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Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Igo Igou
DNA genealogy of the Igo family name
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If you have a last name of Igo/Igoe/Igou/Igon/Igouffe or have an ancestor with one of those names, and would like to organize this page to display your DNA findings along with those of other members of the Igo Name Study then please contact Jon Crawford.
Relevant DNA information will be added here as it is discovered, regarding haplogroup distribution within the Igo surname across the globe, tools and resources for researching your DNA results and interpretation of findings as they are discovered.
Known Igo lineages include:
- Descendants of Henri Jourdain Louis Igou (abt.1660-), born in France and migrated to England (Huguenot) and a generation later to Maryland. Due to DNA testing of a male Igo descendant, believed to be Y haplogroup branch of R-L151 (terminal SNP unknown).
- Descendants of Igoe in Ireland - unknown
- Descendants of Igo/e in England - unknown
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