
DD Challenge Orphaned Profiles VI

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 3 Sep 2018 to 10 Sep 2018
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: data_doctors challenges
This page has been accessed 990 times.
This page is part of the Data Doctors Project.
Latest report: February 9th 2025.
Data Doctors Challenge: Fix_Broken_Links_XVI and .
Custom reports by: Suggestion lists, Unsourced lists, Unconnected lists.
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Top 10

Error List


Suggestion report for Orphans. There were 437149 suggestions on 2018-09-02.

437149 Suggestions Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Open New
103 Death before birth 44 17 4 22 1 42
104 Too old 654 17 143 217 276 1 654 1
111 Died too young to be parent 10 3 1 4 2 10
131 No Dates - No Dates on relatives - Open - Unknown Status 70003 70003 70003 741
132 No Dates - No Dates on relatives - Open - Status Died 2628 2628 2628 4
133 No Dates - Dates on relatives - Open - Unknown Status 137658 137658 137658 522
134 No Dates - Dates on relatives - Open - Status Died 9494 9494 9494 36
205 Father is too young or not born 4041 185 554 1079 1975 247 1 4024 6
206 Father is too old 316 44 129 118 25 316 1
210 Father was dead before birth 3984 126 292 781 1186 1566 33 3978 13
305 Mother too young or not born 6034 248 811 1692 2932 350 1 6003 8
306 Mother is too old 265 29 114 107 15 265
310 Mother was dead before birth 4778 75 183 919 1669 1929 3 4778 8
404 Marriage before birth 687 27 54 207 383 15 1 682 1
405 Married too old 85 24 61 85
406 Marriage after death 974 21 29 183 294 418 29 972 6
407 Lived too long after marriage 1 1 1
412 Marriage End before marriage 1 1 1 1
414 Marriage End before birth 1 1 1
415 Marriage End too old 1 1 1 1
416 Marriage End after death 637 1 32 188 193 209 14 637 6
105 Duplicate sibling 24 5 12 7 20
106 Duplicates between global tree and unconnected 72 2 15 43 12 68 9
112 Person is Father and mother 5 3 2 4
113 Duplicate in relatives 15 7 2 4 2 13
201 Father is self 1 1
202 Parents are same 1 1
207 Father is also a child 1 1 1
208 Father is also a spouse 1 1 1
209 Father is also a sibling 21 9 4 1 3 4 17
211 Duplicate sibling by father 9 1 2 5 1 9 2
213 Missing fathers DNA confirmation 353 1 9 241 102 330 6
308 Mother is also a spouse 2 1 1 2
309 Mother is also a sibling 1 1 1
311 Duplicate sibling by mother 4 1 3 4 2
313 Missing mothers DNA confirmation 332 1 6 206 119 307 6
408 Multiple marriages on same day 346 16 35 108 178 9 341 14
409 Marriage to duplicate person 502 62 4 70 206 147 13 490 32
418 Partner is also a sibling 43 2 2 21 18 42 1
901 Unconnected empty public profiles 363 363
902 Unconnected empty open profiles 8848 8848 8848 103
511 Unique names (spelling) 45031 9380 600 2022 3232 21417 8351 29 43830 108
711 Separators in Prefix 1 1 1
713 Suffix in Prefix 3 1 2 2 1
714 Wrong word in Prefix 3 2 1 3
721 Separators in First Name 1615 486 792 337 1427 9
722 Number in First Name 16 16
723 Prefix in First Name 1210 159 141 45 100 734 31 1179
724 Wrong word in First Name 422 106 24 18 76 198 398 7
725 Wrong character in First Name 1 1 1
731 Separators in Preferred Name 104 66 14 24 5
732 Number in Preferred Name 2 2
733 Prefix in Preferred Name 38 9 1 4 2 14 8 24 2
734 Wrong word in Preferred Name 28 8 3 6 11 7 1
