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Damerell Review List

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This page has been accessed 54 times.

Here are the profiles Ros Haywood is currently working on. Can you help?

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Name Birth Notes
Damarel, Elizabeth (Maddock) 1735-00-00 to-do
Damarel, Sarah (Griffen) 1735-00-00 to-do
Damarel, Sarah 1770-11-23 to-do
Damarel, Molly 1772-05-06 to-do
Damarel, Richard 1777-09-05 to-do
Damarel, Michael 1779-11-10 to-do
Damarel, Richard 1759-12-27 to-do
Dameral, James 1755-01-06 to-do
Dameral, Elizabeth (Wood) 1755-06-24 to-do
Dameral, James 1782-02-08 to-do
Dameral, James 1784-08-01 to-do
Dameral, William 1789-03-03 to-do
Dameral, Mary Ann 1796-03-13 to-do
Dameral, Thomas 1799-02-10 to-do
Damerall, Elizabeth Sarah 1860-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Henry 1830-07-03 to-do
Damerell, Jane (Ball) 1831-10-06 to-do
Damerell, Frederick James Ball 1868-10-14 to-do
Damerell, Charles Denis 1876-03-22 to-do
Damerell, John 1787-01-06 to-do
Damerell, Jane (Beer) 1792-01-01 to-do
Damerell, James 1818-04-12 to-do
Damerell, Harriet 1819-06-20 to-do
Damerell, Elizabeth 1820-06-18 to-do
Damerell, William 1823-07-13 to-do
Damerell, Elizabeth 1825-01-09 to-do
Damerell, Thomas 1826-08-20 to-do
Damerell, Sarah 1828-06-22 to-do
Damerell, Michael 1725-01-23 to-do
Damerell, Sarah (Merrigame) 1730-07-11 to-do
Damerell, Michael 1752-10-27 to-do
Damerell, Richard 1757-03-16 to-do
Damerell, Sarah 1759-11-25 to-do
Damerell, Robert 1762-02-14 to-do
Damerell, John 1764-03-04 to-do
Damerell, Thomas 1766-08-24 to-do
Damerell, Peter 1769-10-01 to-do
Damerell, James 1774-02-27 to-do
Damerell, Michael 1696-04-11 to-do
Damerell, John 1723-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Elizabeth 1724-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Rebecca 1727-10-29 to-do
Damerell, Mary 1729-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Richard 1733-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Peter 1736-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Anne 1740-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Thomas 1744-00-00 to-do
Damerell, John 1658-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Priscilla (Jarves) 1658-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Frances 1689-11-14 to-do
Damerell, Richard 1693-10-17 to-do
Damerell, Jane 1699-04-30 to-do
Damerell, Elinor (Parsons) 1695-11-05 to-do
Damerell, Richard 1723-04-24 to-do
Damerell, Elizabeth 1727-01-30 to-do
Damerell, Elizabeth 1732-07-09 to-do
Damerell, Elinor 1734-11-05 to-do
Damerell, Elizabeth 1750-05-01 to-do
Damerell, Mary 1750-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Elizabeth (Jane) 1696-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Ann (Lugger) 1751-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Susanna (Westcott) 1735-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Mary 1778-07-06 to-do
Damerell, Michael 1779-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Susanna (Joans) 1770-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Richard 1791-02-27 to-do
Damerell, Mary (Edwards) 1785-00-00 to-do
Damerell, John 1815-12-26 to-do
Damerell, Elizabeth (Perring) 1821-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Harriett (March) 1805-03-31 to-do
Damerell, Samuel Thomas 1847-02-02 to-do
Damerell, Susan (Jarvis) 1840-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Mary Ann (Michelmore) 1825-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Grace (Crooks) 1789-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Grace (Hern) 1801-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Sarah (Hatch) 1762-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Elizabeth (Jefferies) 1760-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Susannah (Beer) 1770-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Robert 1844-00-00 to-do
Damerell, James 1845-00-00 to-do
Damerell, John 1847-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Richard 1848-00-00 to-do
Damerell, George Henry 1851-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Elizabeth 1852-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Mary Jane 1856-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Susan 1858-00-00 to-do
Damerell, Thomas 1860-00-00 to-do

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