Data_Doctors suggestions challenges
This page has been accessed 701 times.
This is a tutorial to show how to use different features of the Suggestions Reports Spreadsheet.
Data Doctors Spreadsheet Part 1
Data Doctors Spreadsheet Part 2
Spreadsheet Usage
Where to Find the Spreadsheet
You can click on the link of the Data Doctors Info Box on the Data Doctor Project page and any other page with the Data Doctor Project logo that looks like this:
Link to Spreadsheet in the middle of the Data Doctors Project infobox.
NOTE: the image above links to the spreadsheet for your convenience. Right-click on the yellow highlighted spreadsheet link above to open the spreadsheet and follow along while reading this page.
You can also access the spreadsheet and then bookmark the link HERE.
Basic Layout
The most basic parts of the sheet are the "Tabs" shown in the blue outline, the cell names using the letter down and the number across shown in red outline, and the "undo" or Oops! button is shown in the green outline.
- Tabs allow you to go to different sections of the spreadsheet.
- Suggestions tab will have the current week's Suggestion Report. The Difference tab ties into this as it shows the change from the previous week's report.
- Week Challenge tab is the current challenge that is taking place that week. It is updated when the new challenge comes out and all info is wiped and reset for the new challenge.
- Info tab is the area where useful info, tips, guides, and tools are listed to make them easier to find. This will grow and change over time.
Cell Names
Columns, rows, and cell names are explained in the next section. When someone says they are on cell C6 it is nice to know what they are talking about. This comes in handy when someone is explaining what section they are working on or if someone says "The info you want is on Info tab A24".
Oops! button
- Undo button or the Oops! button is used if you did something that didn't go the way you liked. Wrong color? Broke a link? Deleted half the sheet? Hit that button to undo what you done did. ;)
Columns, Rows, and Cells, Oh, my!
- To make things a little clearer to understand Column F in I shaded in green. Row 13 is in pink. This makes the orange cell where they cross F13.
- Many cells in the spreadsheet will reveal links if you rest your cursor on the cell for a moment. Cell F13 displays the link in Blue outline. Once the link is displayed, slide your pointer up to it and click to go to that link. In General, if the text in the cell is underlined, it has a link attached.
Often the top few lines will stay put as you scroll. This section is usually used for instructions, or for letting you know what the column or row represents. In some instances, there may be further instructions located at the bottom, mostly hints or tips on how to do the Week Challenge.
Week Challenge
The information is wiped and reset when a new challenge is created. The current spreadsheet is a direct copy of the weekly challenge put out by Aleš Trtnik with the added ability to be able to mark what people are working on.
Marking what you do
Colored Cells
- The reason we color cells is to let people know what we are working on so we don't do the same profiles as someone else has done. In the screenshot we clicked on E24 then we clicked on the paint can beside the A at the top. This allows us to pick a color for the cell. There is no set color but we chose a light orange. Lighter colors are preferred so we can still see the numbers.
- You will also notice a yellow row. This is row 34 in the sheet. When you see this, it means all instances of that suggestion have been worked on and completed. The color doesn't matter.
- Redbordered Grey cells should not be selected as they are duplicated profiles of the ones to the left in that row under the different time periods.
Noting your work
Sometimes coloring a cell just won't work. For that, we use the extra lines below the sheet. Please see the 3 common examples in the blue box called "tracking work".
- Tibbett-150 Maine G22 is an example of only doing the suggestions from G22 for a specific state or country. Putting your WikiTree-ID makes it easier to tell who is working on them. In this case "744 wrong word in middle name" in the time period 1800-1899 only for the state of Maine.
- Example-22 H30 pg 1 is used for larger numbers that may have multiple pages.
- person-15 F32 A-D is used for large numbers that may be arranged alphabetically.
- noting your work allows other people to work around you. You can always go back and increase or add to the area you are working in.
Things to Look For
If you notice the green boxes, these are things to watch for on the sheet.
Challenge Tracker
This is located at L3 and will let you check how you are doing against other WikiTreers. This is tracked by status entries as you use the profiles list accessed through the cell links.
Hints and Handy Links
- In A2 there is a link to work on suggestions by state/country. Only the suggestions on the sheet will count toward the challenge. This is also a time you would use the "Tibbett-150" example above
- A44 and A45 are a hint to make things easier. This will vary according to the challenge and may even be absent.
Advanced Use
- You-- If you are entered into the spreadsheet by your email address, this will show YOU. This should be an email that is either Gmail or assigned to your youtube or google account. your picture can be set THERE. Feel free to email Steven Tibbetts at "" if you want your email added.
- Others-- The green arrow points toward the circles. If there are many users it will say "+ X others". If they have their email entered in the sheet, you will see them. If it is not entered, it will assign a random animal and color for that usage.
Other Features
- You will notice in some of the cells there may be a black or yellow corner. Hovering over the corner will display the note or comment that was left in that cell. Often notes contain more information and comments are left to ask questions. Try to limit comments and just email Steven Tibbetts directly.
- There is also a chat section (top right). You MUST be entered into the spreadsheet with your email AND have a second registered user to access this feature. The chat has no timestamps and if you leave and come back it will be wiped. Any and all registered users can see what is typed IF they are present at the time.
- The sheet has an auto-backup system so if you break it, contact Steven Tibbetts to restore it. Things happen, as long as nobody received a death date on their profile over it, it is no big deal.