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Dambusters - 617 Squadron

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 16 May 1943 to 17 May 1943
Location: Germanymap
Surnames/tags: Lancaster_Bomber 617_Squadron Dambusters
Profile manager: Kevin Sands private message [send private message]
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'Operation Chastise'

One of the most well-known raids by the Royal Air Force was that of 617 Squadron's raid on three heavily defended dams in Germany's Ruhr Valley: the Möhne, Eder, and Sorpe. There were also three alternative sites: the Ennepe, Lister, and Diemel dams. This squadron was formed for the sole purpose of disrupting the German water supply for industrial and domestic use by destroying these dams.

The raid comprised crew members from Britain (RAF), Canada (RCAF), Australia (RAAF), New Zealand (RNZAF) and an American flying in 3 wave formations: 9 planes (in 3 groups of 3) in the 1st wave, and 5 planes each in the 2nd and 3rd waves. The crews were chosen by Guy Gibson because of their ability to fly low and at night.

Known as Operation Chastise, the raid took place in the darkness of the 16th/17th May 1943. A total of 133 men flying in 19 Avro Lancaster bombers (seven crew per plane) took off knowing their chances of returning were slim at best. Fifty-three men died, three men were taken prisoner, eight planes did not return and three planes had to turn back.

The Dambusters

Rank Abbreviations

W/Cdr. = Wing Commander
Sq/Ldr. = Squadron Leader
Flt. Lt. = Flight Lieutenant
F/Sgt. = Flight Sergeant
Sgt. = Sergeant
P/O. = Pilot Officer
F/O. = Flight Officer
WO = Warrant Officer
WO1 = Warrant Officer 1st class
WO2 = Warrant Officer 2nd Class

Aircraft Identification List

  • NOTE: Aircraft numbers (Ac#) 01 - 09 were in 'Wave 1' (RED Group); (Ac#) 10 - 14 in 'Wave 2' (GREY Group); (Ac#) 15 - 19 in 'Wave 3' (WHITE Group).
  • NOTE: Click on bold Aircraft-Id. for a photo of the crew; click on any Call Sign for all 'Chastise' mission crews.
  • NOTE: Aircraft, details in RED, were lost during the raid.
19 Avro Lancaster aircraft.
Ac# Aircraft Id. Call Sign Serial No. Wave/Sub-wave
01 AJ-G GEORGEED932/G1st/1st
03 AJ-P PETER (POPSIE)ED909/G1st/1st
05 AJ-J JOHNNYED906/G1st/2nd
06 AJ-L LEATHERED929/G1st/2nd
09 AJ-N NANCY (NAN)ED912/G1st/3rd
11 AJ-W WILLIEED921/G2nd
13 AJ-H HARRYED936/G2nd
14 AJ-T TOMMYED825/G2nd
17 AJ-F FREDDYED918/G3rd
18 AJ-O ORANGEED886/G3rd
19 AJ-Y YORKED924/G3rd

Air Crew Station

  • NOTE: The uppercase letter (left, in the table below) indicates the crew members station within the aircraft.
Pilot = Pilot
Fl/E = Flight Engineer
Nav = Navigator
W/O = Wireless Operator
B/A = Bomb Aimer
F/G = Front Gunner
R/G = Rear Gunner