735 Wrong character in Preferred Name 1 1 1
741 Separators in Middle Name 21 4 1 12 4 17
742 Number in Middle Name 1 1
743 Prefix in Middle Name 567 6 1 22 379 159 564 5
744 Wrong word in Middle Name 213 1 6 168 38 212 4
751 Separators in Nicknames 30 2 4 1 2 15 6 30
753 Prefix in Nicknames 316 24 25 25 56 117 69 316 5
754 Wrong word in Nicknames 50 7 1 6 1 28 7 50
761 Separators in Suffix 29 1 1 19 8 26
762 Number in Suffix 4 4 1
763 Prefix in Suffix 58 2 27 9 20 33
771 Separators in Last Name at Birth 135 31 3 24 30 39 8 124
774 Wrong word in Last Name at Birth 349 93 2 49 78 113 14 337
775 Wrong character in Last Name at Birth 18 11 7 18
781 Separators in Current Last Name 39 9 6 8 5 6 5 33
784 Wrong word in Current Last Name 2 1 1 1 1
791 Separators in Last Name Other 9 1 2 3 3 7
794 Wrong word in Last Name Other 3 1 1 1 3
912 Swedish patronym SSON for female 72 72 72 1
203 Father is Female 20 2 3 3 12 11
204 Father has no Gender 20 20
303 Mother is Male 15 7 8 9
304 Mother has no Gender 18 18
402 Unknown gender of spouse 20 20 2 2
403 Single sex marriage 15 3 4 4 4 8 2
501 Wrong gender (male) 251 60 1 9 21 118 42 238 9
502 Missing gender (male) 64 47 8 9 7 3
503 Probably wrong gender (male) 707 176 46 65 336 84 697 4
504 Missing gender (probably male) 48 29 10 9 20 3
505 Wrong gender (female) 378 77 2 60 196 43 374 5
506 Missing gender (female) 79 41 20 18 31 4
507 Probably wrong gender (female) 458 77 14 69 240 58 450 2
508 Missing gender (probably female) 23 10 7 6 5
509 Missing gender 2643 1377 28 139 780 317 2 2497 3
510 Unique name without gender 557 246 10 20 181 99 1 520 3
601 Wrong word in birth location 17 1 2 13 1 11 2
603 USA too early in birth location 14146 353 13793 14146 44
604 Birth location too short 571 41 70 35 286 139 538 3
605 Number in birth location 209 9 5 2 180 13 202 2
607 Misspelled word in birth location 18 3 13 2 18 5
608 Misspelled country in birth location 63 7 3 10 23 20 54 14
609 Wrong character in birth location 278 29 249 278
610 Birth location in uppercase 24 1 3 12 8 24 5
611 Birth location in lowercase 1488 19 2 862 605 1466 193
612 Location too early in birth location 3 1 2 3 3
614 Birth location too long 50 33 17 50
631 Wrong word in death location 4805 53 2 1 190 3386 1173 3770 39
633 USA too early in death location 1353 4 519 830 1353 5
634 Death location too short 460 19 1 71 66 160 143 449 14
635 Number in death location 288 1 21 33 211 22 287
637 Misspelled word in death location 9 1 7 1 8 1
638 Misspelled country in death location 30 4 3 13 10 27 10
640 Death location in uppercase 22 13 9 21 2
641 Death location in lowercase 193 7 1 10 175 181 172
642 Location too early in death location 1 1 1 1
644 Death location too long 3 1 1 1 3 1
661 Wrong word in marriage location 7 1 3 3 7
663 USA too early in marriage location 558 1 38 519 558 4
664 Marriage location too short 21 4 5 2 9 1 18
665 Number in marriage location 43 1 3 15 23 1 43 1
667 Misspelled word in marriage location 6 1 3 2 5 2
668 Misspelled country in marriage location 17 1 6 6 4 16 8
670 Marriage location in uppercase 9 3 6 9 2
671 Marriage location in lowercase 534 4 2 2 289 237 530 29
674 Marriage location too long 5 1 4 5
109 Profile should be open (birth date) 29 29
110 Profile should be open (death date) 15 2 12 1 1
