664 3821 2 11943 101
661 Wrong word in marriage location 1504 58 8 93 340 882 123 1315 6
663 USA too early in marriage location 17254 169 4830 12251 4 17253 72
664 Marriage location too short 1462 120 165 138 917 122 1110 13
665 Number in marriage location 87 40 2 3 29 13 17 4
667 Misspelled word in marriage location 89 2 3 19 56 9 38 7
668 Misspelled country in marriage location 316 20 13 32 197 54 153 50
669 Wrong character in marriage location 791 36 248 352 149 6 781
670 Marriage location in uppercase 2544 70 11 126 360 1915 62 2351 14
671 Marriage location in lowercase 4423 174 61 651 3069 468 3435 35

Table prepared at 29.08.2017 2:55:57 (Slovenian time).



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Categories: DD Challenges