Aircrew List

  • NOTE: Click on surnames in BLUE and underlined. to view their personal profile.
  • NOTE: Aircraft number details (Ac#) can be found in the 'Aircraft identification List' table above, and the crewmember's Station in the 'Air Crew Station' list above. 'Red type' indicates 'died'.
  • NOTE: Awards listed are those held before the Dambusters raid.
Nineteen aircraft - 133 men. (Most columns can be sorted).
Ac#-Station Surname / Photo First Name Rank Nationality Awards Outcome
01 Pilot GIBSON [1] Guy Penrose W/Cdr. British DSO & Bar,
DFC & Bar
01 Fl/E PULFORD [2] John Sgt. British DFM Survived
01 Nav TAERUM [3] Harlo Torger P/O. Canadian DFC Survived
01 W/O HUTCHISON [4] Robert Edward
Flt. Lt. British Bar to DFC Survived
01 B/A SPAFFORD [5] Frederick Michael P/O. Australian DFM Survived
01 F/G DEERING [6] George Andrew F/Sgt. Canadian Survived
01 R/G TREVOR-ROPER [7] Richard Algernon
Flt. Lt. British DFM Survived
02 Pilot HOPGOOD [8] John Vere Flt. Lt. British DFC & Bar Died
02 Fl/E BRENNAN [9] Charles Sgt. Canadian Died
02 Nav EARNSHAW [10] Kenneth F/O. Canadian Died
02 W/O MINCHIN [11] John William Sgt. British Died
02 B/A FRASER [12] James W. P/O. Canadian DFC P.O.W.
02 F/G GREGORY [13] George Henry
Ford Goodwin
P/O. British DFM Died
02 R/G BURCHER [14] Anthony Fisher P/O. Australian DFM P.O.W.
03 Pilot MARTIN [15] Harold Brownlow
Flt. Lt. Australian DFC Survived
03 Fl/E WHITTAKER [16] Ivan P/O. British Survived
03 Nav LEGGO[17] Jack Frederick Flt. Lt. Australian DFC Survived
03 W/O CHAMBERS [18] Leonard F/O. New Zealand Survived
03 B/A HAY [19] Robert Claude Flt. Lt. Australian DFC Survived
03 F/G FOXLEE [20] Bertie Towner P/O. Australian DFM, DFC Survived
03 R/G SIMPSON [21] Thomas D. F/Sgt. Australian Survived
04 Pilot YOUNG [22] Henry Melvin Sq/Ldr. British DFC & Bar Died
04 Fl/E HORSFALL [23] David Taylor Sgt. British Died
04 Nav ROBERTS [24] Charles Walpole F/Sgt. British Died
04 W/O NICHOLS [25] Lawrence William Sgt. British Died
04 B/A MacCAUSLAND [26] Vincent Sanford F/O. Canadian Died
04 F/G YEO [27] Gordon Arthur Sgt. British Died
04 R/G IBBOTSON [28] Wilfred Sgt. British Died
05 Pilot MALTBY [29] David John Hatfeild Flt. Lt. British DFC Survived
05 Fl/E HATTON [30] William F/Sgt. British Survived
05 Nav NICHOLSON [31] Vivian Sgt. British DFM Survived
05 W/O STONE [32] Antony J. B. Sgt. British Survived
05 B/A FORT [33] John P/O. British Survived
05 F/G HILL [34] Victor Sgt. British Survived
05 R/G SIMMONDS [35] Harold T. Sgt. British Survived
06 Pilot SHANNON [36] David John Flt. Lt. Australian DFC Survived
06 Fl/E HENDERSON [37] Robert J. Sgt. British Survived
06 Nav WALKER [38] Daniel Revie F/O. Canadian DFC Survived
06 W/O GOODALE [39] Brian F/O. British DFC Survived
06 B/A SUMPTER [40] Leonard J. F/Sgt. British Survived
06 F/G JAGGER [41] Brian Sgt. British Survived
06 R/G BUCKLEY [42] Jack F/O. British Survived
07 Pilot MAUDSLAY [43] Henry Eric Sq/Ldr. British DFC Died
07 Fl/E MARRIOTT [44] John Sgt. British DFM Died
07 Nav URQUART [45] Robert Alexander F/O. Canadian DFC Died
07 W/O COTTAM [46] Alden Preston WO2 Canadian Died
07 B/A FULLER [47] Michael John
P/O. British Died
07 F/G TYTHERLEIGH [48] William John F/O. British Died
07 R/G BURROWS [49] Norman Rupert Sgt. British Died
08 Pilot ASTELL [50] William Flt. Lt. British DFC Died
08 Fl/E KINNEAR [51] John Sgt. British Died
08 Nav WILE [52] Floyd Alvin P/O. Canadian Died
08 W/O GARSHOWITZ [53] Abram Albert WO2 Canadian Died
08 B/A HOPKINSON [54] Donald F/O. British Died
08 F/G GARBAS [55] Francis Anthony F/Sgt. Canadian Died
08 R/G BOLITHO [56] Richard Sgt. British Died
09 Pilot KNIGHT [57] Leslie Gordon P/O. Australian Survived
09 Fl/E GRAYSTON [58] Raymond E. Sgt. British Survived
09 Nav HOBDAY [59] Harold Sidney F/O. British Survived
09 W/O KELLOW [60] Robert George Thomas F/Sgt. Australian Survived
09 B/A JOHNSON [61] Edward Cuthbert F/O. British Survived
