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D Templeton DNA Sandbox

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This page has been accessed 121 times.
Debra Templeton
GEDMatch ID: T441204

Chromosome 16

Your run match with Pam Heather - :
Chr Start Location End Location Centimorgans (cM) SNPs
16 52,423,202 78,227,792 35.1 6,785
16 78,240,204 81,649,731 9.0 1,537
Your Match with Dug McVey - GEDmatch: A852189
Chr Start Location End Location Centimorgans (cM) SNPs
16 52,423,202 78,227,792 35.1 6,785
16 78,240,204 81,649,731 9.0 1,537
Your Match with Brian McVey, GEDmatch ID: A513195
Chr Start Location End Location Centimorgans (cM) SNPs
16 52,112,725 78,852,958 36.9 4,281

I re-ran the analysis on possible matches between your known Templeton Cousins and Shelly's Dug, Brian and Pam – definitely no matches to your know Templeton DNA Cousins, Earle, RT Arnold and Lisa Templeton Dellinger.

Since your Paternal line is Templeton (and your mother and father do not share DNA) and you have no matches through your Templeton's to the individuals Shelly put forward, this would lead me to state that the match to Pam, Dug and Brian is through your mothers line.

Brian and Earle (Templeton Cousin to D.) - Largest segment = 0.0 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 0.0 cM (2228) No shared DNA segments found

Dug and Earle - Largest segment = 0.0 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 0.0 cM (2228) No shared DNA segments found

Pam Heather and Earle - Largest segment = 0.0 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 0.0 cM (2228) No shared DNA segments found

Dug and RT Arnold (Templeton Cousin to D.) - Largest segment = 0.0 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 0.0 cM (2228) No shared DNA segments found

Brian and RT Arnold - Largest segment = 0.0 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 0.0 cM (2228) No shared DNA segments found

Pam Heather and RT Arnold - Largest segment = 0.0 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 0.0 cM (2228) No shared DNA segments found

Brain and Lisa Templeton Dellinger (Templeton Cousin to D.) - Largest segment = 0.0 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 0.0 cM (2228) No shared DNA segments found

Dug and Lisa Templeton Dellinger Largest segment = 0.0 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 0.0 cM (2228) No shared DNA segments found

Pam Heather and Lisa Templeton Dellinger - Largest segment = 0.0 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 0.0 cM (2228) No shared DNA segments found

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