Some common Danish terms in genealogy, mostly from the Rigsarkivet Genealogical Dictionary ( and the FamilySearch Danish to English Genealogical Word List (
- Aftægtsmand/kone: man or woman cared for by people who took over their farm or house.
- Almisselem: pauper
- Arbeider/arbeiderske: worker
- Barn/børn: child/children
- Begravelse: burial
- Daab: baptism
- Enke/enkemand: widow/widower
- Fadder: sponsor at baptism
- Fattiglem: pauper
- Forlover: witness at marriage
- Frue/Frøken: Mrs./Miss (not used of peasant women)
- Fruentimmer: woman (often an unmarried mother)
- Fæstegaardmand: copyholder/farmer
- Fæstehusmand: copyholder/smallholder
- Fødested: place of birth
- Gaardmand: farmer (also copyholder)
- Husmand: smallholder
- Hustru: Wife
- Inderste/Indsidder: tenant
- Jordløs husmand: smallholder (without land)
- Jomfru: maiden (not used of peasant women)
- Karl: farm hand
- Tjenede: serves (followed by employer name)
- Tjenestekarl: farm hand
- Tjenestepige: maid
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