09 F/G SUTHERLAND [62] Frederick E. Sgt. Canadian Survived
09 R/G O'BRIEN [63] Henry Earl Sgt. Canadian Survived
10 Pilot BARLOW [64] Robert Norman
Flt. Lt. Australian DFC Died
10 Fl/E WHILLIS [65] Samuel Leslie P/O. British Died
10 Nav BURGESS [66] Philip Sidney F/O. British Died
10 W/O WILLIAMS [67] Charles Rowland F/O. Australian DFC Died
10 B/A GILLESPIE [68] Alan P/O. British DFM Died
10 F/G GLINZ [69] Harvey Sterling F/O. Canadian Died
10 R/G LIDDELL [70] Jack Robert
Sgt. British Died
11 Pilot MUNRO [71] John Leslie Flt. Lt. New Zealand Survived
11 Fl/E APPLEBY [72] Frank Ernest Sgt. British Survived
11 Nav RUMBLES [73] Francis Grant F/O. British Survived
11 W/O PIGEON [74] Percy Edgar W.O. Canadian Survived
11 B/A CLAY [75] James H. Sgt. British Survived
11 F/G HOWARTH [76] William Sgt. British Survived
11 R/G WEEKS [77] Harvey A. F/Sgt. Canadian Survived
12 Pilot BYERS [78] Vernon William P/O. Canadian Died
12 Fl/E TAYLOR [79] Alistair James Sgt. British Died
12 Nav WARNER [80] James Herbert F/O. British Died
12 W/O WILKINSON [81] John Sgt. British Died
12 B/A WHITAKER [82] Arthur Neville P/O. British Died
12 F/G JARVIE [83] Charles McAllister Sgt. British Died
12 R/G McDOWELL [84] James F/Sgt. Canadian Died
13 Pilot RICE [85] Geoffrey P/O. British Survived
13 Fl/E SMITH [86] Edward Clarence Sgt. British Survived
13 Nav MacFARLANE [87] Richard F/O. British Survived
13 W/O GOWRIE [88] Chester Bruce W.O. Canadian Survived
13 B/A THRASHER [89] John William W.O. Canadian Survived
13 F/G MAYNARD [90] Thomas William Sgt. British Survived
13 R/G BURNS [91] Stephen Sgt. British Survived
14 Pilot McCARTHY [92] Joseph Charles Flt. Lt. American DFC Survived
14 Fl/E RADCLIFFE [93] William Gordon Sgt. Canadian Survived
14 Nav MacLEAN [94] Donald A. F/Sgt. Canadian Survived
14 W/O EATON [95] Leonard Sgt. British Survived
14 B/A JOHNSON [96] George Leonard F/Sgt. British DFM Survived
14 F/G BATSON [97] Ronald Sgt. British Survived
14 R/G RODGER [98] David F/O. Canadian Survived
15 Pilot OTTLEY [99] Warner H. T. P/O. British DFC Died
15 Fl/E MARSDEN [100] Ronald Sgt. British DFM Died
15 Nav BARRETT [101] Jack Kenneth F/O. British DFC Died
15 W/O GUTERMAN [102] Jack Sgt. British DFM Died
15 B/A JOHNSTON [103] Thomas Barr F/Sgt. British Died
15 F/G TEES [104] Frederick Sgt. British P.O.W.
15 R/G STRANGE [105] Harry John Sgt. British Died
16 Pilot BURPEE [106] Lewis Johnstone P/O. Canadian DFM Died
16 Fl/E PEGLER [107] Guy Sgt. British Died
16 Nav JAYE [108] Thomas Sgt. British Died
16 W/O WELLER [109] Leonard George P/O. British Died
16 B/A ARTHUR [110] James Lamb F/Sgt. Canadian Died
16 F/G LONG [111] William Charles
Sgt. British Died
16 R/G BRADY [112] Joseph Gordon WO2 Canadian Died
17 Pilot BROWN [113] Kenneth William F/Sgt. Canadian Survived
17 Fl/E FENERON [114] Harry Basil Sgt. British Survived
17 Nav HEAL [115] Dudley P. Sgt. British Survived
17 W/O HEWSTONE [116] Herbert John Sgt. British Survived
17 B/A OANCIA [117] Stefan Sgt. Canadian Survived
17 F/G ALLATSON [118] Daniel Sgt. British Survived
17 R/G MacDONALD [119] Grant S. F/Sgt. Canadian Survived
18 Pilot TOWNSEND [120] William Clifford F/Sgt. British DFM Survived
18 Fl/E POWELL [121] Dennis John Dean Sgt. British Survived
18 Nav HOWARD [122] Cecil Lancelot P/O. Australian Survived
18 W/O CHALMERS [123] George Alexander F/Sgt. British Survived
18 B/A FRANKLIN [124] Charles Ernest Sgt. British DFM Survived
18 F/G WEBB [125] Douglas Edward Sgt. British Survived
18 R/G WILKINSON [126] Raymond Sgt. British Survived
19 Pilot ANDERSON [127] Cyril Thorpe F/Sgt. British Survived
19 Fl/E PATERSON [128] Robert Campbell Sgt. British Survived
19 Nav NUGENT [129] John Percival Sgt. British Survived
19 W/O BICKLE [130] William Douglas Sgt. British Survived
19 B/A GREEN [131] Gilbert John Sgt. British Survived
19 F/G EWAN [132] Eric Sgt. British Survived
19 R/G BUCK [133] Arthur William Sgt. British Survived


