
DD Challenge Locations III

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 13 Nov 2017 to 20 Nov 2017
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: data_doctors challenges
This page has been accessed 704 times.
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Errors List

Location suggestions

Suggestion report for Location suggestions. There were 380076 suggestions on 2017-11-12.

Condition to prepare list (SQL is ([Default].[ErrorID] In 600..699)).

380076 Suggestions Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Open New
601 Wrong word in birth location 8157 504 15 76 1479 5368 715 6419 60
603 USA too early in birth location 169593 25921 143672 169593 540
604 Birth location too short 5892 695 1 625 818 3113 640 4238 39
605 Number in birth location 321 248 1 52 20 9 8
606 Bogus birth location 1 1 1
607 Misspelled word in birth location 2713 82 392 862 1195 182 2189 73
608 Misspelled country in birth location 7789 249 3 256 1375 5264 642 6293 180
609 Wrong character in birth location 3743 119 372 1588 1576 88 3587 680
610 Birth location in uppercase 11603 150 374 1682 8678 719 10390 116
611 Birth location in lowercase 19210 672 489 3831 11154 3062 2 13594 62
612 Location too early in birth location 9769 1 386 1833 6231 1318 9450 27
631 Wrong word in death location 36368 1114 77 368 3214 25256 6338 1 30909 220
633 USA too early in death location 47546 577 28976 17992 1 47545 121
634 Death location too short 6214 541 63 535 987 3281 807 4891 38
635 Number in death location 164 56 1 1 74 32 8 7
636 Bogus death location 6 2 4 6 1
637 Misspelled word in death location 675 17 70 171 251 166 350 29
638 Misspelled country in death location 4042 183 1 144 481 2402 831 3138 92
639 Wrong character in death location 2258 111 465 1032 569 81 2178 263
640 Death location in uppercase 6779 172 175 620 5045 767 5790 42
641 Death location in lowercase 11599 597 129 1370 6812 2689 2 7624 76
642 Location too early in death location 2398 48 1 134 347 1729 139 2395 2
661 Wrong word in marriage location 1575 77 20 180 342 828 128 1330 6
663 USA too early in marriage location 13865 77 3098 10689 1 13864 35
664 Marriage location too short 1218 113 142 127 751 85 878 10
665 Number in marriage location 73 40 22 11 3 1
667 Misspelled word in marriage location 99 4 8 19 60 8 51 10
668 Misspelled country in marriage location 246 15 5 23 158 45 101 31
669 Wrong character in marriage location 725 29 246 335 113 2 716 24
670 Marriage location in uppercase 1587 25 2 55 262 1188 55 1413 2
671 Marriage location in lowercase 2948 112 3 473 2042 318 2005 20
672 Location too early in marriage location 900 12 65 121 699 3 882 2

Table prepared at 14.11.2017 0:25:05 (Slovenian time).


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posted by Steven Tibbetts

Categories: DD Challenges