
DD Challenge Locations II

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 9 Oct 2017 to 16 Oct 2017
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: data_doctors challenges
This page has been accessed 2,471 times.
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Latest report: January 19th 2025.
Data Doctors Challenge: Reference_Tags_LXI and .
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Errors List

Location suggestions

Suggestion report for Location suggestions. There were 396622 suggestions on 2017-10-08.

Condition to prepare list (SQL is ([Default].[ErrorID] In 600..699)).

396622 Suggestions Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Open New
601 Wrong word in birth location 9466 627 18 477 1586 5792 966 7717 48
603 USA too early in birth location 175717 28149 147568 175717 304
604 Birth location too short 6145 712 1 680 826 3237 689 4457 17
605 Number in birth location 332 255 1 57 19 8 4
607 Misspelled word in birth location 4049 89 6 479 1070 2169 236 3520 44
608 Misspelled country in birth location 9208 249 326 1619 6382 632 7709 127
609 Wrong character in birth location 2829 134 389 1095 1171 40 2673
610 Birth location in uppercase 13612 162 819 1844 9817 970 12387 35
611 Birth location in lowercase 24415 717 577 4079 15566 3474 2 18776 69
631 Wrong word in death location 37016 1140 86 417 3222 25775 6375 1 31496 227
633 USA too early in death location 50478 585 31242 18650 1 50477 91
634 Death location too short 6474 575 61 562 1007 3432 837 5130 23
635 Number in death location 168 60 1 2 73 32 8 6
636 Bogus death location 2 1 1 2
637 Misspelled word in death location 962 25 5 81 217 443 191 633 14
638 Misspelled country in death location 4470 199 160 512 2751 848 3550 68
639 Wrong character in death location 1982 164 482 816 458 62 1901
640 Death location in uppercase 7651 175 273 745 5613 845 6653 32
641 Death location in lowercase 14140 591 174 1557 8899 2917 2 10147 58
661 Wrong word in marriage location 2262 83 23 218 442 1313 183 2009 7
663 USA too early in marriage location 16099 161 4409 11528 1 16098 27
664 Marriage location too short 1423 118 164 140 890 111 1076 3
665 Number in marriage location 77 40 3 23 11 7 1
667 Misspelled word in marriage location 192 4 1 14 41 119 13 146 10
668 Misspelled country in marriage location 342 17 10 41 225 49 188 19
669 Wrong character in marriage location 720 31 247 330 110 2 711
670 Marriage location in uppercase 2212 63 115 332 1642 60 2020 10
671 Marriage location in lowercase 4179 134 54 625 2928 438 3200 16

Table prepared at 10.10.2017 2:18:25 (Slovenian time).


Comments: 2

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I know we're all speeding through these corrections, but slow it down and look at the profile after you update the status. I'm finding a ton of errors that are marked corrected, but are actually NOT corrected. Just look it over, ensure you corrected everthing you marked as corrected. THANKS.
posted by Natalie (Durbin) Trott
I am disappointed that the challenge doesn't allow us to indicate when additional corrections are needed and completed.

Jon P Czarowitz Czarowitz-1

Categories: DD Challenges