  1. Gibson, G.P.
  2. Pulford, J.
  3. Taerum, H.T.
  4. Hutchinson, R.E.G.
  5. Spafford, F.M.
  6. Deering, G.A.
  7. Trevor-Roper, R.A.D.
  8. Hopgood, J.V.
  9. Brennan, C.
  10. Earnshaw, K.
  11. Minchin, J.W.
  12. Fraser, J.W.
  13. Gregory, G.H.F.G.
  14. Burcher, A.F.
  15. Martin, H.B.M.
  16. Whittaker, I.
  17. Leggo, J.F.
  18. Chambers, L.
  19. Hay, R.C.
  20. Foxlee, B.T.
  21. Simpson, T.D.
  22. Young, H.M.
  23. Horsfall, D.T.
  24. Roberts, C.W.
  25. Nichols, L.W.
  26. MacCausland, V.S.
  27. Yeo, G.A.
  28. Ibbotson, W.
  29. Maltby, D.J.H.
  30. Hatton, W.
  31. Nicholson, V.
  32. Stone, A.J.B.
  33. Fort, J.
  34. Hill, V.
  35. Simmonds, H.T.
  36. Shannon D.J.
  37. Henderson, R.J.
  38. Walker, D.R.
  39. Goodale, B.
  40. Sumpter, L.J.
  41. Jagger, B.
  42. Buckley, J.
  43. Maudslay H.E.
  44. Marriott J.
  45. Urquart, R.A.
  46. Cottam, A.P.
  47. Fuller, M.J.D.
  48. Tytherleigh, W.J.
  49. Burrows, N.R.
  50. Astell, W.
  51. Kinnear, J.
  52. Wile, F.A.
  53. Garshowitz, A.A.
  54. Hopkinson, D.
  55. Garbas, F.A.
  56. Bolitho,R.
  57. Knight, L.G.
  58. Grayston, R.E.
  59. Hobday, H.S.
  60. Kellow, R.G.T.
  61. Johnson, E.C.
  62. Sutherland, F.E.
  63. O'Brien, H.E.
  64. Barlow, R.N.G.
  65. Whillis, S.L.
  66. Burgess, P.S.
  67. Williams, C.R.
  68. Gillespie, A.
  69. Glintz, H.S.
  70. Liddell, J.R.G.
  71. Munro, J.L.
  72. Appleby, F.E.
  73. Rumbles, F.G.
  74. Pigeon, P.E.
  75. Clay J.H.
  76. Howarth W.
  77. Weeks, H.A.
  78. Byers, V.W.
  79. Taylor, A.J.
  80. Warner, J.H.
  81. Wilkinson, J.
  82. Whitaker, A.N.
  83. Jarvie, C.McA.
  84. McDowell, J.
  85. Rice, G.
  86. Smith, E.C.
  87. MacFarlane, R.
  88. Gowrie, C.B.
  89. Thrasher, J.W.
  90. Maynard, T.W.
  91. Burns, S.
  92. McCarthy, J.C.
  93. Radcliffe, W.G.
  94. MacLean, D.A.
  95. Eaton, L.
  96. Johnson, G.L.
  97. Batson, R.
  98. Rodger, D.
  99. Ottley, W.H.T.
  100. Marsden, R.
  101. Barrett, J.K.
  102. Guterman, J.
  103. Johnston, T.B.
  104. Tees, F.
  105. Strange, H.J.
  106. Burpee, L.J.
  107. Pegler, G.
  108. Jaye, T.
  109. Weller, L.G.
  110. Arthur, J.L.
  111. Long, W.C.A.
  112. Brady, J.G.
  113. Brown, K.W.
  114. Feneron, H.B.
  115. Heal, D.P.
  116. Hewstone, H.J.
  117. Oancia, S.
  118. Allatson, D.
  119. MacDonald, G.S.
  120. Townsend, W.C.
  121. Powell, D.J.D.
  122. Howard, C.L.
  123. Chalmers, G.A.
  124. Franklin, C.E.
  125. Webb, D.E.
  126. Wilkinson, R.
  127. Anderson, C.T.
  128. Paterson, R.C.
  129. Nugent, J.P.
  130. Bickle, W.D.
  131. Green, G.J.
  132. Ewan, E.
  133. Buck, A.W.



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Comments: 2

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Hi Kevin, Just added a profile for Pilot Officer Geoffrey Rice Rice-17256 yes lots to do, . . but for now please add profile link to your great page, which is just what I was thinking of doing . . . back to thinking of a project for me . . .lol
posted by Geoff Rice
Hi Geoff,

Thanks for contacting me and adding P/O G.Rice. I've connected to him so thank you very much and keep up the good work!

posted by Kevin Sands