212 Profile should be open (Child birth date) 139 139 4
312 Profile should be open (Child birth date) 295 295 5
802 Empty profile 3945 1782 58 23 1853 229 3609 47
803 Almost empty profile 6873 1872 68 138 632 3060 1103 6861 176
811 Uncleaned profile after merge 15411 894 211 1394 2888 9095 928 1 15278 9
821 Headings starts with blank 4 1 2 1 4 4
822 Heading doesn't end with = 459 2 1 3 416 37 458 3
823 Heading doesn't start with = 369 10 300 59 369 5
824 Heading different number of = 57 1 17 37 2 57 6
825 Use separator line ---- 3 2 1 3
831 Multiple duplicated lines 13446 166 3 322 775 10088 2092 13419 13
835 Local file reference 5615 379 88 408 3626 1114 5496 1
851 GEDCOM uncleaned Interpret date 6174 2560 218 841 2207 348 6101 7
852 GEDCOM uncleaned Parse Lastname 1647 918 12 1 3 710 3 1554
861 Inline citation doesn't start with <ref> 5 1 4 4 3
862 Inline citation doesn't end with </ref> 511 14 493 4 507 6
863 Missing <references /> tag 91 4 3 53 31 68 16
841 Template doesn't start with double { 4 2 2 4 4
842 Template doesn't end with double } 8 3 3 2 8 5
843 Missing template (spelling) 50 7 7 6 23 7 50 9
845 Direct usage of base templates 112 3 2 24 32 51 111
846 Died before template time frame 29 12 1 12 4 29
847 Born after template time frame 27 8 6 12 1 27
848 Error in template parameters 77 2 1 1 11 51 11 77 3
552 Wikidata - Different gender 5 2 1 2 5
553 Wikidata - Empty birth date 24 24 24 1
554 Wikidata - Imprecise birth date 161 2 27 44 73 15 161 6
555 Wikidata - Different birth date 465 43 85 89 181 67 464 10
556 Wikidata - Empty death date 9 2 2 2 3 9
557 Wikidata - Imprecise death date 208 5 11 46 53 75 18 208 11
558 Wikidata - Different death date 405 8 32 64 88 162 51 405 14
559 Wikidata - Missing birth location 513 16 31 132 85 161 88 513 21
561 Wikidata - Missing death location 585 13 42 123 94 210 103 585 20
563 Wikidata - Possible duplicate by father 20 4 6 2 1 7 20 11
564 Wikidata - Possible father 19 3 3 3 9 1 16 5
565 Wikidata - Possible duplicate by mother 6 4 1 1 6 4
566 Wikidata - Possible mother 12 2 2 3 1 3 1 11 2
568 Wikidata - Unconnected branches to global tree 1420 23 9 112 133 643 500 1414 40
569 Wikidata - Unconnected orphans to global tree 2309 8 11 32 224 1221 813 2308 29
571 FindAGrave - Link without Grave ID 7299 45 29 708 4678 1839 7283 10
572 FindAGrave - Linked grave not matching profile 4726 357 70 666 2869 764 4726 15
573 FindAGrave - Empty birth date 15 15 14 2
574 FindAGrave - Imprecise birth date 3484 10 263 2597 614 3484 32
575 FindAGrave - Different birth date 5914 1 63 767 4305 778 5914 47
576 FindAGrave - Empty death date 1013 8 1 8 140 820 36 1011 20
577 FindAGrave - Imprecise death date 3602 13 18 290 2508 773 3602 38
578 FindAGrave - Different death date 2819 13 46 494 1808 458 2819 27
579 FindAGrave - Missing birth location 5112 28 1 12 480 3136 1455 5112 60
581 FindAGrave - Missing death location 7187 45 21 526 4665 1930 7187 83
585 FindAGrave - Multiple profiles link to same grave ID 241 1 5 68 154 13 237 20
587 FindAGrave - Link to nonexisting Grave ID 3 2 1 3 1

Table prepared at 03.09.2018 21:43:44 (Slovenian time). Condition to prepare list (SQL is ([Default].[Manager1 WID].AsString = ) Or (([Default].[Is 2].AsBoolean And [Default].[Manager2 WID].AsString = ))).



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